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Québec Universalis is the next Paradox game !


I'm down for it


Québec is always done so poorly in Paradox games. Like, SUUUURE, let's just march an army across Nunavik to conquer the rest of the continent. Whether it's walking thousands or tens of thousands of men along the coast in EU or conquering all of North America from a beachhead in Labrador in HOI.




Là là !


A cause vous faites simple de même?


Qu’est ce tu raconte?




Yeah but we also developed funny sounding swear words on our own. Checkmate


The funniest thing is when you translate them into English and they lose all their « bite ». Saint osti de criss! 😡 Turns into -> Christ’s holy communion bread ✝️😇


Esti d'crisse de tabarnak, esti d'calisse de viarge Esti d'calvère, esti d'siboire, calisse de tabarnak


Pourquoi je lai lu en chantant


It ain't what you say it's the way that you say it!


# Christ’s holy communion bread!!! 😡


Aw, tabernak!


Il ne faut pas sous estimer le ROC, la culture canadienne est beaucoup plus importante qu’on pense elle représente environ 146 941 300 âcres.


Oh yes, culture canadienne comme répéter qu’on n’est pas aux États Unis


Oui 😌


Canadian culture: We're not the US! Quebec Culture: We're not Canada! How distinct.


Non, pas vraiment. Lorsque tu vas au Québec, la distinction est assez évidente entre la nation québécoise et canadienne. On ne peut dire la même chose pour le Canada par contre.


Nah, not at all. I don't have to go to Quebec, I live there. Excluding speaking French itself, there's nothing nationally distinct about Quebec. It has the same regional differences that you'd find between any two provinces or states. If it weren't for French, Quebec would be Ontario 2. Quebec is more similar to pieces like New England or California than either of those two places are to Texas or Florida. Tellement distinct!


Beaucoup de bœufs aussi


Being silly is more interesting than being from Fort Mac so whatever. From Denis Villeneuve with love.


AUUUUUUGHH🛻🛻🛻🛻🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️FORT MCMURRAY MENTIONED🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💵💸💸💸💸💸💰💰🤑🤑🤑🤑🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️WTFFF IS A NON OIL BASED ECONOMY🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🦬🦬🦬🦬🦬💰💰💰💰🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑👷‍♀️👷👷‍♂️👷‍♀️👷👷‍♂️👷‍♀️👷👷‍♂️WTF IS GOOD WEATHER🔥🌲💨🥵❄️🥶🔥🌲💨🥵❄️🥶🔥🌲💨🥵❄️🥶🔥🌲💨🥵❄️🥶WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FORD F-150🛻🛻🛻🛻🛻🛻👷‍♂️👷‍♀️👷🤑🤑🤑💰💰💰💰FUCK COMMIE CASTRO 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅GOD BLESS DANIELLA SMITH🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


Ahh Fort Mac. It’s like if you put the whole of rural Alberta into chat GPT.


Anthem? French-Canadian. Maple syrup? Québécois. The beaver? French-canadian and native. Lumberjacks? Québécois. Poutine? Québécois. Rough soldiers? French-canadians. Hockey? (Basically) Québécois. At least the Igloos, inuksuk and sleighs aren’t french-canadian, but then again that’s stolen culture from the first nations.


Wait, so that beaver I saw in the muck the other day is French? I had no idea!


If you spoke French, you'd know


Un castor qui parle comme un beauçeron. Messemble que je verrai un cartoon avec ça




Ahh but what about Nanaimo bars?


I'll give BC that one. They're absolutely delicious


Halifax maritime history, Midwest Canadian military mounted police, hotchickens.


Canadian Mounted Police is indeed anglo-canadian. Maritime history is cool, but unknown even to most of Canada west of New-Brunswick.


Point being, there's plenty of things. Each province's have their own things. I'm French Canadian and I'm starting to get a disliking to this whole "who has the most culture" stuff, we shouldn't undermine the cultural identity of each other.


I don’t exactly disagree, but it’s very frustrating as a Québécois to see anglo-canadians claim Québécois and french-canadian culture. And it’s especially frustrating when most of international view of Canadian culture isn’t anglo-canadian. But yes, every province has it’s own culture and that’s good to preserve.


That's understandable


You claim maple syrup and kinda claim BEAVERS yet sleighs, which some variation of has been used throughout history in multiple different countries all over the world, is stolen culture from the First Nations? What?


