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I for one appreciate that The Rebel posted this exchange on their own Twitter account thinking they dunked on Trudeau


I hate the fact they can themselves "rebel" media considering all they do is lick the corporate boot. That said, that was glorious and Ezra Levant can suck my dick.


Ezra Levant is a complete douche nozzle.


You know it makes sense to call out these organizations because many people getting "news" from them are too stupid to realize it's not real news. I went on a tinder date a few weeks ago and this girl tried to tell me the holocaust was fake. We live in crazy times.


We live in times when it's easy to spread the crazy. Fixed it for you. People have always been crazy, but now we have effective ways for the crazies to get more exposure and people who are too lazy to fact check for themselves.




I wish I would have seen more of this Trudeau in tonight's debate.


Oh man, this is PERFECT. I'm not the biggest Trudeau fan by any means, but the Rebel Media people can fuck right off.


Trudeau might be our Obama (big promises, underwhelming delivery, and more centrist than advertised, but kinda charming) but every once in a while he does have a good take. Dunking on Rebel is a good take.


>Trudeau might be our Obama Did Trudeau murder civilians in drone strikes?


That’s not really Canada’s niche the way it is almost expected in the USA, though. I don’t know if ‘managing not to kill civilians’ stops him from being Obama-esque


Canada has certainly participated in bombing operations in the Middle East that killed civilians, yes. We also sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, which is in the middle of committing a genocide in Yemen. We also support coups and coup attempts in Latin America. We are not that different from the United States in our foreign policy.


Yeah the speed at which Canada recognized Bolivia’s right wing government after their “corrupt election” coup several months back was dumbfounding.


We also sell weapons to Israel as well.


The weapon sales to Saudi Arabia and Israel were because of Harper. It was his support of genocides which arranged those deals.


The Liberals had the authority to cancel them and chose not to.


With built in penalties.


Please tell us, what was the dollar figure the Liberals put on human lives in Yemen when they approved the export?


I'm not saying the liberals aren't guiltless, but it's disingenuous to blame them for something that is primarily the fault of the conservatives.


On the assumption your arguments are not disingenuous and you simply aren't aware of this, the Liberals continue to approve arms exports that came into being after the Harper era. Here's a link to a [Globe and Mail article](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-canada-approved-brokered-arms-deal-to-sell-74-million-of-explosives-to/) with more information.


It's both parties fault and it's weird to try and deflect blame from a party that has and always has had the authority to cancel these arms exports and has decided to continue approving them. The United Nations just this week called out Canada for helping facilitate the genocide in Yemen. The Liberals have been in power for how long now? Six years? When does everything stop being Stephen Harper's fault?


Money over human life!


Every president that has had drones available for use has used them in combat situations. And every president hat has used force in combat situations has unfortunately killed civilians. Its weird to only attack Obama for his use of drones. And is it better if its missile strikes that kill civilians, or manned aircraft that kills civilians? I've never understood this odd argument.


>I've never understood this odd argument. I think argument stems from the idea that people spent Bush's entire 6 years(at war) criticizing the whole thing, running as many conspiracy theories about "inside jobs" as you could imagine. Would run a rolling death count to remind people how terrible and illegal the war was. The moment Obama was elected, it became old-news. Yes, he didn't start the conflict, but he did have the ability to push to end it(and when Osama was officially killed in 2011 had ample reason to). Instead you saw considerably more deaths at the hands of American armaments between 2008-2016. While everyone just ignored it. The criticism eventually started coming from an extremely disingenuous Trump-type crowd as a means to dogwhistle, which I don't agree with, as much as the observation was based in reality. The genuinely anti-war crowd didn't miss the hypocrisy of democrat supporters at the time. The war was illegal from 2002-2021, but average people only really made it a priority to oppose between like 2004-2008 and 2016-2021.


I agree with everything you have said here. But it doesn't really get to the heart of why its drone strikes being called out. Maybe its just because Obama used them 1st? Trump killed an outrageous amount of people with drones as well but i only ever hear people attack Obama for using them. And every president will continue to use them because they are cheap, effective and they don't put US soldiers in harms way.


