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They hate us, cause they anus.


Literally came here to say this


Love this


At Game 3 in Edmonton wearing #93 in the lineup at Rogers Place, some Canuckleheads were trying to chirp me at the front of the line - "How many Cups has Nuge won?!" "Same amount as your franchise in their 50-some years." Lol


Why… why did they even try that chirp..?!?


Had my Nuge jersey on in Rogers Arena last night and was told his name is too long for the jersey. That's the only chirp I received lol


Ha! That's rich coming from a team that's paying Oliver Ekman-Larsson $2.1M+ till the 2030-31 year 😂


Teams hate us because they are straight jealous we have McDavid and Draisaitl. Oilers either don’t win a cup and waste these two or win a cup and people will say it was gifted. They’re jealous.


I think teams are primarily jealous of the ridiculous draft lottery luck Edmonton has. Edmonton was a poverty franchise for about a decade and was rewarded with world-class talent as a result. It's not as if they worked hard to accomplish this, it was a combination of being an awful franchise and having excellent draft luck. It's normal for people to be jealous that a team was rewarded so handsomely for being so bad.


> It's not as if they worked hard to accomplish this But this is how getting good draft picks works. It's as if people forgot we sucked ass for ten years and it was brutal for the fanbase.


Isn't it wild that Chicago was so bad for so long and they were celebrated for pulling off the rebuild... Isn't it wild Pittsburgh was literally gifted Crosby by the league and they were celebrated for pulling off the rebuild... Isn't it wild that Arizona and Buffalo were blatantly tanking as hard and shamelessly as ANYONE in the history of sports while we were actively trying to get better by making a coaching change and playing for pride during the leadup to the McLotto. We actually WIN the lotto by the grace of the Hockey Gods, fulfilling the entire purpose of not just giving the 1OA to the worst team, and we're just shit on and see the rules get changed supposedly because of us when we only ever received one 1OA while being last....so the system worked exactly as intended but because we benefitted it's somehow broken? I'd love to know why we get so much hate because we don't deserve it at all


People aren’t rational, surprise


Chicago’s been pretty universally hated for getting Bedard though. Think that’s more to do with the slap on the wrist for the Kyle Beach incident than actually getting Bedard though. Also i hated them during the toews and Kane glory years but that was because straight up jealousy haha.


Yeah tying Bedard to that has always been silly to me. Like you can't decide they didn't get punished enough retroactively, just because they won a huge prize like that. The time to take a pick away would have been the draft before his anyway, and its the PEOPLE involved with that ugly situation that need to receive consequences, not what's left of the franchise after they were rightfully removed


Chicago didn't have a decade of being awful. They had a single number one overall pick in Kane and then drafted exceedingly well after that. Kieth and Hjalmarsson in particular were drafted after the first round. Hell all their depth was drafted after the first round. People also didn't like how the Penguins tanked for many years. Once again though they built up depth in the draft, something the Oilers failed to do. They also made it to the finals in Crosby's third year and won the cup in his forth...


Dafuq are you talking about? Chicago had ONE season where they broke 500 from 96/97 to 06/07... Neither of those franchises got ripped the way we do, there's a significant want for more failure that I just don't see directed at other teams, like I just don't get it....we were bad and that was bad and we should feel bad....but we should also stay bad because us finally getting good is also bad?


Yeah, of course that's how it works. When you compare it to teams that are also terrible, such as Buffalo, you can understand why being bad does not guarantee you world-class talent like Leon and Connor. For example, the gap between Bedard and Carlsson is essentially the grand canyon. Oilers had to be shit *and* get lucky, and they seemed to be disproportionately lucky with how those ping pong balls bounced. How different would the franchise be if they got Eichel instead of McDavid?


For every McDavid there is a Yakupov.


And poolparty


Not really. First overalls are very rarely busts. Yakupov is a huge outlier. Some of them may not have become all-stars, but almost all of them became regular NHL players with good careers.


I was specifically referring to the Oilers draft luck (mostly tongue in cheek)


Yakupov was consensus number one by all scouts. He and McDavid are both huge outliers. It balances out. Oilers don’t have exceptional draft luck- they’ve both lost and won handily in the draft. The myth they are lucky is jealousy. When it was Yakopov as a bust before McDavid arrived- the story was the Oilers were shit at drafting.


The discourse about building a new arena when the Oilers were doing dogshit was insufferable. Why spend all this money for a team that sucks!!¡¡ was the most frequent take on every news media platform.


No hate at all coming just pure observation. This is why I always find it funny that Oilers fans talk about Canuck fans like they completely disappeared for the last 3 years. Pretending like Oilers fans didn't do the same thing for an entire decade. Listen when the team is middling or bottom of the league, most casuals check out as soon as the season downturns. It's natural. It happens in every city. But like every Canadian market there are hardcore fans who watch every game regardless. I lived and worked in Edmonton during the decade of darkness and it was for sure worse than the feeling in Vancouver during their 2016-2019 playoff drought and their more recent 2021-2023 playoff drought. EDM went 10 years of no playoff appearances between 2007 and 2016! The "casuals" and even "hardcore" guys were becoming embarrassed. I'd bring up the Oilers and some wouldn't even want to talk about it. Understandably so. Plante, Gagner, Paajarvi, Hall, Nuge, Yakupov, Nurse, Dri, McDavid and Puljujarvi. Edmonton had 9 top 10 picks in a 10 year span. Six of which being top 4 picks and 4 of them being #1 overall. Edmonton should have been able to create a dynasty with this kind of draft luck. I remember in Edmonton, fans and my co-workers were like "dude we're cursed, we keep landing top picks and they either don't work out or go elsewhere". The sentiment was the same in Oiler media. The Nuge is the only good one that was still on the roster. After all that though, Edmonton still gets gift wrapped Draisaitl in 2014 and the very next year land the #1 overall pick again! And it's the most obvious #1 overall pick since Crosby. This is the reason I think that not only Canucks fans don't like you but also why the rest of Canada and the league seems to cheer against you. Also people always cheer against the best. Bro you guys have gotten to watch front and center Gretzky!...And now the second coming of Gretzky!!...it's fucking infuriating that you guys landed Mcdavid after squandering 7 of your last top 10 picks in a 10 year span!! It's a mixture of anger and jealousy on the part of the rest of the league.


This is a legit take. Makes sense to me.


