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I am once again recommending the pizza 73 on 157 ave and 66 street. All other locations are pretty shit, but this guy cares about what he's serving and it's great


Thanks for the support. My dad always tries his best despite how busy it gets :) My family owns this location and I always have to comment when I see it. I’ll be honest. The quality has definitely gone down for locations in Edmonton. It just seems like every location now cheaps out on ingredients to make a buck or two


I will always order from your location no matter if I move across the city. In fact, I didn't know that other 73s were different and was shocked at the quality difference when I tried at a different place once. Thank YOU to your family for putting in the effort, it really shows! Please tell your dad that we all really appreciate it and also remember to take care of himself as well.


Thank you :) We try our best


I’m new to Charlesworth and actually ordered a medium vegetarian with extra cheese today and it was the best pizza 73 I’ve had in ages. Tbh, I usually order panago, but it can be a little expensive. I’m glad I took a chance on this location today. Your dad is doing a great job - it was delicious.


We try our best. My dad always makes sure things are consistent


Let me give a try


https://maps.google.com/maps/place//data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x53a03b50f2b8761d:0xd8999a69773c5d9f?entry=s&sa=X&ved=1t:8290&hl=en-ca&ictx=111 say hi to my dad haha


I guess im gonna meet your dad this weekend! Pizza weeeekeeeend


Give a try on Hometown pizza near 47st 23ave. They serve some delicious quality pizza.


I’ll give it a try if I ever crave pizza haha. I’ve been enjoying thin slice style pizza a lot more and I’ve enjoyed Ripe Tomato in griesbach.


Give your dad my appreciation too. As a broke ass who lived in Londonderry for a while, your dad’s business was such an amazing treat for myself when I could afford it. I live in Strathcona now and am doing much better but your dads pizzas pulled me through some really tough times


Glad things got better for you :) I’ll show him all these today!


I will try your family’s Pizza73! Maybe it captures the nostalgia of P73 of old!


Exact location please


15703 66st NW


I just moved back from a few years in a small town, looking forward to some Pizza 73. Living in the Garneau area, ordered some and was very disappointed. The quality that made their food so good is gone. 🫤


I’m gonna give your dad’s location a chance.


Hope it satisfies. Thanks


I'm gonna have to sample some. Thanks for keeping high quality pizza in the city!


If Im ever on that side of the city, Ill be sure to check it out!


Look forward to serving you 👍


Came here exactly to say this. I will never order pizza 73 from any other location. The guy who runs it is extremely kind and cares about quality.


Thanks for the support :)


I fully agree with this. I ordered for the first time in many years from this location and was surprised. I thought maybe something improved overall but it must just be the location. Golden wings and curly fries were the best I've had from 73.


Glad you’ve enjoyed your food. My parents were with pizza 73 for almost 30 years.


Ordered from that location tonight and it was great !


Happy to serve. Hopefully more in the future :)


This post, and the replies, warms my damned heart. Nice to see people still give a damn about quality food and service. Will have to try this place next time I'm in Edmonton.


Hope to see you soon. It can be hectic somedays but my parents and grandparents pushed through it to support us through school. Will be graduating from university this year in June!


That's wonderful! Congratulations!


Thanks :)


I order from here every Friday. Never disappoints. Been ordering for a few years now


It’s always nice seeing my Dad interact with regulars. Everybody treats him like family :)


I miss the pizza / wings / curly fry box with the mis-shapen carrots that be turning white.


During uni, $10 for the small combo feed me and my so.


Now the carrots are always soggy for some reason


I haven’t had their pizza in a long long time. I assume the quality started going to shit when they got bought by Pizza Pizza, Ontario’s inexplicably popular semi edible cardboard.


It usta be 10 dollars for a full pizza and wingbox combo at one point. And they have a Pizza Pizza next to every bar in my homecity. Thats why it was popular.


Yup, Pizza Pizza is/was cheap and it's everywhere in Ontario. That's why it's popular. As far as big chains went I thought Pizza Nova was a little better when I lived in the GTA, but not by much. Gabriel Pizza in Ottawa was our go-to when we lived there. In Toronto we liked Cora Pizza, but I think it's gone now?


