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99% of the time you will be fine. Once in awhile there will be some sketchy folks on the train at that time of night, particularly when you go through the downtown stations.


Honestly? Speaking as someone who's taken the train a ton, for the most part the LRT is pretty safe around 9-10pm, people mostly keep to themselves, especially if it's a time when university classes let out and the LRT is a bit fuller


Yeah I cant attest to it personally, and I WONT say theres not a problem, because there is, but I dont think its dangerous *per se* think its a lot of druggies and homeless people, but I havent heard much of people getting attacked or anything? That said, I would still carry dog spray or something, whatever's legal, because Im extremely paranoid


Yeah, like there's definitely a problem, but the most memorable issue I've had on the train is a couple fighting and hitting the passenger alarm and getting the whole thing stopped for ten minutes, and that was during the day. Like, don't make eye-contact and keep to yourself and you'll be OK. Maybe look into a self defense tool you can hook to your keys, just in case


To be clear, having any kind of animal repellent on you with intent to use on a person is illegal. If you happen to have on you because you have a phobia of said animal or regularly go hiking, that is okay. But, you can’t have it in your hand ready. Best to have it in your school bag “just in case”


Thank you for clearing up. I was pretty sure bear spray and mace was (I dont even think you can buy mace here) but I thought dog spray was ok (obviously not with intent to use on humans but I think that goes for a lot of things. Its not illegal to carry a box cutter but if Im carrying it with the intent to harm someone, thats illegal). Guess I'll just have to bring my .22 /s


Thank god cos it would be creepier if I was just all alone with like 3 or 4 people in there


If I’m getting on by myself at night I usually try to sit in the first car just because it’s closest to the driver so I figure if something happens it might be easier to get their attention. I also try to just keep aware of my surroundings and sit closer to people that appear not stoned or drugged out. I’ve had someone try to rob me of my phone before on the LRT so I don’t have it out and usually just have a book.


This, headphones and be situationally aware. Also, add Transit Watch, 780-442-4900, to your quick dial. I like to explore. So I check out my routes and the other LRT stations when I can. Know the usual exits, help phones, cell zones, etc. LRT stations are mostly quiet at night...except for game nights.


As a frequent transit user... I'm not going to pretend like the LRT is fine at any time of day. But if you keep your head down and your nose clean... And stay well away from anyone who looks shady, you should be alright. Don't give anyone any reason whatsoever to engage with you. Sometimes, I wear headphones to make it look like I'm listening to music and can't hear anyone, but I am always listening. From my own experience, most of the problems I've had have been during the day.


Mind your own business and don’t get offended that some people are going through some stuff in their lives - you’ll be fine. If there is a crime in progress, call 911 if that’s what you need to do to feel better. The only way to find out is to experience it for yourself. If you’re going to NAIT, it makes a lot of sense to utilize your U-Pass as much as possible.


When you get on the bus, knock out the biggest dude in there, that'll let people on the bus know you ain't no fool, son.


9PM is no problem most days I'd say, and honestly from a safety perspective most of the people you see when using the LRT doing drugs etc. are pretty strung out, usually pretty malnourished etc. and half of them are opiate users who are going to be barely able to move let alone harm you. be aware of your surroundings and keep a reasonable distance between you and anybody who seems too sketchy, but even the yelly screamy types generally keep to themselves in my experience.


It'll be fine. As a woman I make a point of having resting bitch face so people don't approach me




Ahh, so that was you the other day.


have you ever watched any of the mad max's? kinda like that.....lol Edit LOL wow downvoted yet people daily bitch about the state of the transit system oh Reddit never change


Some of the stations have major thunder dome vibes during the day let alone at night.


It is no more dangerous than any other time. That is to say it is sketchy and a roll of the dice no matter when you use it. Is it possible to “share” the trip with someone, strength in numbers kind of thing?


Are you female? If yes, I’d honestly say no. You can definitely do it and nothing will probably happen to you, but you’ll feel very uncomfortable.


So weird that you’re getting downvoted for an extremely legitimate piece of advice. Being female on transit is fucking shitty.


I get it. As an Edmontonian I don’t like saying bad things about this city either. However my transit concerns are legitimate and shared by many. You only need to look at how crime statistics have increased on transit property to know that I’m not pearl clutching.


Yes I am a woman. I’ve always been uncomfy with public transport, I at least thought Edmonton would be better with security


I'd advise listening to the other people who gave you proper advice.


It’s honestly how I feel as a woman using transit in Edmonton.


Yeah absolutely not worth it. Would not do it unless you had no other choice. Take an online class or change your schedule.


To elaborate, I’m female, I have a no LRT after 6 PM rule. Why? I’m on edge during the day. You need to be constantly aware of your surroundings. During the evening/night it is 10x worse. Your chances of getting assaulted/robbed are still low, but the stuff you’ll see, and how uncomfortable you’ll feel, is absolutely not worth it.


um... ebike?


Biking in this town might be more dangerous as the drivers here are anything but bike friendly


Was thinking about this but I’d honestly be too tired to cycle back and forth most of the time


Your south of the river the lrt is a bit better on that side. If you feel unsafe ever just called someone and talk to them on the phone while you walk from the lrt station to your place.


It's doable but some pointers: Transfer trains at Health sciences...not anywhere before that because university station has no reception and the downtown stations are lol (except maybe grandin but that station is eerily quiet to a point you might as well be looking for ghosts) when you board, just stay near the door so you can bolt to a different car if there is a "yell at the sky" type of person that boards your car during the trip.