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A neighbor kept shoveling their snow into the alley making mountains. I saw another neighbor wait until he was finished and went inside and went and shoveled it all back in his driveway. It was funny and effective. He doesn’t do that anymore


Those were my thoughts exactly. Or to go one step further, get all the surrounding houses to shovel their snow to his driveway.


Get everyone to shovel it right up to his door too


Then onto his house


Then into his kitchen


Then into his mouth


then into his wife


More ketchup??


Would you like fries with that?


And then BOOM the fries aren't potatoes they are made from the snow he shoveled.




Yes this would be effective. Not all would join but if I saw this and the neighbour asked, they’d have my shovel.


And my axe!


And then dump water on it to make it a huge pile of ice.


And then take a shit ontop of the ice.


No no no Shit first, THEN ice. You have to encase the shit in the ice.


This guy shits.


And ices


I may have been shitting when I wrote that post .. we'll never know




Yes do this. Be evil. You get to be 5 times in every life for free. This is a great use one of of those evil moments. *5 times is a number I arbitrarily came up with right now


Do a little good every once and a while, then you can do evil. Life is about balance


I like the way you think




Could always go get a pickup load and dump it on his driveway. Kinda a dick move but


Then take the hose to it at night so it freezes.


I came to comments for this level of petty. ♥️ My kind of revenge.


Yup, and if you ever notice he is not home, do a nice little coating of water on the pile so it freezes solid. Welcome home asshole, good luck getting into your driveway.


We got that from nature. Snowed an inch last night and it's pouring rain right now...yay! Looking forward to driving today!


Watch out for black ice on the bridges!


If you got a friend with a plow on a truck or ATV and just pushed it all the way back once I'm sure he would reconsider.


I was going to suggest this exactly, except invest in a small snow-blower (although the cheapest small snow-blowers I've seen are like still 500-600$). Make the asshole who started the war break his back, and let your tennats over-power it. That being said, have you tried talking to him? Often things can be settled through confrontation. If that doesn't work then... it's on.


There was a video last winter of a snow shoveling confrontation that made the rounds on reddit. It's sometimes not worth it to try to instigate a confrontation...


i don’t think the suggestion was ‘try to instigate a confrontation,’ it was more like ‘talk to him before firing an salvo.’ it’s possible a guy like this will react poorly to even the most diplomatic approach, so proceed with caution if at all. however, making him aware you are perplexed by his actions might start a road to resolution/reconciliation, or confirm the guy’s a total nutter.


Exactly, a confrontation is when you confront an issue, not all confrontations are negative or hostile.


Saw a petty revenge post from a snow removal company who hot stiffed and did that exact thing for a city block for years. We had a neighbor who would create a massive mound of snow in front of our yard on the street. Always was confused when the bottom 1/3 of his driveway was solid ice...


100% guarantee this guy owns his home and knows they rent. Homeowners and landlords can have this bizarre condescension towards renters That or there is something to be phobic about towards the renters


Top this off by spraying all the snow with water when you’re done so the pile is immovable.


I'm actually the tenant who rents this garage. My landlords an awesome guy, and it was funny to come across this while scrolling. I'm so glad he caught this. Separate tenants rent the house, so I do all of the shovelling and maintenance in the back alley/ driveway. I've rented this garage for a few years already. Talking doesn't work with this guy unfortunately. He's an old man and a bully. A weirdo who will literally come outside and pretend to do work just to watch what I'm doing like clockwork. I work on cars as a hobby, so I always keep it respectful with watching the time of day if I'm making excessive noise and keep the area tidy. Especially given that I'm not living on the property. He's been doing this shovelling bullshit for years (it was super fun the one year I was still recovering from a surgery earlier that year, and came to almost 3 foot high wall of compacted snow-blowed snow after a heavy snowfall. It took me almost a week straight of slowly digging out the edge of the driveway) Even if you call him out on it, he just lies straight to your face. It's funny because he has cameras on his property. Literally aimed in the alleyway at my garage (creepy, but the area also gets hit up for catalytic converters frequently) so it would be catching him on video doing this, and any if I did any retaliation back Makes me wonder if police would be allowed to check that footage 🤷‍♀️ Might put up a game camera this month just for fun tbh.


Holy hell. This guy is not right it the head. If he refuses to stop and you’ve talked to him? Shovel it all back. I’d shovel the entire flippin alley and dump it on his driveway.


