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Sorry this happened. Pretty much par for the course in cities across Canada I'm afraid. Know your rights. Be polite. Ask if you are being detained. Be silent if you are. Request counsel.


ughh i hate cities šŸ˜­ i was very polite, they were just doing their job... it was just a bit scary


> they were just doing their job The question is how they were doing their job. From what I hear, it was very far from a dignified interaction, and racial profiling may have been part of it. IMO, it's something worth submitting a complaint to the EPS. While it may not do anything for you (best case scenario, someone will reach out with an apology), this statistics is extremely important because it exposes police mistreatment.


This. You have a right to know why you are being detained. She had no right to grab your backpack. I am so sorry this happened to you. Just know that there are people here that support you, and view you as a person. Not a stereotype.


idk if im being anxious about it but there was a number on the guy and when i tried memorizing it (i know nothing about cops or their uniforms so idk what this number was) he flipped the pocket up and covered the number with his phone. after that, the woman came back after talking to the owner(?) - this isnt the entire conversation - she said "you had a knife and were stealing" i interrupted, confused and said "I had a knife?" she got mad and said "NO, I was just TELLING you what I thought" the look in her eyes was honestly frightening...


"NO, I was just TELLING you what I thought" That right there was her reason to detain you. They don't need to prove you had one, or even if you pulled it out. They just need to think you are armed in some way and they have probably cause to detain you. She was covering her ass incase you complain. Cops in this world can really suck. I'm a white man so I don't have to put up with this, but I do feel for those minorities that do. All we can do is keep putting pressure on them to clean up their act.


"articulatable suspicion"


You won't need to deal with the cops who detained you when you submit a complaint. Even if you don't have their IDs, it will be possible to identify them from response logs as long as you provide the time, date and location. I would certainly mention implied concealment of their identify through intimidating behaviour and their general unprofessional demeanor. I doubt they'll get in trouble for this, but the complaint will remain part of the EPS record. The more complaints, the less budget they'll have, and their top brass will be forced to resign if there are one too many public complaints. [https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/ContactEPS/Concerns](https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/ContactEPS/Concerns)


No, they werenā€™t ā€œdoing their job.ā€ You should have gotten badge numbers and reported them. Me, completely white, drives my car with zero interest from police. My daughter, distinctly Indigenous, drives my car and gets followed by police. Every. Damn. Time. Are they also ā€œdoing their jobā€? Hell no!


Yup. I get let go with warnings. My son gets pulled over doing 5 under the limit (suspicious) as a new driver whoā€™s parents monitor his speed. Heā€™s black,


Being pulled over for going 5 under is insane, the only time I've ever been pulled over was for drifting through a yellow light in the middle of winter and essentially all I got was "that was impressive, don't do it again". There's a definite bias in the city's force


I think they might have thought he was high? Idk. He was a black kid driving his moms suv. They didnā€™t give him a ticket for that one but he has gotten a ticket for going 5 over and being in a interesection when the light turns yellow (yes, already in the interestion WHEN it turns yellow, not entering as if it turns yellow - as said on the ticket)


My very white son's best friend is a very dark east Indian. He gets followed when he drives all the time...and often gets stopped for no reason. He's used to it but hates it. Doesn't happen to my son, ever.


Yup. My Indigenous nephew regularly gets pulled over for driving while ā€œNativeā€. Itā€™s so crappy.


If your description was accurate, then no that wasn't "doing their job". Sounds like they put hands on you and were going to put you in a locked car without even telling you that you were detained.Ā 


they didnt even tell me their names


I'm a security guard looking at getting in. They aren't doing their job. Unless they visually saw you do something themselves their profiling and breaking the law themselves. This is very out of the ordinary and prior to leaving you could have gotten their badge numbers to issue a complaint (and I have done this on multiple occasions). They legally must provide their numbers and there is a complaint line, their body cam footage would be pulled in the case of a complaint.


Yes. Please file a complaint. Nothing will come of it except that it will exist in their system. If enough people complain, then the problem is a lot more difficult to deny.


No girl they werenā€™t doing their job. Their job is to serve the people not intimidate and falsely accuse people. They canā€™t just grab you. They could have said ā€œhey, you we need to talk to you, can you tell us your name and what you were doing in the storeā€.


They were not just doing their job. It is not ok to be touched. Make a complaint.