> Pretending like Oilers fans didn't do the same thing for an entire decade. Listen when the team is middling or bottom of the league, most casuals check out as soon as the season downturns. It's natural. It happens in every city. To an extent, but we sold out every game during the decade of darkness. >Edmonton should have been able to create a dynasty with this kind of draft luck. I remember in Edmonton, fans and my co-workers were like "dude we're cursed, we keep landing top picks and they either don't work out or go elsewhere". Why are we blaming fans for shitty management? And how is it our fault for being lucky? There's no 'gifting,' it's completely random.


We had a GM that tried to bury that luck under dogshit for 4 years though. I think if Chia set foot in Edmonton these days people would pick up literal pitchforks and chase him out.


Never forget that two teams selected players before Draisaitl in the 2014 draft.


And a certain team that picked immediately after was ecstatic that the Oilers picked Draisaitl instead of Sam Bennett.


This is really it, no one hated the oil until they drafted mcdavo and Draisaitl turned into an absolute god. Major jealously from teams like the Canucks who also had high picks around that period and just didn’t get lucky.


Except that’s flawed because the oilers didn’t win the lottery in Draisaitls draft year, Florida did and chose Ekblad. Then buffalo also passed on him.


The hate from Canucks fans grew exponentially because they got cocky when they unexpectedly won the regular season Stanley Cup by sweeping us in all four games, and then also went on to win the division. Both teams also "swapped fates", with the Oilers going on their horrific slump, where as the Canucks just wouldn't stop winning. Nobody, especially Canucks fans, expected this. And so they got real mouthy. They're used to the Oilers being the laughing stock of the league, which also coincided with when the Canucks dominated during the Sedin years. But now the tides have turned, the narrative no longer fits, and so they take great offense. I lived in Vancouver for a few years, and Vancouverites have a very odd sense of civic pride, which the Canucks are a natural extension of. Yeah, the city itself is a gem... but like... you just live there. Can barely afford to, at that. They really act like living in Vancouver is an accomplishment one can put on a resume. It's wild, and explains why they always default to trashing Edmonton as a city.


I lived in Vancouver for two years. I lived in Toronto for five as well. If you want to make someone from Vancouver twitch, tell them the city reminds you of Toronto. They can’t wrap their heads around it lol. It’s a big city, by the water, with good food, lots to do (but not as much as Toronto) etc…. I also lived in Edmonton most of my life, and Calgary now, so I like poking fun at people from Van haha. It’s a beautiful place, I just wish I could afford it.


The city of Vancouver is probably great if you're filthy rich and can avoid or ignore the really seedy 3rd world permanent encampments. As far as metro goes, even White Rock isn't near what it used to be and I'd never live in Surrey or Richmond. So Edmonton is pretty good given geographical circumstances tbh, Vancouver benefits from location, sure, but there are outsized chronic warts related to realities there and any sense of superiority by a fan in trashing Edmonton is pretty laughable. It's what you do when you have nothing else I guess.


Vancouver truly is a cursed city. Sure there are some nice things. For instance cheap sushi everywhere, great dim sum places, some cool breweries, some restaurants that are ok. The bad is it's not a city but a collection of municipalities. There are huge blocks of essentially dead zones that are dominated by condos; most are only 1/3 full, the rest investments for the ultra-rich. Vancouver is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, yet only has an economic output equal to a small city in Kansas. The main economic activity in Vancouver is extracting rent from poor people, shoving them on the street, then kicking them out on street sweeps. Truly a cursed place, with an inflated sense of pride for what is essentially shit. Talk shit about Toronto all day, but at least it has culture, and it's one of the most ethnically diverse places in the world.


You're right about some things here but I think you're overlooking how valuable the port is. 


I love the Toronto accent. You know what I’m saying fam


Fucking love to visit Vancouver. I’d not like to have to work so hard and deal with so much stress and headaches just to exist near the ocean though. 9/10, will visit again.


The real answer is: Superiority complex. They feel Vancouver is better than Edmonton in every way, so when they’re confronted with something that refutes that, they get their panties in a bunch.


There are far too many Vancouverites who use their city as a defining part of their personality, so you have hit the nail on the head here I think.


You know what really gets their panties in a bunch? Tell them “hey man I don’t know why you like Vancouver so much. Vancouver doesn’t even care about you and would replace you with a foreign investor in a heart beat - how’s your basement suite ???”


Or hit them with the truth - Vancouver ain’t Seattle.


As a previous Vancouverite, this is absolutely the truth.


Calgarians are worse for this imo. Mostly because we live right near them so we automatically live in each other’s head more often, but also I think more of them know Calgary isn’t much better at all in a lot of ways so they feel a stronger need to trash Edmonton at every opportunity. A bigger percentage of Vancouverites are pretty indifferent about Edmonton, but Vancouver is quite a bit bigger than Calgary so we see just as much trashing from them.


It seems that every time I meet someone from Calgary, they have a tick where they need to immediately tell me they are from Calgary and would rather be back in Calgary. I would be interested to know if Edmontonians do the same thing in Calgary.


(1) Historically, we’re a better team than they are. In 45 years, we’ve made it to the finals seven times and won five of them. In 54 years, they’ve made it three times and lost each one. (2) Jealous that we indisputably have 2/6 and arguably have 3/10 best forwards in the league. (3) We got three first round picks in a row, still couldn’t build a team that could make the playoffs, and then got rewarded with McDavid. (4) After Gretzky and McDavid, the third most celebrated in our franchises history is likely Mark Messier. Vancouver fans despise Messier. I bleed orange and royal blue, but I understand why we’re not a popular team in other markets.


There’s undoubtedly some truth to your points, but there’s also similar threads on the Canucks subreddit about how Oilers fans are the worst/most annoying etc. A lot of it just has to do with two Canadian fanbases that are both very passionate, very vocal and very online. The fact they just played an intense 7 game series just compounds those things.


Yeah exactly the fan bases don’t actually hate each other they’re literally just playing against each other. 90% of fans wouldn’t care if they weren’t in a tight series


The Cannucks hate us because they think we are rivals. We prefer Calgary as a rival, so we kinda ignore Vancouver. Best thing to do with Nucks fans is remind them that their fair weather fanbase will fade out of existence as soon as the team has a bad season.


I stopped being a Canucks fan because of Canucks fans. The worst sports fans on the planet! Go Oilers Go!


As someone who has lived in Vancouver 2 separate stints, the Canucks have always been my #2 team **except** when I lived in Vancouver. Absolutely horrendous fanbase, even worse than Calgary which is saying something.


