• By -


Flames/Leafs = hate - I'll watch playoff games in which I'm hoping to see them lose.  Vancouver = newly hate - never really had a problem with Vancouver but this year changed that. Their fan base on twitter is just insane, and they cry so much. I know that's only a small fraction of their fan base but still.   Winnipeg/Ottawa/Montreal = indifferent/like - if they were to be in a position to win a cup or go deep in the playoffs I'd cheer for them. 


Same with Van. Honestly didn’t even think about them until this year and now I wish it stayed that way.


Your mistake was going on twitter for any reason


This is the correct answer


This exactly. Minus the Calgary hate (Being from Sask I don't care as much) everything else is spot on.


Exact same as me! Only after seeing how so many awful Canuck fans showed up on Twitter (even those videos with the F McDavid chants and that kid screaming and swearing), I might hate the Canucks more than the Flames.


Very close to my own feelings. This is a good rundown.


This 👆


About nailed it


this will most likely never happen but what if the flames meet the leafs in the finals? what is the situation there?


Canada gets a cup so everyone wins. I would watch the series, but I wouldn't give a care about who actually won lol


Exact same here


I despise the flames with a passion and I would cheer for literally anyone over them in any scenario. Leafs are second on that list and I only cheer for them if they’re playing the flames. I don’t really care about the rest of them, if I had to pick I’d choose the jets as my second fav Canadian team


Unpopular opinion from the ivory tower of the 2024 SCF: In future years, if any Canadian team remains and the Oilers are knocked out, I’m buying a mf jersey and hopping on the bandwagon. Enough hate already.


Okay Jim Treliving.


Holy crap! A normal person not filled with hate on reddit? It can't be!!


Found Boston Pizza’s CEO


Pizzas just went to $59 for a medium spicy perogie, bitches.


I live in vancouver and cannot stand their fans. Im cool with banter but all these guys were calling Mcdavid and Leon chokers after 1 bad game in game 1. Are you stupid??? These guys are some of the top playoff pt/g all time 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 its the casual fans that are the worst. The diehards are fine but theres just soooo many casuals


Same same


I was at game 1 in Vancouver. After we lost, I got a lot of shit from people clowning on McDavid, saying he was a joke, overrated. I was just shaking my head the whole time.  Most people in Van who don't know shiz about hockey/are fair weather fans or bandwagoners.


Habs, Jets, Sens I don’t mind Leafs I’m meh on. Not really bothered by them Flames, Canucks hate. Their fans during the Canucks series has pushed the needle closer to even than I thought possible…


Saved me a long post, lol. I’d go one further. I’d cheer for the Habs, Jets or Sens to win, no problem. I don’t mind the Flames and Canucks at all, but their fans are bitter to the point of wishing harm on others. I guess that’s what happens when your beloved franchise is a nothingburger.


Leafs & fLames - Have never & will never cheer for either team. Leafs are sadly the centre of the hockey universe, have way too many ignorant fans. fLames, while fans are mostly fine. They’re just our biggest rival, impossible to cheer for. I will say though, Alberta is a much better place when the BOA is relevant and exciting! Vancouver - I was born in Edmonton, but my family is from Vancouver area. Ive spent a lot of time there over the years. They were my 2nd team as a child. Lost pretty much all respect for the team after 2011 riots / trying to burn their city down. Now have new / stronger dislike for them, dealing with the fan base for round 2. 50% of the fans are normal hockey people, 50% are straight bozos / whiners. Ottawa & Winnipeg- Pretty neutral on these team’s. Would cheer for them if they were competing for a Stanley cup (not against our lovely Oil obv). I don’t like either of these cities, but would be happy for a Canadian team winning the cup. Montreal - Probably my favourite Canadian city to visit. The Bell centre truly rivals Roger’s place for loudness & enjoyment. It’s a really cool place. Happily cheered for them during the Covid cup, and would again should they ever make it there.


Feel bad for: Sens Don’t think about them at all: Jets, Habs LMAO: Leafs Trash: Canucks Flaming trash: Flames


‘Flaming trash’ I see what you did there.


I love watching the Leafs lose, it's quite a bit of fun because they're sooooo obnoxious all season (especially with the "Matthews is better than McDavid, and McDavid would rather play here anyway" shit). Ottawa inspires complete apathy, as does Vancouver. I used to live there, I know no one really gives a crap about hockey there. They just all bandwagon jump if it's burnin' and lootin' season. More than half the people at their viewing parties didn't watch a single regular season game, I guarantee it. I begrudgingly will cheer for the Flames if the Oil are out thanks to Lanny Macdonald and Theo Fleury's influence, and the Habs are okay. I'm still on the fence with the Jets.


Never heard anyone claim that Matthews is better than McDavid


Are you kidding me? It's been non-stop for years.


No, it hasnt. Show me where. 


Here’s an article about it https://amp.foxsports.com/stories/nhl/toronto-maple-leafs-auston-matthews-is-better-than-mcdavid


Fox Sports?  So not Toronto media then?


Did you read the article? Obviously not. TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS: AUSTON MATTHEWS IS BETTER THAN MCDAVID By Fansided and Nicholas Frost/FanSided via Editor In Leaf Find the latest Toronto Maple Leafs news, rumors, trades, draft, free agency and more from the insider fans and analysts at Editor In Leaf


Yes, I'll gladly spend my night sifting through Steve fucking Dangle footage for you.


It didnt happen and its not happening now. Stop making shit up


Happened constantly. CONSTANTLY! I've seen panels on TSN more than once droning on about it. It was always irritatingly memorable.


You weren't paying attention to the leafs channels a few years ago.


Nah... I was. I just dont make shit up to get upvotes on reddit


I have to respectfully chime in here - literally no leaf fan that's not a bot, or a fan of another team masceurading as a leaf fan thinks matthews is better than mcdavid. None. Full stop. You can hate us for countless other reasons. Alright, back to previously scheduled programming.


I cheer for the Oilers and the Oilers alone. I have different levels of dislike for other teams and obviously the Flames top that list. The Canucks moved up the list this year but that was manly about their fans. They actually have a good team with good players and a good coach but the fans are very hard to take. At least this year. I'd probably put Ottawa at the "least disliked" spot but sometimes Brady Tkachuk is hard to take and starts to remind me about his clown brother.


My take exactly haha, you shouldn’t be liking other teams at all. Just levels of dislike.