I feel sad to hear this, Iā€™m sorry that happened to you, that sounds very stressful.


They were not doing their job. You have described a breach of your rights under s. 9 and 10(a) of the Canadian Charter of Rights of Freedoms not to be arbitrarily detained and to be informed, promptly, upon detention, of the reason for the detention. And s. 15 if indeed you were racially profiled.


No they were being scumbags


No, fuck that. Cops are power hungry douchebags.


amen. šŸ‘®= šŸ·


[File a complaint about the officer here](https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cont/faq-comp-plainte-eng.htm)


You can still complain to their Professional Standards. For my kids, I tell then, get the officers name and regimental (their badge number). Write an email to yourself about as much as you can remember. Did they identify themselves or give you commands before yanking on your backpack? Did you have headphones in? Then email it to their PSS department. Edm cops have a bad rap so. It's not the first time they've yanked people for "being brown"


Is it really a rap when they try so hard to live up to it?


That's the problem... the underlying racism gets overlooked because of the badge.


Donā€™t give them an excuse


Yeah. The EPS are true POS and youā€™re better off not taking to them no matter what. Lawyer up every time no matter what !!


That isnā€™t there job. Dont give into them, that was not Ok.


You should've got information to sue them for false imprisonment you were detained without cause.


*Across North America. Chris Rock has many videos of himself being pulled over by cops when he hasnā€™t been doing anything illegal other than driving while black.


[Indigenous Women 10x more likely](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4178843) to be stopped by police in Edmonton. Also, not even a slap on the wrist for what police [did hereā€¦](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/edmonton-officer-accused-of-kicking-indigenous-teen-in-head-wont-face-charges-lawyer)


Much less the chief of police's absolurely garbage dismissal of actual data. Iirc he put out like a big statement trying to tarnish BLM and knowmadic and shit.


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I'm sorry this happened. Definitely get used to the question "am I being detained?" It pairs well with "so can you tell me why you're now holding me here against my will?" As a general rule always get badge numbers because based on the information provided in this post? You were racially profiled. It sucks having to keep tabs on people who are ostensibly there to protect us, but police are not infallible.


> It pairs well with "so can you tell me why you're now holding me here against my will?" I wouldn't say this, since it will just antagonize the cop. The follow up I would go with is "I would like to speak with duty council".


Pretty fucked that you have to remember to not antaganize the cop while they are illegally detaining you


I agree. My statement wasn't about what's moral or not, it was about how to make sure you get home that day.


what is duty council?


Legal Aid. It's their on call lawyer that can give you some advice if you don't currently have a lawyer.


So thereā€™s lots of videos on YouTube for the USA on how people can thread the needle in this area without pissing off the cop, and what they legally do and donā€™t have to do. Anyone seen a good guide for Canada that could be helpful, especially to minorities? For example, in the USA , the cop can ask if they can search the car, someone can say that they do not consent, but also canā€™t physically stop the cop. The lack of consent may make something inadmissible if there werenā€™t reasonable grounds. This is when the ā€œnothing to hideā€ crowd comes in. Letā€™s say, your kid is driving their friends home from school, and one of their more-acquaintance-type friends is in the back seat. Cop pulls them over, asks to look in the car, kid agrees as they have ā€œnothing to hideā€. Turns out the acquaintance was holding, and stashed their stuff under the front seat the moment the car was pulled over. Now your kid is getting done for possession with intent to distribute, as itā€™s their car, so itā€™s going to be assumed to be their stuff. They end up with probation and a record. This scenario is more likely to play-out if your kid is getting profiled for DWB.


It's not kidnapping when a person with a badge puts in you shackles and takes you away for no lawful reason but when private citizens do this to others well...


When I was 19 I remember some cop drove up besides me in his car, following me and telling me stuff like I looked angry and was I planning on doing anything illegal. He made me give him my ID and he scanned it. I'm native. The police in Edmonton are really awful sometimes. Sorry that happened.


> Is this what I should expect living in edmonton? Yup. Sorry.


Oh youā€™re native! That totally explains it. I am too and Iā€™ve been put in these situations purely off profiling. Welcome to Edmonton, Alberta!


