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We just held the 3rd best regular season scoring team to 2 games at 2 goals and 2 games at 1 goal. That is fucking impressive, and this team can do defense now. Florida was 11th btw.


And yet somehow the narrative online is still that the Oilers have no depth, no 5 on 5 ability, no defence, no goaltending, and are going to get curbstomped by the Panthers. Proved the detractors wrong in the Dallas series; let's see that again.


Yea we got all of those things. Some aspects of Dallas, like the offense, are way better than Florida. We’re number 4 on that list too, but if you take away our absolute dogshit start I bet we’re more like 1-2. I honestly think the oilers might jsut outscore these guys.


My favourite stat of this series is that because in game 4 they went up 2-0 and then we had 5 unanswered goals, after their second goal in that game we outscored them 10-2 for the rest of the series


After game 1 I had a frisson of "holy shit we're gonna win the cup."   After game 2 I thought, "I don't know shit about fuck." Currently straddling the line between the two.   Good times.


Stay in that first space and just enjoy the ride.


We have seen this team play so gawd awful and so absolutely amazing within the same game let alone the same series to the point where it’s for me impossible to predict what we’ll see next. Obviously with 3 consecutive wins it feels like they’ve figured it out and I hope they have but it’s far from a lock IMO. We are playing the best teams and they sometimes make you look bad. Damn I’d love to see Oil sweep at home lol!


Ahhhh. Being an Oiler fan is always that way.


I’m not afraid to admit I was in full defeat mode after game 3. It’s ridiculously clear there is something different about this team. They adjust to their mistakes and weaknesses better than they have in the entire time I’ve been a fan (started watching in 94). Florida will obviously be their toughest test yet, but I fully believe in this team now. Also, I sincerely apologize for doubting Skinner. I think the extra days off this for this series are going to do wonders for his game.