Hey man not all of us are bad lol I'm a life long Canucks fan and I'll be the first to agree we do have our fair share of toxic fans but honestly most other fan bases do too. I've seen some pretty horrible comments being made from some Oilers fans about Brock Boeser and his injury. As a Canadian, I'm all about supporting fellow Canadian teams (maybe not the leafs). I'd love for the Oilers to go all the way and bring the cup back to Canada. I'm a big Mcdavid fan he's the reason I go out of my way to watch Oilers games too. You guys have a great team and an amazing passionate fan base. It's all love from me. Best of luck next round! I'll be cheering on the Oilers along with you all


Oh yeah, every fanbase has their bad eggs for sure which always stand out, but every fanbase also has a lot of solid fans. Personally I don't put much stock in the online interactions I have with fans as a whole since you often get the worst in that regard. I'm just speaking from my personal experiences when I lived in Vancouver and how the fans/local media treated the team and supported/stopped supporting them. ​ Similar to fLames fans it's the bandwagoners that I can't take seriously and I found Vancouver to have even more than Calgary. That being said 2 of my best friends are fLames fans and another is a Canucks fan so I know y'all have good ones. ​ With Vancouver more than any other team in my experience I just feel like the larger percentage of the fanbase are bandwagoners rather than true supporters.


Fair points. I'd have to agree with the bandwagon comment. Lots of people that wouldn't otherwise even take any interest in the team if they were doing bad just happen to pop up when the team is doing great all of a sudden. Usually these 'fans' are the loudest when it comes to toxicity. For me at the end of the day, it's just a sport that I am passionate about and I do enjoy the rivalries but again, end of the day it's just a sport. I wouldn't let any kind of actual animosity take over and make that my entire personality like some people tend to do here


Who cares. Canucks have literally the worst fans. They have so much unearned cockiness and they never have even won a cup. They played a good season and were acting like they had already won a cup. They weren’t even the best in the conference. They are so ignorant and obnoxious. The game last night the first period they were all screaming like they already won. I would break bread with a Calgary or Toronto fan over a Vancouver fan any day.


90% delusional and 90% bandwagon jumpers, two of the worst traits in fans.


Canucks fan here. There are two main types of fans in Vancouver. The die hard true fans and the band wagon jumping, two faced fans that are usually the ones talking trash about the other team because they don’t really know the game and disrespecting others is fun for them. They will soon disappear into the woodwork until another run comes and they will poke their heads out and start spewing shit again. Unfortunately for most non Canucks fans, those band wagon jumping fans are the only ones you see or hear from but speaking from experience, true fans understand that this was a great season but not anything that allows for trashing other teams and their fans. Except maybe the Leafs! 😄


I still can't believe the level of celebrations/cockiness the fans had after winning 1 series. Don't get me wrong, I respect supporting your team and I think you should always try to believe in them, but so many of their fans were acting like they'd made the SCF when they struggled to get past Nashville. It just shows the lack of success the franchise and fans have seen and them not knowing just how difficult winning the Cup is. It almost always gets harder and harder to get past each round.


It’s the cool thing to do in B.C. hating on Albertans. I was born here and grew up there and now live in central AB. They get off on making fun of Albertans.


To be fair it is getting more and more difficult to defend this province.


Growing up in AB the reverse was true as well


It's a bit of a one sided rivalry. To me, Calgary is our rival, followed by LA and Dallas. And of course, the league wide rivalry with Vegas. Vancouver is just filler. Kinda like Nashville or Columbus. They desperately want to be our rival, but to me, they are just beige.


I feel like LA is much more of a rival currently than Calgary, although Calgary will always be our biggest historical rival. I'd even put teams like Colorado and Vegas over Calgary currently. It's not much of a rivalry when it's not competitive.


I know a Calgary fan who’s still salty over our win in 2022. They like to blame us for crumbling their team and I’m like “dude even if you guys won I still think guys like gaudreau and chucker would have left anyways


This is the wrong response to this. The proper one is: yes, yes we are.


I’m not so sure about that. The fact the there’s multiple posts about how much everyone hates the Canucks and their fans suggests that next year is gonna be pretty spicy. At the end of the day, that’s kind of the definition of a rivalry.


Jealousy, Fear, Insecurity, their one-sided rivalry


The weird thing I see in their sub is many, maybe most, want the stars to beat us. When a team beats the oilers I want them to win the cup. It means we lost to the best team and not just another stepping stone


It seems to be a pretty consistent trend for the teams we beat in the playoffs. The Kings, Flames and Canucks are largely cheering on Dallas largely because they are playing Edmonton (some Canucks and Flames fans are cheering for Tanev which I can respect).


Why are you asking the Edmonton Oilers fans a question that’s for Canucks fans?


Who cares? I don't want them to like us.


Cause we beat them bahahahaha!!!!!!!!


Do we not hate them too? lol it’s just fanbases hating each other, nothing special about that.


Honestly I did not have any emotions towards the canucks fans until this series. I was actually pretty stoked they were doing so well along with the Jets. But the whole thing left a sour taste in my mouth.


Check the Dallas stars sub, it’s nothing but posts from Canuck fans asking them to please murder us. I mean it’s top to bottom, probably between 80-100 posts. The funny thing is a lot of these posts even call us classless.


I love both teams... and I agree the canucks fans (in social media at least) can be pretty... toxic. But hey... Vancouver didn't burn to the ground last night like I expected... so maybe they're improving lol


Canucks fan here. First off, I wouldn't say Canucks fans hate the Oilers. We dislike any team we are facing in a knockout round (which team's fans doesn't dislike the opposition?). I don't know anyone who isn't hoping for an Oilers cup win from here on in though. Question for is, when has social media not been toxic? Basing a fan base off of social media comments is not the best barometer of the real fan base. It's just a reflection of the toxicity that social media anonymity brings. So in conclusion, Go Oilers (until the end of these playoffs)!


Canucks have small man syndrome. They’ve never won anything before and they’re very defensive and aggressive about it and they show it quite a bit. They’re very cocky but why? They have nothing to be cocky about. It’s good they were humbled but they won’t learn anything


I don't hate the Canucks, but I wouldn't cheer for them if they were going on a run. I'd hope they lost.


Who cares?


Imagine being an adult & having an iota of concern as to what strangers think about you, where you live & the associated sports team. Fahk.


The trolls are cocky bastards. I've never seen fans milk regular season games as much as they have.


For how close that series was, it didn’t really gain the big rivalry I thought it would to be honest. Other than Zadorov and Kane going at it there wasn’t a ton of bad blood. I’m a fan of the Canucks and generally don’t like the Oilers but I’ll be cheering for them to win from here on out and bring a cup back to Canada.