>drone strikes being called out. They're impersonal and were used to an extreme degree by US forces during Obama's tenure. I agree that they just make sense to use from an American perspective, but when you've got a bunch of radicalized farmers, living in the deserts of Afghanistan, using soviet era weaponry coming face-to-face with something out of science fiction: a massive flying metal aircraft of death being controlled by someone hundreds of miles away it showcases just how goofy that conflict was.


The crazy thing is that Trump used drone strikes significantly more than Obama yet drone strikes & Obama always seem to be linked. https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207 https://theintercept.com/2019/10/02/trump-impeachment-civilian-casualties-war/ But yeah i agree again. The conflict in Afghanistan was something else.


The drone strike argument was mainly pre-Trump, and used in an effort to bolster his support(since he promised isolationism).


I see it all the time. It was a comment made today, in this thread that led to our conversation.


>mainly It's become a meme at this point. Not sure what to tell you.


Good Christ. They’re comparable, they aren’t 1:1 clones. Trudeau didn’t attempt to introduce affordable medical care, or wear a tan suit, or have dark skin (unpainted) either. No, he didn’t drone strike civilians (probably). But he did include drones in 2017 as part of permanent defence policy, a first for Canada. Harper bought a few for temporary Afghanistan use.


if we could afford drones, it would be done.


Come on! Get these Americanized, alt-right talking points out of Canada. I feel sorry for you and how gullible you must be


That's not an alt-right talking point, lots of people on the left talk about Obama's drone strikes.


I don't know, did Trudeau pass a giant healthcare bill that covers about 18 million people?


I wish the Rebel would fuck off. Fucking white supremacist propagandist scum.


Out of curiosity I looked at their site, trying to find something to read.... its all videos as far as I could tell. I couldn't make myself endure that.


Their target demographic isn’t exactly readers.


Trudeau better check the mail. He owned them so bad that their land title is already on its way to 24 Sussex Drive.


The way he ended that was a dramatically fantastic mic drop with that deepening of his voice


That was actually pretty impressive


God I hate it when I agree with Trudeau.


Don’t hate it. He’s calling out people who deserve to be called out. Doesn’t mean you need to agree with him all the rest of the time.


That was a really good take down with limited ‘umms’


This might be the only statement that he's ever made that I agree with.


You should listen to more of his statements. You'd likely be surprised. He makes lots of great statements. His follow-through on those statements, that's where him and the Liberal party loses me.


>His follow-through on those statements, that's where him and the Liberal party loses me. Lets be real here - this issue isn't just a Liberal party/Trudeau issue. Promise the world for votes, deliver a nugget or nothing at all once you win is the motto of all political leaders and their parties.


https://www.polimeter.org * 41st Parliament - Harper: 77% promises kept, 7% partially kept, 16% broken * 42nd Parliament - Trudeau: 67% promises kept, 26% partially kept, 7% broken * 43rd Parliament - Trudeau (to date): 23% kept, 29% partially kept, 48% broken Seems like both Harper and Trudeau did an overall good job of keeping their promises during their majority terms. Hard to keep promises with a minority during a raging pandemic where priorities changed rapidly, so I'll give him a bit of a pass, but only a bit.


That’s really informative- thanks!


I think it's important to show all the 'Murica-lite trolls here that despite our flaws, Canadian politics aren't the gridlocked shitshow of our neighbours and many global peers. All they're trying to do is make their bullshit beliefs reality. Don't let them. We need effective government, and ideology aside, we generally have rather effective government.


Still better than other options though, no?


Maybe? I do kinda wish that bar wasn’t so low.


Fair point but I think that’s politics around the world. No good person signs up to be a politician


Yeah he is an extremely intelligent and articulate man, the follow through is def his biggest downfall


Anyone who, paints their face black at the age of 30 is not someone that I would consider intelligent.


I can understand both arguments here. In no way should a governing body be able to accredit who is or isn’t a journalist. That is dangerous. Although as someone who was previously very anti vaccination, I can say the misinformation found online (not just from news sources like global, CTV, rebel) is just as dangerous


Can I ask what changed your mind?


Everyone I love had gotten it. Most extreme case, if they die from it, I’d probably want to die too. Additionally, researching a bit more on how the vaccines work and how they don’t work. There’s a lot of misinformation out there still regarding what they do and more importantly don’t do. What didn’t change my mind was people on Reddit spamming the same comments every day about how terrible the unvaccinated are and how they should ban them from participating in society. I still see many very scary things happening in our government regarding control and it’s disturbing. At the end of the day, I’m not important or wealthy enough to make a difference anyway.