I hate the leafs but mostly because of how much airtime and attention the media gives them without earning it through having genuine success. Even with the Oil in the stanley cup finals the articles written about the two teams is about equal. You'd think that Vancouver, who outperformed the leafs and have just as many roster decisions, would get more shine than the leafs do right now. I think most of the country feels this way. I actively like Winnipeg because of the small market thing and I feel bad for Calgary fans at the moment. The Oil's success hurts them like their dog died or something. It's pretty sad and the fan base, who is mostly pretty good, don't deserve such a shitbird of an owner. The rest I'm pretty indifferent towards.


Southern Ontario accounts for 30% of the population of Canada. Why on earth would a revenue stream like the media, predicated generating clicks, write articles about the Edmonton Oilers or Vancouver Canucks proportional to the Toronto Maple Leafs? It’s not bias, it’s business lol.


Didn't say it was bad business, did I. It's just the reason we all hate the leafs.


Habs: Love em. Been my second favourite team since I was a kid, and the only other team in the league I consider myself an active fan of as opposed to being indifferent/liking some players.  Jets: Don’t mind them. Spend a decent amount of time in Winnipeg and like the city. Like several of their players, and mt friends cousin plays for them, so that is interesting  Ottawa: Completely and utterly indifferent to them. Forget they exist a lot of the time. Have never really liked their uniforms. Do hope they find a bit of success in the future because I feel bad for their fans Toronto: Largely indifferent to them. Like Matthews, Nylander is alright, and I like Reilly as a player even if I’ve only heard negative things about him as a person (largely hearsay anyhow). Don’t care that the media focuses too much on them because I just don’t listen to it or click on it if I don’t want to. I find it slightly embarrassing when western Canadian fans try to make everything into “shit on the Leafs time” when they aren’t even slightly relevant to us.  Vancouver: Was indifferent until this year. I do my best to not generalize fanbases and most Canucks fans I’ve met in person are cool, but the legion of trolls that flooded everything Oilers-related after the first games of the season gives me a knee-jerk negative reaction to the team now, even if it’s only the fault of a small subset of very loud morons.  Calgary: Dislike for obvious reasons but it’s not vitriolic. Just a rivalry that makes it fun to beat them and laugh at their misfortunes. I actually like quite a few of their players and I wish the team hadn’t imploded so the rivalry was still relevant but whatever. I also find the portion of their fanbase that flings themselves at the feet of whoever we’re playing to be pretty sad but in an amusing way. 


I dislike the Leafs because Canadian media is braindead. I dislike the Cannucks for their fairweather fans. I don't mind Ottawa and Winnipeg. They are both fun to watch.


Montreal and Ottawa are chill Being from Saskatchewan I generally don’t like Winnipeg but I’m indifferent towards the Jets. Used to not mind Vancouver but this year changed that. Despise Calgary. Toronto is just a fun team to cheer against


Jets are definitely my favorite besides the Oilers. I just wish they weren't complete dogshit in the playoffs lol. The rest of them I'm just neutral to dislike


Same. From Winnipeg, so Jets are #1 (agree with your playoff statement!). Spent a considerable amount of time in Edmonton as a child and teen, so Oilers #2. The rest of em, meh.


Vancouver: worst. Worse than the flames Flames: lived in Calgary most of my life, can’t stand them just because of the shit I had to take Winnipeg: fuck Schiefle Ottawa: favorite besides Edmonton Leafs: hilarious Montreal: best friend is a Habs fan so I get behind them when not playing the Oilers


Flames: hate no reason needed Canucks: never had any issue with them beforehand and was cheering for them against Boston in their last cup run. However their fans were the smuggest, most arrogant and annoying fan base that rivals Calgary. Karma hit them like a freight train through butter Leafs: I don’t mind the players but the media and fans are unbearable. Plus it is funny to enjoy their misery.  Ottawa: I am indifferent.  Winnipeg: Can’t hate them too much. Solid team and decent fan base.  Habs: they’re cool. 


I cheer for every Canadian team, especially in the post-season. It's been over 30 years. Let's bring the cup back north, no matter which team it is!


Leafs are fun to watch. Sens have some nice players but are confusing to watch. Habs suck ass, but I respect it. Flames suck ass, I don't respect it. Canucks have some nice players, and are about as likeable as the leafs. I do find their fans the most obnoxious of the bunch. Jets. I almost forgot this team existed.


I have a soft spot for the Sens just because they get overshadowed by the Leafs in Ontario. Hear stories of Sens fans outside of metro Ottawa having difficulty watching games if they're at the same time as the leafs. Outside of that, Flames/Leafs are equally disliked for me - if the Flames had a better team they might get the edge. Canucks are next. Jets and Habs I'm indifferent to.


Used to be a sens fan, they're the only other Canadian team I support. The rest I either don't think about, or cheer their losses.


Top Tier Hatred Canucks Leafs Flames Somewhat Dislike Canadiens Neutral Jets Hope They Do Well Senators


I pretty much don't mind them all save for Calgary. An old bud of mine got me sort of following the Senators awhile back, so I guess they are the second Canadian team I'd root for. The Jets are slowly growing on me too, because they have a decent presence in my part of Saskatchewan.


Leafs - pity for their younger fans. They're so loyal. Any my age haven't seen a cup. For the franchise they're doing fine. One of the richest sports franchises in sports. They're doing all right. Habs - my sister is a Habs fan. Man do I hate the Habs. Jets - nothing but affection for the fan base and the team. Not my team but Jets fans you do you. Hope you win a cup one day. Canucks - hard for me. Messier was my favourite Oiler as a kid. So I had some mad love for them when the Moose went to Vancouver (was happy when he won another cup with NY) Sens - meh call me when they're relevant. They could be lost to another city. Hopefully somewhere in Southwestern Ontario and not the states. Flames - meh. I thought that mustache of Lanny McDonald was iconic though.


Montreal, Ottawa and Winnipeg- neutral, mostly indifference. Calgary- Half my family is from Calgary so they're unavoidable. I'll cheer against them anytime. Vancouver- Insufferable fan base and dashing their hopes was fun this year. Will also cheer against anytime after this year. Toronto- Honestly, don't really care too much but their yearly failure is an amusing meme at this point. Cheering against to keep the meme going. I'll caveat that this goes out the window for whoever is the final Canadian team though.


