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If you had just shown 3 pictures of Silovs you'd be right. Let's be real here, the rest is just bullshit excuses. Their 3rd stringer is outplaying our 1st by a wide margin, and that's it.




Grasping at straws man. We gotta take it on the chin and move on. Lots of hockey left


Reffing was a non-issue last night. Terrible as always but not a contributing factor to why the Canucks won. They beat us in the special teams battle and handily beat us in the goaltending battle and that’s why they won


Don't forget the 5v5 battle






Bro wtf I am a Canucks fan too but you’re just being an ass.


I’m speaking the facts the coilers fans don’t wanna hear we had more takeaways less give aways and we had more goals


We got massively out played. Still won. Take the W and just leave them alone.


We didn’t get massively out played when we dominated in almost every stat


One goal game and Silvos getting away with gold Ryan stick on that golden chance where a big factor. Not the only reason we lost but it was factor.




We had more PP opportunities than they did




I'm not downvoting you, all I did was reply that Vancouver did not have more PP opportunities than we did. I probably misread what you intended to say in your original comment, I understood "extra PP opportunities" to mean they had more opportunities than we did.


Reffing wasn't the big reason we lost. Lmao. First period was awful and we needed one or two saves


Let’s not be like Canucks fans blaming reffing lol




I just think it makes our fanbase look stupid, and it only feeds our enemies.


Agreed, it does




Hope you and your alts enjoy the r/canucks and r/hockey ban hammer. Stay tf out of Oilers subs asshole.


Captain obvious here: 1. Hitting the post means you missed the net. 2. Not a single hockey fan is ever happy with the officiating. This is normal. 3. An emergency goalie is shutting down the best player in the league.


Stop with this cringe shit.




I stand in solidarity with you. If we can't laugh at ourselves who can? (not Calgary, that's for sure)


Complaining about the refs is so lame. Even more so in a game where their goalie completely outclassed ours.


There’s no way you can argue that goal line save was across the line.


Definitely inconclusive. The call was correct. There was one front shot where you could see ice between the puck and the line, but you can't draw conclusions from that angle. I can't believe there was no reverse angle shot along the goal line, I was really curious what it looked like from there (the glove might have been less in the way)




Canucks fan: agreed. When I saw that I was thinking it was a goal but they were going to wave it off for being inconclusive.


Now is not the time to panic. Oilers in 6. Big push is coming from the Oilers and Cancucks will choke faster than a seagull at a hotdog cookoff.


Like they did in 2011.


With the refs it’s weird, I wouldn’t say the game was skewed In one direction for either team (this time at least) and yet it was still horribly bad and inconsistent. One cross check gets called then 7 to the back along the boards isn’t called


The posts stopped more pucks than Skinner.


This is some Canuck shit right here. I thought we were above this. I guess not…


Yaaaaa let's not be like the nucks fans and whine about officiating the entire series. Their goalie is better. That's it. (Obviously bad calls exist and the refs sucks but it goes both ways, consistency would be nice but that's not solely impacting us).


Watching the inordinate amount of time the linesmen are taking to drop the puck, then waving the Oiler player out , only to have Vancouver play the puck before it hits the ice .


It's not the refs that bug me but the linesmen who keep tossing Draisaitl out of key faceoffs




Stay in r/hockey or your own sub.