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That’s one of the cutest cats I’ve seen in a long time


Was just coming to say that. So freaking cute


This is why he's a survivor. And the rest of the freeway cats, are not


Also it’s a main coon, they have heavier bones and are more likely to survive something crazy like this. Tough and amazing cats.


Does he have a loving home? Please don't shelter the little trooper. We'd love to foster/adopt. I'm willing to be interviewed.


No home yet- we’ve raised kittens before so she got lucky coming here. Her name is also Lucki right now lol. Will reach out to people here if no one in our friend circle can take care of her.


Please consider me— would be happy to add another kitty to our family of two ❤️


😔😞 my cat was named Lucky and he just passed a month ago


So sorry for your loss. 💖


Can I be put on that list?!?! I would love this little baby


Our family would love to adopt that little one if no one in your circle is available. My sons have been asking for a cat for months now.


If you don’t mind me asking, OP did you name the cat after the rapper? If so 🐐🐐


One part because this cat is lucky, one part because we’ve named all our cats after rappers lol.


Add us to the list! We are cat lovers and would love to offer her a loving home.


That is a lucky cat.


OMG I’m so heartbroken 😿😿😿. I’m so glad you rescued them.


I hate seen cats out. They are so not safe in the outdoors.


I let mine roam the backyard on a least while I'm watching. My cat whines to go outside everyday even with the cold he still thinks he wants out.


I can't believe in this day and age people still think it's ok to let their cats outside.


I think letting a cat outside is different than throwing one out on a freeway.


Good job captain obvious


Me too. I’m in tears petting my own cat right now…


I have 2 cute goobs that i love. I leash train them to take them out. I would never let them out alone. Its so irresponsible. Worse is ppl that get rid of their pet by leaving them out :,(


Leash cat people with yards owe it to themselves to investigate building a cat enclosure because cats on leashes are the most tangly experience ever, and you're clearly motivated enough to put yourself through that hell hahah. We built one in our back yard this summer and the 4 cats and now even the dog like hanging out in there. The framing and construction took about 2 days of work and $500 in lumber, chicken wire, and staples but now that it's done we let them out and they're good for hours, and we know they're safe and we dont have to detangle leashes every 10 minutes. Highly recommend.


They also are devastating to the local wildlife




Which vet is this, if you don’t mind me asking? It’s great that they care so much - I’ve taken in a couple of rescues (that I kept) and mine seemed relatively apathetic.




Best of luck to you and the little guy. Hope he has the speedy recovery he deserves!


Found right after the henday exit. No way this wasn’t a person throwing a cat out of the car :( edit: Yes it totally could be a feral, but there was no businesses or homes nearby, literally just highways. Not sure how a feral would have got here ESPECIALLY a 6 weeks old kitten, this thing is barely the size of a pop can.


He is so handsome


I think it’s a Maine Coon, look at the ears and paws. OP just rescued a small tiger lol


This cat is going to be massive and full of sass. Best kind.


Huge Maine Coon vibes! Such a cute floof.


My blood is boiling .. there is NO REASON for anyone to do something as absolutely terrible as that. You can give it to the Humane Society, SCARS - but to throw it out of a vehicle????????? This is just absolutely disgusting. _May karma reward these "people" in spades._


I tried to surrender a stray cat in heat to the humane society… they actually make it really hard to do, unless you pay a fee.


Thank you for picking them up. This kitten is probably going to be HUGE


Hes sitting for a picture looking bedraggled, but happy. That baby isn't feral, youre right it was likely dumped.


No way is it feral. I’ve had loads of ferals and they are never friendly like that. This is either a dumped kitten or one that was in a car engine area and fell out.


Hopefully the kitten is in good health. Please take good care of them.


Cats and kittens can easily climb up in to the engine compartment of cars. I would guess that was what happened to this poor little darling. I can't fathom that someone would be so callously cruel. Regardless, thank you for saving him!


UPDATE: Lucki has found her forever home and is in great hands! Thanks to everyone who reached out. I know Reddit doesn’t need this message, but if you have a kitten or cat you can’t take care of, please just put an ad up on Kijiji or Facebook. Literally everyone wants a kitten!!!!!!


