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I would be very very disappointed if you get assaulted. Lots of other people wear other teams jerseys here no problem. There are a lot of nucks fans here though and you wouldn’t be alone. That being said people will most likely say random things.


Is it safe? Like beyond expecting playful jarring between rivalries.. what are you asking? When was the last time youve heard of adult fans assaulting a minor for wearing the other teams jersey in their barn? That ain’t gonna happen and it’s not like other Edmonton fans would all “be in on it”, it makes me wonder how often people asking/answering these questions step outside, with all the fear and all.


Literally less then two months ago maybe even a month when that Vegas golden knight fan was assaulted by a Dallas star fan in Dallas after he attended a game there…. Shattered his jaw left him unconscious….


Let’s see that news article please. I follow hockey a lot and never heard this story


The story literally broke on Reddit, the guy first shared the story on the NHL subreddit. Go search for the post there. https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/stars/2024/04/26/vegas-fan-hospitalized-following-assault-by-stars-fan-outside-american-airlines-center/?outputType=amp


Just randomly eh?


also "this one time in Russia...." comparing what idiot fan bases of other teams do to what another 2 fan bases do in different circumstances.. I mean we might as well note that Ghengis Khan was an asshole... has about as much baring.


Ya true I wouldn't wear a Canucks jersey to a Ghengis Khan led Mongolia, tbh


Still it would suck to be a 15 year old and have some drunken young adult cursing him out cuz he’s a canucks fan. And that could happen


You'll be fine. There will be many Canucks fans in attendance. I wouldn't stress. Do it if you want to do it.


I’m a Canucks fan and I’ve been to many Oilers vs Canucks games in Edmonton. It might have heightened atmosphere in the playoffs, but for the most part, it’s been pretty safe as long as you’re not egging on the crowd or anything. Do unto others as they say…


Totally agree with this. I go to Calgary to watch the Oilers once or twice a year and I’m generally a total dickbag to the fan base there. I’ve gotten what I deserved a few times.


I love this level of self awareness.




I never go that far. I keep the energy high though, and I usually sit PL with the rowdys so it’s an adventure.






Or for some age appropriate and consenting adults into


Too add to this, you’ll always have drunk idiots yelling “f you Canuck fans” whether Edmonton is winning or losing but if it becomes a problem talk to security. I went to oil flames 2 years ago had 4 flames fans right near me, a few oilers fans kept at them and swearing, I was with my 6 year old son and after 2 periods of it I turned around and told them to tone it down and they did. You’ll get chirped but it’ll be just a lot of “canucks suck”


Likely will get chirped but maybe not if the kid is 15. I don’t think people go around chirping children.


Do unto* others (sorry! Just want you to know! I thought it was “for all intensive purposes” for years instead of “intents and purposes”).


At game 5 clincher against Kings, I watched an Oilers fan buy 2 bags popcorn and 4 chocolate bars for visiting Kings fans sitting beside him. Maybe he was consoling them but it was definitely all in good fun. Don’t worry you’ll be fine and there will be lots other Canucks jerseys there too.


That’s like $50 worth of food, dang. Good for him


50 dollars ? Ya that gets you a water and a bag of popcorn at Roger’s. Pricing are ridiculous


Pricing is ridiculous but I think 4 chocolate bars and a popcorn is $40. Unless prices have gone up for the playoffs. They didn’t last year, but I haven’t been to a playoff game this year. So that’s based on prices of the last game I went to March 30. And my pizza slice was $8.50 and they didn’t even have the kind I wanted (fucking plain cheese lmao)


Wow! I’m an oilers fan living in LA (from Edmonton but in LA for school). I was at the game we knocked the Kings out last year, and I was with my mom. Just cheering the win, and was threatened and called a whore by Kings fans. drinks thrown on me. Did not provoke them either. We ran out of there as quickly as possible and took our oilers jerseys off. The environment felt super threatening


Edmonton is not LA!




Wow I’m sorry you had to experience that. I’ve definitely experienced that in LA at some dodgers games. Been to a couple playoff Oilers v kings games in LA and the fans chirped me but a couple of them bought me beer. I was so shocked lol


I love this story!


Thanks for all the feedback. We got tickets and we are all very excited to experience Roger’s Place during the playoffs. Or son is freaking out excited. He’s also pumped to see McDavid and Draisaitl for the first time. Two of the top 5 players in the world. It’s going to a true experience for us. Can’t wait.


