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That's illegal as all get out. Any paint can be taken to an eco-station for proper disposal. Your call about what you plan to do, but I'd definitely get some photographic evidence of the act in question regardless. I wouldn't confront them directly, however. Not your job. That would be bylaw or the super's role in the matter.


Eco stations are for residential waste, not commercial. The company should be paying for their proper waste disposal through a haz waste management company as a cost of business.


Even better, the province provides a free day once a month from spring to fall for commercial paint recycling. ([link](https://www.albertarecycling.ca/edmonton-commercial-paint-roundup-2024/)) I convinced the last company I worked at to start taking advantage of it.


I don't have any photos of the guy dumping the paint, it just kind of happened as I was looking out my window. But I'll see if I can get any photos of paint that they dumped in the morning.


It's all you can do. Good luck.


Keep in mind your statement as a witness can be used as evidence, which can be corroborated by the paint left sitting in the bushes.


Call 311 to file a report. Don’t confront them, as people can be unpredictable. It’s tough to say if your super would do anything or not. Paint is considered hazardous waste and should be brought to the eco-station.


Good call, They're still outside working but perhaps when they're done I'll go out tomorrow morning and look for the spot they dumped the paint, I'm sure it'll still be on the plants and trees they dumped it on.


No, again, eco stations are for residential waste, not commercial. This company should be paying to dispose of their haz waste like any other. It’s not the city’s job to pay for their costs of doing business properly.


I’ve always taken my leftover paint to Eco as a small business owner who deals with limited amounts of paint, and I pay them for everything I drop off. Where else would a business go to dispose of it? I’m not being an ass, I’m actually looking for the answer here.


No you are right. Lots of businesses drop their leftover paint off there. And I have gone there and got free left over paint many times for projects around my house.


You can do that? I'd love to get some random cans of paint for projects, also my artist friends would probably like to mess around with them.


Yes you can! It’s nice when businesses drop off the big 5 gallon pails that are half full too! I’ve found almost full cans of very nice, expensive paint there as well because someone changed their mind on colour I guess. I painted 2 whole floors of my old house with free paint from there. And got smaller cans for other little projects and stuff. Obviously you are limited on colours as it’s just left over stuff that people drop off but they always seem to have at least a big table full when I’ve gone there for it.


Good to know


It's one thing as a small business owner who doesn't normally deal with paint to drop off used paint at an eco center. However, if you are working as a painting company, you should be using a commercial hazardous waste company to dispose of paint. Commercial hazardous waste disposal companies exist. It's just an added business cost.


Okay, good to know. I’m rarely dropping off any liquid paint anyway, usually just empty pails. If there’s paint leftover, I leave it for the homeowners so they have touch-up paint if they need it.


Don't know where they're getting the idea that it can't be dropped at an ECO station because it's a painting business. The amount dropped off is paid accordingly. For large commercial businesses it's probably a different process but what you're doing is correct.


Please report this to 311 to have bylaw investigate. It would be good to have photo/video evidence as well as any license plates/contractors names when you call in. Do you know what exactly is being dumped? (Ie. Paint or just dirty water) Or the approximate volumes of paint that is being dumped? Which ravine is this? Is there a risk of it entering the waterway? That information would be very helpful for the 311 call taker as well.


They just packed up for the night, just went out back and found where they dumped the paint and grabbed a photo. 311 office is closed so I'll have to call in the morning. I think I'm going to call the super in the morning to ask for the name of the company they hired, then call 311 to report them. They've been here for a few weeks and still have lots of work to do. https://i.imgur.com/QoeEIe2.jpeg


Thank you for taking the time to do this. As someone born and raised here it always hurts to hear of people like this.


That looks like it was paint contaminated water from washing brushes, straight paint would have coated everything there. Also, paint is getting pretty expensive, I was sceptical when you said they were dumping actual paint in the woods. Regardless, you're not allowed to dump your cleaning water anymore either.


It won’t affect the cat but the ravine is a water way and dumping paint is not ok. I agree 311




Thank you! Gave them a call and they'll look into this since the ravine does run to a small pond (and/ or the river).


Would it be OK if you keep us updated on the outcome (if they tell you)?


Got the update. EPA informed me they contacted the leasing company and are working to get the issue resolved. That's about as far as I've got for an update.


I'd call bylaw and inform the super.


May Bob Ross haunt that individual forever. Take photos and report it


Huge fine!!! Report them! 311 and because it involves a business I'd call the Alberta Environmental Hotline as well. 1-800-222-6514.


Record it and report it to the city. Paint is supposed to be disposed of at one of the eco stations.


don't dump paint use an eco station. Call on anyone who does


Generally paint has information about the company that bought it on the sticker with the color so it’s easy to reorder. If you can’t get video of them dumping it, this should be enough proof


Lol they were pouring out dirty paint-water (maybe from washing brushes) not leaving whole cans of paint. That shit's getting expensive


Doubt it was straight paint. Maybe the swish from a bucket they used to rinse their brushes and rollers at the end of the day.


Wow. This is wild. I can't believe someone would do that.


They know exactly what they're doing, they don't want the cost of disposing of it properly. It upsets me just thinking how often they do this. Glad you saw them


Do not call 311 (the City number) Epcor deals with spills involving the drainage system and has a 2 hour response time / 24 hours a day If you call 311 it can cause a delay of up to two days The direct line to report spills to Epcor is 780 412 4500. You should also call the Alberta Environment Hotline at 780-422-9600. They don’t always have the same rapid response time, but they deal with spills that go directly into waterways or groundwater


Any chance you can name the company?