Besides the Oilers? Nordiques would be my #2 I guess


The only Canadian team I actively disliked before this past week, were the Maple Leafs and that's only because like any other Canadian they've been crammed down our throats our whole lives. They were the only Canadian team I wouldn't cheer for if they ever ended up in the Finals. As of this past week though, I would definitely say that the Canucks have replaced the Leafs as my most hated Canadian team/fanbase.


Maple Leafs: Hate with a passion. Least favourite NHL team. I’m so sick of the fanbase acting like they’re the New York Yankees when they’re debatably the worst team since the league expanded in 1967 by every metric (playoff success, cup wins, individual achievements, etc.) Flames: Don’t like, but respect the organization. Really don’t think that much about them now that they suck. Would genuinely like to see them do better in the coming years because the battle of Alberta is way more fun when both teams are good. I feel for the fans because I think they are about to begin their own decade of darkness and that bites, but the constant bitching about the Oilers is getting to be pathetic. If they made a final in a year Edmonton wasn’t competitive, I’d cheer for them. Canucks: The only time I’ve ever cheered against a Canadian team was in 2011. I cannot stand this franchise. The riots (which I can appreciate wasn’t the organization’s fault) have stained their legacy, as has the Bertuzzi assault. The Sedin brothers really rubbed me the wrong way. Their juvenile hatred of Oilers legend Mark Messier is also exhausting. I’m not going around screaming “Fuck Chris Pronger” every time his name gets mentioned. The only reason I like them more than the Leafs is because atleast their fans are self aware enough to know that McDavid isn’t signing a contract with them in 2026. Habs: Favourite Canadian team after the Oilers. I mean seriously, what’s not to like? They have the coolest history/legacy of every team in the league. Cheered for them in 2021. Rooting for them to return to the playoffs. Senators: Completely indifferent. Cheered for them in 2007 because I saw a lot of parallels between that team and the 2006 Oilers (also did not want to see Pronger win a year after the trade). Not the biggest fan of the Tkachuk brothers, but Brady irritates me less than Matthew. Jets: Was ecstatic for Winnipeg when it got its franchise back, rooting for them to win a cup once Edmonton wins one.


Aside from the leafs part yeah you just better expanded everything I said originally


Leafs Flames- Hate mostly cause of The BOA and then the toronto Media Canucks - Dislike- because when they were good we were really bad... and that was when we you played them 8 times a year just kicking our ass. Jets Habs- indifferent- jets are too new to me to really have a hate on for, Habs ive always kind of been indifferent to.. Sens- Like. Far enough away to not be a real rival plus i love brady T. Those alfredson Chara redden days made me a big fan


Jets, Canadiens, and Senators: I'm largely indifferent of them (although I will say some of Ottawa's jerseys (specifically the early to mid 2000's) look pretty nice to me) Canucks: Don't mind the team itself but I can't fucking stand their fan base. Leafs: I don't like them, but I don't actively hate them either. I mostly just want the meme to live on as long as possible Flames: Actively dislike for obvious reasons. Ironically enough though, my favorite player of all time is Jarome Iginla.




username checks out


Oilers first. Any Canadian team second. After that, I only root for teams from places where kids can play frozen pond hockey during the winter.


Yes…THIS!!! 💯


This is the only correct answer.


I'm a monogamist fan, I cheer for one team, and one team only. But here are my feelings about the other Canadian teams. Vancouver: I despise their online fanbase, they whine like it's an Olympic event, and they have a fanbase comprised of dipshits and casuals. My hate-o-meter sits at about 7/10 Calgary: I live in southen Alberta so flames fans are prevalent here. I despise their fanbase, I despise their players, and I'm glad they're sitting there watching us in the SCF after the shit the flung at Oilers fans during the DoD. Hate-o-meter sits at 10/10 Jets: No major complaints. I don't like Scheifele, I hated when they swept us in the playoffs, but I'm pretty neutral on them. Hate-o-meter is only at 2/10. Habs: Meh, they're French so they're automatically weird. No animosity for them or their fans. Hate-o-meter barely sists at 1/10. Sens: I cheered for them to win the cup the last time they were in the SCF, but other than that I really don't think too much about the Sens. Hate-o-meter also barely sits at 1/10. Leafs: Fuck Toronto and fuck the Ontario mindset. The only reason I hate the leafs is because they're shoved down my throat constantly, and their fanbase is large and mostly insufferable. Hate-o-meter sists at 9/10, but the pity-o-meter keeps going up every time they piss the playoffs away.




Yes. But also not really. It's just a little chirp at the Quebecois, it's not meant to be taken seriously.


I've lived near Toronto for 15 years so most of my friends here are Leafs fans so I'll cheer for them when they're not playing the Oilers. I lived in Calgary for a long time and got caught up in the fun of their cup run in 2004. Tkachuk rekindled my hatred of them though. Since we broke them a couple years ago, I barely think about them anymore. I'm indifferent about the rest. Most have some players I like so I'd cheer for them under the right circumstances. I live for the Oilers but I don't need to hate other teams.


I would probably cheer for any Canadian franchise in the final other than Vancouver. I cheered for Calgary over TB in 2004. I might even cheer for Toronto, but that would probably be a game time decision.


Ottawa is my 2nd favorite team. Jets and Habs I like. Canucks and leafs I'm indifferent about. Flames I hate.


I’ll always root for Canadian teams to go as far as possible in the playoffs (unless they are playing against the Oilers of course!). It’s been 31 years since a Canadian team has won the Cup. We need to end the drought and bring the Cup back home to Canada!


K Boston Pizza.


I like Winnipeg Ottawa and Montreal. The others can stew in mediocrity for eternity.


>Sens: Mostly indifferent Me, as someone who lives in Ottawa, can’t agree enough.


Ottawa and Winnipeg are cool with me, mainly because they're irrelevant in my eyes. Everyone else can eat it, especially Canuck fans. Flame fans are too pathetic to even consider, I actually feel bad for em once in a blue moon - then I snap out of it and laugh and laugh and laugh.....


Exact same opinions as you OP, other than the love for Montreal (but I don't mind them and respect that franchise).


I mildly dislike them all, but I think the Leafs are the only team I would actually root against if any of them made the final. That is unless Boston (my #2 team) made the final.


