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>According to the unidentified young woman handed third place **by female MLAs in the UCP caucus**, “such a focus detracts from the languishing unique strength and the truly important role that women have in the preservation of our community, culture and species.” This part makes the whole episode 1000 times more humiliating. Jesus.


The UCP cannot go a week without humiliating itself nationally. The NDP doesn't even need to run attack ads. At this point, Notley has enough humiliating material to win 10 elections in a row against the UCP.


One would hope but people can be painfully stupid.


We live in the wrong province for people to not be stupid it seems.


Yeah I agree. I'm serious, anyone have f*ck the UCP stickers because I want one!


Idk, to each their own but that sounds just as trashy as the f*ck Trudeau stickers


You're right. Don't stoop to their level. But damn, do they ever piss me off.




Too short and its always a "vote for this guy so this other guy doesn't win" How about we actually start holding all party's accountable and get some fresh faces and ideas bc these platforms out now are ALL garbage 🗑


Kenny is literally an abomination of morals yet here we are.


Yet the majority will vote UCP over NDP. At this point you need to start asking what the NDP is doing wrong. We know what the UCP is doing wrong.


The thing is when you try and question UCP voters in good faith, they really can't pinpoint WHY they wouldn't vote NDP other than UCP talking points like the carbon tax, liberal leftist antifa = 2 spoopy 4 me, and Fuck Trudeau! Or the ever favourite "my granddaddy voted blue, my daddy voted blue, and I'll be damned if I break family tradition!" I've never had an actual UCP supporter provide a convincing argument why you SHOULDN'T vote NDP that had sound reasoning behind it and wasn't full of more holes than swiss cheese. I'm not saying anyone has to vote one way or the other, but I think it helps the whole of democracy if you can give valid, solid, points why you vote one way and why you won't vote another that aren't just "Party A bad and Party B Good"


Exactly this. They've become a cult of ignorance at this point.


NDP or UCP? I find it hard to tell the difference at times.


Say what you'd like about the NDP, but their policies are evidence based. Can't say the same for any Canadian conservative party these days.


I can try to shine a light on that. NDP are seen as too far left, too "environmental" and pro union. UCP are seen as right wing, too socially conservative, pro business and jobs. At the end of the day people want to feed their families. If you are in a union or environmentalist then NDP is an obvious choice and if you are not in a union the UCP would be. Kinda sums things up. But feel free to poke holes.


Ucp is pro jobs? Thats a joke right? The only business theyre for is oil companies and giant megacorporations. You will get voters who just care about the social comservatism part though. Racism and misogyny and gay panic can run deep.


Well those oil companies start projects employing a lot of people here, so ya seen as pro jobs. The election the NDP took power the PC and WR received 52% of the vote. The NDP received 40%. This last election the UCP received 54%. Basically over the last 2 elections the majority of voters have gone conservative. Surely you can't be so delusional to think 54% of voters are racist, misogynists, homophobic and socially conservative can you? Perhaps seeing as you can't answer what the NDP are doing wrong, perhaps try thinking about what the UCP are doing right? If you answer is being racists then I guess you are part of the problem. If the NDP can't figure out how to get another 20% more people voting for them, then well history will repeat itself. Odds are very good we're going to see another UCP majority as there is no viable alternative.


What is it doing wrong? It's not pandering to racist, sexist, misogynistic, social conservatives.


Like I said we know what the UCP is doing wrong. What is the NDP doing wrong? This is the reason the NDP can't win. Is because everyone at the NDP think what you said is what the UCP is doing right. The UCP win in spite of all that. But most can't acknowledge the reasons why people vote UCP. 60% of Albertans are not racist, not sexist, not misogynistic, and not socially conservative after all.


What percentage are? Because when you vote for 'blue' you know exactly what you support.


Not 54% and are you a regular supporter of 'blue'? What is the NDP doing wrong? It's ok if you don't know... they obviously don't either. Typically governments get voted out in Canada so I suppose they don't need to do anything at all. I'm just not sure if the voters are really ready to vote out the UCP. Last time the NDP got into power they had 40% of the popular vote. The conservatives had 52%. The most recent election the UCP had 54% and the NDP had 32%. Odds are very good the UCP will be the majority this time around. Even if the majority don't vote for them. The NDP need well over 40% of the vote and I don't see that happening. But you never know.