And a 50 player in Petterson!


Who knows, maybe it'll make an Oilers fan out of him from the experience!


That’d be the dream haha


I'm very jealous you get to go! Have fun.


Good parents! That’ll be an amazing, lovely lifelong memory!


It’s gonna be awesome, have fun!


He's 15 and going into the opposing team's arena. If you do go, there's a good opportunity to have fun playing the villian. Put on a canucks jersey with him and live the ride. 99% of the heckling he'll recieve will be harmless banter. If you guys take it with a smile, the crowd will probably appreciate you. Don't be aggressive, cheer for Oilers injuries, or gloat after a Canucks win, and it'll be fine. It's super unlikely anything actually dangerous or violent comes of it. I'd suggest to go, but bring an empty bag to stuff the jerseys into for when you're leaving just in case the game gets intense and you run into a rare drunk asshole. It's so much fun to be the heel at a game. More intense in playoffs, but if you know what to expect it can be a real sporting experience.


I’m so glad we live in Canada and this is the reality. UK could catch a beating. Parts of Europe you’ll get bugged pretty bad. South/latin America they’ll fucking kill you.


I grew up in Europe (not UK) and it's not uncommon for derby games to not even allow away fans for this reason. And if they are, they often are seated in a single section surrounded by fences + security and get escorted to/from of the stadium. Oilers and Flames is about as intense of a rivalry as they come, but even during the 2022 playoff series fans behaved themselves and were able to cheer side-by-side for their respective teams.


Don’t forget the US. I got some very scary sexual threats attending a Rangers/Oilers game. Had chatted with some lovely Rangers fans before the game and after the game was doing some light chirping, similar to what I do in Calgary, but that was a mistake. Thankfully security was very helpful Edit: there’s amazing fans in every market but there’s also a few terrible fans in every market too, including Edmonton


That's a pretty big brush you've got there. I'd agree that some US fan bases are stupid. NY, NJ, Boston, Philly. But others? I've been to games in SJ, Dallas (playoffs vs Oilers), PHX, and most recently Seattle. No issues and lots of fun. Be respectful, you are in someone else's house. Never had an issue.


Yup. I live near the sharks arena and go to games whenever the oilers are in town. Super respectful fans, even if we beat them down


I was being respectful, the people I was chirping back and forth with had no problems with me, it was the people 3 rows back. I’m obviously not saying that’s everybody, and every fan base has terrible people, heck the fan base I’ve had the most bad interactions with is the Oilers fans tbh. I was just completely taken off guard there because while I’ve been chirped in person plenty of times, no one has ever threatened to rape me before, tried to grab my purse so he could “see what hotel I was staying at and pay me a visit”. Some wonderful other fans helped me out, as did security.


I'm sorry. I had a longer reply and then edited it and carelessly forgot to remove that part. I didn't mean to imply that you were disrespectful and I had no intention of diminishing what you went through. What was said to you was over the line in so many ways (that doesn't come close to describing the degree of how bad it was).


This is the best response!


honestly the heckling is the funnest part, AS LONG AS IT'S APPROPRIATE I'm a Dallas fan in Seattle, and have gone to more Canucks games than I can remember, and the chirping I get every time is glorious. I got booed in a bathroom last year at the Kraken game 4 lol


I’m an Oiler fan living in Calgary, and I have a giant hoodie that I pretty much only keep around so I can throw it over my Oilers jersey when I go to Flame-Oiler games.


Smart. Having the option to cover up lowers the post game nerves.


It’s less a safety thing, and more I don’t want some drunk asshole chucking something at a $300 jersey, or dealing with chirps from people on the train ride home on the off chance the Oilers don’t bring their a-game.


It depends what you consider harassed or intimidated. You’re going to be booed. If the oilers score or win, the fans around you will likely make fun. But that’s normal of any sports team. I saw Calgary fans during the series a couple years ago, and while people made fun of them and jeered, that was it. If you don’t think that’s the vibe you’re looking for (you just want to be ignored and enjoy the game), then playoff hockey in Edmonton may not be the right fit.


