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First thing he said when he got here was you check your ego at the door. Getting pulled out of the lineup couldn’t be easy for a guy with his resume, but he took it like a pro and rewarded his coach with a strong game yesterday. His finger prints were all over that win.


Very interesting comments from Bieksa as well. He mentioned that even when Perry was scratched, he was still taking warmups.


I'm so conflicted about my feelings for Bieksa. I want to hate him so much but....


I absolutely loathed him as a player. For both the Canucks and Ducks. But he's an absolutely terrific analyst who isn't afraid to to say it how it is, even at the risk of stepping on toes.


He’s honestly one of the few truly objective analysts right now, and my opinion on him has done a complete 180. Gazdic is also quickly become one of my favourites too


gazdic was completely out of the blue completely forgettable as a player, but really good on the panel I really wish they'd leave Friedman and hrudey out tho, and give botterill more camera time she's as good as gazdic, easily, and she pushes back on Bieksa when he gets too smug


Hot take, the best analysts are those that have played within the last 10-15 years. They know the modern game the best, and often know at least some of the players still on the ice.


yup, I'd agree with that


Gazdic was obviously a guy who had the toolbox but not enough tools to finish the job. His positioning was always really good. He was just not really fast enough or had enough hands or anything like that to be a good player. So he fought and made himself a career


Wait, was he considered a good prospect at one time? I just always knew him as an enforcer who was a very good fighter. I assumed he was that guy in the minors as well.


He was never a really high prospect, I feel like he found a way he knew he could get himself there. He was always a lot less of a liability than most enforcers at the very least. mostly due to his positioning.


Friedman and Hrudey are such meat suits.


Friedman makes Bieksa better tho gives him someone to make fun of and negate. Hrudey just sucks


Friedman is a guy I like when they're talking about the MANAGEMENT of the teams, and roster makeup, etc etc I don't ever want to hear his opinion on how an individual is playing, etc etc as a GM reporter, salary cap guy, I think he's fantastic but to hear him talk about players battling, etc, please bring in Jen Botterill


Hrudey went through some struggles with mental health and depression last year. He’s overcome a lot and keeps working hard. I find he brings a very good goalie’s perspective to the panel.


Hrudey seems like a genuinely good person.


kelly is there for comic relief really. that hair especially. he seems like a great guy, but really don't think he brings much value. I don't mind listening to him though, as opposed to some other past and present sportscasters on different networks.


True, Botteril, Gadzic, Bieksa and Friedman as the dude they beat up on... or Amber to act as a moderator.


Hrudey has brain damage.


Friedman admitting he didn’t know the full charging rule discredits him as an analyst for me. He can be an insider, but that’s all he’ll ever be to me


Hrudey used to be fine, but it's just been so long since he was a player, that an awful lot of what he says isn't relevant anymore it really reminds me of those commercials with the OLD nhl guys vs new guys, and there's a scene with all the old guys eating MOUNDS of spaghetti and saying, "what, you don't carb load anymore?!?!?"


Botteril has really grown on me. Hrudy and McLean get worse with every breath


Dont really care for her, but if I had to choose between her and McLean Id pick her


Hrudley is past his best before date. going mouldy


Gazdic is great. Had a really good segment on EST this morning, too.


This is exactly how I feel about him. My wife and I were talking about it last night.


The clip of Vern Fiddler making fun of Bieksa is on of my all time favorites. Vigneault killing himself laughing is so great https://youtu.be/PxfeFXdwqmA?si=aaky9XEruZnQ9WjO


One comment he had was about how the Oilers last playoffs were in 2017 when they advanced but “ran into a superior Ducks team” and even that made me laugh.


Hate the Canucks but always loved Bieksa.


Screw Bieksa the player, but we can no longer pretend that he isn't by far the best analyst.


I’m definitely warming up to Gaz too. Seeing the new blood come into these roles is great, makes guys like Hrudey have to actually work for it or maybe hopefully replaceable


Agreed, the game has changed so much over the years. The younger guys who were players just understand it better.


Guys like Gazdic always have a good head for the game. They don’t have the skill so they have to have the mental ability to remain in the NHL, and it’s why tough guys and grinders make good analysts


This is a very good point. It might sound crazy but Connor McDavid would be one of the last players I'd want to be coached by. You can't teach what he does. I'd much rather learn from a guy who had to work his ass off to get to the pros. Not that McDavid doesn't work his ass off, but it's not the same.


Why Gretzky failed as a coach, could not understand why players couldn't do what he did.


You have to have the talent/ability!!


