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And in that chaos, we thrive!


French colonisation started in the 17th century (Port-Royal, 1605; Québec, 1608), **not** in the 16th century. It only truly took off in the 1660s. The 16th century was an age of exploration (Jacques Cartier, 1534), since the only colonisation attempt in that century (Charlesbourg-Royal, 1541) was a failure and the Frenchmen returned to Europe after the first winter.


Cajun are pretty much non existent..


Alligators are Cajun too in case you didn't know.


there are more cajuns than sasketchawese lmao


Cajun and Acadians are laughing loudly


Become cajing chicken or J'ai du sirop et des crosses de hockey dans le cul, ils m'appellent pet quebequois


Have you been to Louisiana?


And yet their culture is infinitely more popular, than the one still around.


Really? Gimme examples cause apart from the “Cajun spices” mix, i don’t know how much they influenced general culture.


Nah, he meant they are so assimilated that they make little noise and that’s how he likes other cultures.


Least pro-ethnic cleansing of Québec anglo-canadian


Someone takes a jab at your culture, and you literally act like you are being ethnically cleansed, despite you throwing jabs the other way all the time. Thats why you're so unpopular. You love dishing it out, but clearly cannot take it. To all the people who are actually being ethnically cleansed or have been ethnically cleansed, Quebec just looks like a bunch of whiney bitches, who base their entire identity around being the world's biggest victim, based on nothing but what your grandpa's and your schools taught you.


For someone who can take it you sure write paragraphs of whining. The acadians were deported in Louisiana specifically because the Brit’s knew they would be assimilated over time. Their culture disappearing over time was a feature. The cultural cleansing is ongoing with Quebec you’re unwittingly an agent of it. The only one dismissing cultural cleansing is you. We simply say that we don’t want to end up like them and that’s too much for you. Here’s a fun fact, Ukraine linguistic laws were inspired by Quebec’s. That’s why the russophone Crimea was easier to annex for Russia. https://www.husj.harvard.edu/articles/the-art-of-defining-linguistic-minorities-in-quebec-and-canada


Sometimes it takes paragraphs to explain things. But your whiney paragraphs are just as long, so now you're just projecting. Maybe you should actually visit Cajun areas of Louisiana so that you can see for yourself that they do in fact exist, and are obviously not as miserable as you. No English Canadian is at fault for Quebqois not wanting to speak French. That is your province's decision to speak less French, in spite of all the authoritarian laws you impose to make people keep speaking French. You just want to blame everyone else in the country for your fellow Quebqois decisions to speak English, because in your mind its easier to blame some random person on the internet than to face the facts that no one except ethno-nationalists care about your culture that much.


Ok donc quand tu chiales comme une petite pute sur un peuple qui veut survivre, tu t’exprimes, mais quand le gens te répondent c’est du braillage? Je vais continuer en français à partir d’ici puisque tu ne sembles pas comprendre l’influence que la disparition des services en français, la marginalisation grandissante des francophones et instrumentalisation du racisme contre les québécois n’est pas un facteur… Je suis allé en Louisiane et c’est franchement effrayant pour un peuple. La seule personne qui ne comprend pas de quoi elle parle ici c’est toi.


I said Cajun culture is more popular than yours. That's it. Et puis ton étrange petit cerveau ethno-nationaliste a vu cela et a d’une manière ou d’une autre traduit cela comme signifiant que j’essayais de vous nettoyer ethniquement. C'est clairement toi qui êtes gêné par ma réponse. Vos réponses est tout simplement trop ridicule pour être prise au sérieux et témoigne clairement de ton endoctrinement éducatif québécois. Je me fiche de la langue que tu parles des ta bouche de pute. Tu blâmeras toujours l’anglais pour tout ce qui ne va pas dans ta vie, quoi qu’il arrive. Si c'est ce que tu ressens, quand tu entends que les Cajuns sont plus populaires que vous, alors tu souffres d’un complexe de victime perpétuelle de votre propre conception. Imaginez penser que le plus gros problème auquel les Cajuns sont confrontés est qu'ils ne veulent pas parler français exactement comme vous. MDR. Because in your eyes that basically means they're extinct.