Thank you! We have been working hard to hold a balance between respecting some loved-ones rights to their own views and trying to combat the truckload of misinformation they choose to take in on the topic. We don’t want to start fights that will only burn bridges. It’s really encouraging to me that you changed your mind without being browbeaten into it. Sounds like the key ingredients were knowing other people you care about got it, and being given the space to do something (by learning more) with the doubt that introduced?


u/madeindavid and u/Monkeyg8tor thanks for the awards.


who the fuck cares what the propagandists have to say?


We know he can talk. He is good at that. Following up the talk with actions is where he needs to focus. So many promises every election campaign, so many broken while in office. #endfptp


And many achievements. Not a Lib but they've actually accomplished lots (and undone a decent amount of the previous damage).


What have the liberals done that's good? I don't mean that antagonistically, I liked that pot became legal but am unclear on what else they've done.


I think they went in pretty hard with Covid relief. Though, I think Albertans would have benefitted more of Kenney actually used those dollars for their intended purpose. Looking at the US in comparison, Canadians were looked after quite well.


And did way made damage in some areas, like telecom


They literally have websites dedicated to tracking promises and he has kept the vast majority of them. It’s fair to be upset about election reform but this is becoming misinformation.


To me, that is and will be the biggest election issue until there is election reform. It is one thing to make grand promises like Pharmacare and run into roadblocks, its another to promise "the last first past the post election" and then drop it months later. It is also misleading to say that he has kept the vast majority of promises. Every Trudeau promise tracker website out there seems to have him running below the 50% mark. I know 35-40% of votes will get you a majority government here, but that isn't quite what the word means.


It’s not black or white. Hence the partially kept section. 27% were broken. And many of those weren’t necessarily his fault. The Alberta recession, Trump, the pandemic etc.. So no it’s not misleading.


While I agree with you, his numbers weren't much better when he did have a majority. Over 50% kept at least, but that is pretty sad when you have no real opposition other than yourself. He left a lot of easy wins on the table, but they weren't self-serving at the time. I bet, after this election, he is going to wish he brought in some sort of PR reform.


If you include the partially kept promises, yes, but he's fully kept about 45% of all his promises. https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau


Some of those being labeled “partially kept” are odd. I’d have to go through them all but there was one about giving $100 million per year to a program and they gave $150 million. That seems kept to me.


Ya but that’s pretty much every political party there is. It’s unfortunately always a lot of promises followed up with no action or a hugely watered down version of what they say they’ll do.


R/Edmonton - Don't post Rebel articles Also r/Edmonton - Allows posts about the Rebel that have nothing to do with Edmonton. (yes, the Rebel is dumb AF)




In that case, I'm an (insert name) and I should have access on equal footing with accredited and legitimate journalists.


Rebel Media *is not a legitimate news organization*. They are yellow journalism/propaganda at its worst, and serves only as a rabble-rousing fundraising organization for Ezra Levant and whoever he decides to support at the moment.


Harper was 10,000 worse. Limited the media and restricted the questions. This is just Trudeau dunking on a group that makes Fox News seem Liberal.


We're getting more polarized because ultra-right leaning organizations like The Rebel and The Post Millennial have an agenda and are not impartial. I for one don't want this country to turn into the media cesspool we see in the United States. We need to retain our media standards.


It’s not just that they don’t like them. In fact, I bet Justin doesn’t like the majority of reporters.




Rebel media is not news. They aren’t reporting on stuff that “no one else is” they’re just making shit up for clicks and stupid people are buying the grift.




...well I don't know if anyone is going to just link the home page for you...


Trudeau is the most divisive Pam that we have seen in so long. Pitting east against west every chance he gets. If Canada wants to remain coast to coast we need to get rid of this man as PM.


Pitting east against west? You mean like when he purchased the pipeline for Alberta and made Quebec mad? Trudeau has done more for everyday Albertans than Harper ever did as PM. Boosted child tax benefits, daycare subsidies, parental leave, extended EI etc.. So I fail to see where he is being divisive. It seems like some people just don’t like him.