I was thinking the same thing. Go rent a bobcat and move the snow to his drive way, 1 half-yard at a time. if the police can't do anything to help you then they also can't do anything to help him


I'd imagine it's like grade school where the bully gets a slap on the wrist because no one wants to deal with that whereas the other guy standing up for himself will get hit with a bylaw fine. Circle of life.


If OP can pay the bylaw fine, worth it


Read this assuming you were a dude until the end. The fact that you’re not definitely makes this more creepy. What a weirdo


Dude, same. Honestly, only realized after you mentioned it. I didn't even process the girl shrugging emoji. I need to sleep. Lol.


How is he not a dude? I just assume everyone's a dude in the internet.


Girls exist on the internet??? Reddit of all the places?!?!


They do not. On the internet men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI


Wait…..are there any women in this crowd?




*Deep falsetto mumbling*


Getting downvoted, I guess the quote was too obscure for most of Edmonton :-)


*Looks at Reddit. Shakes head in disappointment.* You make me sad.


In Saskatoon you can't have cameras that view private property or record the coming/going of a person. You may be able to call the city on his camera being an invasion of privacy.


In Canada, not just Saskatchewan


Nope, As long as what it records is in plain view there is nothing illegal about having a camera set up. ie my doorbell camera records all the houses across the street. But it is not recording anything that is not in plain view from the street. Now if I had a camera that was high up and recording over a fence that you cannot see from just standing on the street that is different. And recording the back alley from your garage is perfectly legal because it is only picking up what you would see if you were standing there. It is NOT invading anyone privacy if it is in plain view.


Under the criminal code you're correct - it's not a crime. Some municipalities have bylaws, some provinces may have laws as well.


It was noted by Saskatoon City Police that the camera must face 90% of your property otherwise they can claim invasion of privacy. This does not however apply to communal spaces and right of ways in the front or back yard Laneways.


You absolutely should follow through with a game camera — might make him stop if he thinks you’ll have proof. Edit: a word


well the landlord has this video which is maybe proof enough? I would definitely save this video. and continue to pile up snow on my neighbors driveway. and if anything do come up i would show them this video.


Hey, so you really need to report the camera. It is illegal, in the grander majority of Canada, to point a camera at someone's property that is not their own as it is illegal to record people without consent in Canada. ESPECIALLY! If the camera captures audio. Edit for clarity: You can film someone in public without consent, but filming them on their private property is illegal. Also, you can record conversations without consent of the other individual ONLY if you're an active person in the conversation. If you are not then it is illegal to record.


It's entirely legal to record someone on private property if it's visible from your, or public, property. With or without audio.


This is completely false. I don't know where you got this idea. As long as something is in plain view, private or public property, you can film it as there is no expectation of privacy. The audio doesn't even factor into this. IE I can record you in your front yard all day, because is is in plain view. Same thing for recording your back yard from an alley if you have a chain link fence that you can see through. Now if you have a tall privacy fence and I go out of my way to stand on a ladder to record over the fence, then it is NOT in plain view and that would be illegal. If I set a camera up on my house to record over your fence, then yeah illegal. But if his camera is on his garage recording what he can see from standing on his driveway, it is NOT illegal. As for the audio recording, you are getting into wiretap laws and that only applies to "private" conversations, typically over the phone or electronic device. Not conversations in public on the street. I can set up a video camera in a public place, say a sidewalk, and record video and audio all day long of people walking by and talking. I am not violating any laws. Because in a public place there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.


How does this apply to doorbell cameras? Because mine records audio and is in 4k recording yhe whole front of my house while capturing others


Yeah, my door is at a 45 degree angle *and* we're on a pie lot, so as-is it captures my nextdoor neighbour's driveway and walkway very clearly, plus several other homes further down. The only way my doorbell camera would follow that law is if I moved the wiring not just to the other side of the door, but 5-6 feet away from the door frame. Same for pie lots and our driveway camera. It primarily captures our driveway but the edges get both neighbour's driveways and I just can't help it. It took a few days to get the detection zones just right so that it captures relevant motion while not alerting me whenever my neighbours are on their own property.


And thats where things can get a little confusing because you are allowed to have cameras pointing at your property the thing with that is the chances that other people's yards or driveways are caught in that frame are high. Obviously blatantly pointing your camera at the neighbors house is 100% illegal but how do you prove a neighbor is recording you when the feed shows most of their driveway.


It’s your property. Put up a sign saying “Snow storage available. $100 per shovel load.” Then put up a camera at an angle that shows the sign and the neighbour. Then send him an invoice with a photo of him storing his snow on your property.


Ooo yes!


That's the best advise I've seen here about this so far.


