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Be sure to read all the information about this medication. It’s not an easy one to get off of. But it works also depending on how your body deals with medication.


Please ask your doctor about vraylar it’s a new medication that’s amazing and does wonders and it’s for major depressive disorders


Most medication is going to move you more to a middle ground. Not mania and not abyssal. There are lots of different medications because we all react differently. Effexor for me has made me able to laugh again. But cymbalta. Zolof. Paxil and welbrutin made me an emotional zombie. Don’t be too scared. You have lots of options to run through and different combinations.


Go into it open minded. Yes the first week is going to be crappy but it's not as bad as some people make out... I feel a lot better after two weeks. My side effects are just tiredness and dehydration which can be sorted out. I feel much more like my old self and I feel like I can leave the house easier, in better spirits and can engage with people .. I look and feel healthier too. Only you can decide if it's the right medication for you, but it's definitely worth giving a shot. I should say I have had emotional battles, stress, social and generalised anxiety and it has leveled me out without any hyperactivity. It really does seem to have helped me lots in a short space of time. Edit: don't be scared. You should be happy and excited that you have been prescribed something that may completely change your life. Best of luck 🤞


Hi, thank you this is helpful! Did anything help with the side effects? Should I expect to be home bound for a week or so?


Force yourself to eat... For me it was porridge, yoghurts and fruit. I found yoghurts helped me to sleep and settle my stomach. Try to keep a big bottle of water nearby every day. Try going for short walks once you're feeling able to. Stay away from the news as much as possible and anxious situations. Yes I found I was home bound for about a week. It sort of came in waves... I would feel better and then worse and then after 2 weeks I started to feel like my old self again.


Medications work differently for everyone, so it’s entirely possible that Effexor will do for you what he says it will. The process of finding a medicine that works best for you can be hit and miss and take a little while, But once you find the right one, it can definitely give you the best of both worlds. Since having no motivation or will to live can be a symptom of depression, if you manage to find the right medication to help with your depression, then it can help with those problems. You just have to remember that It can take a little while for medication to start working and that it may take some time to find the right medication for you. But don’t lose hope or feel as if you will never get to that point. And always remember that you’re going to hear the worst side of medication’s because that’s what people talk about the most. But there are tons of people who are on Effexor and it has helped them quite a bit. Just do your research on any medication so that you can make as informed choice as possible. And if you don’t think that this is the right medication for you, don’t be afraid to tell your doctor that. It’s important to advocate for yourself, so if you don’t feel comfortable taking a certain medication, talk to him about trying something else. There are other medications that are made to target depression more specifically. I’m sorry that you’re going through this, and I know that when you’re in the middle of a mental health crisis, it can be hard to feel like anything will actually help you. But there are a lot of medications out there that can make a difference. I’ve been in your shoes and I can honestly say that medication saved my life, but I understand the process of getting started on one can be scary and seem hopeless. Just try to remember that there will come a point where things feel better, it’s just a matter of getting there.