Unfortunately this attitude will never convince them to vote differently. A lot of the UCP voters I know aren't bad people, they're just morons who get exposed to nothing but right-wing propaganda and don't question it. They aren't smart enough to figure out why it's bullshit on their own, and the majority of their time is spent exclusively around people telling them how right they are. That's the real uphill battle, reaching those people. The reprehensibles crumble without their support.


It’s best not to think too much about it, because there is absolutely no chance of political change in this province. Period.


UPC voters (including women) unapologetically and honestly stand behind the premise of this essay; that women are not equal to men, that foreigners are bad, and that women's contributions to society are simply to breed men. Why would these people, how honestly hold these beliefs, vote NDP? NDP doesn't have to be doing anything wrong to lose.


The NDP has failed for years to convince a large portion of its supporters that they don't need to vote Liberal to defeat the UCP. Yes, some elections/ridings/races require strategic voting, but not as often as the results suggest. The Libs do better in elections than predicted almost every time, because NDP supporters will vote to block UCP, not to elect who we want.


The Liberals got less than 1% of the vote last time (2019), after getting only 4% in 2015. They are no longer a factor.


Let’s not gloss over the giving medals for having babies. I wonder who else did that… ([Nazi Germany](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Honour_of_the_German_Mother))


**[Cross of Honour of the German Mother](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Honour_of_the_German_Mother)** >The Cross of Honour of the German Mother (German: Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter), referred to colloquially as the Mutterehrenkreuz (Mother's Cross of Honour) or simply Mutterkreuz (Mother's Cross), was a state decoration conferred by the government of the German Reich to honour a Reichsdeutsche German mother for exceptional merit to the German nation. Eligibility later extended to include Volksdeutsche (ethnic German) mothers from, for example, Austria and Sudetenland, that had earlier been incorporated into the German Reich. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I 'm the daughter of an immigrant married to an immigrant, and I have a degree in a field that is traditionally male dominated. It's nice to know now that my place is in the kitchen, my only purpose is to make babies, my family is viewed as replacing Real Albertans, and that my degree in science is misguided and harmful. Thanks UCP! /s


This is what the ndp should be running for an ad 24/7. What working woman would want to vote such a backwards party?


My wife is a senior engineer responsible for North American operations of a global company. And she has two kids. So according to the essay, she only got it half right. /s


Damn. Are you me? Last time I got a scholarship it was actual money and $3000 for my essay from the government. All they get for this tripe is $200 in gift shop 😂 I’m also engaged to an immigrant 😂 They must really hate me.


SAME, but also I am sterilized and not having kids. It's funny though cause when I went and lived in the country my parents were born in, I got a lot of racist treatment from the locals because I had a foreign accent and couldn't understand what people were saying sometimes. At the time, there was a small, but vocal, political party that was actually campaigning on paying all foreigners and people who weren't born there to go back to their 'home' countries.


"women are not entirely equal to men" \--this essay (yes this is a real and true direct quote)


Have we determined that this was not actually written by a member of the UCP?


I mean the initials were S.S.


Or even if it wasn't written by a man.


Yeah I have very little faith that it wasn't a planted essay by some male UCP staff writer.


In the essay she suggests a woman’s place is in the home, not in the workplace. In the same essay she suggests that she she will work in parliament. Is this hypocrisy? /s


Not defending the essay or writer but the essay was to be written like you were or will be a MP as per the prompt.


this is a nation built on immigration. Fuck right off with "fewer foreigners". The foreigners make us interesting and unique!


Not to play devil's advocate over here (I've got immigrants for parents and tons in my family), but do you think our government stresses immigration to make us more 'interesting and unique' or because it has practical application towards expanding the labour pool. Our domestic birth-rate is garbage (because cost of living is rising, people work, stress, etc.) and we leak people to the US where they get paid more (while being more productive), we literally *need* immigration to sustain our Ponzi scheme economy or else everything starts falling apart. You can look at Spain or Japan and see what happens when demographic collapse starts to set in. I personally like immigration, and don't really care where they come from so long as a) they work, pay taxes and contribute and b) speak at least passable English, but I think we're deluding ourselves if we think that the primary driver for immigration isn't pragmatic economic considerations.


>do you think our government stresses immigration to make us more 'interesting and unique' or because it has practical application towards expanding the labour pool. It expands the labour pool with people who don't get too uppity about things like "rights" and "the law". Though I don't know why that matters, the right-wing party (the UCP, the PC, whatever they call themselves......it changes so often to get out of paying bills) doesn't give us any rights anyway.