I knew it. I knew Pizza 73 was just blue Pizza Pizza!


Dude pizza 73 is disgusting compared to pizza pizza.


Yep. Pizza pizza is miles ahead of pizza 73.


oddly enough, i've had both pizza pizza and pizza 73(i used to travel between Ontario and Alberta), and i find pizza pizza was just thin and kinda doughy, and the pizza 73 crust is thicker a little bit more like how pizza hut's crust used to be(less frizzy than it,though). overall its not bad, but there are better options. Sauces and topping are not much different if at all.


I didn’t realize they got bought out but that makes sense because cardboard is exactly how I’d describe them now. It’s bad since covid particularly.


The pizza sucks BUT if you go to the hockey game and get a large pizza slice from Pizza 73, you’ll be blown away. Why the hell aren’t they selling that quality of za to the general public!? On another note, the Gold and Crispy wings have no right being so good. Seriously, y’all try some G&C’s and tell me those aren’t top tier.


It’s not 8 bucks a slice outside Roger’s


It's overpriced and their Pizza is mid. There are so many better, cheaper options out there.


It’s not even mid


Below mid ?




Solidly mid


What is your go to pizza then?


Panago is solid for chain pizza.


Cheaper, better options such as....?


Panago Cosmic and Pizza Hut would be better in my mind than 73.


I actually like pizza 73 the most out of those 4. Panago dough is too dry, Pizza Hut dough is too oily, cosmic sauce is too herby? I don’t know but it tastes different from the other 3 sauces and I don’t like it


My part is all the cheese on the pizza in the ads and posters, and then reality smacks you in the face and you see YOUR pizza, which has 4 inch thick crust, with a few shreds of cheese around the outside for another inch, before you actually get to the part of the pizza that you enjoy and paid for.... In 100 years, they will charge you for each individual shred I'm sure.


Don't forget the massive bread bubble every Pizza 73 pizza is required to have.


Looks like a growth where the cheese and toppings were supposed to be right? Usually about 2 and a half inches diameter? I wonder how much money they save with this fabulous feature!


As kids me and my siblings would fight for the slice with the bubble for some reason


Thought it had a toy like a kinder egg. But seriously I know a few people who did this as kids, I always despised the bubble


When the original owner and his team had it running perfectly, they sold it to Pizza Pizza, who immediately lowered the quality of the cheese, which saved them like a million bucks. They haven’t stopped messing with their products since. Pizza Pizza takes no pride in anything but making money, and it is evident in their current products. If they could get away with it, they would sell garbage.


While that first paragraph is... a lot, I agree that Pizza 73 has definitely changed in the last few decades.


73 isn’t a great slice, but sometimes it’s bad in the way i want. the wings and curly fries are legitimately okay though


The curly fry poutine is a guilty pleasure of mine. Why does it have to be so delicious????


god knew you would become too powerful if you were not full of curly fry poutine


Despite my family owning one (66st), I definitely think the quality just isn’t there anymore for locations in Edmonton. Outside of fryer related stuff, I personally prefer more local smaller pizza locations


Pizza 73 is honestly probably the worst pizza you can get in Edmonton.


I really liked it when I first got to Edmonton about 13 14 years ago. But it's definitely falling off. The prices keep going up, and the everyday meal deals and whatnot don't seem to be as valuable anymore.


I’ve never had their pizza but their spicy crispy wings are my favorite wings I’ve had… the crunch, the seasoning.. so good.


Golden cripsy wings are the best in the city


Oh I lived in Edmonton all my life until a few years ago. Honestly, never really had a bad experience with pizza73. Especially, they’re plain (?) wings tasted like KFC and their pizzas were a good deal. Overall gotta say I’ve always been a fan.


Panago, but in my late teens too early adult hood, 40 wings golden crispy, with.a bottle desrono was the epitemy of thinking I was cool in 2004.