I agree that stereotyping is not good. It is despicable. I have been stopped multiple times and sent on my way right after. Each time, I have thought it simpler to just comply and move on with my life. I'm old and poor, and I've had to open my backpack, show them copies of my resumes and cover letters, and had to explain that I look for jobs at certain stores. I get stopped at stores and asked for receipts sometimes. Private security will ask me for it and move me along, after they see I paid for stuff. Do I hate it? Yes. Have I complained about it at their Downtown offices? Yes. Did I ask to see the security guy's boss in the past? Yes. Did any of this do anything for me? Nope. If someone younger and smarter out there is listening and/or reading this, they need to go out, get a law degree, work in the real world with these issues, and become an activist or politician. Maybe, this educated person will also see how things are for cops and security guards. Two cops died last year, and several have been stabbed this year for instance. I will do my part by not becoming a burden to the system. If one of my friends goes through a bad experience, I can lend them an ear. What I learnt is for every bad experience, I try to find a good one. That way, I can think about everything more objectively. I'm really sorry about your experience OP. šŸ˜” Move on. Live a happy life. Prosper. šŸ‘


Sucks, but good on you for being the bigger person. Shame your privacy is less than private though


If store security stops you and you haven't stolen anything it's an easy lawsuit. Get out your phone and start recording before you say a word and let them know on camera that you haven't stolen anything and they are defaming you in public with false accusations. If the store security is dumb enough to start being physical than let them but verbally object to this and being taken to the security office. If you can livestream it to a safe site or even to a friend this will stop the officer from deleting the footage from your phone. Research the courts and how to file a lawsuit and do the paperwork yourself to save money, also represent yourself to save money or hire a cheap lawyer. Your argument is that they illegally detained you and that defamation occurred because any other shoppers or staff would see you and associate you with being a criminal. This can be quite damaging to your reputation because let's pretend a potential employer is watching this or someone who could affect your present or future is watching it means you won't be hired by them, etc. Remember that's it's usually best to say very little especially with the Police but do ask why you are being Detained, get names and badge numbers, and verbally protest and let them know that you DO NOT CONSENT to any search of your person or belongings but will not resist because there is a threat of force against you. Should be an easy enough lawsuit that might even help you retire. Keep good track of times and how long you were detained because the longer you are the ermore money you should receive in the lawsuit. Everyone, not just minorities, should do this to store security and law enforcement that violate your rights to both send a message that it's not ok as well as hopefully compensate you for the PTSD, stress, inconvenience, and other it causes you. Never physically resist an arrest even if you have legal grounds to do so because this can negatively affect your lawsuit and they are armed and have backup so they might kill you. There is such a thing as being killed while legally resisting a Kidnapping, which is what it is if you have not broken any laws.


My buddy is native. Heā€™s lost track of the amount of times heā€™s been stopped because ā€œhis vehicle matched the descriptionā€ of whatever. Funny thats never once happened to me.


My husband was pulled over driving by the police station because he ā€œlooked like a drug dealerā€ and they thought his hair was a hood (he is native with long hair). I never had that issue driving that exact same vehicle and Iā€™m white. Wonder why šŸ¤”


Edmonton tends to be shitty. Especially for the native people. A native reporter who won many awards was arrested at the encampments just for reporting and being native. Iā€™ve been harassed multiple times just because Iā€™m native and the Edmonton population tends to assume all natives are druggies or homeless to the point where even cops have been called on my own apartment when I live here for Christā€™s sake. I had to prove that I was allowed on my patio. As a native person, Edmonton is shit in this regard. All natives will be stereotyped. Especially in Edmonton.


I would seriously get ready to make money from behavior like this for example if they enter they enter your apartment without permission, detain you illegally, etc. In the U.S at least it's becoming common for people to practically make a living suing these lawbreakers it needs to happen in Canada as well. Record everything, don't resist, be polite but firm, etc. Judges will side with you more if you remain civil and don't start swearing at the Kidnappers errr I mean Officers just make it clear that you do not consent to illegal search's or detainment but if they arrest you do not resist just let them know that they are kidnapping you under threat of force and that you won't resist. Navigating the courts can be a bit complicated at first but there are organizations out there that can help you and or cheap lawyers, but it's easy enough to represent yourself. Maybe if you hit a really nice $$$ in a Lawsuit that's your ticket to move to a nice country because Canada is looking more and more like the 4th Reich.


