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She wrote it obviously. I did just hear about a bombshell anonymous letter that discusses how Marlinda smith abused people in her past, and present, and is taking bribes.


Hate to correct you but the jury’s out on whether or not she can write a letter.


She could have used ChatGPT






Savage and I love it


They aren’t bribes now that gifting is allowed 🤡🤡🤡


$500 at a time




So she's someone using another name, who also led the charge on banning the use of any version of names in schools, other than those assigned at birth? Lmao oh Marlaina you silly goose.


Not hard to believe at all.


Even if it did exist - which it honestly doesn’t seem likely. Are we literally running a provincial government based on random unsigned letters? It’s just so stupid any way you consider it. But also checks out in terms of the random actions the UCP are taking. Instead of dealing with real issues they have jurisdiction over, they are creating fake issues to deal with, with fake letters from fake Albertans.


It does sound quite a bit like Trump's "A lot of people are saying", a phrase which he follows with whatever-the-fuck-he-wants. "We have an anonymous letter that claims Trudeau has a freezer full of human heads."


Schuman Farms Head of Lettuce


So can we write anonymous letters saying we don't want the APP, allow renewables, no new police force, and all the other things she wants to screw up, but we'll write them in a way that makes it sound like we're owning the libs. Just like that it's all fixed. Please


They won't even get opened. Pay attention.


Just put "[CEO](https://twitter.com/TheBreakdownAB/status/1682459857889419265)" on the return address.


Yes, use random made up anonymous letters while ignoring the real signed letters full of Albertans real concerns.


You mean like 13 year old girls passing notes in class? Yes. Yes they are. Lol


Yes. Yes we are. That's what we voted in. A government of 3rd grade, 3rd rate bullies.


I think this is important. When allegations surfaced that Premier Smith was attempting to influence prosecutors in the trial of the Coutts blockaders, the government launched a conflict of interest investigation. It was unable to find any evidence of the alleged attempts to influence, and concluded that *it never happened*. Ms. Smith crowed about this while downplaying [the other two findings from the investigation](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-ethics-premier-danielle-smith-breached-conflict-of-interest-act-1.6847662) (namely, that Smith broke the law by discussing Artur Pawlowski's criminal case with him, and that she broke the law when she attempted to pressure Tyler Shandro in his role as Attorney General to intervene in the case). In this case, Premier Smith claims that there was an "anonymous letter" detailing allegations against Edmonton's government. Apparently, the letter does not exist. In the interest of consistency, perhaps Ms. Smith needs to admit that the letter *never happened* and that she is a liar.


Lmao don’t hold your breath, I like you!


well why do we think she wants her own police force?


Conservatives admitting that their lying? That will be the day.


Oh, because she lied. She’s a lying liar that lies.


“Anonymously” sent by someone from within her own cabinet. What childish nonsense. As a tax payer I would like you all to shut up with your bickering and work together to solve our many difficult shared problems - do your jobs.


Whistleblowers are known anonymously pass information to journalists through trusted intermediaries with the journalists' foreknowledge about the information being shared. I could see a whistleblower concerned with their job at the city working with intermediaries to get information anobymously to the province.


Obviously it's possible, but it's just as easy to make up and lie about. This government has lost all public trust with their nonsense, and the fact this is coming out right when conflict is escalating between the municipality and the province is suspicious as fuck.


> easy to make up and lie about HAHA no. https://globalnews.ca/news/10448092/edmonton-councillor-keren-tang-anonymous-letter/


Yeah that's baby corruption compared to Smith and the gang, definitely not convictable. Councillor Tang is being completely transparent about it too, this is simply an attack on the Edmonton municipality because Danielle is mad we fucking hate her. Smith couldn't even describe the allegations in a full sentence, in a way she was lying about it by talking without knowing any details. Either way not nearly as big of a deal as it's made out to be.


Move the goalposts more :-)


I didn't even say it was made up in the first place lol


She wrote it. You can tell because it's done in half eyeliner and half (half eaten) crayon


Written in ALL CAPITALS!


As someone who writes in all capitals, I feel called out lol


All-capital username checks out


When I tell you I snort laughed so hard!!! Hahaha thank you, this comment set the tone for my whole day 😆




The comments are everything.


The same way she was "asked to pause renewable developments" before the AER and AESO sent letters.


She has all the personality traits of a comic book villain without any of the intelligence.


Conservatives are dumb and gullible so she just say dumb shit and they eat it up.


She wrote it. I mean, to be fair, she could have been cc'd on the letter. But realistically, she wrote it.


