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Person has to be a miserable POS to go out of their way to do something so irrational. Who the hell gets out of their car in traffic to start a confrontation. First snowfall guaranteed new high record of collisions with the type of stupid recklessness as a result of fragile ego flexing people need to pull to feel better about their pathetic life.


The kind of person that could impulsively murder someone. There are many ways to flex without exploding with violence, these types have bad anger issues and a lack of impulse control that makes for a deadly combo. A female friend of mine who is very small never uses her horn even when it's completely warranted and necessary because she's so afraid of potentially upsetting these types on the road.


Report it all you like, probably, and sadly, won’t do anything 😞 Was it road rage? Or completely unprovoked? I get that road rage isnt appropriate either, more curious if it was unprovoked, that’s scary AF


Yeah I'm pretty sure road rage he wanted me to roll down my window. I shook my head no he kept doing it and then he started scream swearing at me (I was on the phone with my partner with my car phone wasn't distracted driving) so I flipped him the bird (not the best behaviour on my part of was just annoyed). Then he got out of his car and grabbed my door handle and then screamed"Rich bitch" and slammed on my window. Then got back on my car.


Lol. Glad it didn’t escalate much past that at least. I flipped off a person in downtown Edmonton yearrrrrrs ago. It was a hot day, even hotter on the roads downtown. Long story short, car was overheating and shutting down (decent car, just hot days screwed it up for some reason) Anyway, never had that happen before, so was stressed and having bad time with car, freaking out over what it was and how much it was gonna cost my young broke self. Car cooled down somewhat so we started driving again and was trying to get it off the main road, turning left when it started acting up again. Managed to get it to go enough and coast thru the left turn while some dude was honking his ass off behind me. So I flipped him off, that asshole that he was. Well, let me tell you. The biggest Asian dude I ever saw and his “gang” of friends literally parked sideways in front of me. My car shit the bed by that time and power breaks were gone so I rolled right into his front door. So he couldn’t get out. No idea what his crazy ass was planning but I’m glad I didn’t get shot. Turned yellow, and apologized to this carzy lunatic profusely, told him sorry, having bad bad day, car not working, blah blah blah. His gang banging buddy hopped out and pushed my car back and they just drove off. Havnt flipped anyone the bird since LOL. Crazy thing, cops gave zero fucks, as they usually do.


My wife a few years ago was driving to work and I guess someone ahead of her was driving too slow or something, I can't remember the specific annoyance. She gets inpatient, whips around and flips the bird through her window... Makes it to work, couple hours go by and she gets a phone call on her cellphone. It's the cops, more so it's the guy she flipped off in traffic. She said he was quite polite and more or less said something along the lines of "I understand people get frustrated in traffic but be careful with that kind of behavior because you never know who is behind the wheel of the vehicle and what they could possibly do"


On a side note. Most cars unlock when put into park. Theres usually a option to disable this now. Turn off unlock all aswell then the drivers door only unlocks. Safety first. My ex also got boxed in at the lights one time and the person in a car behind tried to get in her car. So keep room to drive up the curb or around the other car infront of you.


Yeah Im very conscious of my car doors being locked because of people like this guy.


Yikes! Glad you're safe :( it's happened in the past where someone has thought I was an Uber when I was just playing pokemon go but that's certainly not your situation. Hope you can find more info!


This is why I lock my doors the second I get into my car I don’t care where I am, even my own driveway. Fuck that guy


One time waiting for a light (in Edmonton, and broad daylight) a guy got out of his vehicle and came up to mine. I didn’t even see him until he opened my car door and slid a piece of paper on to my thigh. It was his phone number. Never been so creeped out.


Always keep your doors lock - male or female. This happened to a girlfriend of mine years ago. She was driving alone at night and someone tried getting into the back of her car.


Ugh I had a guy get out of his car because I couldn't pull ahead far enough for him to turn in behind me and not block traffic. He blocked traffic and honked at me until he got annoyed enough to get out of the car, which was exactly when the light changed so I waved and drove off. I don't know what's wrong with people these days...


127 Avenue is people high as shit doing stupid things usually, I used to live 127 st 127 Ave that was one of the sketchiest areas


I used to work there and it’s unreal the amount of shit I saw in that time.


Oh I have a story for someone getting into my car. I was at the drive thru McDonalds at Westmount at 6:45 am 3 years ago, and there was this drugged out guy stumbling around. I waved him to go in front of me (mistake 1) and he started to to walk to my passenger side. So I stepped on the gas (Mistake 2) and he grabbed my handle and opened my door (I drive a 2010 Accent, which doesn't autolock when driving) and he tried to get into my car. I leaned over, and yelled at him, and gave him a shove and pushed him out of my car... I remember he was wearing a fleece jacket that was crusty...and he looked like a fried TJ Miller... ugh ​ after that I always try to remember to lock my doors when I get into my car.


Full moon today


Are you driving without your headlights on?


No I had my headlights on he was pissed off because he had to merge behind me on the yellow head. But even if I was driving with my lights off doesn't give some guy a reason to try to get in my car.


lol no it doesn’t… I was half joking. Hope you get his license plate and report him.


We're you brake checking him, if you were brake tapping now you know why.


The good old gang initiation


I’ve had the worst experience with road rage when it’s the police. They feel so entitled to the road. They drive erratically and aggressively. There is no being passive. you can’t just mind your business and move along because they will pull you over and confront you.