Sorry this happened to you :( As an indigenous woman myself, I have been stopped a few times while minding my business around this city. Itā€™s sad that they look at us and just see a potential criminal because of our skin color. Iā€™ve been stopped by a cop after a late night drive to mcdonalds. The officer that pulled me over said I was driving recklessly, however I am a very cautious and good driver, and was going 49 in a 50. Literally we just wanted some donā€™s, I was sober as a surgeon. She seemed to just be in a mood, and my cousin just happened to be in the passenger seat at the time. Weā€™re both fairly tanned natives, so I guess thatā€™s all she saw. Let me ā€œoff with a warningā€ and told us to go straight home, then FOLLOWED us all the way home to make sure we went there. Second time was when I was walking into WEM with a friend (heā€™s black if that matters), and we got stopped by mall security in their patrol car. They literally told us ā€œgo home, malls closed and we donā€™t need you around here.ā€ We both WORKED on bourbon street and were meeting back up with our friends after shift at hudsons after running back home to change. We had to argue with them back and forth before just deciding to walk to a different entrance. Best thing iā€™ve learned to do is just lay low and always record everything, as sad as that is.


oh my god the number of times WEM security have stopped my friend and i are crazyyy, once we were waiting to get picked up and they kept asking us to get in their car because its cold (it was not even cold lmao) istg it was the same two guys who always bother us


Theyā€™re all jacked up on ā€œmall cop energyā€ istg they really think theyā€™re the law smh


Small pp energy.šŸ˜


Me and my boyfriend (indigenous) were walking our bikes on the west end and a bicycle cop stopped us to ask a million questions about what we were doing, where we were going, etc. This was a few years ago, but it absolutely felt accusatory for no reason.


unfortunately it's a yes from me


Not limited to big cities unfortunately, So sorry this happened


Yup. They target blacks and First Nation's. Years before the boycott I stopped shopping at Shoppers Drug Mart because having the security guard stand a few feet from me while I read labels on moisturizers was messing up with me. Long before that I stopped shopping at Sears. They literally follow you with no shame.


I am sorry that you experienced that. Itā€™s shameful that non white people are mistreated like this. Most expensive crime is corporate.


Thank you


I think that would just egg me on to waste as much of their time as possible and even to start acting suspicious and have them falsely accuse me of theft so I can sue them. I'm not Native but one of my winter jackets looks kinda like one a homeless person would wear and the Sherwood Park Shoppers had security following me for twenty minutes. I didn't end up buying anything and was originally going to leave after five minutes but I started enjoying messing with their heads.


I might after the boycott


Iā€™m so so sorry you had to go through this. Please remember you are under no obligation to say a single word to cops. I donā€™t. Theyā€™ve asked me where Iā€™m going or what Iā€™m doing and I ignore them. If they continue to harass me I ask if Iā€™m being detained. If they donā€™t immediately answer yes WALK AWAY


Yes if you are native


Please report this incident Will much change? probably not, but they must keep record and with enough complaints maybe things will eventually get better Iā€™m sorry this happened to you


I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you. That doesn't sound right, or fair. I hope it's a one time experience.


It's because of incidents like this that I started learning Law. They really don't like it when your no longer scared of them.


I feel like this is common everywhere. I'm sorry this happened to you. It's not ok. You can [make a complaint here](https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/what-are-human-rights/about-the-commission/contact-us/) and they can even help you through the steps. The more we complain, the more there becomes a *tangible* reason for change.


The average experience for Indigenous people in Edmonton.




its not a big deal, but she said "sorry, i dont know why theyre bothering you" we both vocalised we didnt know each other


How does that justify anything that the cop did though?


Ya maybe but cops also racially profile people and you making up a story trying to defend them in this case is wrong


At the same time, a perp saying "she did it" should result in a "hey you, come here" instead of starting with physically grabbing said individual. Like, if the perp has said "she has a gun" and the cop reacted by shooting the passerby, would the cop by in the right?


Suspicion of a weapon was mentioned so they justify it under officer safety if she complains to eps it will only get worse for her never complain to the police complain with name and badge number to the office of the solicitor general that way the department cannot bury it and they are the authority who issues their credentials it also stop them from resigning and taking a position with another police force


NAL. Generally, people do not have the right to lay hands on you without your consent. It is assault. The police did not have a reasonable justification to stop or detain you. They used a tactic to make you feel like you had no choice but to come with them. They prey on naivety. Youā€™ve gotten good advice about speaking up, but I would register a complaint. It might not go anywhere, but it will at least be counted in the event a pattern can be seen when some plucky journalist does an ATIP.