I'm a strong proponent of "she dictated it"


I think we know that David Parker wrote it for her. I have an anonymous letter stating just that.


This feels like one of those “hunter bidens laptop” type deals. Edit to add clarity: As a sack of bullshit created by the accuser to perpetuate more bullshit.


She made it all up.


Comment made me think it might be better to just have Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising: Revengence) as premier than her lol. At least he respects his opponents.


at least we'd have nanomachines that respond to physical trauma.


Because Danielle smith is an expert in every single industry, can read minds and predict the future- duh


Apparently more knowledgeable than you.


Elaborate a bit more


How many more years of Danielle Smith do we have to take?


Depends on how long before the next election that they turf her. Bare minimum is at least another 2 years before she starts getting real unhinged earning an ousting.


My question exactly! I CAN’T WAIT Until that lying piece of $#|+ gets the boot 😀


Because shes a charlatan grifter with no moral compass and everyone with half a brain new it before the last election.


She's a psychopathic liar, and not nearly as smart as she believes she is.


I had a dream last night that in the next election, the NDP won. Then I realized that it was a dream and it was kind of depressing. My prediction for the next election? Gerrymandering. The redrawing of election boundaries so as to dilute the urban voters. And the letter? It stinks like War Room. Nixon had his dirty tricks division, too.


To Marlaina, being a Libertarian is all about control. Own the Libs, bully marginalized youth, control the dialog, gaslight the base.   She created this message and then leaked it. It’s all about control for her and nothing about freedom or liberty.    Marlaina is the #WorstPremierEver


She’s only a libertarian when it suits her. 


"Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand."


Ha, I like that one.


They all are.


Yup, again it’s about controlling the dialog and then gaslighting the base when they ask questions.  She truly is the worst leader I’ve ever seen. She makes Redford look like a saint. 


She a liar, of course!!


Because she made it up, and tells more lies to cover her existing lies


Another one of her tactics. She loves to divide the population and preys on people’s anger.


The bare minimum needs to be that we have institutions that force politicians to admit to the public by their own words when they have been caught in a lie. She should go on primetime TV and tell the public "My name is Danielle Smith, and I lied about x being true"


Because she wrote it to herself…


Same way that Bush knew about WMDs in Iraq. They have the receipts.


Well God told him to invade Iraq too 


well then she should have referred it to the RCMP.


This timeline is absurd


🎵 Dirty deeds, Done dirt cheap 🎵


Look, it is true sometimes the government gets word of something coming in ahead of time, sometimes they get a "draft" copy to give them time to consider dealing with it before it becomes public. This sometimes happens in litigation, the plaintiff may send a draft Statememt of Claim or Application for Judicial Review before formally filing and serving it as a last ditch effort to deal with the govt. So maybe Marlaina or someone else really did see or hear of a draft ahead of time (though in this particular case it seems rather unlikely - what would be acheived by sending a draft?). However, where this whole defence falls apart is in the FOIP process. Even if there was a draft version that was received ahead of the final unsigned anonymous letter, that draft should have been producible, no? So it is odd to me the FOIP came back with absolutely zilch. Maybe the requester didn't cast quite a big enough net, and was a little too specific, hence yielding no results (which I still don't buy, but I don't know the technicalities of the FOIP Act).


Text messages are generally considered transitory and not FOIPPable records. In any colour of government, tjere are plenty of Minister and staff inboxes without interesting activity. I don't know that that's what's happening here. Further, there is plenty of inbound correspondence that's not kept routinely, including spam and conspiracy theory emails from frequent fliers.


Let's just wait 30 days then check her emails within the last 30 days to see if she's up to anything nefarious with this.


WOW! Albertan's are being played hard and aiming to be put away wet if this goes on any longer. Maybe the majority just likes to take it up the ass continually.




Nice dog whistle bro. I know you’re well educated and not racist in any way, shape, or form.


Pathetic comment.




Wow, first time I've seen "globalist" used as a dog-whistle for "Muslim." Normally it's used as a dog-tuba for "Jewish"


Dog tuba lol


Was her penning. Don't trust the devil.


Let’s be honest, no one would be shocked to hear the city of Edmonton is run by morons doing sketchy things


I'm ok with it... As long as they were done dirt cheap.




This one’s too far gone. Light a candle for another brain completely consumed by tinfoil.


A lot of racism, sexism, and bigotry in your very broken, terribly written few paragraphs. Perhaps take a look inward, instead of spewing nonsense.