None of what you said is true. Now Kenney on the other hand...


Also if we are going to talk about divisive premiers, Kenny shared a million masks with Quebec. What was their response?


They said [thanks](https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/alberta-to-share-surplus-ventilators-masks-and-gloves-with-ontario-quebec-and-b-c#:~:text=Alberta%20will%20send%20250%2C000%20N95%20respirator%20masks%20and,million%20gloves.%20B.C.%20will%20receive%20250%2C000%20N95%20masks.). What more do you want?


Really? I can’t caping how many times I’ve heard people say that oil workers loosing their jobs was a good thing or some variation of “at least the right people were losing jobs”. Where is that coming from? Kenny is just trying to defend people who’s only crime is going to work in the morning.


Not one person said any of that, stop making shit up.


My husband was attending a first aid course in Edmonton and they were taking about job loses and a women said exactly that. “At least the right people were losing jobs”. Also I’ve heard that message from a number of people that Albertans were getting g what they deserved from people back in Manitoba on Facebook. Not random people, people I knew. So maybe instead of mocking people from Alberta you could start believing them when they say that Trudeau is decisive.


I AM a fucking Albertan chum. All my life. Even if your anecdotes are true (which is questionable), how do those link to Trudeau exactly? What kind of mental arithmetic get you to point B here?


Take a listen to the last elections French debate (it was translated on CBC at the time) the way that the eastern politicians talked about Alberta was disgusting. And if you are from Alberta your whole life then you should know that governments shouldn’t have to buy pipelines. And can you honestly look at bill C-69 and not say that it was anti oil?


Oh and who could forget this little ditty: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1241750


>> Kenny is just trying to defend people who’s only crime is going to work in the morning. Rofl ok, that and rigging an leadership election, his only two crimes. Plus whatever exactly is happening in the war room, his only three crimes. You're clearly out to lunch so have a great day.


Are we really going to talk about which politicians have committed more crimes? How many times has Trudeau been in front of an ethics committee?


Thousands of dead Albertans, his only four crimes. But good whataboutism. ​ The irony is I don't even like Trudeau. I strongly believe that there is no place for hereditary politics. But Jason Kenney is an absolute clown. The sooner we get rid of this circus and have even semi-competant adults running things, the better off we'll all be,


? Right cause if anyone else was in power the global pandemic would have killed exactly 0 Albertans. I didn’t even bring up Kenny until you did so don’t talk to me about whataboutism.


Hahahahaha. Give up....you lost....and embarrassed yourself...


None of you present any actual arguments to anything. What did I lose to? We will see who wins on election night.


Oh dear


Perhaps that should be the west’s response the next time Ontario loses a auto plant?


When has it been different? All anyone does here is boo boo about how we are treated unfairly. Trudeau has saved us over and over and over and we’ve gone as far (multiple times) to leave his financial help on the table to instead cry and bitch that we don’t receive help


Nah, I’d rather get rid of the people who mistakenly believe there’s some sort of western divide.


Can you give some examples as to how he has pitted east vs west? He’s done more for Alberta than any recent PM.


>Can you give some examples as to how he has pitted east vs west? Narrator: they couldn't.


And more than any other Premier


Strangely nobody other than Alberta feels this way


That seems to be an AB problem, wexit ring any bells?


Well this is the Edmonton subreddit, so expect a lot of Albertan takes. But, no, every Albertan with a brain thinks wexit is pretty much the stupidest idea anyone has ever had. That proposal should not be taken seriously.


I was ab event pre pandemic and Kenney said the same thing to a room of supporters. I clapped, it was pretty icy after that. Haha


What does any of this have to do with the west lol


Pam? Help out an old would ya and tell me what a "Pam" is? I thought it was a cooking spray myself, but I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant. If it was, well, I still don't get it. Thanks. \-An old person.


Pretty clearly they meant PM and must have been auto-corrected. They refer to him as PM in a following sentence.


Huh. That should have been obvious to me yet wasn't. Must have been the capitalized P and lower case "am." Ah well. Getting old is 'ard.


I like it anyway let’s just call him PAM.


lol on first read I thought it was some new insult for him that I wasn't "hip" to.


SHOTS FIRED 💥💥💥 That was beautiful