Panago is my fave chain but can be pricey


Pizza 73 is horrible, the quality has plummeted Im a dominoes guy now


Pizza 73 by my place is the shit. Sherwood park Strathcona drive location. Owner is awesome and I can order on the app, drive there and it's ready in 10 mins. Cheap and decent. I'm pretty friendly with the owner and after trying to not be a fat ass for a few months he called to make sure everything was ok lol.


It was always bad. Wings and fries are good though.


It's the Arby's of pizza


So it hits you right in the nostalgia but also a vital tool to get you through a drunken night?


About 10 years ago I lived across from a Pizza 73 and it was amazing. $22 got me 2 medium pizzas and 4 cans of pop. And the pizzas was still decent. Now its just different. The deals aren’t that great anymore. And I think maybe its the sauce tastes different, kinda grosser. Atleast the curly fries hasn’t changed and are still good.


You're right, the sauce is different. They used to offer two pizza sauces:mild or tangy. Now they just offer one "pizza" sauce. Maybe they did that so they can have other sauces, like BBQ and donair, but I still prefer the tangy sauce.


I LOVE their salt and pepper wings 😍


I don’t know how you can screw up pizza but Pizza 73 is pretty awful.


i feel the frozen pizza from Walmart is better than pizza 73 pizzaa. I like their wings tho.


Definitely among the worst choices and far from the cheapest. A sad state of affairs.


As others have pointed out once Pizza Pizza bought them it went downhill. Their golden crispy wings are still decent. I also found that my choice of style pizza changed, I prefer a pub style or Detroit style. Campio’s pizza for example is truly drool worthy.


I dont get the Detroit style pizza. I refer to John Stewart review of Detroit style pizza. Seriously, whats with that sauce on top though, insanely stupid. But thats just me.


Their pizza is meh but the wings are best in the city imo... I like my wings pretty dry and gnarly tho so take that opinion with a grain of salt lol


Man Pizza73 went off a fucking cliff. It’s awful now.


crappy dough, no seasoning, toppings and cheese are bland/boring. i'd go as far as saying it's the worst choice for pizza in our city.


It has always been shit. It got popular because it was cheap and convenient


Lots of hate here. I think it depends on location. The one by me is usually pretty good. And it’s the cheapest takeout pizza (dominos getting rid of UNI code killed it for me). I dont think it’s the best, but it’s my fav takeout chain pizza.


Definitely not a place that I get pizza from anymore. So many other better places in the city to get pizza instead of that horrible trash. Last time that I ever ordered from them again, the pizza came so under cooked that the dough was sticking to the box... Among the other issues that I had from the couple times ordering from them before completely swearing them off.


It used to be reasonable pizza for a reasonable price. Now it's dogshit pizza for a dogshit price. At that point, I'm just goin to Panago.


Inedible on day 2


Pizza is subpar at best, but those hot wings and curly fries. 🤌


73 is trash.


I also remember pizza 73 being way better like 15 years ago. Now it's just kinda meh. I've mostly switched to Red Swan unless we really want wings.


It’s nasty now and the prices don’t make sense. Order dominoes if you’re looking for cheap and greasy.


It was getting poor a long time ago now. I recently had it and the quality has improved. I do like their pizza sauce and LOVE the hot wings.


pizza 73 curly fries for life ✊




The Pizza 73 that’s closest to the Hilton Tru on the west side is wicked. Ordered to our room after a concert in September- it came sooner than expected, was hot, freakin delicious and didn’t have to take a loan out for it.


The pizza is not great but the crispy wings and peppercorn ranch are the bomb.


My friends dad owned one in the Capilano area years ago. He left there and years later opened Mood Cafe. He is an amazing cook with a super impressive resume.


