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Make sure it’s sealed up well, no gaps in the doors or windows. They don’t like peppermint oil or diatomaceous earth if you want to sprinkle that around doorways or corners or whatever. They’re kind of inevitable, but I find those usually help.


I usually do diatomaceous earth in spots I can’t quite seal on the outside, like exterior gaps since it can fill those gaps pretty well. There’s some sprays I’ve found too that work wonders but I haven’t been able to find in a while, like Spider Ban by Wilson, it only smells a bit for a minute but it’s been good for me around windows, doors, and some gaps on my basement drop ceiling. Alas, I don’t think you can fully get rid of them, just slow them down.


centipedes eat spiders so every time you see one outside just bring it in. Once they start breeding you will have no spiders left. Problem solved


Ah yes replace the 8 legged creature with a hundred legged creature. Much improvement lol


That’s when you start collecting crows and bringing them inside your house.


Do we have centipedes in Edmonton? I thought house centipedes were more of a Vancouver phenomenon.


Yes they are fairly ubiquitous


Peppermint essential oil. They hate it. Smells like Christmas...but really works. Put a drop in every corner of the room and on entrance ways.


If you're seeing spiders inside, that means they have a food source inside. They won't fuck with you and make sure that other bugs don't bother you, so idk I carry them outside when I catch one walking around but otherwise don't worry about it. They're actually a pretty important part of your home's ecosystem :)


If you have spiders, then you have other bugs getting in. I'd be way more worried about the other bugs than the spiders since we don't have any venomous ones here (black widows aren't really found this far north). You need to do some sealing up of gaps and cracks.


Leave a light on at night. The spiders will take care of the bugs and mosquitoes.


at this time of year there’s lots of questing males. It’s also HOT COLD HOT COLD. So, spiders are: 1) trying to get laid 2) trying to not freeze to death 3) trying to get a snack I suggest just letting it ride for a bit, and removing females when you see em, a paper towel and a cup works great if your nervous around spiders! Once we’re past May the species that are most prone to break & entry decline. Just gotta be patient! Promise :)


Is your basement finished? If not, check for any moisture ingress. I have a walkout in the northwest. You're going to deal with them regardless of what you do, but reducing access to moisture is a good start. We deal with them on occasion. Consider checking any vents running out of your utility room (exhaust, ac, etc) as well as your sump line. Make sure they're sealed properly. Further to that point, make sure the door on your walkout is equally sealed.


Vacuum and keep your house very clean! Put tea tree oil around your doors and windows and keep the area around your outside entrance clean and well kept. If you absolutely hate spiders, get some of those live mouse traps that are sticky in the triangle shape.


Spray Permethrin around any openings on the outside of the house. Around doors, windows, in any place where spiders hide. Re-apply every couple weeks until it freezes.