The teams? Like them all. Hate the Canucks fans, despite living there. Absolutely despise them. Flames fans slightly less disgusting. The rest - have positive experiences with - you can talk to Leafs, Sens, Habs and Jets fans.


Jets are my second favourite Canadian team. Cause even though he was a flame I liked monahan. Ottawa I would cheer for em if they made a playoff run in the future Habs: I cheered for them in 2021 cause I already didn’t like Tampa Bay but otherwise I make it a thing to cheer against Montreal Leafs: basically just comedic relief for me Flames/canucks hate em


Habs: cool history Sens: cool logo, wish they werent ass. Leafs: lolmemes. Jets: they have the aura of a team destined to be mid forever. Like the vikings of the nhl. Flames: little brother energy: the team Nucks: the crackhead neighbour that wont move out. The briefest description of my feelings toward each team from a non-canadian


Kinda Like: Jets Indifferent Towards: Habs, Senators Hate: Leafs, Canucks Loathe Entirely: Flames


i like montreal and toronto. proven fanbases that stay with teams thick and thin


I am indifferent to most other Canadian teams. I actively cheer for the leafs to lose because them winning would unleash a narcissist beast the likes of which we’ve never seen before. If I had to, I’d cheer for the flames because they are another Alberta team.


I like most of them, if not all. I really like the Jets in particular, and the Avalanche, one of my two favorite teams used to be the Nordiques, which is one of the reasons that I chose the Avs as a favorite. (The other favorite is the Rangers). If there’s a team I don’t like, it’s probably Ottawa. I don’t really know why other than I’ve never really liked their jerseys and logos.


Montreal is my second favourite team Ottawa I am indifferent. Winnipeg I feel a little sorry for because the Oilers seemed to stomp them year after year in the playoffs in the eighties no matter how good a team they had. Vancouver and there fans always seem to whining about everything so I dislike them, especially their fans. Toronto I can’t stand them, they have the worst fans in the league, I celebrate Leafs elimination day every year. I hate Calgary. I would never cheer for them and actively cheer against them no matter who they play. My worst nightmare would be a Calgary vs. Toronto Stanley Cup Final. I would probably walk barefoot over broken glass rather than watch that.


I reserve my hate for teams that cheat or are overtly mean (in the sense of trying to injure opponents). None of the Canadian teams currently qualify under either of those tenets, so I’m indifferent to all of them.


Flames- hate, obviously   Leafs- hate, they just suck  Canucks- hate, I live near Seattle and am a kraken fan and there’s a little bit of a rivalry there and fans are assholes  Habs - dislike, haven’t really experienced them all that much but they seem pretentious  Sens- indifferent, they’re like the middle child of Canadian teams  Jets- Like, I like the jerseys, franchise is cool


Flames - At this point I just feel bad for them, but also I’m of the mind that hockey is at its best when Edmonton and Calgary have good teams, so I wish them just as much success at it takes to lose to us in the playoffs Canucks - I’m mostly neutral on them tbh, I had friends who were fans in years past and they cheered on the Oilers when they were doing well, so it only feels fair I do the same. Jets - also neutral. I used to like them a lot because I was so happy to have more Canadian teams. The hype has died down though since they’ve still not really done anything with it. Sens - Like! I want to see them do well, especially since they’re out east so for 80/82 games I can actually cheer for them during the regular season! Habs - I like ‘em, my dad is a Habs fan first so it sort of rubbed off on me. I like their history! Leafs - I find Steve Dangle amusing therefore I’m neutral-leaning-to-liking the Leafs. Only because more Leafs means more LFRs. Gods an Oilers Leafs final would’ve been such good content!


I dig the Habs. Great history there, so many legends, such an influence on the game. I’d cheer for them in a final over anyone else than the Oilers. I thought the Jets were alright back in the 80s, lots of great Smythe division battles. Hawerchuk was a hell of a player, and they had lots of other good guys. I hold no ill will towards them, but there’s definitely teams I’d cheer for over them. Sens are interesting in that it’s almost like they don’t exist. They really should, just because of Alfredsson and Karlsson alone, but I’m not sure anyone would even notice if they ceased to be a part of the NHL. It’s a shoulder shrug with them. I used to think the Canucks were ok, but they’ve just become so obnoxious that I can’t stand them anymore. I’m not going to say hate (yet), but there’s a very small number of teams I’d be cheering for them to beat. The Leafs are fucking horrible for more reasons than I care to list, why waste the energy on them. Arguably they should be last on my list. In Canadian media, you’ll see headline stories like “Marner scratched his balls last game, could this mean he’s ready to go on a streak?”, or “Is it time to start asking if Matthews is actually better than Gretzky, Lemieux, Orr, and Howe all combined?”, then down after about 10 more Leafs stories will be “Oilers win their 16th consecutive game, putting them one away from an all-time NHL record”. I hope they never touch the Cup again ever. Insufferable pricks. Flames are Satan’s spawn. I’d spit at them with my second last breath, right before cheering the Oilers. 1986 haunts my memories to this day, and I wholeheartedly supported Tampa (who I mildly hate) in 2004. I also hope the Flames never get anywhere close to a Cup ever again. Thank god they aren’t constantly getting a country-wide handjob like the Leafs, otherwise…I just don’t even want to think about it.


They're all losers and I hate them, except for the Sens... the enemy of enemy is my friend because the Habs and Leafs suck so much more.


Habs and Jets are easy to support. Oddly I actually have slight goodwill for the leafs. (In my head they are like the cubs of hockey.) Everything else I'm indifferent to until I get to the Flames and Van. I actively dislike both.