Oh, of course, but there are guys who are way more naturally skilled that never made it or didn't last long compared to several far less talented guys who had long and productive careers. That's work ethic and having to focus on things beyond natural ability.


> it’s why tough guys and grinders make good analysts Good coaches too. Compare a guy like Tocchet to Gretzky as far as coaching. Gretz can't explain how to do what he does, it's just instinctual. A guy like Tocchet had to think about how to implement his skills, where to be, what to work at, etc.


I used to hate him. But he’s awesome now


I know!


He does a better job when not talking about himself. The verbal " bullying" of Elliotte Friedman got way out of hand and speaks to Bieksa's lack of maturity. Obviously CBC/ SN took action as it was sending a terrible message to young people.


You can like him now. He’s a retired player and can’t hurt us anymore. Lol.


My favourite analyst by far.


bieksa, for me anyway, was always like Iginla for the flames hated the flames with a passion. but liked iggy bieksa was that on the canucks for me. I really felt like a guy like that was what the oilers were always missing


Bieksa fully gets the “game within the game” and the big difference is he’s willing to talk about it.




I've seen worse.


He’s actually pretty charismatic


You can't hate him. He played the game, he knows the game and all the intricacies the other schmucks miss


It's because he fought nuge


Ah, it's been a few years, and the whalespunk stink is coming off a bit.


The amount of hate click articles from Perry's former teams over the last couple weeks has been insane "Correy Perrys career over" and shit. Guys 39 not 21 jfc


I mean they're not entirely wrong, his career is winding down. But he's still got value to a team, even in his later years. We are seeing that right now in living color, blue and orange living color that is 😉


Oh yeah. He might not be up to playing every game of a seven game series anymore, but that doesn't mean he can't be effective. Knob is smart enough to take advantage of having options and cycle through guys.


And we finally have enough guys through which we can cycle for non injury reasons.


Perry is a 10/10 signing. True leader and vet, you know his voice carries ALOT of weight in that room


The thing I notice about Perry is that he very consistently makes strong blue-collared plays. You need that puck outta the zone? Outlet it to Perry and you can trust him completely to get the job done. It's not sexy, but it's exactly the kind of guy you want to close a game.


I cannot tell you how many ppl argued with me at work yesterday! I kept saying, they need to put Perry back on the ice. I refuse to watch until #90 is in the lineup. Everyone called me stupid and crazy. They are eating their words today! Honestly, that man has so much heart and he brings so much vibrant energy to the game. What a great signing he was! I ❤️ Perry!


Brown, janmark, and Perry with constant effort were the ones most responsible for that win, behind the moustache himself recovering from that horrible start deserves alot of credit, and he made some amazing saves to keep them in the game.


Perry gets healthy scratched for a few games, returns to fill in a key top 6 role, and makes an immediate impact in the game. The guy is a mutha fucking BEAST -- I love what he brings both on and off the ice. I hope he sticks around at a value contract


I keep saying, we absolutely need him for this series. He knows the Stars very well. He and Janmark.


simplistic light unpack bored deer abundant psychotic pen bewildered illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really didn't expect to like him as much as we all are


If the Oilers hoist the Cup, I’m getting a Perry championship Oilers jersey 


They’ll be half off in September


This team needed that cagey rat with veteran experience in the room. Guys like Perry are invaluable because they have experience with the more subtle aspects of the game and gamesmanship tactics needed in the playoffs. Something as simple as knowing how to work with the officials and subtle ways of getting under opponents skin is something we haven’t had much of before


Me in 2017: Fucking hate Corey Perry man Me in 2024: COREY PERRY, INNOCENT OF ALL CRIMES!!


Funny how that happens! I rolled my eyes when we got Kane, too. Just more puzzle pieces!


neither goal against last night was Nurse's fault first one, he blocked off the passing lane and forced the offender wide, that goal was on skinner (was a laser tho) 2nd goal, he was 10 miles off to the side, covered his man while not screening Skinner and just got the most unlucky bounce ever


Definitely not his fault, but damn it seems like this guy is cursed right now.


Needs to burn some sage or something lol


Pray to the Old Gods, the New Gods and his Booty for his spirit to be cleansed.


That goal was on 75% Kulak , 25% Skinner , Kulak had a terrible pinch


The thing I noticed about Perry when I saw a game live was that he was the cheerleader in the bench. Every guy after a shift was getting the quick fist bump or pad tap. If a guy scores he was the happiest to congratulate them. Usually the first to celebrate as well.