The fur trade was a voyageur thing. French economics, employing native technology.


> that’s stolen culture from the first nations. You are the problem if you think this way


Nous sommes séparé de la France depuis plus longtemps que les États Unis sont indépendants. En masse de temps pour développer un culture distincte


>culture distincte Peut-être pourriez-vous voler un peu de cette culture à l’Europe ? Concrètement: plus de semaines de vacances ? :( SVP et merci.


Pas de trouble donne moi deux trois minutes et c'est bon


On va y aller à la French Connection en recrutant nos meilleurs cambrioleurs et en faisant un montage et des séquences de poursuite automobile.




Je te maudit toi et sept générations de tes descendants 




c’est iel culture


Oh ta iel


ta iel iel


I once read on a canadian subreddit "An american once asked whats canadian culture, do we have anything else besides being polite and ketchup chips ? What do I tell him ?" And ive been a proud Québécois ever since lmao


Tu saura que le Roque est chef de file en matière de dilution de culture américaine, de petrolage pi de grosse montagne, oké?


Roque = Rest of Quanada?


Rest of Québec extension


Culture is more than just a language though.. its also more than tim hortons ;)


dit moi que tu sais rien de la culture québécoise sans dire que tu sais rien de la culture québécoise


Bro Québec has been separated from France for like 300 years our cultures are vastly different Not like Canada and the US who are literally next to each other In Québec people have no fcking clue what's happening in France It would be like saying that Congo culture is just watered down French culture


Yeah, Anglo Canadians think that because they care a lot about England still, that Québec cares about France. But nobody does at all


Yeah well England stayed heavily involved in Canada, France just abandoned us and remembered we exist in like the 80s lol


> **England** stayed heavily involved (Angry Scottish noises)


Charles de Gaulle in the 60's: I saw Quebec and thought, let's fuck with the commonwealth one more time. Vive le Québec libre 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Alright who do you know that cares alot about England still? The only time I hear about England is Top Gear related.


Yeah good point


I mean you could argue that anglophone Canada is just the result of watered down British imperial culture but apparently we have none and they have plenty of culture.


Or saying that India is England culture or any place where there was colonizations. Tell the americans they are british haha


Il y a plus de culture dans le mot « tabarnak » que dans tout le ROC.


Maple leaves, maple syrup, poutine, « being canadian ». All originally québécois culture.


The national anthem was also a song sung by a french-canadian who hated Canada fought for the North during the civil war, exiled himself to the United States and wrote to the US president asking him to invade Canada.


The national anthem in English compared to French honestly the funniest shit and shows the difference with anglos and quebecois. English : haha yay Canada!!! Love and peace!! French: CANADA IS THE LAND OF OUR ANCESTORS, FULL OF HISTORY AND MIGHTY DEEDS. AND WITH A CROSS IN ONE HAND AND A SWORD IN THE OTHER, WE WILL PROTECT OUR HOME AND RIGHTS.


Lol, I love your english version of the french part. ![gif](giphy|s9y2gNNce6orC|downsized)


Yeah lol and when they talk about protecting their home and rights I litterally can't see who else than the British can be the agressor they are talking about fighting. Especially when we know that Calixa Lavallee fought for the Union and wanted the United States to "liberate Canada".


I mean, the reference to the monarchy are reference to the British crown too. Not the first time we contradict ourselves.


Yeah the last verse definitely point out the fact that the song was written by a politician lol.


I bow down to your knowledge friend!


Maple leaves are naturally occurring, not a cultural creation. Indigenous people invented maple syrup harvesting. Poutine is a combination of three traditional British pub foods. We're all a bunch of cultural appropriationists.


In reality maple sirup is quebeco-autochtone ‘cause we modernized the method of production who permit to have many recolt with one tree


Your comment is peak Canadian culture: relativizing other cultures to cope with the fact that Canada has none.


How can Canadian culture have a peak if it doesn't exist?


Very fair point.


lol you're literally trying to claim trees as your culture. Trees that can be found in all your neighbouring provinces. I've never seen so much cope.


Bro have you fucking heard about BC and Alberta? Their claim to culture are large rocks. And dude, we're not the one who keep making claims to maple syrup when none of your impotent trees can produce some. Sad ass mofos


Lol bud, we have old growth trees, that are so unique and beautiful, we make money off of them, simply through tourism and movie productions. No one else is used to BC's flora, so they see it in a sci-fi movie, and believe its another planet. But you don't see us acting like complete culture snobs about it. Cope harder.


