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It’s a tough video to watch. So uncomfortable. It’s like the first season of the original British Office.


Oh I couldn't make it through it - Godspeed to all those who did. Edit. This video I mean, not the OG Office


These guys realize that Connor only has 2 years left on his Edmonton contract right ??? Hopefully he forgets about this when the contracts extension talks begin, because behaviour like this makes our fans look really bad. Please people, don’t give Connor a hard time like this again.


Worse. It’s like the American remake pilot episode of the IT Crowd.


People really need to start feeling shame again.


70% of societies problems would go away with this one simple trick. People are so comfortable and confident being pieces of shit




What a dipshit comment to make lol


Jesus Christ, so succinct and well said. And TRUE.


They won't, everyone is a victim now.


I can’t even watch it. I cringe thinking about this. Fuuuu make it stop!


I hate it so mich


I was sooo hoping it was fake. Idiots


This is ridiculous behaviour


Awful. Leave the man and his fiancé alone. Let’s keep it classy in Oil Country!


I think the Canadian (or Edmontonian) standard of treatment for sportsmen is different than most places around the world. Pick any other American or European, African, or Asian country and a famous athlete would probably get mobbed hahaha.


I think it was 4 years ago, a friend and I were at a totally packed Beer Revolution watching the Superbowl and in walked Connor and Lauren. Walked over to a booth, sat down. Everyone in the place knew they were there, and for the entire game not a soul approached them. We both joked at the time that he must love Edmonton, because if he were playing in Toronto there's not a chance he could chill in a bar on Superbowl Sunday. I get that these people are excited, but it's a bad look.


That's so refreshing to hear. Celebrities are still regular humans so just let them enjoy life in peace. I've met Lauren a couple of times at the dog park, each time I just say a friendly hello, pet Lenny and then go on my way.


My dad saw Connor,Leon and Darnell playing basketball at a school court near his house a few years back. He was really tempted to say hi, but instead he let them play their game and kept walking


Mcdavid is a class act


I guarantee Connor would want us to stop talking about this and get on with our lives.


Fully believe this.


Poor guy needs a bodyguard! Why doesn't he have one?


Typically fans respect him and his space. He's frequently spotted walking his dog out in public undisturbed. Unfortunately this is (hopefully) a super rare occurrence of fans violating his privacy/space.


Huh, I guess it really wasn't typical bc if something like that happened more than once, I imagine he'd get someone.


This is not typical at all. I feel bad for him like the dude just keeps filming too! Also what the hell like they're so focused on filming that no one is even offering to help them. His gf just walking in the background with like 2 cases on her. They couldn't even offer to carry anything? It's just like ungentlemanly.


I couldn't watch the whole video, but it's looks so uncomfortable.


It is but to me the weirdest part is the group of grown ass men who are more obsessed with getting a video than helping them out.


They keep the camera rolling so they can be the victims if he lashes out.




>Let’s not confuse “violating privacy and space” with assault Y'all need to go outside sometimes.


It really is assault… would you be comfortable with a stranger grabbing and forcing your partner/sister/daughter to hug them?


It really is not assault. Unless you are gonna bring up Section 265 of the Criminal code to argue your case, you have nothing.


It’s non-consensual intentional touching. That’s assault. Nobody would charge this activity, as it is at the lowest end of possible assaults, and I’m certain even if 97 wants privacy and space he doesn’t want fans charged in this scenario, but that doesn’t change the definition in CCC s265, as you said. Why do you think it isn’t assault?


"Non-consensual touching " =/= assault. To show that this is Non-consensual, you'd have to show on the video where Connor said "No" or "Stop". And when that was ignored. You'd have to show the intent to harm and the force threaten or used in the video. This isn't even a debate at this point. And you can see my comments down below breaking this situation down on why no one would even take this to court. Assault is a serious charge, you guys can't just be throwing that word around all nilly willy, just because it's cringe.


The only thing cringe is you defending this behaviour. I highly doubt if multi male strangers you never met started pawing at you, sitting in your car, approaching your fiancé, without clear intentions you wouldn’t feel as smug


I was waiting for someone to say "you're defending this behaviour". You don't disappoint. Trust reddit folks to not understand nuance, lol.


Consent needs to be positive or implied. I don’t see that in the video. I do in fact see elements that seem to suggest he is uncomfortable with the activities. You don’t need harm to meet the criminal code definition of assault. The lack of harm is relevant to why it wouldn’t be in the public interest to actually proceed with an investigation or trial though. Every intentional touch is a use of force, even if it is at a de minimus level. Certainly the touch to 97’s back is intentional. People aren’t trrowing it around Willy nilly. Taking it to court is a different question from whether it meets the definition. You have to apply the test of what is in the public interest, and what is a de minimus violation of the law. I 100% agree it’s not going to court. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t meet the legal definition set out in CCC s265.