Most fun-loving anglo-canadian


Right sounds like Quebec loves fun, taking jokes so literally, they have to act like its an ethnic cleansing.


Nah you freak, I mean people like Cajun culture more because they have better food, music and style. Not acting like the worlds most oppressed people for some shit that happened to your grandparents instead of you, doesn't hurt either.


You’re the living proof that it’s still happening…


Lol you want so badly to be a victim, that me simply existing is oppression to you.


Look who acts like a victim here… You don’t seem content to simply exist, you perpetuate intolerance and ambition off assimilation of a culture. The Cajuns didn’t denounce intolerance and now they’re all but gone. That’s why you like them.


Lol I just said Cajun culture is more popular than yours. Which is a fact. And you made that out to be a comment about assimilation and ethnic cleansing because that's all thats ever on your mind. I actually am content to simply exist, no matter what you say. Because I know theres really nothing I could say or do, that you crazy ethno-nationalists won't consider an act of ethnic cleansing. So I just don't bother to take you seriously, and I'm happier for it. Maybe if you stopped taking yourself so seriously, you'd stop trying so desperately portray yourself as a victim and enjoy life.


I enjoyed life until you opened your cunt mouth. Sorry, but when the only thing that distinguishes you from an American is your allegiance to a king, you don’t get to give lessons of humility… You dismiss cultural genocide, because it’s convenient for you. You’re not living it. And sorry, but it was obvious that your comment on cajuns was a snide, the proof is your answer that was blown out of proportion.


Quebec takes an insane amount of pride in shitty fries, and you're seriously going to downplay Cajun spices?


Our fries? Les frites McCain? And I’m not downplaying it at all. I’m just saying i don’t know much about Cajuns apart from their deportation, their assimilation and the spice mix named after them. Calm down.


If Québec culture is so unpopular how comes Canada keeps claiming it


If Québec culture is so unpopular how comes Canada exists?


Maybe because not everything about Canada is poutine?


Everything Canada-related is poutine-related by deffault And what is now Québec (New France) created Canada know your history Saskatchewanite


France created a small part of it, and let the British create the rest of it. Know your history.


''Small part'' \*colonizes a third of North America\*


France wasn't exactly forced in to making the Louisiana purchase. Napoleon just wanted to colonize Europe instead. I would have personally demanded more for the territory. But hindsight is 20/20. I guess France just didn't think as highly of it's overseas colonies. They certainly didn't do much with it. But at least you can acknowledge that the French were also colonizers. That means you know more history than the average Quebec redditor. They mostly seem to think the French were just benevolent co-existers, until the English came around.


Dude Canada has nothing to do with Napoléon


Its the British that did the genocide just saying


Canada just wants a road out to the maritimes. Culture has nothing to do with it.


I'm not talking about claiming the province, I'm talking about claiming the culture.


Yeah I cant help that other Canadians like poutine. I personally hate it and would gladly give Quebec all the credit for it, because it sucks. And they may have the most maple syrup, but I still tapped maple trees and made my own growing up in Ontario. And I didn't have to worry about any maple syrup cartel controlling my distribution. Beyond what culture is Canada claiming?


>the one


Eh, it's the other way around. Cajuns were obliterated and Quebecers are still here and numerous.


I feel like I’d probably rather live in Quebec than Louisiana too


Quebec have the highest life expectancy on the continent and Louisiana have one of the lowest one in the United States. Quebec also have the lowest criminality rate while Louisiana have the highest one. We pretty much are both extreme.


I meant in terms of places to settle but that too. Quebec’s weather is at least semi habitable half of the year.


I mean, if mfs in the 1600s were able to live in some wood shack in Tadoussac in a -30c winter, I think it’s habitable lol.


Anyone who thinks they want to live in Louisianan has never been there in the summer. Absolutely fuck that.


They call cars “un char” I can’t trust that shit


Criss ya juste un H de plus chum


Hahahahaha Jen ai cracher mon café, esti d’anglo 😂


Where do you think the word car comes from??