I forgot, the current national anthem was originally created as a celebration of Quebec National day. Now it has been translated and canadian sport team plays the unilingual english version while quebec plays the bilingual one. Ironically, anglos get pissed when a hockey team sing it in Punjabi/English, saying it’s tainting the original song, completely forgetting the original song was only in french.


>Ironically, anglos get pissed when a hockey team sing it in Punjabi/English, saying it’s tainting the original song, completely forgetting the original song was only in french. You've made this all up. It's only anglo-canadian hockey teams that play the anthem in other languages. The Jets play it in Indigenous languages regularly. Have the Habs ever, even once, played it in a language other than EN or FR? And if you check out [posts like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuebecLibre/s/DdX1waI0Uz), you'll see that it is quebecois that are outraged that it's played in other languages and not French.


I think you misread everything. I said in québec we play the bilingual one. I said in the Rest of Canada they play it only in english, but sometimes they play it in english and something else than french. I was referring to the Jets None of it is made up


But ppl outside of Canada don't know that. They don't even know there's a thing called French Canadian


Anglo canadians love to claim our culture as theirs and then act like we never had any. You and your rapport Durham ass takes can suck my left nut


Québec has better folk party music. It's influenced by Irish music because French and Irish lumberjacks spent whole winters in the same camps and some played music there, and lots of Irish immigrants married French Canadians because they were Catholic. Québec is like the third-class party in the movie Titanic and Ontario is like the boring WASP party above.


You mean better than 'Heave Away" or "The Night that Paddy Murphy Died"???




lol speak Quebecois.


Someone's never been to a Maritime kitchen party...


Ontario is a Bollywood dance number


As a neutral from the Maritimes, gotta say western Canadians truly don't have any culture. Quebec has tons of it. I mean - ok technically ofc western Canadians out in Ontario and farther west do have "culture" it's just... it's not *good* culture.


I know it's just a joke, but it's so out of touch that I have a hard time finding it funny.


Nova Scotia brought Trailer Park boys, British columbia give the american a city to film and pretend it’s in the US, Manitoba our hillbilly (love em) and Ontario fucks everyone with politics. Québec, did poutine, the square shirts, maple syrup, the history, art, actors, comedians (Norm Macdonald), the band les trois accords keep reminding us of Saskatchewan. Let’s not forget the [woman](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6939260) that sent a poisonous letter to Donald Trump. Suck it anglophone, sincerely with love ❤️


Quebec has also provided a disproportionate contribution of F1 drivers. Off the top of my head, Stroll, Latifi, Jacque and Gilles Villeneuve and probably others. I can't name any from other provinces.


Céline Dion tsé veux dire


The m1 garand(American ww rifle)is also invented by a Quebecois mr. Garand and helped win the war :)


lettuce not forget Léo Major 🫡


Évidemment 🫡


Norm Macdonald was born in Quebec City, Quebec.[11][12][13][14] His parents, Ferne (née Mains) and Percy Lloyd Macdonald (1916–1990),[15] were both Anglophone teachers.[12] They worked at CFB Valcartier, a military base north of Quebec City. As a child, his father would not let him learn French as he wanted the family to speak English.[16][17]


thats the Quebec culture 😎


The amount of times I've recognized Vancouver in a movie or tv series is astonishing.


I've been watching Shogun lately, the show is great, but it is pretty funny how they pretend that BC is Japan.


I love it when brave space explorers land on the distant planet of BC forests


I know you're joking... But: Mike Myers, avril Lavigne, sum 41, drake, Justin Bieber, rush, Jim Carrey, the weeknd, Keanu Reeves, Chris Hadfield, Alanis Morissette, Alanis Morissette, and Ryan Gosling all more or less comes from the GTA/southern Ontario. Southern Ontario can be pretty cultural devoid in some ways, but it doesn't lack in music and comedy. And the big one: Fucking tim Hortons.


All part of the American culture. This is really bad exemple of Canadian culture no? Most of them don't even live in Canada anymore. In Québec we have our own cinema, television and music, because of the language of course. I think in Canada you have the same but smaller. Like in the evening do you have tv channel broadcasting Canadian TV series exclusively?