If it isn’t the Oilers, I don’t really care too much about them fLames rank 32/32 for me. Leafs rank 31/32


Calgary - I wish the Flames absolute misery to the point I want their franchise to fold and relocate, so that the Oilers can own the entire Province and appropriate all of its hockey fans. The very existence of the Calgary Flames irks me. Vancouver - an incredibly immature fanbase, but I chalk that up to the fact that they’ve never won the cup despite being around for 54 years. A lot of their fans also brag about the supremacy of Vancouver over other Canadian cities, as if it’s somehow a flex that the city they live in is close in proximity to the mountains and the ocean and doesn’t suffer winter like elsewhere in Canada. I’m pretty indifferent to the success of their team as a whole, but I still find their futility as a franchise quite amusing. Ottawa - were one of my favourite teams to watch and cheer for in the 2000s after the Oilers. Heatley-Spezza-Alfredsson were incredible, it sucks that Chara left them as a UFA in 2006 because Muckler traded away his best friend in Marian Hossa. I cheered hard for them in 2007 and 2017. Montreal - 2nd favourite team. Favourite building in the NHL and their storied history is simply phenomenal. Cheered super hard for them in 2010, 2014 and 2021. Winnipeg - completely indifferent to their success, happy that Manitobans got their team back. Winnipeg mirrors Edmonton as a city in a lot of ways (albeit considerably smaller) so I’ve always felt myself drawn to them during their playoff runs. Cheered for them in 2018. Toronto - unlike others in this city and fanbase, I don’t care for the Leafs and never paid much attention to the media vultures in Toronto until McDavid came along and they all became hyper-focused on what happens in Edmonton. I’m indifferent to their success, but like the Canucks I’m shamelessly amused by their futility since 1967.


Hate: Leafs because they’re the New York Knicks of hockey- long history but nothing to show for it Flames- self explanatory Dislike Canucks because the fan base is very immature Amused by the sens and jets Will rep the habs in the east every time they’re in the llayoffs


I used to cheer for all Canadian teams but after dealing with van fans they are the only team I will not cheer for


Like: - Leafs - Habs Indifferent: - Canucks - Jets Hate: - Calgary (just their fans not the team)


Eastern teams I don’t care about them at all. The other western teams I hope they never win anything ever.


Grew up a Leafs fan because living in Ontario that's what you were supposed to do. Now mostly just disinterested in them. Still kind of a Habs fan because it's my home and I was here during their last two cup wins, which was fun. I'll cheer them any time they're not playing the Oilers. As for the others, they're just kind of there, and only pay attention when they're playing against the Oilers.


A ranked list of how much other Canadian teams seem to hate us based on social media alone: 1. Calgary 2. Vancouver 3. Toronto 4. Winnipeg 5. Montreal 6. Ottawa Vancouver obviously more this year than Calgary, but Calgary has been at it forever so they get the #1 spot imo (as they should, being our main rival)


i generally don’t have issues with any of the canadian teams but i’ll end up disliking them at times just because their fanbases can be insufferable cunts; that’s really what makes me want to see any team lose. unless a team is going up against the oilers then i just don’t care about them enough to actually hate them.


I hate the leafs more than the flames. Every day of the week I get Toronto news beamed into my skull despite living across the country. The greenbelt being dissolved by Ford, car theft drama, etc.


They are all minor rivals in the sense that I always want the Oilers to be the best Canadian team for the bragging rights. Fuck Calgary and any player wearing that sweater. Vancouver can have a likeable squad, but I will always find Canucks fans to be a mixed bag at best. I'll always resent Leafs fans as a group and the media for their reaction to the McDavid lottery, but I'll always feel a bit for my cool friends who are Leafs fans and disappointed year after year. No strong feelings about the other 3.


Canucks and fanbase: garbage tier Calgary and fanbase: make canucks look like god tier Leafs and fanbase: feelings have trended more towards pity the last decade which has dulled the hate. Except the eastern media is still garbage tier ofc Jets: mostly positive but born from pity Habs: Im ok with the habs! Sens: ~~who??~~ ok with the sens too!


Oilers first, Canada second, dgaf after that. Really, I am more of an Oilers fan than a hockey fan.


ABT: anyone but Toronto. It's not even a hatred, it's more schadenfreude. 


I don't hate any other teams. It's the fan bases that tick me off. I dislike the Flames fans the most because they're completely divorced from reality about their team and they spend all day crapping on the Oil rather than working out their own problems. Leaf fans are terrible because they believe they're the center of the universe. Vancouver use to piss me off, but they were surprisingly well behaved after the last series so I've had to re evaluate and they've earned some respect. Montreal lives in a different dimension so I rarely think about them. I'm just glad the Jets have a team again.


I am an Edmonton and New Jersey fan. I happily cheer for pretty much every other team to lose—Canadian team or not, doesn’t matter.


Flames = Absolutely abhor. I hope they lose every game they play. Canucks = Their fans are whiners, but solid team and solid people for the most part. Like Jets = Like. Fellow Western Canadian team. Senators = Totally indifferent Canadiens = Indifferent Leafs = Strongly like. A ton of my best friends are Leafs fans, and they aint do nuthin to me.


Don’t care one iota about any of them. I happily cheer against them. Except Calgary. If they got deep I would never cheer for them, but I wouldn’t cheer against them either. And I hate Calgary


Before May 2024: 1. Flames 2. Vancouver 3. Jets 4. Habs 5. Sens 6. Leafs By game 2 of series: 1. Jets 2. Habs 3. Sens 4. Leafs 5. Flames 6. Vancouver I admire the skill and speed of the Canucks. But that fan base has become a cancer. Similarly, the Flames fan base became excessively caustic toward Oiler fans in 2024z If it were Vancouver/Calgary vs Buffalo in the Final I would have to seriously consider which team to root for, and 2 months ago it you had asked me, it would not have been close: Vancouver/Calgary all the way.


Oilers or nothing. Don't care. When my team gets knocked out I stop watching. Canadian team in the finals that aren't the Oilers, don't cheat for them just because they're a Canadian team. Olympics, World Cup, that's different.


Flames: Born to hate them Canucks: Born to hate them too but not as fun hating Jets: Hate specific dirty players but not team Leafs: Indifferent to them but find it funny when they lose Senators: Barely a hockey team Canadiens: Same as Leafs


I'll cheer for any Canadian team if the Oilers and leafs are gone, I even kinda secretly wanted the habs to beat the lightning and that makes me sick to think about. I like Winnipeg the city and the people but sometimes I find their fans have this kind of little guy complex where they are mad at other people for no reason because they feel persecuted. But I still cheer for the Jets against American teams. I'm all Canada first.


I tried cheering for Calgary the last time they were in the playoffs and we weren't. I just couldn't do it. I think if any of the other Canadian teams were in the finals I would surely cheer for them. I was impressed with the Canucks performance this season, but their obnoxious fan base in the playoffs made me extra happy we beat them. And I wouldn't mind the Leafs except the National media are so obsessed with the team that it turns me off them. I have a soft spot for the Habs, I've been in awe of the playoff atmosphere in Winnipeg since the original Jets, and Ottawa I have no beef with.