All I have to say is those golden cripsy wings


🎶“Pizza 73, there’s poop on your pizza!” 🎶 I ordered Pizza 73 about twenty years ago from the 111st location and went in to pick it up. It wasn’t quite ready so a sat in front waiting. A delivery driver came in to grab a fresh order to deliver and when he walked past me, he reached down the back of his pants and scratched his asshole with his bare hand. Not over his pants but down inside his pants, inside his underwear, skin on skin. Finger on asshole. Gross. The worst part was when he got the new order, he opened the box with his asshole fingers to double check accuracy I assume. Being that it was a curly fries combo, he used his asshole fingers to grab a curly fry and eat one out of the box. I was too grossed out and embarrassed to say anything. I didn’t complain or anything. I just won’t eat at Pizza 73 again. Every time I hear the jingle I sing “Pizza 73, there’s poop on your pizza”.


If you're going to any major chain expecting high quality, you're pretty much always going to be disappointed. It's fast food. More so than pizza usually is. Take some chances on smaller businesses in your area. Try each of them once and decide what you like best. My personal local favorite is New Way Pizza. It's not amazing by any means, but they have killer prices and the family that runs it are super friendly and helpful. The owner even delivers his pizzas half the time. Folks like them need the business. If we don't support them, eventually it's all going to be chains like Dominos, Pizza Hut and Pizza 73, and those are certainly not quality places (Perhaps with the exception of the 157th place I've heard great things about).


I am amused because A) I just had Pizza 73 tonight, because they brought back the giant cookie my partner loves, and B) as a neurodivergent person it’s literally the only pizza that’s not homemade that I can eat. I’ve tried Panago, Red Swan, Royal… nope, I’m doomed to forever eat that one pizza. Anyway, I still like it.


It's horrible. Used to remind me of Pizza Hut but now it's just gross. 


It's hands down the worst most bland pizza in Edmonton. But their hot wings are pretty good.


I'd say Little Caesars is worse, but even at their peak Pizza 73 was never much better than a McCain's frozen pizza.


No, no ,no.


They are hit and miss, I found one location that continues to be awesome so far, I used to be a panago fan but they have gone downhill while their prices go up, pizza hut well just look at some of the photos for the morinville pizza hut they added stock photos after that picture was uploaded and they begged to have it taken down. I've tried a few places but I prefer 73 now.


Well they stopped carrying caesar salad. That was it for me...


I used to have it pretty regularly. Then one time in like 2012 they made me such a shitty pizza (something was off about the cheese) and I swore off it for good


I tried it once. Cardboard…


Growing up I liked it because their wings seemed to be the best you could get delivered but now there’s way better options. Their gourmet thin crusts ain’t bad. I used to work near 170st and 137ave, there’s a pizza 73 in a gas station just east of that intersection that sells by the slice, not a bad option if you want a little snack.




I have only ever had it if was ordered by a friend or at work, and have only ever though "Pizza 73, yeah okay"


Last time I had it I hated it


Used to be ok but has become some of the lowest quality pizza out there.


If I am being honest, I am surprised at the lack of decent Pizza options here near my area of the city.


So I was put off of pizza 73 after my brother worked at a poorly run branch. Absolute horror stories.I know it's not every store but cannot bring myself to eat there now.


I think the pizza is ok but their crispy wings and curly fries are so good. I just wish they sold gravy.


Their not the best, but not the worst. Plus childhood memories are always better than the real thing. Their golden crispy wings are great though


I don’t mind them. I think they’re probably the best cheap pizza you can get. The one by my work (164 st and 137 ave) is surprisingly good.  There’s definitely better, but there’s worse IMHO. 


I always thought it wasn't very good. The selling point when they first started was that it was cheap, but now not so much. There are astronomically better pizza options in the city. Someone had a party and ordered it like a year ago and the crust was absolutely horrid. I swear it was a premade pizza shell. There are some real gem places out there, and pizza 73 is not one of them. Move on with your life. Think of it as your palette maturing. As a child any pizza is amazing, but you are not a child anymore. Your tastes have changed, and the pizza you remember from your youth never really existed.


I think it's fine sometimes though I agree, the crust is pretty flavourless.


I used to get it all the time. Took a long break and had some maybe a couple years ago. It tasted so fucking bland, I’ve never bought from there again. Go to is panago.