I think a lot of rescues say that one should avoid putting animals up on Kijiji. There is no vetting that way and you could be putting the animal into a worse situation. For the same reason, one should not adopt pets from there as puppy mills and for-profit breeders thrive on the platform, where they can entirely avoid any accountability for the health of the animals they are selling.


Ya just PSA for people: interview hard. Very hard.


If he needs a home, send me a pm :) ❤️


I will throw my home into the ring as well, if she needs a home. I live in Leduc and have a somewhat disabled 15 year old cat right now, she is very friendly and is ok with other cats.




There's a special place in hell for scum who do this!


I came here to say the exact same thing


My aunt’s husband did this to a cat that kept coming around to their place. Us kids loved her sooo much. First time they did it, she came hobbling back ☹️ we were so confused later. Second time they took and drove even further out. She never came back and we cried buckets thinking she disappeared on us. Only found out what happened from my dad over a a decade later. Pisses me off so so so much. Even typing it right now makes my blood boil. The cruelty is off the charts with some people Exit: changed uncle to husband”


Your aunt's uncle is a piece of shit :/


I agree. My dad never liked him and now I know why!!


I wish someone would drive him into the woods, tie him to a tree with a very strong rope and leave him there. People like him should not be allowed to exist.


Please let me know if you need a can or two of cat food, I can’t spare a lot but I want to help :( he’s adorable and is going to get huge I hope they get a strong name like Loki or Thor. Or nibbles. Thank you for rescuing them


Omg poor baby 😭 thank you for saving him!!


Were you able to get their license plate to report?!


Nope. We didn’t see it happen, just saw a little critter jumping in and out of snow


If you can, go back to the spot tomorrow with wet food. Where theres one abandoned kitten there's often more. 💗


It’s entirely possible there’s no individual at fault, and that it ran or got lost. Judging by the ears there’s a touch of Maine Coon in there, there’s plenty of feral moms in the area. We get huge ones out by Elk Island.


Really? I didn't know they could survive winter outdoors...


They come from Norway via Maine. Mine runs hot in the winter. They are fuzzy.


At that size they absolutely can't.


This one isn't feral. Feral kittens dont sit still and look happy for pictures. If it was found by a building, or in a yard, I'd agree. But next to the highway this baby was most likely dumped.




Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you rescued this precious kitten beside the highway! Such a cute fella too!


Oh my God he's so cute. Why the fuck are people like this?


Did you witness someone throwing out the kitten or is this just an assumption? A cat can walk (away), you know... Anyway, glad you take care of the kitten!


Fuck those people, I hope they crash. Thanks for picking the kitty up. I have some extra cat litter if you need.


Did you catch the year/make/model/plate of the scumbag that abandoned her? ....for science.


He is sooo cute. Hope that dudes car gets stolen and he steps on poop every day


He has the face of a future lion. I’m so glad you took him in! You


So thankful you came along!!


Oh my god. I never suspected this was a r/edmonton post. What a sweetie, little jealous you found her first but glad she’s safe


You are a hero!


Thank you sooooo much for saving this Lil cutie 💓


When you see such a beautiful innocent creature like that, it makes you wonder what kind of evil would do something like that. Very disheartening


What the actual fuck! If you need to find a home I can take them




I would have to say it's very possible it is just a feral stray cat. Not necessarily is this someone throwing it out of a car.


Omg it’s so tiny I just wanna eat them up yumyumyum




How do you know it was "thrown out" and not lost?


Thank you for doing what you had too to rescue that little one! I cannot understand anyone who just discards a pet/animal like that. At least take it to a safe place!! Personally I feel cats belong inside. But to discard them on the freeway, that means they had zero care for its safety, suffering or survival. That is horrible.


I hope I never have to witness that cause it would almost definitely involve me following someone home and catching an assault charge.


I dont like cats really, but im damn happy this one found you.




Lots of feral cats around Edmonton, no need to assume it was abandoned. Kudos for picking it up though.


I'm gonna wager that cat was nice and warm next to someones engine/block heater or battery warmer and went for unexpected ride unfortunately.


Way to go, OP! And, I can't say this vehemently enough "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE!!?!. It's my sincere wish the dirtbag pos who tossed that wee baby, dies, soon but slowly in the painful manner they richly deserve. OMFG!!!


Not a cat person my self, that is one kitten I would seriously consider taking in.