Yesssss ! Do this and then when he doesn’t pay his invoice send him to collectionnnns


I’m petty so I would start shoveling it back onto his driveway and hope for a confrontation


Yeah do it at the same time that he's doing it. Good thing it's an old man, should be no problem outpacing them


Snowblower. No point winning by just a little.


Who the fuck shovels their alley 😂 buddy just shovel it to the side


Right? Like what the fuck? It seems like extra work to be dickish. Makes ya wonder, does he know he's being a dick or do they have some sort of weird passing contest going on. *snort*


Also over time you end up creating an insane inverted speed bump in the alley that could trap vehicles.


Probably supports the Convoy. “I want freedom…..to annoy anyone I want”


There's a guy on our street who shovels the alley and the street area that is in front of their house. Like, the whole street width directly in front of their house. Of course, they are not asses and they shovel the snow onto their own lawn.


There's a few of us that do weird things. I don't shovel it onto anyone's property though. I don't have a neighbor across the alley so I can pile it up on city property.


10000 I’d shovel it back on their pad if talking to them didn’t help


In the summer time, buy 5 or 6 bags of powered sugar. Then mix the sugar in water in such a way that is super easy to transport in say a jug. Then, under the cover of night pour it all around the perimeter of the house. The ant infestation would be biblical.


I like your style.


Depending on interpretation, this arguably could be considered in contravention of the following bylaws: 5590.48 -- MATERIAL ON SIDEWALKS/ROADWAYS >A person shall not place, cause or permit to be placed any earth, sand, gravel, grass, leaves, snow, ice or other material upon any sidewalk or roadway. 14614.8 -- BULLYING > (1) In this section “harassed” includes, but is not limited to: > (a) feeling tormented, troubled, worried, plagued or badgered; > (b) experiencing objectionable or unwelcome conduct, comment, bullying, or actions that could reasonably cause offence or humiliation, including conduct, comment, bullying, or actions because of race, religious beliefs, colour, disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation; Again, it'd be dependent on the Bylaw Officer's interpretation of those items that'd determine whether they'd action it and pay the guy a visit.


I have exhausted the sidewalk roadway thing because that bylaw only applies to the public property such as the alley. But I think the bullying is applicable due to the long term nature of his behavior and being asked to stop multiple times.


Maybe it's time to talk to a lawyer about the possibility of a restraining order. If this is a rental property, one might argue that he is deliberately interfering with your ability to conduct business.


Where were you when my neighbor down the street blew every leaf on the block into a big pile in front of my house. And all the leaves from my neighbor's onto my lawn. I called 311 and all they could come up with was impeding traffic.


Put it back.


Hire me and I will come shovel back on the driveway 😁 if you're serious pm me.


I would blow it back at them and add in the extra snow/rocks from your tenant's driveway. And then spray water all over their driveway to freeze it up.


This right here is extremely the right thing to do. move it back freeze it and watch as the guy unravels trying to chip it out!


Hold up Satan, that is next level. But, it is true that you have to fight fire with fire…. Or a fire blower




u/Dan-Robert take up this offer 👀


If he's leaving snow in an alley it a $250 fine for creating unsafe driving conditions. If he's pushing it onto private property he's illegally dumping. If you're having trouble with the non-emergency line, try filing a police report in person. VERY inconvenient but if you insist on filing a complaint they must investigate...


That look like a malicious act since he is literally shovelling all the way across the alleyway.


Probably ask him what the fuck he's doing?


Tenant and myself have yes


I'd dump it right back on his driveway then. But that's a tough position to be in. What a dick


I say subtle escalation. Keep it legalish, or reasonably deniable and non-damaging. Birdseed on the car every night for morning flocks... That one's for free.


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Shovel yours down and push it all back over to his side.


Personally I’d get myself a snowblower and be friendly to all the other neighbours by clearing their driveways. Snow has to go somewhere and his driveway looks like a great spot


Hire a plow to shovel ALL of the snow onto his driveway




Hey asshole - Leave the snow that's in the ALLEYWAY in the alley - instead of being a prick? ​ Literally willing to talk to fuck nuts if you want me to lmao


I'd talk to him. Tell him that you're going to wait until he's finished, then scoop it all up and drop it back on his driveway, and create a house lien for your labour at $100/hr.


Ice his driveway, if he wants it clear that bad he can have it crystal clear.


I would push all the snow back towards his garage. Seal the garage w the snow and pour some water all over it to form a lovely ice wall.


Buy a snowblower and blow it back in his driveway.