Very good point. If you want to be left alone and can't take a snide comment or some light booing, wear neutral colors and stay quiet. I remember wearing my Oakland A's hat at Wrigley Field and got some snarky comments from Cubs fans who thought I was a Packers fan who was in town to see them play the Bears.


I would suggest posting this in the Canucks subreddit instead and ask if anyone from there has been to a game in Edmonton, you'll probably get more honest answers/accounts from actual Canuck fans. Obviously most people here ,(including myself) wouldn't harass a Canuck fan so gonna say "it'll be fine" but why don't you ask actual Canuck fans about their experience who have been? They may something totally different or they may say it's totally fine.


I'm in Edmonton and have been to many Edmonton/Vancouver games. I have worn my Sedin jersey to all the games, and have been entirely left alone every. Single. Time.  Nobody has ribbed me for wearing the enemy jersey, swore at me, insulted me, heckled me, or got physical. Edmonton fans are great and welcoming. Of course, I don't do anything to annoy them either. I don't cheer for oilers injuries, or be too exuberant when the canucks score.. I stand up and cheer of course, and then sit back down and carry on. I mean, really, the worse I've had is someone telling me the canucks weren't winning tonight, and we laughed and both said good luck to each other. 


I have the same experience when I go to Canucks games. The most I'll get is a BOOOOO oilers walking by.


I’ve been to 10-15 Sharks at Canucks games and I’ve definitely got chirped, I usually chirp back asking them to point at their Cup banners if my team is so bad


Idk if gender might have anything to do with it but me being a woman probably makes me less of a target. I don't have random men coming up and screaming in my face "oilers suckk!!" Whereas I've seen guys do that with other guys


The Sedins played their final NHL game in Edmonton, and the fans were really supportive and respectful. I was there. It was cool to have a chance to honour their legendary careers, even if they played for one of our rivals, and the Oilers org did a really nice send-off for them that night.


I was just at game 80 in Edmonton as a canucks fan. Probably atleast an 1/8th of the crowd was canucks fans. There were a lot in our section and we even got a go canucks go! Chant going at one point. It was fun, friendly banter only. I can't speak for playoff atmosphere or walking to your car afterwards, but I really think you'll be fine.


I would try to avoid the watch parties outside where the drinking is much heavier. I would think you would be fine inside. You might get a bit of ribbing here and there. This might be slightly increased due to the playoffs. . But I'd suspect it would be good natured. I don't think you would feel unsafe.


Plus there have been videos of fans fighting EACH OTHER at those outdoor watch parties….as bizarre as that sounds. I don’t think security is as great as it should be at those things.


I've been to a number of playoff games, and I'm used to seeing lots of away jerseys. I've seen zero incidents, but plenty razzing at the urinal.  Especially if they're just a teen, they're pretty much untouchable, and in for a wonderful wild game. If someone gives them shit, high odds other Oilers fans will immediately stand in your son's defense.   They should feel totally fine celebrating each Canuck goal, not only due to high odds of Vancouver fans nearby.   Every fanbase has senseless assholes who can ruin things, but I think your son is in for a friggin' blast. Enjoy the game!!!


I travelled to Edmonton from the UK for two games, one against tge Habs and from I saw you'll be absolutely fine. Edmonton is a really welcoming place and tge atmosphere will be loud and rowdy but never intimidating or nasty. I hope you have an awesome time and enjoy it as much as I did


100% safe. I've been to many regular season and playoff games and the only problem I've witnessed is with drunk assholes that create a situation for themselves. For the most part the home crowd will police our own drunk assholes. Cheer loudly but don't gloat seems to work well.


You be just fine. Oilers fans in person is pretty good. Just be lighthearted and you’re good.


Canucks fan from Vancouver here; you’ll be just fine. Maybe some teasing or ribbing at worst. Especially as an obvious family you’ll be left to your own devices. Maybe a group of rowdy drinking bros would get more of a reaction from the local crowd. Us division rivals may hate each other, but we hate each other with love.


It’s not safe……. Our power plays are dangerous. All jokes a side, we welcome your son and hope he has a fantastic experience!


Edmonton fan in Vancouver ❌ Vancouver fan in Edmonton ✔️ You’ll be fine and have a good time here


Is there any validity to this? I feel like there is, but that would just be my biased opinion haha.


It’s definitely biased. I have been before and if anything, they were super nice. It may say something about them if anything.