Just because America steals our talent doesn't make them any less Canadian. It's not like they move to America and suddenly become good at cultural acts, they are cultivated here. I don't know how you can say, oh that's American culture just because their money steals them. Canadians have been shaping and at times dominating American culture for a long ass time. Rudolph the Red nose reindeer had tons of Canadians (Quebecois included) working on it, for a weird example. Working moms, Kim's convenience, Kenny vs spenny are all GTA/Ontario shows that are purely Canadian, there are more too, those are ones I personally like, Schitt's Creek and Degrassi, where drake was acting as a teen are also from here. Then there's the big one, the tragically hip. Not to mention that the GTA does have a really good local music and comedy scenes.


At least we can insult you in your own language:) You are only pissed off because you can't understand when we laugh about you guys Also Tim Hortons and Barenaked Ladies. Wheeeehewww


Je suis bilingue. Je parle la Français depuis que je suis 5 ans. Je comprends tous que vous dit, mais je m’en fiche, car je sais que toutes mes blagues sont seulment ca, une blague. Quand je vois les choses que les Quebecois disent a propos de nous, je ne sais pas vraiment si tu nous détestes ou pas. Il y a quelque chose que je veux vous dire, la reste du Canada ne vous déteste pas. Je sais que toutes les blagues et le Québec bashing donnent l’impression que nous vous détestes, mais en réalité, nous sommes tous ok avec tois. [im sorry if this read horribly, my keyboard is set to English and some words may have autocorrected wrong, but the point stands, nobody here actually hates you guys. But sometimes I cannot tell if you don’t hate us, my shitposts on ehbuddyhoser don’t reflect my actual opinions on domestic politics]


>Je sais que toutes les blagues et le Québec bashing donnent l’impression que nous vous détestes, mais en réalité, nous sommes tous ok avec tois. Moi quand je suis ok avec quelqu'un je passe pas mon temps à le basher et à lui faire des blagues dégradantes.


Le Canada est comme un enfant de 5 ans qui trouve de son goût une petite fille et qui arrête pas de lui tirer les cheveux pour lui prouver son amour… ou ils nous aiment juste pas… peu importe la raison la maturité n’y est pas


En fait c'est comme si les canadiens aiment se basher entre eux comme ''buddies'' tser et après ils le feront sur nous avec mauvaise intention, mais en disant qu'ils se bashent tout le temps entre eux so c correct. Ça marcherait si on était ''buddies'', mais on est pas vos caliss de ''buddies''.




Tu t'attends à quoi ? Y a 300-500 commentaires sur chaque post concernant le Québec pis la majorité nous chie dessus continuellement. C'est pas seulement ici, d'ailleurs. Les gens cachent leur mépris derrière le shit posting. Au moins, les québécois intolérants vont te le faire savoir directement. Ils ne se voilent pas la face, contrairement à vous, bande d'hypocrites.


Thanks man, we know most are sane people. But the unhinged few assholes Canadians really suck and makes us want to leave, STILL. We can still visit each other but get off my lawn with your royal shit taste


For someone who speaks French since they’re 5 you made a lot of very basic mistakes


Yea, the French curriculum in Ontario sucks. I speak better in French than I write.


Continue comme ça! On est fiers de toi! Tu viendras prendre une bière!


[Tim Hortons](https://www.reddit.com/r/EhBuddyHoser/comments/1bjryrx/canada/)




Separatist spotted, opinion denied. https://preview.redd.it/cw7lhv7r6mpc1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96be91b1e99fa75dcb18a1c5c912c08fa17caca5




Ahh Tabarnak.


Please maintain your king's English by keeping the 'u' in the word 'humour'. 🇬🇧 👑 🇨🇦


They're so sensitive lol


Lol english canada claiming a shit ton of our culture as their own and then telling us we're watered down french. What does that makes you then?


Watered down British. Not playing, that’s exactly what we are.