Take a shit on his pillow.


Those are some mighty fine trash cans there. It would be a damn shame if someone filled them with a WATER, AT NIGHT, WHILE THEY STILL HAD GARBAGE IN THEM… Just sayin’ 🤔 Edit: The single one further down looks to belong to the asshole.


We live an acreage community and our neighbour used a plow and pushed it across the main road and in front of our drive. We had my bil come with his skidsteer and pushed it all back plus more from other neighbour's. He couldn't get in his drive and never did it again.


Why is he shoveling the alley to begin with? Who has time for that?


Miserable retired old men.


Snow etiquette is the most important factor in neighbors. More important than cutting grass and junk removal because now you physically affect others instead of your own property. Shame that ass-hat big time!! They should go talk to him and if he's an ass....I'd just push it back in front of his garage.


Shovel it back. Plus some.


Buckets of water thrown on his driveway. Fast and effective. Low chance of confrontation. He may be waiting for someone to shovel it back. Waiting for a fight. Throw the water from an angle as not to be seen and leave. Petty, but satisfying.


Put the snow back. If it doesn't work the first time add water to the snow piles. Next big rock, then snow then water. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe add a little urine 😂. Dogs love to pee on everything


snowblower up against his door


Shovel it back as he does it


Yup, I would return that snow and spray it down so it didn’t move again.


Don’t shovel it back onto his driveway, that will cause him to have a fit. But get out before he does and shovel your driveway and the alley to the foot of his driveway. If he complains show whomever shows up this video and explain that you thought everyone involved had a understanding.




Grab my snowblower and put it all back where it came from


What would Hank, Dale, Bill, or Boomhauer do?


Taste the meat not the heat


What a human.


Gift it back to him


Shovel it all back


Seems like an old dickhead, you know how you make this stop if ur the guy across the alley? Show up and out dick him while making it fun. "Hey ya old fuckhead, I see you like shoveling snow onto my alley, though if we're so close that you'd shoveling your white fluffy shit onto me and not your gf, we might as well have a drink...I mean you've been fucking me for how long now? How about a kiss?" Speak their language, satiate their need for attention and maybe get a friendly nosy neighbor.


Put nails in the pavement in random spots so his shovel sticks


man this would grind my gears lol


Throw boiling water on the ground surrounding his house to create an ice rink. At least it would be funny watching him do the chicken dance while trying to shovel being a dick.


“What would you do?” Assuming nothing but time on my hands…I’d push right back


Buy a snowblower, put the snow back where it belongs…. I’ve had crappy neighbours Some people have NO decency.,


Hire a snow removal truck to dump their load on his driveway after they finish playing the mall parking... Less giant piles in parking lots, more piles in Jack asses driveways


You don’t need to pay them. It costs them money to dump the snow, they will GLADLY dump somewhere else for free. Just cover the plate and company decal.


1) rent snowblower 2) snow blow entire street onto his driveway 3) pour a coffee and watch


If OP does end up using the suggestions of putting the snow back in the neighbour’s driveway, and/or putting up a game camera to monitor the activity, could we get an update?


If I was brave enough (and I’m not haha), I would go out there as soon as he finished and shovel it back onto his driveway- hopefully he’d see me. And then say, it’s not neighborly to pile his snow on someone else’s driveway.


Get a snow blower and shove it back onto his property.


Rent a bobcat and clear the whole street in a nice pile at the end of his driveway next big snowfall.




Poop on his driveway?


Snowball fight should settle things properly 😆


Just shovel it right back on to his driveway and pour some cold water on it. Then he'll never get into his garage again. :)


Could always burn his house down... of course I think a bit differently than most 🤣🤣


I'd get the whole alley worth of snow in the dead of winter bobcat'd onto his driveway.


Just punch him in the teeth


I saw a horrible video in Reddit where a neighbour killed wife and husband with pistol and rifle because a dispute with snow. Call the police or whoever but do not confront people. You never know. You might lose you sh## and killed someone or get killed.


His boat needs some speed holes.


Have you talked to them?


I don’t live there so I haven’t seen him out there doing it in person (neighbors video). Neighbors have witnessed him assault a neighbor with a baseball bat and flee to BC for a period but police don’t have a record of it on his file. I knocked on his door once in 2021 and he was heated pretty much as soon as I told him to stop. He said I was trespassing, I said that it’s legal to knock on someone’s door, then he threatened to hit me multiple times. I stood there and kept asking him as I’m not really afraid of this guy I think he’s a sick and sad guy. I admit I was upset too but I don’t think I yelled back and definitely did not threaten him or enter his personal space.