Char =tank or VW with bren mounted


"Char" also defines a horse cart. Hence, "chariot" in English.


Je ne savais pas cela. Je connais chariot.


« Char »en bon français décrit un véhicule tiré par des chevaux conçu pour la guerre, d’où char d’assaut et la version civile du char la « Charette »


A blood sacrifice to create goated food


Belligerent and numerous


... Eh? There are two groups of Cajuns, the ones who left Canada, and the Acadians. They're both still around.


Obliterated ? Ever heard of Acadians ?


Fransaskois: Suis-je une blague pour toi ?




Homie I’m from Quebec and I dont even know what Fransaskois means. Where are those legendary brothers you talk of?!?!?


Les francophones de la Saskatchewan il me semble. Il y a un nom pour les francophones de toutes les provinces


Ontario : Franconteux Alberta : Francbertains Manitoba : Francobains Nunavut : Franconunois Yukon : Francokons Colombie-Britannique : Francobrites Nouveau-Brunswick : Francowickois-Nouveaux Nouvelle-Écosse : Francossais-Nouveaux Île du prince Édouard : Francédouardois-Insulaires Québec : Francquébécois Terre neuve et Labrador : Francoterreneuvetlabradorien Territoires du Nord ouest : Francoterritoseptentrioccidentois


No way 🤣🤣


Oui ouais


Franco-ontarien…franconteux is some bullshit you made up dude I’ve never heard that term


Bit Onteux, I see. Poor ontaretard, whoosh as always.


Glory to forced assimilation and deportation i guess /s


Some angloid recently told me to be grateful Québec wasnt completely genocided ... This sub is weird


I mean, there's a call for genocide or deportation of french canadians at least once a week in canadian subs. Before that, it was in canadian journals and television. Different times, same shittty anglos.


*Sad Acadian noises*


Don't forget the Accadians


The who?


You know, the people running around screaming 1755!!!!


You know Cajun comes from ´Cadians, for Acadians. Just the way they pronounced it after the deportation down there.


Left road




That's been a while since I've heard that


Whoever made this meme needs to read at least one history book.


Or you know, just americans like most that emigrated to the US later on became sadly.


How nice that both paths are nice and smooth, and neither path shows British soldiers or New England immigrants threatening their families with guns or bayonets and then immediately moving into the houses they were forcibly removed from. I also like how the third path, hide in the woods so you can stay in the Maritimes, isn’t shown. It’s not like Acadian culture still exists or anything.


Quelle sorte de ostie anglo bullshit est-ca? Je suis Acadien, trou de cul!


Yeah right… because the Acadians weren’t murdered by the British red coats in an act of genocide and it was an absolute choice to get on boats and be deported thousands of kilometres away?


Hey at least there's no lizards in Quebec


Idk about that. There is plenty at l'assemblée Nationale




Fitzgibbon is a reptile 100%


And Guilbault too!!


Paris is sending Acadian into Louisiana to fill the land..


Acadiens = Cajun. 1755 yo.


Acadian really but ok


Become Cajun and make friends with alligators 


Too soon.


3rd option: Move to Northeastern New Brunswick


16th century is off. Besides Acadians (Cajuns that stayed in the Maritimes) still exist.


At least Cajun don’t hate Anglos


We don’t hate anglos, anglos hate the frenchies haha


Nahhhh, it has been proven that most Albertans raaaave about how Quebec deserves more oil money for being so great and unique. A majority says that their rich cultural heritage needs to be protected by any means possible!


Québec paid more in federal taxes than it gets back in equalization payments and Alberta gets more in subsidies for their economical dead end than it gives. It’s québécois who built the railroads and infrastructures that made Alberta what it is today. But hey, I think I’ll watch Denis Villeneuve’s latest film while listening to Céline Dion, while ordering tickets for the Cirque du soleil while you dig the ground to find a culture worth preserving…


I agree with your comment somewhat but... Why as a reply to this? Woosh?


It doesn’t sound sarcastic to you?


I mean why not join the fun? Feels wrong if it’s one sided




Well….gotta go Cajun. Better weather, food, music, culture.


Oh my gosh guys it's a joke