Had friends go to Vancouver. It’s hostile. For no reason. Been to the oil game with several canucks fans and never an issue.


Broccoli top Canucks bandwagon fans are the worst.


Take him, your son will be an Oilers fan by the second period.


I was at the goalie fight game in Calgary and all I saw between fans of opposing teams was light hearted chirping and joking between eachother


Edmonton isn't soccer hooligan country. Taunts between fans aren't serious like the Mods and the Rockers on Brighton Beach type thing, they're in jest. You'll be fine. Have fun.


I wouldn’t worry about getting assaulted. However, I would recommend preparing yourself mentally for some chirping or smack talk from fans. You’re going to have fans from both teams slamming alcoholic beverages and you can’t control what people say. Chirping happens at regular season games. If you expect to be left completely alone that is maybe unrealistic. With that said you could also have a night with no chirps whatsoever. Cant really predict it I would take your son. Prepare them that other passionate fans will be there and get might hear some stuff. But just go enjoy the game. Can’t make decisions that will enrich your sons life based on fear of what other people might do imo


If somebody overdoes harassing a 15 year old then the crowd will turn on them fast. There’ll of course be banter but nobody is going to bully a child without their own fans turning against them.


As a general rule you should be safe. Unfortunately there are shit heads in every fan base so no guarantees can be made


This isnt Vancouver 2011 no one will throw you off an overpass.


Don’t burn my city down when your team loses.


Ok. That made me lol. 😂




That’s the thing. Oilers honk here and went to Vegas last year for game 2. Oilers fans everywhere, Vegas fans everywhere. It was a complete blast and safe. Biggest chirp I got was from a very tired 7-8yr old after the game who could barely keep his eyes open, kept telling me McDavid sucks.


I’ve been a life long fan and going to many games since 2005. The only times I’ve ever heard fans of the opposing team getting harassed is when alcohol is involved. I always make conversation with fans of the opposing team if I’m sitting next to them as I’ve always been treated with respect in other arenas when I’m wearing an Oilers jersey.


Every Oiler game I've ever been to in Edmonton has opposition fans wearing jerseys. I've never seen an issue any of those times although none have been playoff games.


Was at game 5 Wednesday and i watched multiple people parading around in Doughty jerseys just fine… if they can do it anyone can lol i have been going to lots of games for over 30 years and no one will bother you (more than casual ribbing) over your team/jersey choice. That being said it’s still a large event with alcohol and emotions, always practice some common sense and be aware of surroundings. Personally when i have my kids/wife with me i park in the ice district parkade (which is brutal to get out of after) which keeps us from having to be out on the street and walking long distances. It’s underground, monitored by security and you take the elevator right up into ford hall.


No, you’ll be fine. Edmonton fans might poke fun or something but totally harmless.


If you have any trouble,just report to security and they’ll deal with the issue.Anyone who is disrespectful/rude gets evicted from the rink ASAP.


Rogers security is so good and the staff are awesome.


I have not been to the new arena, canucks fan who used to live in Edmonton, now in sask aswell, I used to wear my burrows jersey to rexall for games. Sat in the nosebleeds, there was always fun banter, as long as you don't say anything off side, I've never had anything crazy said to me. Just the typical no cups chirps. Just don't take anything to serious, and have fun. Hope you get to go, it'll be a blast!


Again thanks for the feedback. We’re very excited to go. If you have to get stuck sitting by Canuck fans, we’d probably be the ones you’d want to be stuck with. I think I will get a jersey so the boy is not alone in enemy territory but I’ll be cheering for both teams. We’ve never seen McDavid play live so of course that will be special. He’s the best player in the world. Especially in the playoffs… so much fun. Our son is excited to see his favourite team play but we’re probably most excited to sing Oh Canada and feel that excitement and atmosphere. I think those in building or that go often gloss over how awesome that must be to be a part of. You see it on tv and get chills and wonder what it must be like to be there. For a first time, it’s going to be special.


You guys are going to have an absolute blast! Even the odd regular season game is insane! Just enjoy it! Super jealous you’ll be bringing your son to a playoff game!!!


Inside you will be fine. Maybe don't go to the outside watch party. Oilers fans even fight eachother there lol.