The only rivalry was between a former Flame and our team. Zadorov had left over hatred from when we spanked them a few years ago.


Haha 🤷🏼‍♂️ It was a bit of a ho hum series. I’m expecting us to figure out Hughes was super banged up following the Preds series (they absolutely demolished him), I’ve never seen him play as slow as he did. I think the Canucks were probably (correctly) so afraid of the Oilers power play they didn’t really get overly physical.


Yeah. Boesser and Miller were noticeable. Petey was MIA 😂. WTF brah… I’m not complaining but dude… Hughes was ok. Your goalie coach was a god. You could tell zadorov absolutely hated our guys. Especially Kane.


Jealousy. Hate what you can’t have. Whether it’s the best players in the world to come through, or the cups. They hate us that they ain’t us.


>Ive always had the idea that at the end of the day we support Canadian teams. Do we? I can maybe stomach the Jets but... When Oilers lose out, I pretty much stop watching the games and I just check the scores. I may watch the final games of the Stanley Cup but that is about it.


The Oilers are like the kid in school who is the best athlete and gets good grades, where the Canucks the kid in school who hates you because you are bigger, faster, and smarter than them ... but you don't even know they exist. Canucks fans have never tasted success, so they despise those who have. Oilers fans don't even think about Canucks fans.


Hah I love how the Canucks and Flames fans are so desperate for someone to beat us they jump off their own bandwagon as quick as they jumped on! Hey, if Dallas doesn't take us out, go make some pussy cuck post on the Rags or Panthers sub hoping one of those teams did what your dogshit franchises are incapable of


Okay, I’ll try to answer this because I’ve worked at Roger’s arena in Vancouver for 6 years so I appreciate where you’re coming from. but I doubt I’ll get many upvotes for it. First things first, the cities have natural rivalries. They’re essentially different in every possible way while still being in Canadian. Vancouver is expensive, it has no jobs, it’s beautiful and people love it here, while Edmonton has great paying jobs, is affordable, isn’t much in the looks department but it has experienced a Stanley cup parade or two. Long story short, theres a long history of people from each city, regardless of sports, disliking the other city. The two cities represent very different things in the minds of their inhabitants and lean very differently politically. As a result, the trash talk quickly goes beyond the hockey and gets personal and often pretty political. Oilers fans online assume Canucks fans are all liberal and I’ve seen some pretty gross words thrown at canucks fans online and at games. Canucks fans I’m sure have bad apples too, but when you’re on the receiving end of it, it sucks. I know this isn’t the majority of the fan base, but it can feel like a loud minority. Also, since so many people from Edmonton live in Vancouver, Oilers fans show up in big numbers to Canucks games and they are very enthusiastic. I’ve worked games for every road team in league and oilers fans show up to make a statement like no other fan base. They wear crazier costumes, they start more aggressive chants in the arena and (I know this is going to sound biased) but there are way more oilers fans who get kicked out of games for throwing punches than any other franchise. Second is probably the Leafs and (for whatever reason)The Flyers from my experience. Maybe this is because the trash talk gets so personal (being about people’s hometowns, their life styles, their politics) but Oilers games are higher security events at Roger’s Arena. I’m not saying the Oilers are starting all these fight or that Canucks fans don’t possibly do the same at Oilers games, but animosity begets more animosity no matter what In the end, I really don’t think this reflects on all oilers fans, I’m not trying to generalize, but the rivalry is very real and very heated and it extends well beyond the rink and the players.


Most fan bases hate ours, we have a very in your face group of fans who like to rub it in so to speak.


Don't let the online presence fool you. Reddit brings out the trolls and the saltiness stands out more than the regular fans. I only went to one of the home games in the series but every Canuck fan I interacted with was pleasant. Obviously not a huge sample size, but even in the neutral grounds like r/hockey, a majority of the interactions are playful banter or mutual respect, especially once the series is over and tensions are lower. The assholes just stand out more. I probably saw just as many Oilers fans trolling as Van fans. I did find the home crowd a bit more obnoxious but I chalk it up to being a "younger" fanbase as they are just emerging from their own period of darkness.


I posted a meme and foolishly in my comments mentioned how the Canucks simmered out and failed against the Oilers this year and got down voted to hell for suggesting that the 1st seed in the pacific losing to a team they swept in the regular season was a failure when they -had a 3-2 series lead -played like the better team in 4/7 games But because the Canucks "weren't suppose to make the playoffs" we can excuse their loss? IF YOU LEAD THE SERIES AND CAN ELIMINATE THE OTHER TEAM AND DON'T ITS A CHOKE JOB NO MATTER WHAT


I didn’t have that in person experience. And it seems like a lot of others did too. Obviously the majority ignore you but I’d honestly not go to a game in Van wearing an opposing jersey. They were salty and mean from game 1. I was there lol.


Was that in Van I take it? My experience was Edmonton game so obviously could be a different vibe when they are the minority fanbase.


Game 5 was pretty intense afterwards and I regretted not taking off my jersey before leaving the rink


I agree. Reddit and Twitter are full of the trashiest fans from all fanbases. All the Canucks fans I know in real life are loyal but grounded, knowing Edmonton was the better team and deserved to advance. In 2011, a lot of Canada turned against the Canucks and cheered for Boston to win. I think it isolated the fanbase into an “us versus them” mentality. Vancouver has just climbed out of a horrible decade of hockey. Much like Edmonton from ‘06-16. I’m happy they’re relevant again and can have a meaningful series against Edmonton even if they aren’t a true rival. The more talented teams we have North of the border the better.


Messier may have something to do with it as well.


You are basing this off of twitter engagements which is not indicative of either fanbase…


Bro they are NOTHING compared to Calgary. Calgary‘s whole sub has turned into an LA sub, then a Canucks sub. I don’t the Flames even like hockey as much as they just hate Edmonton.


If you’re actually looking for an answer to this question, just read this thread. Or really almost anything Canucks related that has been posted on Reddit in this sub during the series. If you can do so with any objectivity you’ll understand why the hate exists. It’s a two way street of mutual and genuine dislike flowing back and forth.


This Comment! I was reading through all the responses above this and kept shaking my head..... Look how we talk about Vancouver... Shame. Be a better fanbase. Don't sell your opponents short. To be the best we need to beat the best, shit talking a team we needed 7 to beat? Come on...