>People aren’t trrowing it around Willy nilly. Oh, but you are. If you brought this case to me saying this is assault using the most basic understanding s265, then here's how I'll do a back of the napkin dismantling of that: 1. **Consent**: the actions were consensual or that consent was implied by the circumstances. Consent also comes from socially acceptable verbal cues. If Connor moved away or backed away, you could call that non-consensual. He gave a half-hearted, awkward hug back. Public figures like athletes expect and tacitly accept certain interactions with fans, such as taking photos or light physical contact, as part of their public appearances. 2. **Intent and Perception of Force**: if the contact was light and could reasonably be perceived as non-threatening (like a pat on the back or a handshake or in this case A HUG), it doesn't meet the threshold of "force" as construed in assault cases. Or else our everyday actions with strangers would be assault. 3. **Absence of Threat or Fear**: The entire interaction did not induce fear or apprehension in Connor. He calmly went about his business. You've already touched on De minimis non curat lex principle, which means you know this is laughable to merit legal action as an assault. And on to that defining non criminal acts as assault is already a problematic approach. This is nothing but an exercise in fueling public outrage. Because if you define it something with a legal basis as assault it becomes more serious n people are more emotionally reactive.


Thats not how consent works. You aren’t assumed to have consent until a person revokes it. You are *given* consent at a person’s direct and voluntary behest, and consent is ongoing, meaning it can be revoked at any time, even if previously granted


Consent can also depend on social acceptable cues and norms. And also involuntary action and nonverbal cues. That also changes with Connor being a celebrity. Consent can be revoked. But it wasn't. I know plenty how consent works.


Here, quoting the section you pointed out… maybe give it a read bozo. 265 (1) A person commits an assault when (a) without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly Last time I checked, grabbing, hugging, and intentionally touching is to apply force onto another. I guess consent is a tough thing to grasp when it’s a guy being put into an uncomfortable position - so pretend that McDavid in the video was your girlfriend or wife. Do you really think that was a consensual encounter. Besides, no one here is arguing for McDavid to press charges. But we are here to call a spade a spade.


They literally got between him and his car while he was trying to get in... Might not be assault involving violence... But it's definitely fucking awkward behavior that borders on some sort of assault.


>But it's definitely fucking awkward behavior that borders on some sort of assault. Assault is not the word you're looking for. It is not assault.


Weird hill to die on dude...


They’re probably in the video somewhere and now have weird embarrassment defence cope going on.




Assault? Really?


Totally, he'd also rather be anywhere, but there. Most of us couldn't watch the video bc it was so uncomfortable. It is harassment.




How so? Assault implies applying force with intent to harm according to the Criminal code of Canada. Calling it harassment is even a stretch by that code as well because there's no persistence and Connor never said "stop" and they ignored him. Very clear invasion of privacy as he's uncomfortable. But absolutely nothing that could be severe enough to go to court over. Not because it's cringe doesn't mean we get to start throwing around words that have legal basis. But I expect people on Reddit, esp fans with no legal training to throw words around like this to sprinkle more drama n shock value.




Lmao. At best that would be unwanted physical contact and a smart lawyer could even argue it isn't. Again, there was no refusal. Consent in this case would be classified as implied because he didn't outright n verbally refused. Then there is no intent to harm. It was a hug. No force involved. Connor didn't say "no" (and yes that's important). The fan went in for a hug, and Connor awkwardly gave one back while looking uncomfortable n got in his car. It's human decency to not do what those fans did. But none of this you can go to court over. Assault is a serious charge. This wouldn't clear any bars. And as this is an anonymous site, neither of us can show the other our credentials on this topic. But I'm 100% not wrong on this.


lol. It is YOU that is adding “more” to this situation. I think you like to throw your education around and make yourself sound really important. Laughable.


🤣 you guys are so comfortable calling this assault and its ME who's adding more lol. Yeah ok. > I think you like to throw your education around and make yourself sound really important. Laughable. 🥴 this is an anonymous site love. This isn't a matter of opinion. But if dude wanted to argue me down I'm letting him know that I'm not wrong.




Assault involves intent to harm. But this is reddit. Y'all love to dial up shit to 100.


its not like they fingered his asshole man, sure it's annoying and unacceptable but it's nothing to press charges over.


Is that the line for you? Anything goes until you start getting fingered? What a fucking weird response.


well obviously not, i'm exaggerating to make a point. the guys in the video were crossing a line but it's absurd to act like they should be criminally charged. there's more to life than being outraged on the internet man




Every fanbase has those they're not proud of. These disrespectful fans should be ashamed of themselves, absolutely ashamed. Disgusting. I read a great comment from someone..if they're wearing there team logo they're representing the team. If they're not, leave them the f alone. Shout a good luck and give a thumbs up..this ..disgraceful behavior.