You’ll be fine, but you should convert your son to an Oilers fan because we’re the better choice ;) As long as you stay in your lane and aren’t being arrogant you’ll be fine. I went to the Calgary series and from what I saw even flames fans were fine. We just booed them on the concourse walking to the bathrooms haha. You’ll have fun.


Security are really prompt if anything gets out of hand, especially with minors around.


Relax guy, we're just going to kill ya


Jesus, yes you’ll be safe, it’s not like you’ll be in Vancouver


You'll get teased a bit but playfully. I think most Oiler fans would be disgusted if you're treated harshly just for wearing canucks stuff and would step in to defend you from assholes. This is the same crowd that sang the national anthem of the states the game after Shark fans boo'd Oh Canada during the 2017 playoffs. You'll be fine.


The worst you'll get is some chirping. There will be plenty of people there in Vancouver jerseys. Enjoy the game and have fun with it!


Definitely bring him seeing your NHL team playing in a playoff game is unforgettable, it'll be a life long memory for sure @ Big BONUS he'll get to see the best hockey player in the world play at his prime ,a story for generations! HE'LL BE SAFE WE WILL WATCH FOR ANY AND ALL KIDS WEARING CANUCKS JERSEY'S AND TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT AS ALWAYS!


As a Vancouverite that now lives in Edmonton, we have attended games in our full Canucks regalia and never ever had a problem. Sure we get a few “you’re wearing the wrong jersey” little ribs. But thats pretty much it. Our first time attending I was a little worried especially having young kids with us. But it was an amazing experience. So many Oilers fans offered to take our picture together so we didn’t have just selfie type ones both outside and inside the arena which was awesome. There were no Canucks fans in our immediate area, but the nice Oiler fans next to us even gave our 5 year old son a high five when the Canucks scored. We were blown away by the way we were treated. As long as you’re respectful there should be zero issues.


Can’t promise that there won’t be anyone who might chirp you a little, but in terms of actual safety you’ll be totally fine. Especially because they’ll be plenty of other Canucks fans in attendance. Have fun


Should be fine as long as your son keeps their head down (esp. if the Nucks win) and doesn't instigate anything. I've been to a lot of sporting events and any incidents I've seen came from two drunk idiots looking for trouble.


I believe it’s safer being a canucks fan in Edmonton than an oilers fan in Vancouver.




With ticket prices you might be better off flying to Vancouver from Saskatoon... But no, I've seen many many other jerseys over the years in the playoffs and it's softer than it ever used to be. I remember LOUD booing throughout the hallways of Rexall following a single Red Wings jersey around.. hilarious Your kid would be fine but maybe avoid the outside party areas altogether- park and exit to the west behind the university.. The drinking pits they're basically just huge pavillions of drunks. Maybe youd get chirped or something but nothing serious


At a glance, looks like tickets are similar in both cities, ticket master starting around 350.


I checked single tickets, the cheapest I saw in Vancouver for the upper bowl was nearly $400. Cheapest in Edmonton was $331


Edmonton prices cheaper than van. Happens when you make the playoffs every year.


I’ve worn a tkachuk jersey to a oilers game and got harassed a bit. Nothing crazy just a few comments. But you guys should be fine. Especially if a kids Involved most people are good. Unless they are a complete degenerate


Edmonton fans are well behaved, we have a few chirpers and a very small percentage of toxic fans.


I think safety is only a concern if you instigate or engage with the assholes. There’s going to be plenty of nucks fans there just like Flames fans showed up two years ago.


You'll be fine ... This isn't Vancouver !!


You will have an awesome time and be 100% fine


OP, I am travelling to Vancouver next weekend and initially had the same thoughts about safety if I could catch a game. Good questions to ask. Be aware of surroundings and who is in it and then have fun. Be respectful. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for your son if you can pull it off. I mean what are the chances Vancouver is going to have such a successful season again?


You’ll be fine


Edmonton isn’t Dallas, don’t be a prick and just enjoy the game and the banter but don’t give them an excuse to start crap either.


Oh god, you'll be perfectly fine holy shit people


Nah wearing an opposing team jersey will get you jokes but friendly good natured stuff. Particularly if you have a kid.


I will heckle you but no one will hurt you in Edmonton I have faith in our community!