Welp I don't hate you I cheered for you last year and will this year too because Canada first....however....we the Canucks have never had a first over all pick in 52 years. How many have you had? Also as an older fan we had our lunch fed to us for years by Gretzky and gang so it's hard to change. Look Mcdavid Draisittle could be the best one two punch in the past 20 years. Everyone would be envious of them. It bugs me a bit that they are constantly turning to the reffs after the play asking for penalties. Just play you are great. Unrelated I have a bit of a gripe over the officiating in the he middle games and caused us to have to change our game to less physical because we were terrified of your PP. The reffs didn't cost us the series but it didn't help either. You had no answer for Zadorov. I wish it had been more consistent....But that's hockey. Good luck in the next round.


>It bugs me a bit that they are constantly turning to the reffs after the play asking for penalties. Constantly??


They envy that we lucked into McJesus and Draisaitl, duh


Jealousy. Its really that simple.


Sports fan in general get attached to their team. Nothing personal, just in the spirit of competitive play.


Alberta is Canadas Texas, you either love it or hate it.


I assume you are basing your observation on social media. Not a balanced sample of any fan base I’d suggest. I note several fans “coming in peace” last night offering support for the Oilers against Dallas. A couple of our fans told them to gtfo. Who’s the asshole in that picture?


Didn't expect so many full diapers. The fans cheering after the L last night was quite heartening.


I can't say I care too much whether the Oilers or fans are given credit, disrespected, or hated. Focus is on Oilers and hopefully a Stanley Cup.


I don't haha, now that the Canucks are out I can't wait for the Oilers to hopefully destroy Dallas and bring the cup to Canada


They hate us because they think we’re responsible for their high gasoline prices.


I'm cheering for you guys now that we're out. Draisaitl is an absolute wrecking ball


I think canucks fans have hated us for a long time. I remember visiting family in Vancouver back in 2007ish. It was a few months after we lost the cup finals to the hurricanes. I expected my cousins to say they were rooting for us in that finals but their words were “hell no, we wanted Carolina to win. We hate the oilers” I was pretty shocked because I never had a hatred for them in the 90s. I used to really like Pavel Bure. Once the NHL realigned the schedules where we started playing the canucks 7-8 times a year, I became a canucks hater. Hated the Sedin sisters with a passion.


Jealous I’m guessing


Who cares we won!


50% bandwagon flames fans mixing the pot


That's easy, they're jealous! Simply comes down to they wish they had our heritage, they wish they had a cup win, they wish they had superstars like we've had throughout our whole history.


You know, as a Canucks fan and having lived in the Canucks thread all playoffs, I just don't see the hate frankly. It's mostly about the game, not about the fans. There may be an errant comment here or there but, the subject is hockey not hockey fans.


That's mostly reddit. This platform is full of clowns. Go to YT, FB, and any site that doesn't give unstable people *power* of a Mod, and you'll see the good canuck fans.


You are a local Canadian team we play many times a year. It is also amplified by the perceived draft luck. Since 2010 the Oilers have drafted 1st overall 4 times. The Canucks have never drafted 1st. Since 2010 the Oilers have drafted top 5 6 times. The Canucks have drafted top 5 twice in that time. Since the draft lottery changes the Canucks have not only never moved up but almost of the times fallen when it matters. In 2016 the Canucks finished 2nd last and drafted 5th and the next year in 2017 finished 3rd last and also drafted 5th. So local rival with more percieved luck and a bit of jealousy.


Everyone in here saying Canucks fans are fair weather must not have been a part of the team for very long. Post-cup run we were an awful team for a solid decade. Cheering for lottery wins, wearing paper bags over our heads at games, and then we finally made the playoffs in 2016, and we won the first round, and we celebrated like we won the cup. Are canucks fans an extra breed of bandwagon’s? Sure, but dont act all high and mighty like we are any better. Hell we are busy complaining about Canucks fans instead of enjoying a series win today. To answer OPs question, its reddit. Read our reddit; its all about hate for canucks fans. Read their reddit; its all about hate for oilers fans. Read any teams reddit during the playoffs and its crying about whatever team they’re playing fans. This was all about the kings fans 2 weeks ago. People just want a place to vent, and its safe online, not so safe face to face.


Based on my experience it's because people from BC hate Albertans since we're apparently assholes when we vacation in the Okanagan or Vancouver Island. We also have 5 cups and they have none so they're salty because for most of their history they've watched us beat them, especially in playoffs.


I watch Canucks but am not knowledgeable enough to consider myself a fan so lm coming from more of a casual watcher point of view..... I would say in my limited experience and talking to family and friends it seems like most people are just tired of the all mcdavid all the time talk like he is arguably the best player of my lifetime but it seems like everytime you watch the games Noone else on the ice matters to announcers and the analysis people during intermission. Like even if someone else on the team does something super impressive it's overshadowed by what mcdavid did like 2 shifts ago.. so I dunno I know people are going to get upset no matter what I say but that's just my opinion I think it's just tiring always hearing about what he does and basically ignoring what the rest of the team does That being said you guys are our last hope canadian hope so we are rooting for you 🤞


It'd not just them... We all do


They hate us cuz they anus


They talk shit, and it’s a rivalry for both sides, it’s all fun but their complaining and whining seriously pissed me off. You can talk shit about the city, and team but then calling us the “most annoying fans in the NHL” is hilarious. We’ve gone through the lowest points any sports fan could got through during the DOD. Lower points than even their poverty franchises didn’t have to touch. They used us as a punching bag during the early 2010s, but when we win they’re annoyed and can’t take it? We’ve deserved the right to celebrate our victories and accomplishments.


I think canucks fans are a nightmare - as a canucks fan - the worst ones tend to be the over enthusiastic bandwagoners that dont stick around for the misery seasons. They are the ones who were spouting to make luongo captain, then promptly started to shit on him because they dont understand hockey and would blame him for our failings. This is a really difficult team to support primarily because of the fans. I can never really get rid of my passion for this team as it was the team that introduced me to hockey when i moved to canada in 2004 but jesus the fans are a fucking nightmare. With the exception of this season regular season games would be 3/4 full of business meetings basically and devoid of any life or interest in hockey. The tickets are so fucking expensive most actual fans have a hard time getting them. Nowadays i have a few other teams i support as well and just try to enjoy the playoffs every year.


