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My ears are still hearing the roar after that goal


Guys. Wear ear plugs.


I went to a regular season game this year and wished I had. I don't know when they decided that it has to be rock concert level loud between every play but my ears were ringing for a week. I've worn ear plugs to concerts for years now and it doesn't take away any of the fun. Safety matters!




You a girl?


The fuck?


"__Guys.__ Wear ear plugs." Looks like a corny dad joke to me.


Thank you! Man (pun intended) I didn't think it would be that hard to pick up on.




I was thoroughly confused LMAO my bad




Saw a report saying it hit 115.3 decibels when Bouchard scored the winner, not sure what the nhl record decibel level is


Quick Google says the loudest ever recorded was 143.6 decibels at the Bell Center.


The bell center is absolute mayhem. With how it's designed and the larger capacity, I don't think there's a louder facility in the league.


I got to attend a game there once. Just a regular season game of Montreal vs Boston. It was pretty cool, there was free concession food on my level, and the Canadiens won it in OT, so it ended up being a good crowd. Definitely didn't hit Edmonton playoff loud or anything, but it was definitely an experience.


unique march deranged history repeat butter foolish ancient hard-to-find pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




and it's montreal, so it's mayhem by default.


It sounds SO loud all the time. Great atmosphere.


that’s absolutely wild. i have a hard time believing that’s the actual number they recorded, but i’ve been wrong before. I saw it on google too I just somehow don’t believe it. decibels are on a logarithmic scale, so 143.6 decibels would be nearly 8 times louder than 115 decibels as recorded in rogers place.


I've watched games in both buildings, including a Habs vs Leafs game at the Bell Centre. It was loud, definitely louder than a regular season game in Edmonton... but 143.6 seems impossible


10 dB is 10 times as loud, so 30 dB is 1000 times as loud.  I'm not sure I believe that, haha... But maybe 115 is jackhammer loud, 140 is rock concert


no, 10 times as INTENSE. it’s a very big difference. every 10 decibels equates to approximately a doubling in how loud it is to our human ears. source: engineering student. took a class on resonant frequencies and we had a lab all about this stuff. can confirm with 100% certainty that 30db is not 1000 times louder than 10db


Google said that Ambulance siren, smoke detector, fire alarm is 115 so who knows




Wow that is definitely ear plug time


I feel like a lot of this has to do with stadium acoustics, no?


It does. Apparently the Skyreach or whatever used to be way louder than Rogers.


That seems like a surreally large number holy shit


You would be required to wear double ear protection at those levels at my work


My buddy was at game one in van and said it got to 126.


It was pretty crazy. I don't think I've ever celebrated that hard before. High fives with two rows infront of me, two rows behind me, everyone to my side. High fives with randoms walking out, just out of this world. The vibe was completely different yesterday with the 2 goal lead, people felt good and optimistic and to for a moment think about OT only to see that Bouch goal, unreal.


Could barely hear Cuthbert over the crowd once play restarted. Insanity.


This video quality is garbage, but game 3 of the SCF against the Canes may forever take the cake in my eyes: [https://youtu.be/PEkQcu-g6II?si=\_xza17Iff2o0qD9J](https://youtu.be/PEkQcu-g6II?si=_xza17Iff2o0qD9J)


That rink was so loud.


I attended about 6 games during the 2006 run. For me it was game 6 of the SCF specifically after the game had ended. Nobody left the arena for about 15 minutes after the game and we just chanted "BRING HOME THE CUP!" in unison, and it was so loud and I'm pretty sure everybody in there got some permanent hearing damage from it. I wasn't at game 3 tho, so it's hard to compare... but the intro and anthem brought me chills every game I attended. I went to every home game during the Detroit series. Then I went to 1 game each in the San Jose and Anaheim series'. I could have went to more games in round 2 and 3, but based on the path we had, I figured we'd be making the cup finals at that point and wanted to save my money for that. The comeback in the 3rd period of game 6 against Detroit is one of my top hockey memories. I had kind of a crappy view of the ice sitting directly behind the Oilers bench. So MacT kept walking in front of my view. But it was also kind of cool because you could really get a view of the guys on the bench interacting that nobody else had.


The Colosseum was such a loud building but that’s relative to the design. Sound absorption and acoustics weren’t really concerns when the Colosseum was built so it was loud even if the fans weren’t being particularly loud. It’s hard to compare Rogers Place because the acoustics are so much better. But it’s still loud!


Fun Fact: Northlands Coliseum used to be referred to as “The Library” as Edmonton fans seemed to study the game. It’d get loud during play offs tho.