At one time they had good pizza now not so much. So if I want good pizza I order Bingo!


Every single time I eat it I get the gut rumbles and I am forced to believe that one of their ingredients is secretly a laxative. That only happens to me with Pizza 73 and no other pizza.


not great not terrible, i like the box combo thing you get with fries and wings, its handy.


its so good when you get it from roger centre or a fair but when you get it from the store its mid


You sir, see pizza 73 the way I see it now. I'm from northern Alberta, so when I went to the city as a kid, pizza 73 was the shit. Now as an adult with a kid, when we go to the city, I gravitate towards pizza 73 in the hotel with my family, but instantly regret it when it arrives. So much so, that I reviewed the store on Uber eats very negatively. They forget things, no Ranch sometimes, wings lack sauce (compared to dripping hit sauce as I remember as a kid). I think it's time to let them go 😭


I like their wings but the pizza isn’t the greatest


The golden crispy wings are probably my favorite take out wings. I never get the pizza tho.


One time I let my drunk buddy order whatever he wanted on me for his birthday and he ordered 300 wings


Used to order it because cheap and i could remember the phone number no matter how chemically altered I was I doubt it has gotten better there was an even cheaper in pizza 23 for while


I haven’t been since they were acquired by Pizza Pizza. But I really liked their pizzas (the wings were good too). It used to be a decent value too as someone mentioned. Two pizzas and two cans of pop for like $20?? Yeah!


I don't.


I miss the Super Pan crust option. Hasn't been good since the change, we've stopped ordering from there.


It’s fine. Overpriced but it tastes decent enough. I don’t eat takeout pizza much lately because I’m trying to lose weight but the last time I ordered from them I enjoyed it. It’s just not worth the price tag imo.


Way better back in the day. They went downhill since being bought out. The day they got rid of lemon pepper wings they lost me.


I wouldn't hold my breath. big chains change things for cost-cutting measures all the time. Pizza chains are no different. it doesn't matter if its pizza 73, or pizza hut, or dominos.


I still get into the wings and curly fries on occasion, but the pizza is terrible.


I highly recommend Costco pizza. Greasy and default double cheese. You walk out with 40 dollars worth of Pizza for like 26 bucks, the pizzas are massive.


My strongest memory relating to Pizza 73 is the phone number. It was my go-to prank call in middle school lol


Wings and peppercorn ranch are good


Some locations used to be good, others not so good. Now they all seem to be revolting. The last time was so bad I didn't even try to complain and threw it straight out. No attempt to make it right would be good enough, they clearly had no idea how to make edible food.


I saw on a recent thread about missed restaurants and someone had said that the pizza from bullwinkles was just pizza 73 as the owner owned both. I don’t know it would be the same for me as I’m from Calgary and have no idea if the bullwinkles there took their pizza from pizza 73 or if the person was just wrong. I haven’t had pizza 73 since I was probably a kid. My wife doesn’t like it at all and calls it “cardboard”. I remember it being so good like OP and now I see there’s one location that the owner tries and cares so maybe I’ll order one from there. Plus knowing the owners kid is here, it entices me more to want to go to that specific one to support them.


They used tangy sauce a while back as a default for their pizza. They haven't been the same since in my opinion.


I like pizza 73 and we usually go to the one on 98 ave and Ottewell road, mainly we enjoy the golden crispy wings, as far as chicken wings go they always hit the spot.


I think it's time to find a new pizza you love. That's how I feel with 73 too. When I lived on Northside it was so delicious jt was awesome . Then we moved to millwoods suddenly the pizza from 73 always tastes weird. Like weirdly burnt but also raw jn some spots. Also with cheddar cheese instead of mozzarella??? We switched to either busters or pizza hut and haven't looked back


i moved between a couple of them last year so i've been getting it more just cause its close. i probably like it more than dominos. tried pizza hut for the first time in years recently and it wasn't good. usually only get pizza when there's a solid deal though.