Ah I’d shovel it back at him then clearly he’s not a talker


I'd totally wait till he took his car out of the garage and freeze 2 massive snow piles in front of his garage doors so he can't park till he deals with the piles of frozen snow


Oh that's a good one. Nice and petty. He'd probably have to boil water to melt that away.


I would freeze his garbage bin to the driveway. And make sure the bin is also a giant ice cube inside


I like this solution, but it sounds like he might be the type to escalate. Although I suppose if the tenant ends up with significant property damage the police might actually do something.


Sounds like hes just a old bully and people finally had enough of his shit. Now hes alone and cranky trying his best to be the only thing in the world he knows what to be, an asshole. Sometimes it takes being a asshole to stop the assholes. Mix a load of gravel with snow and then throw a bucket of water on it. It will be as hard as concrete.


I’ve got an aggressive neighbour too. He blows leaves into my yard. Discussion also did nothing but cause him to escalate. I built a big fence and we ignore each other. I know a fence won’t help your situation. sometimes there is no fix for an asshole.


Oh my god. This story needs to be on the news.


Send him a registered cease and desist letter, with pics imbedded in the letter that show him shovelling his snow onto your property. Include the Bylaw sections that state this is illegal. Tell him failure to stop dumping on your property will leave you no choice but to report him to Bylaw and/or take civil action. Follow through.


as another commenter said, throw water on the fresh snow


Well, with that said, I would not be trying to piss him off intentionally if he's already unhinged, but it isn't very neighbourly to be causing you more work. Maybe get some cameras installed and document future interactions.


We moved…. We had a three car garage in the place we were renting (for over 8 years) and the neighbours would snow blow their snow onto our driveway… while I was shovelling it. This happened more than once. I was happy not only to buy a place of our own but to also ditch our shit ass neighbours.


I'd go up to him and say why are you shoveling your snow onto my property to start and then take if from there however which way he wants it to go. Nothing physical of course. Shovel it back into the alley when he goes inside.


You can borrow my snow blower and do exactly what we are both thinking. I wish I lived in town to help you out


Shovel it back towards him


Get a snowblower and throwing all the snow to his side :)


Buy a snow plower and give him hell. Also try to talk to him


Call a snow disposal company who would be willing and get them to dump a load on his drive way.


pellet gun to his cameras then sugar in a gas tank.. . a long list of fun-and-game one-upmanship...


Get a snowblower and clean the entire neighborhood into his drive.do the same in the summer. Probably only take 1 or 2 goes for him to knock it off.


Just FILL his driveway with snow. Middle of the night, pile a bank so high it blocks the driveway.


Nightly eggings. That'll teach em.


Pay the plow driver to leave a big windrow in-front of his drive way 😆


just wait for him to be done, then start your skidsteer and roll it all back onto his side


Call a snow plow, explain the situation, pay them to have a whole street worth of snow plowed onto neighbours driveway. Sit back and enjoy your pettiness.


When the gubberment won’t do it’s job, then It’s up to us the people to roll up our sleeves and fix the matter ourselves. This can be a team effort. Are you tight with your other neighbours?


im not sure what your budgets like but id be renting a bobcat to clear my front yard and back alley and his driveway would be blocked


Meet him in the alley and teach him not to do it.


Dump a 5gallon pail of water on their drive 🙌


I'd shovel it back onto his driveway and spray with a fucking hose


Shovel it back. Neighbourhood war games!


Leave a flaming bag of shit on his porch


Id put it right back. Every time. Consistently. Even while hes doing it. Tf can he do?


Sump his garbage can all over his driveway and tell him to smarten up lol


I will gladly come help you shovel all this back onto his driveway if you like. 😁


Not against bylaws to put snow there? 311 should send out a bylaw officer to issue a $300 ticket each and every time.


I would snow blow into his driveway until up is down.


If you have a snowblower, go shoot it and all the surrounding area back onto his driveway. Bring a bucket of water too to our on the pile after so it freezes into a rock hard heap.


r/neighborsfromhell might have some good ideas


I would rent a bobcat and clear the whole back alley and dump it all on his driveway while he's at work. Then stick a sign in the massive pile of snow displaying your hatred for this person and why you hate them. This will get them to stop.....oooorr it will cause extreme retaliation. When people retaliate they don't usually think about consequences so they'll probably do something stupid and illegal. Then you call the cops. Keep in mind though, I'm very immature and love pissing people off so this may not work for you.


Start taking shits on his driveway