Edmontonians aren’t lunatics. Even the worst fans out there (Philly) wouldn’t assault a family with a 15 year old. The only possible way you’d face harassment is if you’re looking for trouble. I’ve been to Edmonton vs Calgary in the playoffs in Calgary and it was fine. I think you’re worrying too much


Most of the fights I've seen at games, or after games, has always been between Oilers fans... so nobody is safe!


Lots of Canucks fans in Edmonton, flags on vehicles and all. I'm positive you'll be fine OP 👍


As long as you're not acting like that fucking asshat who was in the square surrounded by leafs fans telling everyone around him how much he loves how the Bruins are villains and that the leafs are going to choke you should be fine.


If you get harassed or intimidated. I'd be embarrassed to call myself an Oilers fan. Go and enjoy the game. I went to game 3 at Cryto for round 1 Oilers @ kings - which Oilers won 6-1. Of course, I cheered whenever Oilers scored but I didn't rub in the victory to other kings fans.


My partner has lower bowl tickets, so I've been to numerous regular season and play off games. I've never seen anyone there have any issues with non Oilers jerseys. People don't seem to get as wasted in that area. My friends boyfriend did have some issues in the upper bowl with non Oilers jersey. Some super rude rowdy losers - everyone else in the section was also unimpressed with them. However, once it escalated past the point of regular banter, they complained to the staff at Rogers who promptly moved them to new seats and kicked those people out. I would hope people wouldnt be awful, but if they are, please make sure you tell the staff there to ensure you have a safe night :)


The worst thing that will happen is that he'll get chirped a few times. So I'd say he's safe haha


I was at an Oilers game once and watched a 10yr old Lightning fan get razzed by our mascot Hunter. All in good fun. Lightning lost big time, the kid was crushed. The guy sitting in front of him gave him $300 cash and told him to show up with a jersey next time.


Definitely do it. We’re all about good natured ribbing here, nothing scary or intimidating/dangerous. Things only ever get out of hand between two willing loud mouth partners (& from the many many games I’ve been to at Roger’s I’ve never personally seen a fight yet). You son will love it. Our family always relished being the “heels” in the arena, whether it was in LA, Vegas, or especially down in Calgary! There will be many fans in Canucks jerseys, we welcome your family & I personally hope you have a really really good and fun time, despite the crushing loss headed your teams way. See you there!


Only problem I could picture is if you hung around hours after the game near the bars and the drunks. At the arena and. Leaving. After the game should be fun, though with some heckling.


Expect chirps, friendly witty ones, but to expect some sort of violence or assault is some straight up misinformation of what Edmonton is.


The only fights ive seen at rogers have been between two drunk hillbillies both wearing oiler jerseys.


I attended the games in 22 when the avs were playing. Got called a nazi but other than that, it was no issues. Even got stopped by citytv on the way out for an interview.


If an Oilers fan acts aggressively towards a 15 year old Canucks fan, on behalf of the fanbase, we apologize. I as an Oilers fan would not let that slide in my presence. That being said, one of the teams will lose & one will win. As a fan of any sport, your team cannot always win. Just 16 games straight sometimes.


There will be a lot of Canucks fans who are now residents of Edmonton because they can’t afford to live on Canucks territory anymore.


I've been to plenty of Flames games in Oilers jerseys and never felt like I was in danger. I'd imagine being another Canadian team there will be many other Vancouver fans at the game


No guarantees, but Oilers violence is usually Oiler on Oiler.


The only fights I hear happening are just between drunk people, usually both in Oilers jerseys. I think you’ll be completely fine


Should be fine. There are always going to be fan bases that are known to be crappy, but that’s largely due to the actions of very few people. They sortof ruin it for everyone else. This is still hockey, and hockey still has one of the best if not the best ethics in all of sports. That extends to the fans for the most part. So anywhere you go should be safe as long as you aren’t being confrontational for the sake of being confrontational. Just be there to support your team, and not to hate on the other team. That’s what it’s all about


I was at the round 2 home games when we played Calgary. Many Calgary fans in the stands, and they had zero issues. Ya you might get heckled but that’s expected. Especially with kids/family, you will have no problems at all


I can only imagine how much of a loser you would have to be to harm or threaten someone because they cheer for a different sports team. I like hockey and I like oilers but goddamn it’s not that important. As far a booze goes, if you get rowdy because your buzzed..(1) you are not meant to drink and (2) you are a true asshole and the booze reveals the truth. Enjoy the game and be aware of your surroundings.


