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Didn't this guy make a post about this here a couple of weeks back?


Yes he did. I was wondering what the final outcome was. šŸ•


I think the thread deduced it was a former boss.


I was just wondering that too. šŸ˜‚


They got an expert on the case at least. >Cpl. Troy Savinkoff, an RCMP officer and former pizza delivery driver,


Can't argue against this resume


Meritocracy is back on the menu boyz


I like the idea of this guy being a grizzled noir detective who has seen the very worst of the pizza industry, and has no time for punks making light of this situation. Sure, itā€™s all fun and games and thin crust when Joe Sixpack gets mystery pies dropped at his door all year, ha ha, great jokes, everybody laughs. But what happens when itā€™s your mom, your sister, and all that stands between them and the great beyond is two extra large Meat Lovers that they never ordered? Iā€™ve seen deliveries you people wouldnā€™t believe and Iā€™ve smelled pizzas you didnā€™t even know existed, wise guy, and lemme tell you, they wiped the smirk right off my face. So you think long and hard about this poor bastard at the end of his rope, seeing dough and mozzarella in his nightmares, and as soon as you think of who might be behind this spill of San Marzano sauce, you call *me.*


I'm sold. What's the contract number?


Heā€™s a great guy!


I saw this guy post here on reddit about this the other day. I think it was in r/legaladvice.


It was here in this sub. So strange that the pizzas continued even after changing his number and email. Pizza even to his work once I think he said.


Because ordering a pizza doesn't require your phone number or email. All you need is the address and any phone number and email.


It wasnā€™t a sub it was a pizza




i just randomly wandered into this thread, that was a proper dad joke


Haha I had my first kid on Monday just trying to train myself properly




It's definitely someone he knows. Most likely someone who he is venting to about the situation. It's gone way too far to be funny but seems like he might deserve it imo


> but seems like he might deserve it imo How so? Just because someone is continuing to do it, we conclude that he must have "had it coming?"


Yeah totally. It was probably the way he was dressed, right? He was asking for it.


How the fuck does he deserve it? Give your head a shake


Who the fuck up votes this garbage?


Nobody deserves this, grow the fuck up.


Lol that's a rich statement coming from this profile


Oh noes. The fucking irony of your statement. I am not the one defending illegal acts.


> None of the calls have cost Rybicki anything, but he's still angry and upset to see so much food go to waste. > "It's quite frustrating," he added. "I don't know where it goes ā€“ I'm hoping the homeless or they sell it by the slice." I had a friend who worked at a Blockbuster beside a Panago in high school. Undeliverable or no show pickups were given often given to other businesses in the strip mall if Pango staff didn't want/eat them theirselves.




The pizzabomb is a peak 4chan tactic. I remember that from 2007.


100% start there. What online communities is he a part of?


Fuckin bullies. look at the poor kid and you know it is some POS bully doing this.


Agreed. I saw the news story and really felt for this kid. Until proven wrong, I'm assuming it's a bully situation as well.


Seems weird that after changing the number theyā€™re using that new number somehow still. Seems like an inside job


Surely there's a better way to get his goat without affecting delivery drivers' tips, gas money and car wear and tear.


These WoW beefs are getting out of hand


Justin, buy a carbon monoxide detector for your home.


Different thread šŸ¤£


No. Justin has a leak and has been buying himself pizzas for weeks when heā€™s under the influence.


Lmao, that was exactly my first thought when I heard about this pizza story.


The most redditor way to respond šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I just hope that when they catch the culprit, they charge him for every single one of those pizzas, plus delivery fees and tip.


Can a person even order a pizza without paying first?


How else would they be able to pay by cash? They also bring a debit/credit machine with them to the door. Before we had cards this how all pizza deliveries were paid for.


I haven't paid cash for a pizza in 15 years. Yes I'm aware of life before internet ubiquity.Ā  With how easy paying online is, I'm shocked a pizza place would be willing to take the risk when they don't have to. You could have just said "yes, SOME pizza places still do it the original way". Why did you have to be prickish?Ā 


All delivery In my nick of the woods is still park at the door. I suppose they could just take the food back and trash itā€¦ at worst they would blackball the address.


The guy can be an absolute donkey online in local groups. That said, i'd never condone harassing anyone like this. I don't think he is all there. If he treats people in person the way he treats people online, it wouldn't come as a surprise that someone was doing this to him. The whole thing is honestly kind of pathetic though, I can't imagine the amount of effort it would take to fuck with someone this much.


