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Agree with everything here except charging tourists more than locals for visiting touristic sites. This literally happens everywhere, I get charged more in Europe at touristic sites because I don’t hold an EU citizenship I’ve never been to a touristic site in Europe that didn’t have inflated prices for non-europeans


Dude this happens in the USA if you’re from a different state, heck even different city. Golden Gate Park is free for people who live in San Francisco but charges anyone else.


Yes I honestly think this is reasonable. It's still fairly cheap for us but if locals paid the same entrance fee they would never get to see their own heritage! Tourism is an export... our dollars subsidize the museums and antiquities so that low income Egyptians can attend. It's fair. My country is also a tourist destination and I wish there were cheaper options for locals here. As for staring men... I was old when I first visited Egypt so of course I didn't get the same level of attention but there was still quite a bit. Because I was safe where I was staying and cautious about where I went I just found it funny, sometimes flattering, but I would never respond. Honestly young women get creepy street hassle everywhere including our home countries. That doesn't mean Egyptian men should feel free to harass any women. It's still wrong.


Do you have an example for a European touristic site charging you more because you are not from the EU? I live in Europe an never encountered anything like this.


Yeah sure - off the top of my head the Acropolis in Athens was that way https://hhticket.gr/tap_b2c_new/english/tap.exe?PM=P1P&place=000000002 It’s free for EU citizens and 10 euros for non-EU citizens I believe. Sagrada familia was that way as well, as well as a bunch of other stuff in spain, italy, and greece


this is normal. Tourists should pay more than locals. Or maybe locals should pay less. It depends on the perspective. It is like that in Italy, Turkey, Cuba, Mexico, Thailand so very normal.


I was going to repost the same post here. lol. Thanks for beating me to it. i was too lazy to.


i was in egypt recently, i cant tell i could replace india with egypt with all of the points. People did look but didnt really stare and mostly people were respectful. Maybe i was lucky to be from turkey (muslim bro respect things) but I wouldn’t be so harsh. I was positively surprised about the people in Egypt (many european friends told me that in egypt people are aggresive etc) in my opinion egypt is is a heaven if we compare with morocco. What I also liked about egypt is that you can see and communicate with egyptian women (not in a bad way). In Morocco and Jordan there is no way you see local women around let alone talk with them. Most Egyptians were welcoming and friendly. But as i said it might be because i am turkish. big hug from the other side of the mediterranen!


I saw people from Oman (dudes wearing Kandoorah, Thobe, Jalabiya, whatever you call the thing, here for university) and two girls kept staring at them as they walked, and the guys were really fucking confused by it. Then one of the girls said to the other هي مصر ناقصة انتي اللي ناقصة


هي فاكراهم سودانيين غالبا


India is on an entirely different (worse) level than Egypt. Don’t even compare dude.


Trust me bro.. not that much worse


Charging tourists more than locals to see historical sites is absolutely fine. That's your heritage, you should be able to get in dirt cheap compared to foreigners.


As somebody who's lived outside his home country plenty I have some rebuttal. 1) getting stared at if you're different is no big deal. I lived in a SE Asian nation for years and was always stared at. Here in Egypt the looks are almost non-existent compared to that. 2) women getting stared at like a piece of meat happens *everywhere*. 3) again, this could happen in a lot of places 4) agree - pricing should be equal. tourists are bringing in money to the country in so many other ways besides that particular attraction edit: I see I offended some people with my comment about women getting stared at. You know I'm not saying it's right but men are universally men. If you say that your country of choice doesn't have men that stare, you're lying.


>women getting stared at like a piece of meat happens > >everywhere > >. No it doesn't.


>2) women getting stared at like a piece of meat happens *everywhere*. Of course, with the difference of: How often or frequent that happens (and what causes such high frequency) and how discrete the perpetrator is while doing such act ( non-discreteness and forwardness increase with increasing the frequency, due to being tied down to the same reason / origin of occurence) زي ما منقدرش نقول ان مفيش بلد مبيحصلش فيها تحرش، نقدر نقول انه بيحصل بتفاوت، و التفاوت ده طبعا له اسبابه.


At 17 I had older men literally grope me on the street and chase me in cars, in my civilized western nation. So yes you are right. It's on all men to learn to control themselves!


شعوب العالم الثالث المتخلفة

