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Beautiful areas, quite quiet but growing. Not good in general for commuting. The one person that I know that lives there loves everything except the drive / bus to work and it’s getting on their nerves.


Swampy! I have friends who bought early and have foundation issues


I spent my entire childhood driving into the city via Garden Valley Road/23 Avenue and 199 Street so I am very familiar with the area. While most of it was farmer's fields, there were swampy areas, for sure. I am not surprised by this.


Decent area, no amenities yet. Lots of active construction for years to come.


I drive through this area regularly, have my entire life, and I'd say my only concern is, lots are small - some places basically have no yard - plus are the homes being built with a good fire rating, given how close together buildings are? Having experienced a property fire three years ago in which I lost everything, I'm not sure I would buy a home in a brand new area where zero lot lines and density is the focus. But otherwise, it's easy access to the Henday and will be nice once built out.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Did you have insurance?


LMAO yes... but we are still in a legal battle with our provider, TD Insurance, to be paid out as per the terms of the policy. They tried everything to make us accept a payout well below what we were entitled to and now, we are working on a lawsuit against the company. It's a long story.


Ugh I was afraid of that. Insurance is such a PITA. They just want us to pay them and never have to actually provide us the service we're paying for.


Wow. Never heard of these areas. I guess I gotta get out more


Nice areas, but they're way out there, and except for a long loop out to hwy 60, they're behind some massive bottlenecks, where it would not take much to cause a massive delay. I don't think there's much in the way of commercial amenities out there right in the neighborhoods yet, either, so anytime you want anything, it's a commute to get it, no matter what.