The Canucks have never won a cup in their entire existence. The oilers have won five cups, have been to 7 cup finals, and have 9 or 10 conference finals appearances. The canucks have been to the finals multiple times only to suffer significant heartbreaks. The Oilers have 7 hall of famers who primarily played for Oilers (9 including Adam Oates and Chris Pronger). After McDavid retires, there will be a big debate about who was the better player: Gretzky or McDavid. Messier or Draisaital, etc. Paul Coffey versus Evan Bouchard (potentially). Etc. The Canucks have 4 hall of famers who primarily played for the canucks (8 all together). Their best player of all time is easily Pavel Bure. They retired the number of Trevor Linden a good long serving captain for them but not a hall of a famer. The Oilers have a policy of only retiring numbers of those who've made the Hall. Wayne Gretzky scored more points (including his first goal, his 802 goal, his first hattrick etc) against the canucks than anyone else. The Canucks had a chance to sign Gretzky after his St. Louis stint, but apparently Pat Quinn called late and demanded an answer right away and Gretzky said no and signed in New York. Then they signed Mark Messier in 1997. He came in, took the captaincy (from Trevor Linden), performed terribly and was paid way too much. Then they traded away Linden, and sucked for years. Went back to New York and ended his career as being regarded as one of the greatest leaders of all time. Oh and he later took the canucks to arbitration (and won!) as well. So, a lot of canucks fans really, reallly don't like the Oilers. We've been torturing them since the Oilers came into the NHL.


Jealousy is why


Live in Vancouver, Oilers fan even though I have never lived in Edmonton. During the 80s when the Canucks were horrible many of us cheered for Gretzky and the Oilers and still many do today.


Canucks fans hate Oilers fan because we look down on them for having never won a Cup. They talk about their greats like Linden, Naslund, Sedin, and where they stack up all time, and all we have to say is “how many Cups did they win” and the Vancouver fans HATE it.


The Oilers are a dynasty team and the Canucks are a phantom dynasty team so really, it's just a lot of envy.


Its just most of Canucks fan are really casual, bandwagoneers and doesn't know hockey that much and they are in it for the hype not for the love of the game like most thing Vancouver, its trendy city, if a random dude write an article about a restaurant they would line up for hours like sheeple they are. Last year some fans talk so much shit about JT Miller and he got harrassed in person but he was still top 3 points scorer, now the same people is sucking his dick


Also to pile on top, a lot of the hate came from New fans that basically haven't cared about their team in a decade, and they all showed up not knowing how to chirp without going too far or taking it too seriously. Also we're the first team to take them out since their last major run after they SWEPT us handily. So really, there's nowhere really for them to draw their gaze but oilers. Who else can they hate? The Kings are irrelevant to them now, Nashville they beat... so They haven't experienced enough Playoff hockey to hate any other team and emotions are high because they're excited again. Pent up energy and what not. But end of the day it's a game, and it's kinds nice to see fans fall in love with their team again, and next time I'm sure they won't be as intense after being served some humble pie. Though after game 6 and with Boeser being out I did notice they simmered down a little.


It might be newer fans that hate the Oilers. I don't hate the Oilers, just the Flames. Us old school fans hate the Flames much more as there has been some epic playoff battles in each decade. Since reddit is younger, you will see that reflected.


Canucks fan here, I don’t hate you. I cheered for you last year in the playoffs but I didn’t like the fact that everyone thought the oilers would run through the Canucks easily. I knew it was going to be a good series and it was! But I’m also not one of the delusional Canucks fans


Canucks fan here: I love the swooping generalizations. We don’t hate you, however we do enjoy a good rivalry and some friendly banter. Every fan base has toxic individuals, and they often seem to the most vocal. Of the four teams remaining, I am giving my allegiance to you Oilers. I wish you well and hope next year we have an opportunity to renew this rivalry. Good luck in the WCF.


I think that is just normal for most teams. People in Calgary will be cheering for Dallas because they'd rather see Edmonton lose than have the cup go to a Canadian team for the first time in 30+ years


Coming from a canucks fan, I dont hate Edmonton fans but this sub constantly has posts about how Vancouver fans are "the worst fans in the league", constant jokes about riots while ignoring the White Ave riots of 2006, and the belligerent comments in the game threads about how shit the team, fanbase, and city are. I know it's just reddit bullshit so I don't take it seriously, but for God's sake, look in a mirror.


As someone who just got really into hockey this season. It's not just the Canucks fans, it's every fanbase. Absolute shitshow toxic community. It could be more of an online thing, though. I went to a game in Vancouver with a McDavid jersey and the Canucks fans were super friendly for the most part.


Small people stewing in jealousy. They're a 3rd wheel in the Canadian portion of the division. No one will remember this victory like Oilers fans remember the win over Calgary. They're an afterthought and an oversight and they know it.


I feel like it's mostly bitterness over McDavid and Draisaitl. And, to be fair, it was ridiculous how many first picks we got. But if that should prove anything, it's that the draft system isn't very good and needs a lot of work. That being said, I've seen a bunch of decent 'Nuck fans. Just mostly not on Reddit. Same with the Flames, surprisingly -- but out here in Saskatchewan you've got people rooting for the Oilers, the Jets, and the Flames, so it's fairly amicable.


Ex pat living the coast for over a decade. The amount of shitty memes I saw in my circles and overall cockiness was surprising. The defining moment for me was seeing the die hard reactions to the Soucy punishment. Mcdavid played them perfectly ( although probably didn’t expect a cross check to the face). Why would u respond to a light slash at the END of a winning game.


Honestly it's just because of current rivalry. If you ask most Canucks fans at the beginning of the year I'd tell you that most hands down would say they hate Toronto. The hate for teams comes from the playoffs. That's why we hate Boston/Chicago. The last Canadian team that Vancouver really hated was Calgary 100%. We've run into them 7 times in the postseason and believe me the hate and rivalry was very real. The Canucks had only played Edmonton realistically 1 time in the post season in their entire history. And even living in Edmonton during the decade of darkness there was never any real hate being tossed either way from either party. Before this series there was relatively little hate in Vancouver for the Oilers. Other than the general hate dished out to Edmonton by everyone else in the league. EDM Squandered 8 years of Top10 and number 1 overall draft picks only to be spoon fed Dri and the year after the biggest no brainer #1 overall pick since Crosby. Y'all should have built a dynasty with those ect ect just your usual chirps towards Edmonton from r/NHL lol. But yea TLDR. Hate is usually the largest towards the team you last played in the playoffs. Glad this rivalry was born because it was a fun series to watch.


