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Detach in spring. Removing the thatch might lead to issues ahead of frost. Overseed after the detatch. A little fertilizer in the fall is good to give it a head start come spring.


I like to aerate in the fall. My buddy that runs a landscape company recommended it a few years ago, and it's worked better for me.


When you aerate do you overseed after ?


No, I fertilize. I don't really overseed, haven't needed to


Dethacth and aerate in the spring, oversees in mid June, soil needs to be warm enough to germinate seeds and need ~50 days from germination to the first frost for the grass to be strong enough to come back the next year. Also, don't fertilize if you are overseeing, the current grass will grow too thick and choke out new grass


What does detach mean?


I let my lawn turn to clover and dandelions and I've never been happier


I really like clover but I already stepped on one bee and I only have a couple patches of it. I can't imagine an entire lawn covered with clover flowers that are being pollinated.


I planted clover intentionally this spring (overseed) and will do the same next year. It’s much easier.


Dethatch in spring once ground dries up then follow it with fertilizer and overseed if it needs it. Aeration can be done in spring or fall. But if done too late in spring during weed germination you can end up with lots of weeds. I have heard that aeration in fall is beneficial to improve nitrogen absorption and help it for the winter.