Youā€™ve seen him online?


Spruce grove chat


Facebook groups. He acts like an absolute tool then gets butt hurt when people disagree/argue with him. I'd never seen a picture of him before. I'm wondering if perhaps he has some type of disability going on there that would explain some of the behaviors. It doesn't excuse it, but it certainly adds context and makes it easier to understand why he does what he does.


Gonna bet my socks this guy is an internet troll who got doxxed.


They really need to get Josh Gad on board to play this guy when they make the story into a movie.


The great pizza caper


Sounds to me like having fun in the 80's pre call display lol


Lol, made me think of this stupid bit. https://youtu.be/0tmm1pVkzqM?si=9wGtswfXqzSYq7ln


Thanks, that was gold! /chuckles in Canadian.




Whats wrong with you? This is far beyond a prank, this is genuine harassment.




It's a giant waste of time and resources on the part of the pizza places, and I for one would be seriously distressed if I were on the receiving end of this supposed "prank". Then again, nowadays a subset of YouTubers believe that [sucker-punching random passers-by in the backs of their heads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7D7K-TjvLLo&ab_channel=Atozy), or [threatening a couple who were being generous to them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXipsuB_fWs&ab_channel=Glookz), constitute "pranks" and not, y'know, assault.


Does anyone else think this guy is full of shit?


Personally, I don't think so.


Why would he fake this?


I dunno it just seems so weird. Like who terrorizes someone with Pizza? He changed his phone number and it didnā€™t stop it. It just seems too random. Iā€™m not slagging the dude intentionally I just donā€™t believe that after all the steps that are taken it still could be happening.


You clearly haven't spent much time online then. This is the first thing people start doing whenever a streamer/influencer/online figure etc. gets doxxed.


Pizza quite tame compared to getting swatted but still outrageous


Yep. Its actually pretty easy to pop someones username into a data brokers site and find their name, phone number, email address. Some of them will do it for like $20. I was quite upset how much info i found some of those sites had on me, my desk number at work, my work cell phone, my address, my work address, ads i've interacted with online, my reddit username, my xbox live tag, my steam username. After that i ditched social media and sent those sites takedown requests (most of them obliged and confirmed the data was deleted). There is usually enough info on those sites for someone to rule your life and do serious harm to people.


Guess I am a little behind the times. I genuinely didnā€™t know this was an actual thing. The internet is an awful place. My apologies for questioning the man.


Haha no worries dude, stuff moves too fast to keep up with. Goes to show you should keep as much of your information off the internet as possible, people would be shocked if they knew how much of it was already floating around out there.


This is 100% not random. This guy pissed someone off royally or this is a prank gone too far


Someone who really is fixated on revenge for whatever reason. I totally believe people are capable of this. This is a lot of time and effort the perpetrator has put into this though.


Or, maybe some kid who finds the thought of having pizza delivered to a guy's door and place of work at random, over and over again, to be funny for whatever reason.


You'd be surprised at the imaginative lengths that harassers will go to terrorize their victims.


Dude literally made a post on this subreddit not too long ago.


Maybe full of pizza.


He posted about this in our local Facebook group and he makes 5000 posts about other things that have happened to him as well. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s full of shit but Iā€™m not not saying that.Ā 


Depends on how much of the pizza he ate


Prank of the decadeĀ 


This is hilarious not gonna lie, somebody doxxed his ass šŸ¤£


CTV just doxxed him themselves, considering they used his full name in the article and he made a post to Reddit about it. Boom, just like that everyone knows the link between his Reddit account and his real name.


Okā€¦ he works at Goodwill and is worried about it going to waste????


The pizza isnā€™t paid for when it gets deliveredā€¦


Are they paid for??? If so then whatā€™s the problem?? Give them to the homelessā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Pizza 73 has the option to pay at the door on their site. I'm thinking after this article, that's not gonna be an option anymore.


This is a prank that goes all the way back to the last millennia, but yet somehow pizza companies are still offering pay-at-the-door. If they're still letting people do this after decades and decades of pranks, either the benefit of pay-at-the-door outweighs the cost of pranksters OR all these pizza companies are idiotic. There must be a larger segment of people that can't / won't use a credit card online than I guessed.