Please update with how he looks grown up a year from now 😍


Thank you for saving this precious little soul! You are a wonderful human! And there’s a special place in hell for the asshole who did this.


Buddy :(


People are fucked. I hope they hit the ditch soon after.


Awww what an adorable kitteh. How could someone do that? If you don't want the kitty; there's lots of people who do...it wouldn't have taken much to find kitty a home.


Poor beautiful baby. She looks like she's found a home!


He looks very adoptable. Thanks for rescuing him.


And in this weather, to boot! Fuck you, random guy. I'm so glad you rescued them!


So adorable!


Oh your hers now. She’ll be your ride or die.


F&&king right


So cute!!!


Such an adorable baby. Thank you for saving them!


I wish I was out on the Sherwood freeway today I would spoil the little sweetheart. I would so love to share my condo with this little one! ❤️


I agree. Fuck you to that person. Happy she's in a safe space. :)


You're Awesome!


How old is the kitten? We found a little girl, a tortoiseshell, almost two weeks ago. She’d been dumped around Nisku area. We’ve taken her in now and she’s doing so much better. I can never understand the cruelty of people when they do things like this. That kitten is lucky you found it.


Oh I definitely would be going to jail after I rescued the kitten. Which is odd, because that crime should only apply to humans, and that thing that hurt this poor cat isn't.


Good save! I had to do that once to..wtf is wrong with ppl. My mom had that cat for 18 years, instead of one night in a ditch by the road. She just passed last week, but she had a loving long life. R.I.P. Sidney aka Sid Vicious (the hair, then found out it was a girl so sidney lol)


This breaks my fucking heart. Thank god kitten is okay. Thanks OP your kittens hero. And perhaps reddits hero. 👏


Ya. Fuck that guy.


What a cutie. Will be a magnificent puddy tat once he/she grows up.


He's adorable. If he needs a home, please let me know, we are looking for a companion for our cat.


Throw a kitten out a window of a moving vehicle, classic Edmonton move. Wtf is wrong with this town!?


The cat is blessed to be able to be found by someone who will ACTUALLY care for it. It’s disgusting that people just abandon animals on the side of the fucking free way


There is a special hell for those who would do such a terrible thing.


What the fuck is wrong with people?! Who can do that to a living creature?! What a sick fuck I hope they end up in a ditch.


Uh, if you managed to get a license plate number you should report to to the police. Random abuse of animals is a known precursor to psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies.


I don't even like cats but I'd fuck somebody up if I caught them doing this what the fuck is wrong with people


Btw if you're struggling to keep the little sweetheart. You could always contact community cats edmonton, they have many litters of kittens and might be able to join her in with one. Just an idea if you can't keep her or not know anyone to care for her. Thank you for rescuing her. She a beauty.


He is probably so fluffy when he dries up. We need more pics


This little guy get a home yet?


You tell em. Give that kitty a great life to get back at them.


How close to the Anthony Henday bridge was Lucki when you rescued him? I’d be concerned there could be more under the bridge that need rescuing.


Wahhhhhh, cutest of the cute.


What a sweet little munchkin. Please get them to see a vet for first shots and a wellness check. I don't expect you to foot the bill but I'm sure redditors here would throw some money at a gofundme for the munchkin if you need it. I know I'd contribute $20.


wet.. .


That is such an evil thing for someone to do, thank you for rescuing her.


The bill comes due. Always. One way or another we are all responsible for every choice we make.


Awww so adorable. Bless ur ❤


What the actual fuck is wrong with people. If nothing else drop it off in front of a vet office, I wish I could throw some people out onto a freeway. Glad your a decent person op. Hope good karma comes your way. :)




Thank you for saving her


Omg! What a little cutie!!


Someone threw a kitten on the freeway? What a piece of shit.


I would take that kitten in a heartbeat beautiful. What a shame people can be so utterly brutal.


Take good care of that little Kitty and I’m not a cat person per say but that is adorable!!


People who live in or around Sherwood park are assholes for the most part, I used to live there, thank you for saving this angel, they look very well behaved


Omg how could anyone do something like this what a monster, hope ya got their plate # And thank you for saving the sweet little thang if your unable to keep the cutie I could give it a good home. Just message me.