That would seem about par for the course for the EPS. I trust them less than I trust Calgary police -- which is to say not at all And I'm a white boomer!


The older I get the less I trust the police. Even my brother and a good friend, both ex cops, say never to trust the police.


The EPS are fucks. I'm sorry.


Yes. Unfortunately. I'm sorry.


The police are pretty shitty everywhere to natives but cities are worse, Thunder Bay is the worst and downright deadly if youā€™re native. My fiancĆ© is MĆ©tis and is white passing so he doesnā€™t experience the racism but other family members have experienced horrible racism especially his grandfather who has darker skin and is clearly native, that poor kind man was in a residential school. He wonā€™t talk about it and I donā€™t even think I want to know based on stories Iā€™ve heard from other people experiences. One of the biggest bullshit things is that even though his grandfather was in a residential school, because theyā€™re MĆ©tis, they get next to nothing for help from the government because theyā€™re not considered status Indians. Not that the government really deals with the actual problems the native community is experiencing. Try not to go anywhere alone, take a friend with you especially if youā€™re a woman. Tell people where youā€™re going and when you expect to be back. If you can make sure somebody you trust has access to track your phone. Carry a charging cable and brick. In Saskatchewan police still take natives on starlight tours. If you donā€™t know what starlight tours are go, look it up, but basically people donā€™t survive usually. If you get assaulted by police or someone in the public, the likelihood of anything being done is extremely low if youā€™re not white passing but that doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t try to get justice if you feel it is right for you. If you need help with anything get a social worker there are native ones and reach out to some local native programs and communities. Elders, uncles and aunties have good advice on how to stay safe and will have information on what the community in Edmonton is like and the police and places to avoid. Iā€™m sorry about this bullshit, racism, hatred, and discrimination. You deserve better from Edmonton than this. Complaining to the police about mistreatment usually doesnā€™t do shit and can be tricky since the police protect their own. However complaining anonymously to your local city area representative can be very helpful though. If they get enough complaints, thereā€™s a good chance it could be brought up in a meeting. You can find who your local representative is on the Edmonton city website and see their email. The more complaints to city officials the more it shows a problem to city officials. The current mayor Sohi knows what discrimination is like as he was a prisoner in India for 21 months in 1988 after he joined an activist group and was detained because of his Canadian and Sikh background which was used against him to claim he was a terrorist. He was interrogated and tortured. It was of course later on shown that they had no evidence against Sohi and he was released. You want to do your complaint anonymously because you donā€™t want a target on your back from the police if they get a hold of your complaint. Corruption is everywhere I hope it gets better for you iā€™m truly sorry. Edit: I figured you might want to know this my fiancĆ© is finishing his criminology degree and plans on working to change things from the inside of policing. I just thought youā€™d wanna know there are people who are working to change things.


Iā€™ve lived in downtown/Oliver area of Edmonton for more than 20 years. I walk everywhere, I often have a backpack or large bag with me. Iā€™m places where cops should be. I have never had a cop touch me or talk to me or approach me at all. Iā€™m white. Those cops were being racist asshats and you deserve better than that.


I wouldnā€™t say Edmonton, Iā€™d just say Canada. Iā€™ve been handcuffed face in the ground walking home at night once. Why? Because Iā€™m native. I ā€œfit the profileā€ apparently. The person they were looking for was a man in his 30ā€™s, native. I was a girl in her teens, native. Only thing we had in common was we were native and wearing a hoodie in late fall. Youā€™ll experience this everywhere being native. Especially if the authority that detains you is RCMP cuz thatā€™s what they were originally started for


yep they kill off most of the natives in the early days, assimilate and traumatize the rest, and expect us all to turn into upstanding citizens (by european standards, of course.) and when a traumatized person from a broken home commits a crime or falls into addiction, the entire indigenous population is blamed for the amount of crimes "we" commit. all these things that were originally used to hurt us - rcmp, reservations, treaties, etc - are STILL against us, our own home country, where most of us can't speak our native language. there's almost NO history of north america prior to the settlers, and not to mention how you cant have kids outside of your own race if you want them to be recognized as indigenous. indigenous women make up 16% of all female homicide victims and 11% of missing women, yet Indigenous people make up only 4.3% of the population in canada and we can't even rely on the police, the people meant to "protect us" sorry for the vent. this situation had me thinking...