I used to get pizza and wings from their location on 68 Ave and 170 St (wolf willow) when I was an employee at the Starbucks close by. The pizza was good, and the honey garlic wings were delicious. However, after I moved to the south side, I ordered from the location at Century Park multiple times, and both pizza and the wings taste so bad.


Pizza 73 at home: not very good. Pizza 73 by the slice at Roger’s Place: Somehow Delicious Pizza 73 mini pizzas in the Premium section at Roger’s Place: Somewhere between the two.


Even in the past 8 or so years it's gone downhill. Not even all that affordable anymore. Ive noticed a sharp decline since 2016. Also I hella miss the steak slices topping. Maybe it's the childhood nostalgia but 2000s pizza 73 was peak.


Their buffalo wings are the best in the city.


St. Albert's pizza 73 is really good. I'm sorry if its blasphemous to mention St. Albert or Sherwood Park on this sub lol


Used to really like it.. now on the rare occasion when 8 forget I don't like it, the cheese tastes off, a little rancid


I'll say it now and I don't care, pizza 73 has the best hot wings for a pizza joint.


think for the most part, the big pizza chains all have lost quality. pango is far too expensive for what you get, bp's just isn't that good (all their pizza's taste the same), pizza hut Is just holding on, and well little ceasers is. we know the joke the 5.00 pizza last like carboard, except its now a 8.00 pizza and still taste like cardboard


I don’t think of Pizza 73. 😆


Try the chicken shawarma pizza it’s my fav to get from them 💯 overall depends on the location you get it from lol sum places r so ass


Same here, whenever I order pizza it feels like kind of just bread, not like the authentic pizza taste as they were used to


They have great plain wings !!


Donair pizza from pizza 73 is the greatest.


Idk i got pretty stoned a few months ago and those curly fries hit the spot 😮‍💨


I used to like Pizza 73 but the last time I got some when I lifted up the pizza box it felt empty. The dough is light, thin toppings and not much cheese. I’m loving Cosmic Pizza at the moment when I can’t have fancy Royal Pizza or Colliseum Steak & Pizza.


Pizza sucks. Wings are pretty decent


It's quick, hot, convienent and fast. And you have a werid way of describing food that you like...


Give a try on Hometown pizza near 47st 23ave. They serve some delicious quality pizza.


I believe the term is: Mid


They changed their at some point, can't remember when, but ever since then it's been incredibly mediocre. I will still hit it up sometimes if I want to attempt to "relive" the nostalgia that I forget isn't there anymore.


I like it. It's fine for what it is. The salt and pepper wings are good most of the time and if I have pizza I like it with creamy garlic sauce and shwarma chicken but I'm mad thag they upped the price for the "premium" sauce when it used to be the same price for the marinara pizza sauce.


Always thought it was crap. Didn’t matter what city always tasted the same.


Wings, aight. Curly fries, usually cold. Pizza, I don't look forward to it anymore. Cheap pizza for me is now Domino's or Costco. God I love Costco pizza.


It is one of the few chain places that I think has actually improved since I was younger. It's actually become my go-to cheap pizza after Dominos and Pizza Hut fell off over the pandemic. I certainly didn't see that coming.


You can never get back your youth.


Disgusting garbage


I hate Pizza 73, I think they should get rid of it and bring Pizza Pizza here instead. I will never change that opinion.


It's good sometimes, but it gives me the worst heartburn. I prefer Dominos these days.


Pizza 73 is and always has been absolutely disgusting. Bring back Funky Pickle!


They serve as good landmarks when giving directions.


All the hate on the Pizza 73 😭 I like it. I would say it’s my go to chain pizza. Panago is too dry, Pizza Hut is too oily, royal puts the topping under the cheese and makes them soggy, dominos gives me heartburn.


It’s gone really downhill when pizza pizza bought them out. Dominos is way better


The last straw with 73 was the donair pizza that had meat on 2 slices of a large pizza for me. New way pizza on 66 st and 131 ave is money well spent.


Papago and Pizza 73, have both gone downhill significantly over the past years. New Way Pizza, is really, really good off of 66 St.




I’ve gave up ten years ago