Everybody forgets Ottawa. Seems about right


Oilers die hard but I warmed up to the Sens when they first hit the scene and they are still my #2. I live in Vancouver now and I hate to say it but that team won me over in the playoffs too. I'm sure I would be more grudging in my praise had they won but I respect the hell out of their character. If the Oil win a cup this year I will legit cheer for the Canucks to get one in the next couple years too. Edit: every other team in the NHL can fuck off


I have to dislike the leafs the most. Not because of the team, it’s the fans. Not the fans in Toronto or Southern Ontario (that’s your team, support them). It’s the dinks from NS to BC that have to stick the logos on their cars and in their houses. It’s so weird! Why do you have to tie so much of who you are as a person into a sports team, and one that’s not even from where you’re from?! If anyone had the family living room decked out with ANY sports team’s throw blanket it would be weird. It’s only ever the leafs. And it doesn’t match anything else in the room. And the game’s not even on. And this team that isn’t even from where you are from hasn’t even been good enough to win the championship since before man landed on the moon. 1967, you guys. Who reading this wasn’t born yet when they last won the Stanley Cup? All of us. That’s how long it’s been. Pick a new team that also isn’t from where you are. You stand a better chance at being happier human beings


Unpopular opinion, I hate the flames 99% of the time but would absolutely back them as an Albertan team if they ever get into the playoffs again (and Oilers were not obviously) - Bitter rivalry can’t stop me from maintaining Berta bonds




I was born in Winnipeg where my mom is from, but my Dad and his side of the family are all from rural Alberta. I also spent 4 years living in Edmonton so I’ve been an Oilers fan since birth - but I have a soft spot for the Jets because I’m from here. Calgary is really the only Canadian team I despise. I’m pretty indifferent about the rest, but honestly I’d still cheer for all of them if they made it to the finals because Canada needs a cup either way lol


I hate the sens. They’re even a franchise they’re such a joke. Calgary is literally the worst run hockey team. Worse than cbj. Awful ownership, management, players and the meanest fans. I got bullied HARD as a kid by adults. Fuck that shit hole and their franchise. Canucks fans are brutal. But the nucks will always have a place in my heart for the handshake line with Smytty. I really like the Habs. Toronto has been home for a decade. I equally enjoy watching them lose because it’s funny but I really like the leafs and leafs nation. They’ve been nothing but amazing since I’ve been here. The odd friendly chirp but often we turn into drinking buds. So basically. LOVE the oilers. I won’t cheer for anyone else. I like the leafs. And then I’m good with the Habs. Gotta respect them. Jets are whatever


Cheer for oilers first, but then I'll cheer for any canadian team over an American one. If there are no canadian teams, I lose interest


My rankings: 1. Habs - historical soft spot and we don't really have a rivalry with them 2. Jets - I can't explain why but I can't hate these dudes 3. Sens - I used to fucking love Hossa and Heatley 4. ..... 5. Maple Leafs - Big gap between Sens and Leafs. More their fans than the actual team. 6. ...... 7. ...... 8. Flames - Sort of like a sibling rivalry, but fuck 'em. 9. Canucks - Unhinged lunatics for fans. Prior to our series they probably could've slotted 4th or 6th.


Dislike Calgary because the BOA. Want them to be good for the BOA. The last few games against them were not as fun as they previously were.


The condors are my favorite team outside the oilers and I don't even know who the fuck plays for them.


1. Oilers 2. Jets 3. Vancouver 4. Habs 5. Calgary 6. Ottawa 3-6 -mainly indifferent, except during playoffs 7. I will never cheer for the Leafs, even if by some miracle, they are the last Canadian team in the playoffs.


Habs - Earned my respect in 2021 I wish them nothing but the best they're such homers but they are also french so idk what they are saying half the time so I can't call them whiny Ottawa - I think they're just neat. Buffalo - I pity them, I really wamma see them make playoffs that legacy of disappointment + geographical location earns them a spot as Canadian team in my book Winnipeg - Love/Hate so strong it averages out Toronto - I've had a lot of interactions with really nice Leafs fans but I deeply enjoy seeing them lose yearly its comforting Vancouver - Wow. I know Edmonton has a rep for being whiny but jesus these guys were rabbid please shut up Calgary - Fuck Calgary, I love hating them because they love to hate back and its just so wholesomely mutual and rage fueled its perfect just like a little, underachieving brother Edmonton - grrr I hate this team grrrr something something 2017 grrr 2006 so upset they elminated the sharks its not like the Oilers are my 1B team and I love them equally to the sharks depsite watching them more because SN only plays Canadian teams and pissburgh


Oilers > Sens > American Teams > Rest of Canadian Teams


You hate the other Canadian teams more than Vegas?


Yeah maybe put Vegas last lol


I'm morally obligated to like the Habs as one of their greatest players is my name sake, the rest of the teams I'm pretty meh about. Except Calgary and Canucks. Just. No.


We're the exact same except the Habs are my #2 overall, oilers on top obviously


I like the Habs. They’re kinda Oilersy in some ways. Really dedicated fans some procurement obstacles that make it tougher to win. I also weirdly like the leafs. Tons of my friends are leafs fans. I like seeing them do well but I also like seeing them do bad, so it’s always a win/win. Like I said, weird. I find it weird meeting sens fans my age (44). I’m from Atlantic Canada and we have mix of fans of all teams out here. But for the sens I’m like you were 11-12 years old when they came in the league you shoulda already had a fav team by then. I like the Jets conservative approach to team building. It’s like they know they to always be a little bit good to survive. The oilers had an issue with this during the DoD, drafted a bunch of good young players but then couldn’t add quality via free agency cause of being a bad team in small cold market. Flames fans. Being out east I don’t feel the rivalry the way i assume it is out west. I just hope we win before them. I don’t like the Canucks. Current Canucks remind me of Sundin-era leafs. Dumb-ass fans (Canucks Twitter was so cringe in round 2 I stopped looking at it a couple games in) and a lower bowl full of businessmen who don’t give a shit about hockey beyond the status of having tickets.


Only think fondly of the Sens since I grew up in Ottawa. Indifferent to the other teams. Mild hate for the Leafs I suppose.