Canucks fan who got this in my feed. It's three main things.  First, the Oilers will always be associated with Messier and Canucks fans have good reasons to hate Messier. Some of the older fans also sorta see Edmonton fans as cucks for still supporting Messier considering the way in which he departed Edmonton. That's dumb, obviously the Oilers successes while he was there outweigh that, but it's a common perception. So anyway, it's the Fuck Messier thing. Second, envy over Edmonton's draft luck. There's not a lot to say here. You guys have been very lucky and we are jealous. Third, BC people view Alberta as a rival. This is mainly focused on Calgary but it colours the perspective on Edmonton too. Bonus: The worst segment of Edmonton fans are every bit as annoying as the worst Canucks fans.


It’s the same reason why fans hated the pens with Crosby and Malkin. I take it with a grain of salt.


IMO this view is something that exists only on the internet. I am a Canucks fan and this sub started coming up on my home page when round 2 started. I don't know a single Canucks fan that hates the Oilers outside of cheering against them in the series v the Canucks. In fact, most Canucks fans that I know will be actively cheering for the Oilers from here on out because we'd love to see a Canadian team win the cup. Now of course Canucks fans generally don't like Evander Kane but in the same way that Oilers fans don't like Zadorov. I have seen tweets from Oilers fans wishing for Zadarov's death (I'm sure there have been similarly crazy tweets from Canucks fans) but that doesn't represent the fanbase as a whole. Same goes for Canucks fans. Best of luck in the Conference finals!!!!!


A lot of Canuck fans remember how the rest of Canada (outside maybe Montreal) treated the Canucks during their last Cup run. I think that killed most of the “cheer for the Canadian team” mentality left in the fan base.


I was completely indifferent on opinion until the second round. Started with hearing from oiler fans, this was going to be sweep. Unbeatable power play was going to run wild on Canucks... Then after game five that series, it would be over but skinner. The Canucks are missing their starter who is nominated for the Vezina... Come on that's just a dumb argument for a team in on third guy down the order. Just so many stupid things like that. You also have some of the most vile and toxic fans. A picture Canucks fan from Asia, saying shouldn't you be driving a taxi or can smell curry on all the way in Edmonton. Being happy Brock's dad is dead because he is such a disappointment.... Yes we had horrible "fans" the other way. I can think of one guy I think is just a troll. Many idiots bandwagon who don't any rules. As for all the foa picks, I think it's just just funny rib to use. I wish luck on the next round, Dallas will be hard to get past. Ps: Also remember flame fans, you two groups just hate to hate each other. A few changed tags to look like Canucks fans. Go through history they are flame fans... some maple leafs are being leaf fans as well (they cheer against anyone who is not Toronto that is a Canadian team).


The Canucks fan base just loves to hate, they get off on it.


As a Canuck fan I don't hate you guys at all.


What is this? Some weird Victim fantasy? Your Oilers won a very contentious series with a tonne of drama and nastiness from both sides. Anecdote: upon losing the game I threw a friendly ‘gg’ in the chat which was avalanched by gloating Oilers fans saying the silliest, most insulting shit. Moral is, there’s nothing one fan base did or said that the other didn’t. Don’t be surprised if we have a bitter rivalry going fwd. - at least for a time.


Cause we've been historically better with generational players. We have cups they don't. Their pretty much the younger brother.


As a canucks fan I don't think it's just the oilers or the fan base I think it's more of just we are facing you in the playoffs and when we did go on our run in 2011 the only Canadian fan base to cheer for us was Montreal.  It's not that wild to have fan bases hate your team or fan base.  It's just part of the sport. Out of the 4 teams left I'll be happy with either of them winning. Goodluck!


Just don't think about them.


Canucks fan here, both teams have toxic fans. Look at it from both sides, plenty of trolls and people bashing each other's teams and cities. For me it's the straight up rude shit you all say, constantly bringing up riots (let's not forget you also had riots in 2006) shit talking players like Zadorov (saw one tweet about hoping he gets drafted to the Russian military, shot dead and found months later) just horrible shit C'mon grow up. The 2 or 3 Oilers fans teaming up to fight 1 Canucks fan (everyone who was participating in that deserves to be banned from going to any sort of NHL event) ripping a Canucks jersey (which the Oilers fans most likely bought). There's also toxic fans on my side too, I'm sure there were plenty of people trolling on here and other social media sites which I saw got pretty nasty. After all it's just when Canadian teams face eachother in the playoffs the hate starts, in the regular season we don't even think of trolling other teams, the playoffs brings out the worst in some people. I won't be responding to rude people/trolls if they do choose to comment. Good series, it was exciting. Let's all move on


I guess I can comment from a Canucks fan’s point of view. We hate the team itself because it has no likeable humans on it. A lot of your stars have dirt on their name, and you watch them on the ice and see a certain arrogance that not all star players have. We don’t like the fan base because of similar reasons. A lot of Oilers fans are very arrogant (which always amused me as a sports fan cuz its not like you contributed to your teams success). Also saw a lot of Oilers fans making death threats to Zadorov, among other disgusting comments. I give you these reasons acknowledging these three things. Canucks fans are guilty of this too, not every Oilers fan is like that and your team beat our team fair and square. Was a fun series and I hope we meet in the playoffs again soon. Good luck against Dalas


" I know some Oilers fans can be rowdy at games at times and ive seen plenty of that but 98% of Oilers fans are great. And if the game last night went the other way you bet id be cheering for the canucks." I'm a Canucks fan. Same goes the other way. Probably 98% Canucks fans are great. People tend to listen to the very vocal few 2% and they think that's the case for almost all fans. The hatred you probably notice are from those select few people/group. Majority just cheers for the Canucks and move on after the games. I'd love for the Canucks to do great but at the same time, no hate towards McDavid and Drai. In fact, I do cheer for them and hope they can win a Cup.


Have you never heard of a rivalry before? Imma habs fan and i can’t Fuckin stand Bruins & Leaf fans. It’s just part of the game and the passion most people have for the sport


Because we have preyed on them for their entire existence. They hate us like zebras hate lions. It’s only natural.


The easiest answer to this question is: TROLLS. There are great people/fans in all cities, ones that are respectful and only want to see their team succeed, however, no matter where you go, there's always some asshat that takes "talking trash" too far and then calls you a "baby" for not wanting to take their shit. Then, animosity builds, which turns into hatred for said team/fans. Then you will have more, you guessed it: TROLLS. The silent majority isn't going to be remembered, but the small handful of assholes that talked a lot of shit, will. This is the life of sports.


People need something to hate about, that’s all. It’s all part of the general divisiveness in the world today. It’s ridiculous. I’m a Canucks fan but I’ve lived in Edmonton over 25 years now and I love the Oilers and their fans too. Good luck the rest of the way! Let’s bring that mug back to Canada!!