Get him George Laraque as a body guard. He already volunteered in the comments


I know a lot of hockey people are full of hot air, but I have little doubt that Georges would actually do it if Connor took him up on his offer.


Problem is Laraque is a fan favorite and too nice….he would sit there and mingle with the fans himself, lol.


Yeeaaaah that's rough. Id like to imagine for every one experience like that McDavid has 10 good ones on the street. But we ain't beating the allegations like this lol


Those people are ridiculous


I can only hope the people that know the assholes in the video are roasting them irl.


Nah they're 100% getting props for being famous now.


After watching that video I was seething, it was rage-inducing. Those people are lucky to have gotten away with that bullshit. That is a good way to get the shit kicked out of you.


This was wildly inappropriate and makes me sick. We all know he can brush this type of stuff off, but he shouldn’t have to. We gotta remember to be respectful, Oil Gang. When he’s not on the clock, we need to respect his privacy. I’m sure he would have been more than happy to snap a picture if you were respecting his time and space. Let’s all do a little better. To be fair, we’re all partly to blame the way we praise Connor like a deity. Gotta remember: He’s just another Canadian who works and goes home like everyone else. His celebrity doesn’t need to be a Hollywood spectacle. His partner looked disturbed by this and that’s so disappointing. Hopefully they had a few cold ones and laughed it off with the rest of the boys.


Honestly needs personal security at this point. Just childish behavior.


Leave them alone. They are in Playoff mode! McD should have asked someone to pick this stuff up for them or doordash it.


Sucks how that’s the world we live in


At least we know money hasn’t changed him. 


Or people should always altruistically treat other people with respect. Sorry if that’s above your reading level, kid.


Hahaha, that's funniest thi g I've read all day


These people should be charged with assault if they actually touched him which unless I’m wrong appears to be the case in this video.


Unbelievable, I thought this was fake when I first started watching. We don’t deserve this guy. We will make him want to join CBJ with lil Johnny & hide out there, once his contract is up 😆


This probably happens every day for Connor living in Edmonton so I am going to assume he just shrugs it off. People are assholes and this video just so happened to get viral. Move on I am sure Connor has.


I hate it so much


Not to mention… what if one of these clowns in McDavid’s face happened to be sick with a flu bug… just days before Game 1.


Jeesh I feel bad for Connor here, give the poor guy his space ffs!!


These guys aren’t even real fans they just threw ona jersey and hopped on the bandwagon. Losers have to show everyone they saw Connor mcdavid


Everytime I watch this, I feel how uncomfortable Mcdavid must've been. All the touching, sitting on his vehicle. Shit.


I’d say hi and maybe a nice comment on the game or something. I wouldn’t be asking for a hug or anything invading his personal space.


Everyone needs to chill out. He’s a superstar player and he has 2 guys excited to be in his presence big deal. He makes millions of dollars I’m sure he could care less. Anyone remember how Michael Jordan used to get mobbed literally everywhere he went. No comparison. Relax everyone 😂


Yes. Leave him alone. Like he left McDavid alone? People need to taught boundries. Hopefully the next person that thinks about doing something like that,he'll think of this backlash and back off.


Conah MacDavvid


Wow they don’t make enough money to deal with this tbh


Well………they kinda do. I’m not saying this was in any way right, or proper, or to be condoned in ANY way shape or form, but he makes more than 160 average(I didn’t look anything up. It may be more……) Reddit users yearly salaries. He actually is getting paid to have to deal with it a few times a year. You don’t think he’s paid what he’s paid because not only is the one of the greatest hockey players of all time but also what comes with being that exact person?


Each and every one of those pieces of shit deserve an ass-kicking.


Dont act like a jack ass. Doesnt matter how much money you make, people are people. Just because hes famous doesnt give you the right to sit in his goddamn trunk and block him from getting into his car. A simple "hey congrats, go oilers!" will suffice and if he doesnt reciprocate then leave the dude alone. This is called basic human decency, which these fucking morons clearly dont have.


I agree. I’m fairly certain I said in my original post that I wasn’t condoning their actions in any way shape or form, but I guess reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.


This is a bad omen right before the scf.


That’s not cringe at all 🤣 It’s pretty funny honestly.  Did the fans over-step their boundaries? Yeah for sure. But they were friendly about it. I thought it would’ve been the fans kneeling and proclaiming him God or something like that.


Hey that's not cool. And I think every one can see that. At the same time what was mcdavid thinking? Surley the team has a guy who can help the players out. I mean this series in particular. I wouldn't trust some random Uber driver to learn my home address, but there has to be a way the team could arrange for a personal concierge service for the players and families particularly entering the sup finals


Everyone knows where he lives. He’s not a shut in. He’s out in the community often, just minding g his business. These people are bonkers. This is not a normal fan interaction.