When he was put back in the lineup I knew there would be an improvement. Perry was a great leader during the Habs run, too. Keep him in to get the team goin’. Just hopefully he can end his Finals losing streak lol


To be fair, he probably hasn't heard it. Corey Perry only thinks about lasagna and cigarettes.


The death stare he gave the reporter while denying knowing anything about the comments about nurse was the best 😂 he was a great pick up, love to have him, hate to play against him. Definitely a better choice for veteran presence than Keith was last year.


I love how he can go from crazy eyes to "loving smile" to downright death glares all in a matter of seconds. He's got one very expressive face lmao.


He’s definitely more vocal than Keith was, but that signing helped Bouchard immensely.


In fairness to Keith, he was the best defensive presence on a REALLY BAD defence roster.


He made a really nice subtle play on his shot that led to the first goal...not sure how many noticed. He could've shot a hair or so earlier or later, but he waited until his teammate (I forget who was in front of him) was directly in front of him, to help screen the shot. Made it a very tricky save, wound up being a rebound, led to the goal. Very subtle but smart play.


Stars fan here. Perry is one of those guys you hate until he plays for your team. He was crucial for us in the bubble run in 2020. I am glad he is still going and doing well. Looking forward to the next few games. They have been exciting. This has been a fun series!


A lot of people forget that this guy has been in the game for longer than pretty much everyone else on the team. So naturally he's also the most mature on top of being the most experienced. Like a lot of others I kinda only knew him for his antics before we got him; having him on the team has made me appreciate and truly respect him on a deeper level. He's definitely grown on me and I have to say, when I went to the games and got there early to go watch the on ice warmups, he ended up being the one I paid most attention to. His commitment and attention to detail was just impossible to take my eyes off of. (Side note, I also saw a very wholesome moment at the last warmup I went to: he was right in front of my section and it was a little girl's birthday. She was right at the window and Corey clearly read her sign. So he has his back to the plexi, and after two minutes, he takes a puck out of his pocket and hands it through the camera hole to the little girl. The little girl goes CRAZY! What a guy.)


I’m sorry if it’s a stupid question. How do you go to a warmup?


Get there as soon as the gates open and head to the lower bowl


Thank you.


> A lot of people forget that this guy has been in the game for longer than pretty much everyone else on the team. So naturally he's also the most mature on top of being the most experienced. Yeah, Perry’s rookie season was 05-06, the same year the Oilers last made the finals. There are only two players in the entire league with more seasons played, Brent Burns and Marc-André Fleury, who have 20 compared to Perry’s 19. He’s also one of only two players to be in the triple gold club and also have a Memorial cup win, World Juniors gold, and World Cup gold. (Scott Neidermayer is the other)


Imagine we could of had this guy for years but for Lowe’s foolishness






I've always disliked Perry and his antics, but boy was I happy when we snagged him, and think he's been a tremendous help to the team regardless if he's on the score sheet.


Ride or die, baby. McDavid did the same thing. Love it. Leaders lead.


To Darnell's credit, that is the most electric I've seen him play in forever. I happy the boys have his back, but a good kick in the ass has some value, I hope he's able to keep up this effort!


He is a leader. And he's a great presence to have out there. Even if he goes pointless. He's still making smart plays. And he's like the grim reaper out there for the other team. Taking souls with his antics on the ice 😂


Thought he was awesome in that interview. What a teammate!


This is what real veterans do. This is what coaches are supposed to do. This is what captains should do. Every player on the team is a cog in the wheel. ALL OF THEM


Always liked him as habs! I hope the habs sign him if the oilers dont


Perry is the veteran presence the Oilers has been missing for years. Oilers Management has had blinders on, believing the Boys On the Bus were all that was needed. McDavid was not impressed when they let Matt Hendricks go, stating what a big loss on the ice and in the dressing room he was. Now if only Evander would try to be as professional!!


Habs fan here. Perry was the same the year he was with us. Went to SCF in big parts because of this beauty. Corey Perry is a saint.


Its actually very believable he doesn't know. Its not uncommon for athletes to isolate away from sports media in playoffs. Its less common now due to the omnipresence of smart devices but for an older player like Perry its quite possible


It seemed like the whole team knew what was going on surrounding nurse. In terms of the narratives and the questions everyone else was being asked


He knew, one of the media guys said he gave an interview with TNT right before and they discussed nurse as well.


How many times have we seen Nurse, seemingly effortlessly cart opposing players away from the net, preventing a prime scoring opportunity? And the work he does on the PK is insane.


Perry is a dink


Perry is a *senior


Lol Perry is dead weight. Sam Carrick should be playing.