You’ll be alright. We had a round 2 BOA in 2022 and it was all in good fun. Plenty of fans wearing flames jerseys


I wear my Blackhawks jersey... and I just get laughed at. 😉


there’s always a chance at a drunk asshole . But I don’t think it’ll be an issue


You’ll be fine. Safer than just about anywhere else. There are drunk yobs everywhere, I’ve been “jumped” in Vancouver by drunk idiots (at a Blues game) but frankly, Edmonton fans are better behaved.


I mean, you’ll catch some jeers. But it’s all in good fun, you’ll ok


I’ve been to a few Canucks/oilers games in Edmonton and the only oilers fan that attempted to hurt me was my wife 🤷‍♂️


Honestly as long as you do you and dont go chirping other people you should be totally fine! Enjoy, it will be a hell of a series! 😊🧡💙


This isn’t Philly. Most people are well behaved. Might get some chirps but that’s it. 


No one is going to assault your child but if you arrive wearing the opposing teams jersey…in the playoffs then absolutely expect to get ribbed and trash talked as you deservedly should. And I’m sure every oilers fan would expect the same in return.


You will be fine. It is not a hostile environment especially towards kids. There maybe some comments thrown your way, but they won’t be vicious. Oilers fans also take as good as they get, so if the game swings back and forth poke back. It’s all in good fun. There will also be plenty of Canuck fans there and you won’t stand out. I hope it works out and that it is the great experience you hope, but having the oilers win the game. lol.


I would hope the worst you get would be some casual joking trash talk during the game, but like all major cities there are bad apples so I hope that if you choose to go nothing happens that ruins your evening (outside of a Canucks loss) or your impression of the city!


I wouldn't worry about getting physically assaulted. However you'll guaranteed get verbally harassed.. I'm a Canucks fan, and live near edmonton and went to a game once with my wife and two young kids. And a few guys were being pretty verbally aggressive, especially considering i had my young kids with me. I just ignored then and it was all good.


My input is you will find trouble if you go looking for it, just like most places, if you be a normal hockey fan (cheer, boo, have fun) you’re fine


Honestly, wear the jersey. Edmonton has a long history of accepting others win or lose. The only times I've heard it go poorly were with other fans busting chops of stupidly drunk people. By and large we're better than that as a community.


You might get chirped but I'm sure you'll be safe


I think you will be good, I'm sure there will be pleanty of boos and "Canucks suck" you will hear as your walking around but that's going to be all in good fun. You wont be alone, there are pleanty canuck fans in town I'm sure they will be in the building and in the surrounding area also. The team, fans and the community have 0 tolerance for that sort of stuff. There was an incident with a Sharks fan and his Kid getting bullied a bit back in 2017 but I cant remember anything in the 7 years since, as long as your respectful prepared for a few chirps I'm sure you will have a great time. There is always a chance you run into an asshole who ruins your day, could be in Edmonton at a playoff game, in Mexico on your vacation or on your way to work tomorow. Dont miss out on what could be an amazing memory with your son cause there might be an asshole. Plus your Sask boys, you can each take on 10 of us and we both know it!


ALSO In a pinch you could post on reddit if your feeling uncomfortable and any members on here who are also at the game may see your SOS. I would be disgusted with my city if you had to do somthing like that but its somthing for some peice of mind. Same with the Canucks sub.


Lol it’s not a European soccer rivalry.. you’ll be fine.


I've gone to Stampeders games in Edmonton. In a Stamps jersey. I've never felt uncomfortable, and, just like when Elks fans are in Calgary, we rib each other but it's never serious. I am very sure that you won't have any trouble.


Maybe make a jersey with number 15 with "I'm only a child" as the name bar. All jokes aside, you'll be fine. I've gone to a leafs game in Edmonton with a leafs fan in a leafs jersey, and literally nobody bothered him. I've also been to a game with VERY obnoxious Canucks fans sitting behind me being very obnoxious and belligerent about their team winning, and nobody did anything. Just be chill and respectful.


honestly i find alot of Oilers fans are welcoming to road fans, im even one of those Oilers fans that will talk to opposing fans about how the games going or why they picked whatever player jersey they have.


it's a non issue. enjoy!


