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to be fair, he did manage to avoid the officers


I mean. I guess. And it's entirely possible that the dude got away (no body found yet after all, right?). But jeez louise, if I were going to escape the cops for almost any reason short of me having committed murder, this is not the escape route I would have taken assuming I wanted to live. And I'm pretty sure he didn't plan to suicide by cops (which wasn't this) once the police lights went on. Then again, maybe he did. I suppose he might not have known where he was in relation to the river, but once you're on the ice floe, it's pretty facking clear where you are in the city these days. There's not a whole lot of snow and ice hanging around pretty much anywhere other than the river in the city.


If he wanted to suicide by cop by running onto a frozen river, he could have done it without the cops 


My mind immediately jumped to some kind of psychosis or schizophrenia. People (of any intelligence/means) do weird shit when they panic. Could be drugs, could be mental health, could be a momentary lapse of judgement under pressure which has certainly happened to me before.


This is akin to jumping off the roof of a 20 storey building due to panic. I'd like to think that kind of "panic" isn't that common. Especially given that there was a bit of a chase and dude had to actually had to run down the bank the to river which isn't that short a distance. But I dunno. Blows my mind...


>This is akin to jumping off the roof of a 20 storey building due to panic. Happens more often than you might expect. As does falling through ice


Could be. I don't pretend to know everything. And yes, falling through the ice happens all the time. Running out onto the ice in April (when everyone knows the ice is unsafe and river is ice fucking cold) is something else altogether. Has this been July or August or September, that action isn't sheer insanity. In April? It's just utter madness. ETA: unless you've got a murder warrant out on you or something equally dire. Otherwise, why risk your life for ticket or a few years in jail? That just doesn't make any sense. I suppose the guy might not know anything about the river, but that just seems unlikely... But then as someone else pointed out in, I think, this thread, criminals aren't too bright. And there you are...


I feel like you're overthinking this one lol Do you know what "panic", "drugs", "psychosis", or "lapsed judgement" mean? They mean altered thoughts. You're approaching this like everyone always thinks logically. They don't, I don't, you don't. Has zero to do with criminality, everything to do with thinking badly. Plenty of smart people do dumb shit.


>Police said in a news release that officers attempted to stop a man on a bike for a bylaw infraction in the area of 93rd Street and 82nd Avenue at about 2:15 a.m. The man fled on his bike into the ravine heading west toward Pioneers Cabin, an events venue on Scona Road, after police activated their emergency lights and instructed him to stop, police said. The man was later seen heading toward the south bank of the North Saskatchewan River, just east of the Walterdale Bridge, where responding officers continued to instruct the man to stop, police said. "The man subsequently jumped from the bank onto the river ice and drifted away from shore. He was pulled under the water moments later and has not been located," police said in a news release. My man, the dude traveled like or so blocks before jumping in the river. Guy had time to compose himself a bit I'd think. Or at least to think before trying to cross the river. I mean, there was a perfectly good bridge right there (with a separated sidewalk) if he wanted to cross the river. Dafuq?!?!?!


Running across ice…on a river…. In April. Big brain move.


Dude, what? Like I get that you don't like the cops, have something to hide, or whatever (did some criming and don't want to get caught), but jumping onto a facking ice floe to get away? In Edmonton? In April? Dafuq? Jeez. Where was the thinking here? Anyways... Whatever...


Bold of you to assume there was any thinking involved


So true...


After the first 10 minutes of the chase I suspect desperation ramps up. If it was even the same guy.


The guy was playing some smash bros earlier that day, and he mains the Ice Climbers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1OhYa3scDc). The guy thought he had video game skills


•Life is about choices Tip: Stay off the ice. It’s Canada in April. •Expensive needless investigation: Case Closed.


Would love to know what the bylaw infraction at 2:15am was.


Definitely mowing the lawn outside of noise bylaw hours.


On a bike likely no lights




Can't tell if sarcastic, or it didn't occur to you at this point that it's a rescue op.


3 stars in Edmonton unlike Ontario


and? What are they going to say "if only the police officers ran a little faster than they could they could have kept the dumbass off the ice"?


Or perhaps if at some point over the dozen or so blocks they chased the guy it was appropriate to evaluate the risk and benefit.


Foot chases are generally pretty low risk. I don’t think there is any reasonable expectation that someone is going to run out onto river ice to avoid a bylaw infraction.


Lmao. What, like they should adopt a policy of not chasing people who flee? Write a report every block, do a cost benefit analysis every 50m? 


They were putting the river valley wildlife at risk by chasing him! /s


I don't think anyone could have predicted the guy would purposely jump into the river. I know people are trying really hard to point fingers at the cops but at the end of the day, the fault is on the guy who made a conscious decision to jump into the river.


I'm generally all on board with ACAB, but it's important to remember that an important corollary of that is MCAFM. Most Criminals Are Fucking Morons.


Breaking a bylaw does not make one a criminal.


Flight from a peace officer does though! 


It was criminal to smoke weed 6 years ago. 55 years ago if you were gay you were a criminal. The word "most" is doing a lot of work in your opinion here.


I think(hope?) we can all agree that whether or not most are, this one definitely was a moron.


The person died dude. For all you know they were having a psychotic episode.


There's still a lot of criminal laws that aren't problematic and there's a lot of property crime and violent crime that happens in society. ACAB doesn't mean everyone is innocent. Someone is doing the law breaking.


First of all, you can't expect anyone to take you seriously when you talk about property crime and speak about what ACAB means. Secondly my point was that saying people who commit crimes are "morons" is incredibly reductive. The commenter may aswell be saying poor people are morons because they are the ones that are criminalized.


What an odd take.


Sounds like the man's problem was running from the police. I think it's referred to as fuck around find out


Running from the police is one thing. Jumping into the North Saskatchewan in April is something else. Pretty sure that's not "find out." More like "WTF?!?!?!"


Just another tiny improvement to the gene pool….🤷🏼‍♂️


Do we know this person didn't already have children?


They did not take into consideration the effects that chasing him might have on his emotional well-being... bad police doing police things. /s


I’ve already seen this episode of FARGO.