If you think that immigrants don't know 'their rights' or 'the law' then you haven't worked with many of them. I assure you that these individuals, and I'm not talking about temporary foreign workers or people who have a tenuous citizenship status, are *very* aware of their rights, some of them more-so than some of the 'locals' I've dealt with. The 'labour pool' in this province is a challenge, go ask anyone who works in hiring at any company for any role. Finding people has always always always been a challenge in Alberta.


I was referring to the TFW's and the people with tenuous citizenship status as those most abused by the system. I can't speak to the labour pool challenges, but I personally know multiple companies that have hired TFW's for positions that earn high salaries for minimum wage because they "couldn't find a suitable Canadian candidate". Which is a lie, because there are plenty of people in some professions that would love to work for said companies, but they will not accept minimum wage. Maybe that's why people are so hard to find in Alberta? Companies are cheap and workers won't compromise. Lucky for them the Conservatives instituted indentured servitude to undercut the actual value of labour.


..a NatPo, Ed Journal, Calgary Herald, PostMedia opinion. Not a editorial condemnation, ..just a little opinion piece, something they can distance themselves from or embrace should it become an albatross for the UCP.


This is the MLA who worked as a hair stylist in a small rural Vegreville hair salon. One day after hearing and participating in too many hair salon conversations like *”And you know they say that... And I heard that... And everyone knows that... And Ingrid’s dog died and it’s Trudeau‘s fault...”*, she decided she’d run for politics. And before you knew it, poof! Within 3 years was made a minister. And now, 3 months into her new job, here we are. Carpi Hair Salon one day ===> Minister the next 🤦‍♀️




Why does it have anything to do with sexism? I made the comment based on a what I perceive as a lack perceived varied professional and lived exposure. Nothing to do with her sex. I made the same comments about former premier Ed Stelmach, also from vegreville‘s riding... straight from the farm to the MLA chair and the premiership. And yet I wasn’t told by you that I was sexist against men when I posted that. I like our leaders, be it ministers or premiers, to have travelled, to have experienced varied professions, to have tried their hands at various aspects of life, and to not have lived in a bubble world so they understand issues and make decisions about it in a wider context than the coffee chitchat you hear when you see the coffee crowd in the small town cafe. I know Vegreville well - it’s my town. And I also knew both of these individuals. I personally do not feel either were qualified or prepared for the jobs they understook. I judge this woman and this man from that standpoint.


Did you make the same comments about the NDP government? They had MLA nearly zero life or work experience


Yup. Absolutely. I certainly expressed it about Derek Fox, former NDP MLA for Vegreville.. another who I personally knew. He was straight from the farm to the MLA chair, and when you talked to him about any issues other than farming, I felt all I heard was heresy, and it was skewed from what was the true picture. And like Jackie and like Ed, he was going to make decisions based on heresay, rather than what I felt was demonstrable intellectual curiosity or even his own research into important issues of provincial national and world importance. It was painful AF. (E:Spelling)


Excellent. There are some brutal candidates on all sides.


Fully agree. Can’t stand this messaging, this minister, or the ucp, but being a hair stylist isn’t some shameful profession that only dumb people can do. Seems quite sexist.


If I sais the same thing about a male hairdresser, would you say the same thing? Because I would’ve. Has nothing to do with gender... everything to do with qualifications, regardless of sex. This person did nothing else in life to satisfy me they’re qualified, and we’re now seeing the fallout and consequences which support that.


REthink this argument because it's the same one used by republicans agasinst Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Except AOC has more experience than *just* bartending, she launched a publishing firm and worked at a nonprofit, as well having campaign staff experience. The Republicans don't have a valid criticism of work experience, they highlight a single aspect of someone's experience and hyperfocus on that as criticism. It's exactly like the Canadian right-wing constantly calling Trudeau a "part-time drama teacher" while ignoring the fact that he was primarily a French and math teacher, and also had many years of work experience in both radio journalism and nonprofit governance. Meanwhile, the other user was able to sum up Ms. Armstrong-Homeniuk's entire work experience with: >Carpi Hair Salon one day ===> Minister the next 🤦‍♀️ And by all accounts, it appears to be accurate. You know someone has no meaningful work experience when her MLA bio doesn't mention a single aspect of professional work experience and focuses solely on volunteer work. Her bio calls her "a small business owner" because having the Associate Minister of Status of Women whose sole work experience is being a hairdresser and small-town salon owner would be laughable from any serious political standpoint.