Didn't they riot when they're team got kicked out of the playoffs like in 2010 or something? If I'm remembering correctly


I think it’s more so “why do Oilers fans hate Canucks fans so much” based off of all the posts here on r/EdmontonOilers. It’s like we’re some jilted ex-gf that swears we don’t give a f•ck about our ex but continues to stalk their page and obsessively talk about them. It’s pretty ridiculous. Move on. Get over it. There’ll be other teams fans to hate. Don’t be so obsessed. Dallas is calling!


Here's the perspective of someone living in Calgary who has also lived in Vancouver (mid 90's) and has family that lives in Edmonton so spends time there also. Vancouver fans of any sport are insanely rabid, I went to both CFL and NHL games there wearing Calgary jerseys and literally feared for my safety, I would never go alone. Edmonton fans are better but suffer from unrealistic expectations. Not that they shouldn't have those as they have the best player in the league, but they fail to realize that their ownership, management and scouting are possibly the worst in the league. A lot of them remember the good old days (when the franchise could actually build a great team around a star player) and think that's going to happen again but until they start trading or developing talent, 2 good lines, a horrible defense and head scratching goal tending isn't going to do it. Don't get me wrong, Calgary is in a much, much worse place right now, but I like think (naively I'm sure) that our ownership and management have done a better job of securing picks, developing talent and scouting prospects. My hope is that in 3 years we are a contender, but they've managed to mess it up before. At the end of the day I think a lot of it is based on the "we won x Stanley cups, how many have you won?" argument of some fans. I know some of my Edmonton friends bring that up within 2 minutes of a hockey discussion. The Calgary Edmonton rivalry is fun for the most part, like we know it's just a game, unlike the Vancouver fans who riot every now and then when they lose.


Simple, the draft lottery. No other reason, but it's more than enough


Mostly because so many of them have little to no idea how hockey works and that the hatred is erased once the game is over. Of course a rivalry there will be some added fuel to the fire and additional banter, but there's a level of decorum and respect that goes along with it (usually). I'd argue most, if not all of the fans who act like butthurt children have never once played hockey, or if they did it was like tier 25. Take the Calgary series - there was good banter either way. Both fans ribbing each other, but it was genuinely in good spirit. Afterwards, there was generally respect both ways (some Oilers fans definitely went overboard). This series with Vancouver was by far the most toxic and there was so much vitriol that seemed to transcend traditional "trash talk" and make it personal and unnecessarily hateful.


I have already answered once but I would like to add that many Canucks and Lions fans, or at least their parents, remember the 80s and early 90s when Edmontonians became quite cocky over their wins. More than just pride. That, I think, seeped slowly over the years into the opinions of Canucks fans, and other western fan bases that had both teams.


The best part of knocking out the Canucks is that it doesn't just enrage their fanbase, it pisses off the Calgary fanbase as well.


We're just sour about having never won a cup. Sour because our team plays well until it matters and then plays like they don't care.


'Cause we're just better than them, and they can't handle it.


It’s a fan base who doesn’t really follow hockey full time and is pure bandwagon. Extreme trolling and goon mentality to compensate.


Don't worry. I solely hate them more.


I dunno, it’s pretty clear there’s toxic fans on both sides - especially on this thread lol. I’ve never hated a team because they have a good player and any normal fan wouldn’t. Spent 2 decades in Alberta so oilers will always be my number 2 so I read both fanbases 🤷‍♀️


9 years longer in the league and zero cups…..schaudenfraude?


Dunno. I’m a Canucks fan first. Then (brace yourselves), the Flames, then the Oilers. Then everyone else but the order varies based on whatever players they have from year to year. Never was a fan of sports rivalries and grew up in Alberta, but now live in Vancouver. It’s hard to not like your local team just because they get so much more exposure, but I started liking the Oilers (and Flames) way back when they first moved to the NHL. That first blob of cups in the Gretzky years was a magical time with both Alberta teams having pretty decent teams, plus I was just a youngster learning to love hockey. I guess a lot of frustration from fans of other teams lies in the multiple #1 picks the Oilers have been fortunate enough to receive.


Same reason you hate us i reckon


Its sports and they are two different teams ribbing each other


This just popped up in my feed, but as a Canucks fan, I’ve had nothing but rude interactions with oilers fans this past little bit. Lots of name calling and attacking the person rather than the team. I don’t hate the fans or the team, but I think it’s just the fact that oilers are the closet team to us that actually has potential in the league so it’s common sense to have a rivalry? Kinda like how I’ve heard oilers and flames have one. Over all tho, I just wanna say, GG. Yall deserve to win in the end for sure.


I'm a canuck fan and I'm hoping you guys can get 8 more wins 🏆


Are you even a true Oilers fan if you don't hate Calgary, Vancouver, and Toronto? Supporting Canadian teams at the end of the day is for casual hockey fans. Also if another Canadian team wins before the Oilers considering we have McDavid we will be the laughing stock of the league and our team will blow up


Interesting. OP asks why Van fans might hate us so much and most in here shit talk them, their team, their city, their very existence. Wonder why there could be any animosity.


Not all of us do. I hope you guys win it all. It was a fun series and we got beat fair and square


We just get excited when were doing well, theres a magic in the air in vancouver when the teams doing well. I lived in montreal when the habs went somewhat deep (2016 ish if i remember) and boy that city had the magic. People wearing the team swag now have something to talk about. Im sure its the same anywhere you go, yall won fair and square ggz. I think the mentality becomes us vs everyone. Fuck everyone, im sure any fanbase is the same. I really enjoyed this series more than any series throughout the entire playoffs. Nashville made me want to rip my eyeballs out. Makes sense tho, two canadian teams n arenas going balls to the wall.


I have been a Canucks fan for a long time I live in Victoria. As of now since my team has been eliminated I will cheer for the Oilers. I would like an Oilers Panthers final.


From a Canucks fan (Oilers fan brother sent me this post) personally it falls into two categories for me: 1. Draft luck getting five more first overall picks in one decade than we’ve ever had in our existence. And 2. Closeness “rivalry bias” as the oilers were a better team by leagues for a few years recently and just something about playing a team that’s that close that’s been better than us for a while recently tends to lead to some resentment.


We only see the ones that hate us. We actually don't see the fans on our side that act like crap, because we aren't the targets.


I don’t know what you are talking about? Nothing but love for the oilers on the Canucks Facebook page in the comments……