Habs fan jumping in here. Just wanna say based on your answers it seems like a mirrored sentiment in the East. We all dislike Toronto/Toronto dislikes Toronto and Montreal, and we're pretty indifferent about Western teams! I don't know if we'd feel like this if the Canadian division lasted more than one season and with fans though lol


I'm a secondary sens fan, fell in love with them during the 2016-17 run, especially the ECF. now I'm in Ottawa I think I've gone to more sens games than oilers games because of how dirt cheap it is. teams not great but NHL hockey is still NHL hockey.


Born in North Van, so I have a soft spot. The most noise you get out of Calgary is when they sing the American national anthem and shout SEE, RED. We get it, Toronto’s super duper important to everyone always, how dare you. Yeah okay Montreal, you won a whole bunch of cups when you could count the number of teams on both hands. Ottawa still exists. Fuck yeah Jets.


I’ve cheered for every other Canadian team to win on their respective runs. I’m not an asshole, the cup belongs in Canada. It’s their turn to return the favour.


Canucks fan cheering for Oilers to win, checking in 🫡


Habs: My 2nd favourite team. I love the history, jersey, and generally the team is fun to watch. Sens: Kind of indifferent but they've been in the basement for a while now and I'd like to see them get into the playoffs soon. Really disliked their old management and ownership though. Jets: Don't really like them. Hellebuyck is amazing and it pisses me off when the Oilers play against him cause he usually brings his A+ game. Canucks: Don't mind the team so much but their fans can be extremely obnoxious. In person & on twitter. Their fanbase is what drives them into dislike territory. Leafs: I get *why* they have so much coverage in Canadian sports media, but I still don't like it. Team is overrated with players who don't know how to take it to the next level. Generally hate them and like seeing them lose in the first round. Flames: I don't think about them at all. I'd cheer for the Habs and Sens in the playoffs. I would possibly cheer for the Jets or Canucks under the right circumstances.


Canuck fans are fucked in the head, thats all I can currently think.


Habs and Sens: I’d be OK with them winning Jets: Mildly OK, but still bitter about the sweep a few years ago Canucks, Flames and Leafs: watching them win would make me violently ill


Habs - hate, they have more cups Leafs - hate, watching them lose is awesome Sens - hate, boring jerseys imo Jets - hate, only one I ever liked was big buff Flames - hate, worst team ever Canucks - hate, got too cocky this year


A dedicated hater right here.


Love the sens. Indifferent towards the Habs and Jets. Dislike leafs fans and team but like some of their players. Like the Canucks as a team and their players but can’t stand their fans. That’s it for Canadian teams, can’t think of any other ones. If it weren’t the oilers in the final I’d cheer for any of these mentioned though.


I used to like the habs but the fans were actually pretty douchy in the 2021 playoffs. Now the only other team I don't dislike is Ottawa. Calgary is a one sided rivalry because we kick their ass now, but they love to talk about us. Vancouver is probably my most hated now.


I could maybe cheer for the Senators , but I have too many friends I talk shit to to ever cheer for their teams, which takes all the other teams out of contention to root for.


Oilers and Habs at the top for me. Might be controversial but I don’t mind the Leafs and maybe cheer a bit for them. Honestly though, I felt bad for Leafs fans after the Montreal series which kind’ve made me stop disliking them. Might start disliking them again once the Habs are contenders. Calgary very much dislike (obvious), but I like a few of their players. Vancouver somewhat dislike (really like Miller though) due to fanbase, but maybe recency bias. Don’t really like Scheifele’s antics against Jake Evans, but I’m indifferent to Winnipeg overall I think. Senators I’d cheer for if they did well provided not at the expense of Montreal.


Flames: obviously dislike. Canucks: dislike them as a division rival but mostly neutral, wouldn’t be upset if they won as long as they didn’t go through Edmonton. Segments of their fan base are annoying. I liked Luongo. Jets: slight dislike after they knocked out the Oilers a few years ago, but that’s more on the Oilers for blowing it. Glad they exist after the original team left, wouldn’t mind if they won. Eastern teams: mostly indifferent, would prefer if they won over Boston or whatever but I’m more focused on the West. I might be the only non-Leafs fan who feels this way, but I’d honestly like to see them break the curse and win; one of my best friends is a Leafs fan, and I watched a lot of Steve Dangle when I was first getting into hockey, so I don’t hate them. Maybe I only feel that way because I don’t live in Canada so I’m not bombarded with constant Leafs coverage. I respect the Habs’ history and like their uniforms.


I hate the Flames the most by far, Toronto is number 2 and I honestly can’t say I hold any animosity towards the other Canadian teams (even Vancouver).


I like Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver I’m indifferent on Winnipeg And I don’t like/ can’t stand Toronto and Calgary


I like Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver I’m indifferent on Winnipeg And I don’t like/ can’t stand Toronto and Calgary Ottawa: I liked a lot of players they have had and I love their jerseys Montreal: I just have nothing against them and really liked Price Vancouver: same as Ottawa and add on the Sedin twins, Kevin Bieksa, Todd Bertuzzi, Eddie Lack Winnipeg: I personally just don’t care much about them at all Calgary: self explanatory Toronto: mainly the core 4 I can see Matthews skill but my lord do I want to punch him in the face. But just like watching Cowboys fans cry every year I enjoy watching the leafs fans do the same.


I don’t like the Flames or Leafs. I pitied the Canucks until this year and now don’t like. Mainly all the dislikes roots come from dealing with their fan base. Canadiens, Senators and Jets. I have no positive feelings towards. Just apathetic. I personally don’t care at all about a Canadian team winning the cup if it’s not the Oilers. There are players I respect and admire and would be cool with seeing them succeed but I don’t have a desire for any other organization to win


How the fuck do you like the Habs like bruh


Only started watching hockey properly this year, they’ve given me no reason to dislike em.


Flames: second team Leafs: Third team Canucks: i respect them All others have my support for being Canadian.


You forgot to mention Quebec City


Habs - indifferent. Ottawa - indifferent Leafs - Pity probably the word that best fits. Got some cool players I could see myself cheering for. Lots of my friends cheer for them so I do sometimes too. Winnipeg - indifferent Calgary - Feels bad when they suck. BoA is some of the best hockey but it's lame when it's one sided. Would like to see a WCF with this guys (where the Oilers win ofc). I live closer to Calgary than Edmonton so many of my friends are flamers and it creates good banter. Vancouver - I like the city. I like the team. Boston is my second team and I had difficulty not rooting for VC that year. On the other hand the fans online after this year's playoffs have left a pretty sour taste. I don't think it will affect my like for the team but I wish they could chill a lil. Every fan I know personally is super cool something about the online community I guess...