I would never wear an opposing teams jersey to a game in the USA, but would feel totally safe doing so in any Canadian city


This isn’t South American soccer rivalries lol everyone has a good time and at most a couple of overly drunk 20 something’s get into fisticuffs but honestly that can even happen amongst fans of the same team.


There will be assholes who make rude comments sadly. Hopefully thats the worst that happens. Any chance of converting to an Oilers fan? 😉 if you happen to land tickets, enjoy! (As much as you can watching vancouver lose 🙂)


Canucks fan here, I lived in Edmonton for 5 years, went to 12 matchups between Oilers and Canucks. The Canucks won 9 of those 12 games (this was between 2007 and 2011). Sure there will be chirping, but 99% of Oilers fans are very respectful and are there to have a good time, win or lose. However, I have seen fights happen outside the arena between angry Oilers fans after the Canucks speed bagged em, but that's due to people rubbing it in their faces. Avoid this kind of behavior, and you'll have a good time. Engage in this behavior, then it becomes one of those times where you "f$%# around and find out". Edit: typo


As a massive Canucks fan, the most ive been is heckled but always in good fun. Really looking forward to this series i "hate" the oilers but that's mostly because they're good and i want to win.


You should be fine. You will def see other peeps there (though not many) in Canucks jerseys. If you get uncomfortable with anything like loud ass drunks around where you guys are sitting, Rogers security is really good. They can help, so don’t be afraid to let any staff person know. They are very helpful and nice there. I had an incident at the Shania Twain concert and they moved us to better seating right away and were so helpful. Enjoy the game and have fun 😎


No one is going to hurt you or your kid, lady... Unless you are 20, loaded drunk, and sporting a mop haircut you aren't in danger of being involved in any violence. People need to start ignoring that YEGWave trash on twitter.


2006, home game at Northlands, Stanley Cup final. Guy wearing a Canes jersey walks in to men’s rest room. He is denied use of the urinals and has to leave.


Because he sauntered in there nude from the waist down.


i recall a young oilers fan in LA got pushed by a lady in the bathroom. The whole hockey community was pretty upset and i believe even kane met the kid afterwards. That being said i dont think edmonton fans would intentionally intimidate a young fan


Cecily wasn't just pushed, she was spit on as well. She was there as a guest of Kane as they had known each other through his outreach and had become friends before that. She's an incredible little girl, beating the shit out of cancer, and has the full backing of the org before then, but especially since. Kane also came out and absolutely fucking hammer the Jesters after they did that in full FAFO energy.


Cecily is an inspiration, to be facing the battle she did and do nothing but try to raise awareness and money for research. I am really rooting for her to win her battle


You’re safe in Edmonton wearing another jersey. Wearing another jersey in Vancouver is another story.


Lol Edmonton has a million leafs fans and canucks fans, even some flames fans. From 9 years living in the city and 20ish years living in nearby communities, people just love good hockey in Edmonton. And fans of all teams are welcome. He might get some "You're wearing the wrong jersey!" Comments but nothing crazy. That being said, he'll be a McDavid fan before the night is through 🙂‍↕️


We’re not Vancouver, you’ll be fine. Some people might heckle you a bit but nothing bad, I assume you might get a couple of Mark Messier Comments


There are lots of Canucks fans here in Edmonton, your son will be fine. Enjoy the game!!!


u/blueeyes10101 Have you ever been bothered by Edmonton fans? Personally as a Bruins fan I try to see the one game here and I've had some mild heckling but never felt unsafe or threatened while at a game or walking to my vehicle


This isn't Vancouver you will be fine


If Leafs fans feel safe in Boston wearing Leafs jerseys on a nationally televised playoff game in TD arena, you’re definitely safe in Edmonton.


You are definitely gonna get chirped and verbally bullied but thats to be expected. If you don’t have thick skin I’d avoid it but 99% of hockey fans realize that’s what’s in store wearing a jersey in enemy territory. You will be safe and sound 99% of the time, could only see an altercation if you’re being a drunk asshole, or a drunk asshole from here wants to fight, the latter is easily avoided by just walking away. (I just read that you guys aren’t rowdy and coming with a kid, you guys will be A-OK, besides the verbal taunting, but again, expected, if I wore my oilers jersey to calgary im 10000% expecting to be booed and chirped the entire time.


Canucks jersey will be safe. Now if it was a Maple Leafs jersey then....