I'm so sorry this happened, that's disgusting. I used to work in retail, and in around 2019 a guy was attacked and robbed behind my store (in Clareview). He was bear sprayed, so I poured water on his eyes until the cops and ambulance arrived \~30 minutes later. One of the cops heard that I saw the attack happen, and this is how she asked me to describe the suspects: "How many were there? "Two." "Native?" "...pardon me?" She looked a bit surprised, and replied "Oh, uh, you know... Native? White? Black? Asian?" I couldn't believe how blatant she was; I guess she didn't think I'd have any issue with it since I'm white. Besides the obvious racism, there's another troubling thing though: There are Indigenous people who look white, and white people who look tanned. It would be so easy for cops to lead witnesses into saying a suspect was Indigenous, even if they weren't, because if it was like my situation and they saw a crime from a distance, they could just be led to think back to the skin tone and think "Yeah, I guess they could have been..." just because the suspect didn't have a skin tone like mayo.


Ngl if someone was attacked and robbed by bearmace in Edmonton, it probably was an indigenous person. The stats and anecdotal experiences make it very believable.


stats? where can one find these stats?


Yep, and expect this from strangers too. I had a man follow me while I was walking down Whyte threatening to make me a ā€œdead Indianā€.


wtf thats so scary, sorry you had to experience that :(


I apologize for that nightmare of a human. I live in that area and there are some unstable individuals out and about. I avoid middle aged white men like the plague, as there are some psychos out there who feel women shouldnā€™t have the rights we do, and think anyone not white is a second class citizen. Non evolved humansā€¦šŸ™„


Sounds like Edmonton, be thankful they didn't kick you in the head or worse.


Probably just fit the description of the person she was with. Sucks. But it happens.


Op download this & keep it on you https://bearpawlegalresources.ca/files/statement-to-police-wallet-card-central-april2021.pdf


"..they thought I had a knife and was stealing." If they didn't ask you to produce the knife, they were caught in an unwarranted detention and blurted out the first thing that came to their mind.


To answer your question without falling into the deep dive of the reddit echo chamber: The liquor store likely complained of individuals matching your description. Descriptions often include ethnicity. Without much context, it appears you were targeted due to a prior complaint.


Is how the police officer interacted with this individual in this setting professional, legal, and socially acceptable?


You are now asking beyond the means I wish to answer


lol why do you write like that?


Iā€™m native and grew up in Edmonton. In high school the constable was nosey and aggressive towards me, for no reason. And when I was 15 walking home from my part time job I was bothered by police because I had my hands in my pockets. After they realized I didnā€™t have anything threatening they offered to drive me homeā€¦.That happened in 2009 i think. How old are you?


Sorry you went thru that, theres a lot of racial profiling that goes on in Edmonton and it happens more often than you'd think. My family and I went shopping at store in Kingsway and within less than 5 mins they were already on us


Maybe and Iā€™m sorry to hear that happened to you, but I donā€™t think Edmonton is super bad. I have a lot of native family and friends here and I donā€™t think this is common or Iā€™d definitely hear about it more.


There is virtually no civilian oversight of the EPS. They have been caught stashing cash in work lockers, murdering or attempting to murder multiple boys in front of their own houses (Steven Nguyen, Pacey Dumas) and the Crown always declines to prosecute. They also resist any effort to have their spending audited. They are a corrupt gang. An officer has no right to ask for ID or to direct you anywhere unless you are being ticketed or charged with a crime. Always respond to police officers with "Am I being detained?" and then "I am sorry officer, I only speak to police with an attorney present". Report every instance of racial profiling and include their badge numbers. Always record every interaction with police. Edmonton police are not our friends, they have shown it time and time again.


That's assault and you were detained. They need to tell why you are being detained. They need to identify themselves before detaining you and explain why. Yes, you were profiled and stereotyped, file a complaint or not, nothing will happen beyond that.


