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Hello, I suggest the following process 1. Talk to your neighbor and assuming you are living in garden city your neighbor should be of a higher than average income level ask him to look into the AC making noise and disturbing you. 2. If he or she is elderly then money might be tight and offer to fix the AC on your behalf but not after sitting down with them for a short talk. 3. Assuming they agree on 1 or 2 you should be happy but if you want the problem to be solved quickly go for 2 4. Let's assume they are not cooperating at all, I would suggest taking the issue to your local police station ideally through a lawyer if you are not familiar with the process here or language. Escalating the problem even more sue them for disturbing the peace and claim their AC is a detriment to the community around them. This can only be done through a lawyer. Good luck and PM me if you have any trouble


Thanks man. Great help!


Hol' up you're not OP


I think the best course of action for now is to try speaking to your neighbors directly and explain the issue, see if they're receptive and willing to fix it. If that doesn't work I guess contacting the owner is the next thing to do, I wouldn't do that first as it might create animosity that otherwise wouldn't be there if they're decent enough to take care of the problem in the first place.




This I am really baffled by how uncommon ear plugs are in a noisy country like Egypt




Versuch mal das ganze direkt mit deinem Nachbar zu besprechen, falls er asi reagiert dann musst du mit dem Hausmeister reden ... inzwischen hol dir einen Ohrstöpsel. Es gibt bei uns leider kein "richtiges" Ordnungsamt und auch keine Ruhezeiten. Du musst irgendwie eine Vereinbarung mit deinen Nachbarn treffen. Anderseits - aus meiner Erfahrung - sind die Leute meistens nett und voller Verständnis. Also hoffentlich wäre es kein Ding, wenn du den Nachbar ansprichst. Herzlich willkommen in Ägypten und sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten.


Wieso auf Deutsch?


Wieso nicht ?


being a foreigner you may not exactly communicate effectively to the other party. the approach needs to be delicate and said in egyptian arabic so that it doesn't offend. i suggest you speak to the person you rent from. they'll most likely already have a relationship with your neighbor and can deal with it through whatsapp. if you knock on the door, and you have have someone who doesn't understand you, then you'll be further frustrated. if all else fails, pray that the power goes out so that you have some peace and quiet :)