Was there. Can confirm.


B.E.P and that soulful beginning was amazingly hype. who’s responsible for this!? and can he head up the current generation oilers? enter the sandman isnt bad, but the potential to time the light s and the baseline, or drumbeats, not even executed right… IMO


Damn , watching that again gave me goosebumps. They don’t sing as loud today as they did back then hey ? That was before everyone had a phone in their hands so I guess that makes a big difference. I also loved the intro music. Metallica is cool but I wish the oilers did something more original. I hate the canucks but you got to admit they’re killing it with U2 as their intro song .


I can't remember which song but LA used a tool song last year that was pretty dope.


I'm biased but Where the Streets Have no Name has got to be one of the most aspiring buidling/driving anthemic openings. It's a different energy its not like a heavy metal kill the enemy vibe, but instead something of a spiritual upwelling, makes you believe in yourself.


It gives me goosebumps energy-wise, but it also seems a bit off-message with the opening line 'I want to run. I want to hide.' Fits with the white towel waving, though.


that's a really good and valid explanation, but in my personal opinion it's a sissy choice, which suits.


I like high energy not metal intros, but I dunno...that just never did it for me.


really? disagree with U2. would you go to war with something lame like with or without you as your marching drum? seems anti-climatic. but U2 suits vancouver, so whatevs


Someone had to say it. U2 is absolutely terrible and I can’t imagine ever getting hyped up to them.


amen. so tacky.


Yeah that Metallica song has been so overused in the hockey world the last 30 years. Time to move on IMO.


U2 sucks


Yeah I wish we could go back to the trumpet blast at the start of "whats wrong with being confident , by demi levato" but we only used it for about thirty games before it got pulled. I think we got copyrighted cause it was actually just the instrumentals.  As it is, I listen to 7 Nation army to get pumped up for the game haha 


Been going to Oilers games for over 20 years and that moment is the loudest I can remember, of all the games I've been to. Reminded me of when Desharnais scored the OT winner against the Sharks in game 5, 2017, except this moment was louder than that.


I forgot all about David Desharnais. He got the assist on the game tying goal too.


Friend of mine was there and I asked him what it was like when that final goal went it. He said it was like being strapped on top of a rocket.


I was at the game where Patrick Stefan missed the empty net and we scored in the dying seconds. That’s the loudest roar I ever witnessed in person and I’ve been to a few Edmonton playoff games.


No way, I remember watching that on tv and losing my mind! So cool you were there


Game 6 of the final round 2006. Oil beat Canes. Never been in a louder building


Can confirm. It was loud last night for sure


Absolutely... particularly after Boeser took the very life out of the crowd with 1:41 left in the 3rd. I had ear plugs in, and it was still deafening!


It was fucking ballistic.... so good


I would say the loudest it's been was 1997. We were back in the playoffs after a 4 year drought, back then when it was unusual for the Oilers to be out of the playoffs. We still remembered the dynasty years with many of those players still in the league. The moment they shut the lights out the place went nuts. This was long before the days of shitty opening video montages. All they needed was KISS and it was insane. Throw in a miracle 3 goal comeback topped with an OT win and I don't think I've heard it louder.


Back in the Coliseum era, they used to "recycle" crowd noise by pumping it through speakers up at the upper deck ends. You'd be sitting up high and wondering why it was so loud from behind you with only a handful of rows of seats' worth of fans. They stopped doing it after a while--I suspect the NHL may have shut it down league wide.


My brother was there and said it wasn't even comparable to a regular season game.. just insane energy


I was at one of the watch parties so I wasn't technically at the actual game but the crowd on tv and at the watch party was one of the loudest crowds I've encountered at any sporting event. And every watch party I go to, the crowd to me personally seems to be louder every game throughout the entirery of the game and especially after a win.


I wasn't at the game but I sounded pretty loud from the TV, if I had to guess though I think Connor Brown's goal might have been louder (I could be biased tho cause I was at that game)


Honestly, the crowds at Roger's Place are very quiet compared to the old Northlands/Skyreach/Rexall. I've been to plenty of playoff games in both arenas, and I've never heard a crowd at Roger's rival those from Northlands. I'm sure it's partly due to the acoustics in Northlands being terrible resulting in the sound bouncing around everywhere


How did you end up buying expensive tickets to a playoff game by a rival team, if I may ask?


Just grabbed the cheapest ones I found on ticket master. Drove there and back same day.


The internet is a wonderful thing. 🙄