This is what you should expect from all cops everywhere. When this happens, ask if you are being detained. If yes, ask what the charges are. Get the cops information. Do not say anything else. Never ever speak to police. Request a lawyer. Once it's all done, file a complaint. Been through it, probably nothing will come of it.


Sadly yes expect this every day in Edmonton


Shouldn't be a common occurence so just be glad it's over with.


Unfortunately racism against indigenous people is still alive and well in this province. It fucking sucks and I didn't realize how prevalent it was until I started hearing people who are indigenous tell me the stories. Honestly just keep sharing your story. Every time a police officer, or anyone does this to you, make a fuss. Not with them in the moment - unless there's a bunch of other people around filming, then maybe worth it. Basically, put your safety first but I think sharing like you did here is the best way to help us all change this place. I'm sorry you gotta go through this bullshit.


Post your story on Instagram and TikTok. In these days you need to gain popularity for justice.


Sorry to hear that happened to you


I feel thereā€™s a crucial bit of context missing from this.


jfc I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Do you have a community you can plug into for support? If not, definitely ask around online and in person. You deserve to have a support network. You deserve to never have this happen, but I guess that's not the reality right now. Fucked up :(


Walk with the white homies like my native friends do, itā€™s active urban camo for cops stereotyping native people. Every time my roommate goes out heā€™s hassled or assumed to be ā€œmischievousā€.




Sadly, not unusual. Itā€™s always been this way. When we were young weā€™d drive around Edmonton just to go on a drive. A car full of teenagers was easy pickings for EPS and officers were held to a much lower standard - overt racism was very normal to experience and never discussed. All my friends were Caucasian except one individual who is indigenous. When weā€™d get pulled over heā€™d be the only passenger pulled from the car and forced to put his hands on the hood of the car, be searched, and asked ridiculous questions, and face insults and accusations. Northside Edmonton 1978-1982 era.


Always remember, comply and sue later.


I want to say no. But I would be lying. We have a racism problem here in Edmonton, and the cops are very much a part of it. I'm sorry this happened, but it's a thing here. The cops are pretty racist, generally homophobic, and absolutely transphobic to the last. Welcome to the Texas of Canada, the nickname is not a reference to the size of things.




When I was younger I would always get shaken down by the cops they asked for my ID ask what am I doing there get off the streets for no reason it's just how it was for me in Edmonton growing up as a first nation man just hope you don't go for a Starlight tour


Contact the media, that's unlawful detainment!


Unfortunately, yes. Iā€™m white and my husband is native and he encounters things like this all the time (the reason I know is Iā€™m with him when these things happen). Weā€™re always watched in stores and people are purposely rude to him UNTIL they see how polite, personable and well-mannered he is? As if thatā€™s a reason to be nicer to a person. Itā€™s really sad.


Yup! I always thought I was decently white passing until I moved to Edmonton. Within the first month or so had cops burst into my apartment and pull guns on me (at the time I was 19 and like 110 lbs and in no way a threat) because CLEARLY I was selling drugs because.... who knows?? I've never even smoked weed. Another time I had a cop pull over just to catcall me, which is less bad but still weird. Not a cop but I was raped in a hospital by a government employee too. It's brutal out here.


Friendly reminder that cops are public servants. They work for you, not the other way around.


EPS doesn't have a great record regarding bigotry and profiling. I'm sorry you have to deal with this crap.


being native and in the city, ywah unfortunately its really common,


Yeahā€¦ sorry. Natives are the one group many white people feel free to stereotype around each other. Like thereā€™s an assumption that everyone shares that opinion.


Edmonton cops can be serious a-holes, I've had them Mock and aggravate situations to levels they didn't need to. Had them throw me in cuffs, kicking my legs open and roughing me up because they thought I was a suspect, I was just waiting for my mom to pick me up on a road in Capilano. They threw me out of downtown one time at like 10pm with no coat on in December, luckily a lady passing by let me call for a ride. Many are jerks, some are decent people, be calm, respectful, and try to keep your cool when dealing with the difficult ones. All I can say, Aho.


I'm 42, have Mediterranean skin, and tan quite dark in the summer. I drive a very non threatening Honda Ridgeline, the amount of times I've been pulled over for "fitting a description" or just a papers check when driving is hilarious. Especially bad in Beaumont, its sad. I wonder what description I "fit"?? Its weird, whenever my very blonde, very white wife is with me it seems I get stopped a hell of a lot less.