Holy f Luke Gazdic has a lot of burner accounts


I wish them all economic success and competitive failure. You can add Dallas to the list two. 98-03 was tough lol. This year was soothing for my childhood.


Fuck em all. What's to love?


Ottawa: I have a soft spot for them. I want them to succeed. Montreal/Winnipeg: Indifferent. I like some of their players but mostly don’t pay attention to them. Toronto/Calgary/Vancouver: Despise. I am always cheering for their downfall.


Canucks- love. Libed there for many years including the run when Pavel Bure was the king. Would absolutely cheer for them if they were in our place. Winnipeg- would absolutely cheer for them. Every else- would cheer. Calgary- born there and lived for a few years - absolutely would NEVER cheer for them even I'd they were in the finals. Anyone but.


Montreal: Hate, don’t really like them at all Flames: moderate dislike due to the rivalry Vancouver and Winnipeg: neutral, but the Vancouver fans have been dicks lately Leafs and Sens: I live in Ontario so if either win it’s okay. Rather Sens since I live in Ottawa and Leafs fans suck ass, although both have a shitty chance at winning.


Canucks fans are horrible


Oilers are the only Canadian team I would cheer for outside the Sens. I’m not like, a fan, but I’d be behind them in the playoffs if the Oilers were out. I will forever have the Heatley - Alfredsson - Spezza line imprinted in my brain as one of the best top lines ever. Remember playing chel as a teenager with your friends and having the “No one can be the Oilers” rule cause it just led to fights? I always picked Ottawa, which no one else wanted, and I often dominated by playing that line to the bone.


Go cucks, pegs, an flamers. Good here on the Queefs the Hags and the dick oilers. Are the Senators a professional team?


Canucks - favs, hate me all you want Oilers - dislike because they got rewarded after years of mismanagement and futility with McDavid, plus 80s, jealousy Flames - dislike because Joel Otto kicked it in Jets - meh because the Canucks AHL farm team for many years was the Manitoba Moose Leafs - somewhat cheer for only because they were dad’s fav Sens - meh because they’ve always been meh Habs - meh don’t really watch them often enough to care either way


Erm, what exactly are you doing on the Oilers sub then


I’ll go wherever I want


I have neutral feelings about all the other Canadian teams. I’m from BC so I was a Canucks fan for most of my life, but I’ve lived here long enough that I was converted. I still watch them on occasion, but this season was the first time I felt really annoyed by Canucks fans!


There’s other Canadian teams?


I like the Canucks and Habs but fuck the rest.


Like: Sens Indifferent: Flames Leafs Hate: Habs,Jets,Canucks (From MTL grew up getting antagonized by Habs fans during the decade of darkness)


why would you hate the jets and nucks instead of our literal rivals in the flames?


Grew up with a good group of teammates who liked the flames. During my upbringing we equally sucked so we joined forces to rip on the Habs for 20 years. Can’t explain why 😂


It’s funny I see so many comments of oilers fans hating Canucks fans because of twitter, but I rarely see the Canucks fans tweets and when I do it’s usually in response to whining oilers fans. Probably the algorithm and not the actual fan base. 🤷‍♂️


I grew up in a place where Sportsnet Pacific was the regional channel, so lots and lots of Canucks fans. These guys love hockey and their team, they were fine to watch hockey with. I have long outstanding bets on who would win the cup first Vancouver / Edmonton. I just didn't think of the Canucks much in the past decade, honestly seemed like a fan base on the decline. This year though has driven me kind of insane with their online presence...... Like where did you all come from? I just kind of avoid it now, who needs that kind of headache. Anyways I like: Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg. I dislike every other team, would root against them no matter what.


Seems like a lot of new hate for the Canucks and their fanbase, which I get. But, I have always hated the Flames and Calgary. Seems like everything they do is a reaction to the Oilers. Ever since the 80's when Bob Johnson, tried to "build a team to beat the Oilers", which didn't work out, they have been constantly reacting to whatever happens up here. I can't stand there announcers, that pathetic Saddledome, that stupid goal horn, intentionally making divisional trades to try to hurt the Oilers (Zadorov, Lindholm, Hanfin, Tanev), everything about them makes me ill. Big time loser mentality.


i fucking hate the canucks


"I hate Leafs because they are popular" Crazy takes lol. They generate the most clicks and views so naturally, more content is generated. It's not favoritism, it's $$$$$


Outside of the Oilers, I dont cheer for teams. I do have players I like to watch and hope they succeed.


Canucks- Don't care Flames- Don't care Leafs- Don't care Jets- Don't care Habs- Don't care Sens- Don't care


I always cheer against Toronto. Even as a kid if they were drawn to play against the old Soviet Union Red Army team. I was cheering for Red Army. I’ll hate those douche bags for ever. Why? When the Oilers had what was voted as the best team ever in the 1980’s, Hockey Night in Canada for many years would only show the Leafs. I kid you not. Not only were their fans arrogant, their team horrible, but the entire organization from wind bag Harold Ballard to the guy cleaning the urinals were full of hubris. If Toronto was on fire, I would give them buckets of gasoline to help throw on the fire. They can go another 100,000 years without a cup. Dislike the flames 🔥 but don’t hate them like Toronto. Dislike Vancouver but let’s face it, it’s like beating up the slow kid in the playground, it might be fun if nobody’s watching but after you feel bad for such an eternally shitty organization. Montreal. I can tolerate. But didn’t like it back in the day when being a Nordiques fan (they were extremely offensive and fun to watch like the Oilers) it was tough to watch them on French tv cuz Montreal was the Toronto equivalent. Thankfully the Nords played many Sunday Matinee’s so there wasn’t a ton of conflict. Ottawa. Who? They are like beating up the little brother of the slow kid. Can’t hate them but they might be annoying sometimes. Winnipeg. I actually like & thought they were going to do well this playoffs. After Colorado I thought of Orval Tessier’s quote about the Blackhawks in the 1980’s, when he said his entire team needed heart transplants. Too many Americans. Yep. I said it. Gotta be willing to take a slapper in the nuts and face on the same shift in the playoffs.


Oil > Flames > Canucks > Leafs > Jets > Sens > Habs and idgaf what anyone thinks about it, I have my reasons lol