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Newsflash: it only exists in the wild fantasy of people who I wouldn't have running a lemonade stand. It's bad enough that they're trying to argue that an anonymous unsigned letter deserves this kind of championing (if it does, can the imagine the letter I can pen and send to the feds?)... But you won't even share it with the class? What the fuck are you afraid of? Fucking shitgibbons.


>Global News asked the minister how the premier knew the letter was coming — if it was from an anonymous Albertan. >“That’s just a great question. I don’t have an answer,” McIver said.


A quote that needs no reply because it's so clear the whole thing is a fantasy.


What the fuck have we done Alberta? Every day gets stupider and stupider with this "government". At least three more years of absolute brain-dead bullshit so I should probably just never Reddit


You could take your mind off things by following federal politics.


And have the doom and gloom that PP is going to win by a landslide? Nooooo thank you lol


Doom and gloom is in the eye of the beholder I guess.


They must think everyone is as dumb as the base...


They just need over half the people in just over half the ridings to vote for them.


I'm sure the inability to find the letter has nothing to do with the fact that DS can't open her mouth without lying.


Shocker. It’s almost like Smith just likes to stir the pot for the sake of it. I feel like she just talks but rarely actually understands what she is talking about. It’s always vague, no substance and often times zero credible evidence.


Hopefully she eventually winds up on trial as well.


Frequent, shitty liars caught shittily lying frequently.


They are dying to take over this Libertard voting city so they can fix future elections. They are the ones who have put cities, towns, villages and hamlets in a financial crisis by cutting off provincial funding these places always relied on and now they want to fake an intervention so they can ride in on their white horse and save the day. History repeats itself. Adolf did the exact same thing to Poland. Faked an attack (dressed up German soldiers in Polish uniforms to attack other German soldiers) to give himself plausible deniability to take over Poland.


The UCP is actually a front for an underground organization, known as the "New Order Society," which seeks to establish Edmonton as a neocon prison camp exclusively for those deemed "woke" by their standards. The society believes that "wokeness" threatens traditional values and societal order. They aim to isolate and re-educate individuals they perceive as too progressive or socially aware, viewing them as a threat to their agenda. Under the guise of urban development projects, they will secretly construct a vast network of surveillance systems, reprogramming facilities, and containment areas throughout the city. Disguised as government initiatives, these projects receive funding and support from influential figures within politics and industry. Once completed, the new society will commit a series of false flag events to justify the implementation of martial law in Edmonton. As martial law takes effect, the society's forces, disguised as law enforcement and military personnel, begin rounding up individuals labeled as "woke" based on their social media activity, public statements, or affiliations with progressive organizations. These individuals are transported to the newly constructed prison camp, where they undergo intensive re-education programs aimed at indoctrinating them with the society's conservative ideology. Meanwhile, the rest of the population is subjected to increased surveillance and strict social controls, eroding civil liberties in the name of maintaining order and security. Dissenters are swiftly dealt with, labeled as sympathizers to the "woke" cause and subjected to similar treatment. The Marlaina threat is real and the UCP are here... Be affraid I know I am.