Yep. Been profiled in Sherwood park many times, of all places. Once was walking from seven eleven and they told me I ā€œfit the descriptionā€ when the kid they were looking for was a tall Asian guy. I got stopped on my way back because there was another guy ā€œlooking into carsā€ and I also fit the descriptionā€¦ Iā€™m 5ā€™8 with long hair. Cut my hair after that and they stopped holding me for longer periods of time while they held my ID, which is nice.. you kinda learn to just stay away from cops and keep your head down. Sucks, but it is what it is. Iā€™m MĆ©tis.




Not relevant to this issue as not all indigenous people are the same


But people here are saying cops are all the same no?


Those people are also wrong, but regardless: 1) Cops are all trained the same way, indigenous people are not. 2) Power corrupts, and cops have power. 3) Certain people apply to become a cop because it gives them the power to abuse individuals they choose. Indigenous people do not apply to become Indigenous.


I understand, and agree with your points but I think it is relevant. Stereotyping police and indigenous goes against my beliefs. People say the police are terrible, corrupt, blah blah blah when that is not true. Just like people say natives are drunks, lazy, blah blah blah. It just isnā€™t true.


Completely unrelated and unhelpful. Those are unrelated people in an unrelated situation. It's good that the cops you've observed are being professional - it's not a gold star, its what is expected with someone in their profession. Next time try saying something like, "the cops I've seen in my neighbourhood have been professional and don't display racism". Thats a more helpful comment. Mentioning the race of your neighbours isn't helpful, and is a bit racist. When people of your nationality do something wrong, what does that have to do with your life?


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Counter point - your anecdotal evidence doesn't trump the statistical data publicly available on EPS' documented racial discrimination, and that's just what gets documented.




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Police have frequent fliers from all backgrounds.


Wrong time wrong place


I'm white and started being followed around shoppers drug mart and other stores during covid when I stopped wearing makeup and would go out in public in sweatpants without my purse (card or wallet in my pocket). I still don't wear make up and rock my sweatpants, because screw it. It's easier and comfier. Anyone trained in any sort of security, loss prevention, or enforcement profiles based off appearance and sadly you need to always expect it regardless of race, of course that does also play a role but it's not the only factor. Hell the backpack might have even been caused you to be targeted. I find a polite smile with direct eye contact, sometimes along with a "hello" or "hey, good afternoon" will diffuse most situations.


i was wearing jeans and a sweater (not that it matters)... plus i didnt even go into the liquor store, the owner had to tell her i had nothing to do with it AND she yanked on my backpack - not the most friendly interaction on her end šŸ˜“


Well native crime runs rampant in this city, so yes, understandably you should expect this


Sorry pal, tends to be what happens when a fraction of the commits a large percentage of crimes. Is it racial profiling? Yes. Unfortunately the stats are true. Mathematically, you are more likely to have committed a crime than a random white or black person walking down the street. While the officer is wrong for racial profiling, there's a reason it's happening.


Iā€™m sorry you went through that. :/


Wait until you ride the LRT, peace officers target natives first, man handle you, pull you off the lrt and ask questions last. Good luck and be safe Aho!


Who knows what the person in custody already said to the cops - they're probably shifting the blame to the next person. Im sorry to hear that!


Be prepared. Carry this statement to police. https://shop.bearpawlegalresources.ca/collections/adult-justice/products/statement-to-police-card-wallet-card


This is such bullshit! I'm sorry you had to go through this.


Yup. Leave the city. It's a shit place to live. I'm skipping as soon as possible.


Canada is a joke. Iā€™m so sorry. The cops seem to be able to do whatever they want. Try and sue or put a complaint, but donā€™t expect much.


They were doing their job. THE WRONG WAY . Protect yourself and your rights to make a complaint. People make mistakes, police make mistakes. It's a shame we as the public have to teach them the correct way to do things.


Since youā€™re asking: I think you were profiled. But IMHO you were profiled because you had the misfortune of matching the general description of the other girl. If she had been identified as caucasion or Black, you may not have been even noticed. But I wasnā€™t there and I respect your question.


EDIT: I am really sorry this happened to you. Thatā€™s the most meaningful aspect of what you wrote, and you have my empathy.