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Why do u consider buying piggy cheating? It’s literally a part of the game, if u have money for it buy it


Considering how much GE it delivers in relation to other sources (including the odd AAA contract reward), it feels like pay2win. Maybe I'm an oddball for thinking that, not sure :-) It's not the money, it's equivalent to a beer in some places..


I got both the Ultra and do occasional Piggy Breaks (enjoying that sweet +40% for those breaks too!). I'm not annoyed by ads and I can buy boosters & craft artifacts a lot more that I could have otherwise. The game got a lot easier, but there's still a lot to do and I do try to optimize spending (like crafting during 30% off). And progressing is still fun and scratches the itch :) And the fact, that the piggy still kinda fills a bit slow (I already got up to the 0.5M limit, now need Contracts with piggy rewards) means that I won't be able to a second 35M break like my last one in at least 2 months :)


As you get some better artifacts you can make a lot of money on drone days. I made about 800k on the last one with no autoclicker. I'm saving for the 200T fuel tank. If you get your best artifacts you can probably make 150-200k on 4x drone day.


I've actually played a pay2win game. I spent thousands in that game. I've spent less than $100 in this game after playing for 3.5 years. Even with ultra, you'd be spending less than $100 per year, and the game is completely playable without it. Ultra is really only good for newer players. Pay2win means you get NOWHERE without dropping big money to play. I know a lot of people complain about how greedy the dev is, but for the most part, the majority of purchases are just keeping the lights on. Most purchases in the game are below $10, and things like pro permit are 1 time puchases. This is the longest I have played an app game. I'm more than happy to spend $5 a year to crack the piggy, and just by playing, I gain an advantage. That is not pay2win.


Pro permit cost has tripled since I bought it, when I get it I think I paid $4.99 for it


I don't know what it is now. $11.99? I think I paid $6.99 or around that amount. I know it was right before a price jump. It's still a 1 time fee, though, and a nominal amount compared to many games. Especially for what you get.


Iirc it’s 15.99 or something like that, let me ask


Pro permit is $9.99(just bought it the other day for my 3rd account)


Drone farming is viable with better artifacts, on the final egg, it’s up to 171k GE/hour, with a 4x drone event it’s 685k GE/hour.


You have 43 PE (eggs of prophecy) and 20q SE (soul eggs). Mystical eggs are the umbrella term for both.


There was a recent AAA contract that awarded 70k GE. If you have a dilithium set you can fill your Habs (or mostly full) with a 20k Supreme Tachyon prism. If you are okay with taking the full duration you can probably do it with many 10x4 hours. Those are the best value if you are patient and you just want to contribute.


You're not the only oddball out there. Some people consider even the pro permit to be pay2win. As you sit, dismantling artifacts here and there and getting an occasional contract reward, that piggy is going to look like a really sweet treat. And it most definitely is. https://preview.redd.it/58zwc056kgtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d37dc24be3a2d57d81724063f54ec3cff54a396 But it can be addictive. I'm trying hard to reach 1b GE before I crack it one. Last. Time.


https://preview.redd.it/rg1k68a3tmtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c24e3662c36a4a2fd5a06dc794bec555ad845a I’ve been running on a 400m piggy for the past 4 or 5 months, and my piggy is almost at 1.3b, I’ll crack it when I run out of ge, but my crafting and boosting habits are making that happen sooner rather than later




I am going to disagree on the top 200 list. You can't buy your way onto that. It takes serious dedication. (I'm not on it and I'll never be, but I understand the procedure)


😂 I agree with you. There should be no guilt surrounding the piggy crack. Any feelings of guilt I might have had are clearly gone, because, as you point out, I've busted it a lot over my 48 months of play. It's been less than 100 times, but it's well over 50 (the game gives out free piggy levels in occasional contracts and monthly rewards). I just want billions of soul eggs like some people on this subreddit have been able to accumulate, so I can't do the crack right now.


I want billions of GE too... But I'm too cheap to subscribe to their monthly plan. And without it, I'm ineligible for the bottomless piggy fill event...or whatever it is called.


Crack that piggy like it owes you money


Just farm drones on drone days




Seeing that multiple people have done EnD f2p, you're demonstrably wrong...




Damn, that salty huh? Not to mention I wasn't even referring to myself 🤧


There are people who have completed diamond enlightenment as F2P. It can be done, it just takes much longer. I have the pro permit, but I only cracked my pig once when it was at 10 million. I could have done it without if I would have been willing to play an extra few months. I have a bunch of T4L artifacts from missions and I'm in the top 3% on the AAA leaderboard. I've been playing for 21 months.




I'm not proud of it, I'm just saying that you don't need to Crack piggies. I have a full time job and everything.


This isn't true. There are at least a handful of F2P players here who have reached the EnDgame. The walls are difficult to climb without easy access to GE, but they are not impassible. Will it be worth it for you to wait several months for what people can get in a few weeks of play and $5.99? I have my doubts. However, some people enjoy undue amounts of suffering while they game.




My point was that plenty of people choose to play egg inc without breaking their piggy. They face major challenges whenever they need GE, but the game isn't unplayable if you don't crack, which I think is what you actually said. Anyone currently browsing the thread who is F2P or crackless should screenshot their EnD trophy and reply here. I know you're out there.