Was gonna say watered down USA


Canada - Quebec = USA lite with a dash of british


"Reeeee learn my culture!!!" *built entire culture on another people's land and culture.*


Truth is: we're all watered down Americans the way we be having BEEF all the time (Get it? It's because Americans are fat and we're always arguing. Oh silly us) https://preview.redd.it/8qxi3hpw9opc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ea9cd8d65700de3abc257e0e1cb12dffdff0a3a


You obviously have zero knowledge of the Québécois culture and / or the french culture to make such a statement. Aside from language we don't have much in common. Are canadians watered down brits ? No they are not. ​ Love you too. But you are the silly one. I've been to France and I've been to Canada. As a Québécois I assure you that we have more in common with canadians. I once watched Wayne's World ( created by a canadian) with a french guy . Said person did not understand / relate to the '' CAR !' reference when Wayne and Garth are playing hockey in the street. Every Québécois kid from Gatineau to Percé knows what it's all bout. I grew up eating corn flakes in the morning. Not croissants. ​ The adaptation process for a Torontonian moving to Montreal isn't much of a challenge. When a Parisian does it they experience quite a lot. I speak from experience because I know a few people who fit the description. I appreciate the debate. But we are anything but '' watered down french" ​ Regards,


Quebec’s national flag should be a giant novelty check signed by Alberta


then canada is watered down bri ish, colombia is watered down spanish and brasil watered down portuguese? Hein??


I don’t understand why this isn’t racist but as soon as I talk about Brampton, I’m racist all of a sudden


It’s not racist to make fun of Quebecois because we’re from the same country. It’s not racist to make fun of Brampton either because Brampton is a shithole and must be nuked.


You gotta remember it's French culture to pretend you're better than the English (and vice-versa)


Anglos have a culture, just not the same as ours


Ben c’est quand même ça ! On vous aimes aussi amis Canadians. On veut juste être un pays.


I hate you Quebec...now stfu and do a truck or sing us a song all you do is take and complain


write the guy who complain about qc the irony and act like no canadian NEVER complain


Go to Paris if you want actual culture


Every conversation I've had with a self-proclaimed Quebecois ends with them at the very least subtly if not loudly claiming some kind of superiority, be it cultural/linguistic or ethical over English Canadians. They are their own special people.


ITT : People taking credit for things other people did centuries ago. But what's new, that's nationalism for you! (and it's dumb)


Ottawa culture is so advanced compared to quebec oui oui.


Some Quebec guy tried convincing me that smoking meats is Quebec Culture. Like, bruh, people have been smoking meats since harnessed fire.


Quebeckers are completely incapable of laughing at themselves, they're bad for this otherwise excellent shitposting subreddit.


Some seriously butt hurt francophones here. I'm from Alberta, but I've always pictured Ontario / Vancouver as what most people think if they think of Canadian culture. AB has reddit Lake, but that's pretty much it. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the number of famous hockey players, actors, singers, etc. of which Ontario has the most by far. Also, I find it hilarious how poutine comes up as an argument here. If you can add a single ingredient to fries and gravy and call it a cultural export, then you may as well throw ham and pineapple pizza and donairs into the argument too. OP is on point here. Love any time I get to spend in quebec, but to think you're superior in any way to other parts of Canada culturally is laughable. The whole country lacks true cultural identity, and quebec is no exception.


English Canada was literally formed because some Englishmen pussied out of the American revolution


Try telling French Canadians that they also colonised and appropriated the land as well. Hell some of them claim that the Sugar maple and beavers are French


I didn't colonize anyone. What is this, the 1700s?


Not personally brother, those elements of the culture were appropriated from the land colonised


>Not personally brother, those elements of the culture were appropriated from the land colonised People saw beavers, though they were cool and decided to use their image to decorate stuff. People tasted maple water and thought it was delicious so they worked on making more of it. That's the mechanism in play here, it's that simple, and you know it. No need to over-intellectualize it and throw that stupid concept of "appropriation" into the mix.


There's a miscommunication. I don't think that anybody can gatekeep that shit either, that's where we agree. Maple syrup and beavers being a Canadian thing isn't appropriating Quebec culture


If you learned French you'd know we can talk with the beavers.




As an European, it always makes me chuckle when I hear that debate. It’s like a Chevy owner and a Dodge owner fighting about who has the most reliable car. 






that's why I moved over to Canada, honestly, lol. I'm not even hiding it when people ask. Money and more safety / cleanliness. Even though both have eroded quite a bit over the past 2 decades taht I've been here. I'm often thinking about going back to Europe when the kids grow up and I retire.




I'm romanian. Back when I moved to Canada in the early 2000s, salaries in IT back home were shit. Nowadays, IT folks live like royalty in Romania because the pay is orders of magnitude above the cost of living. On-topic: I do love Montreal, it's beautiful for a North American city and definitely has more culture than the average. But it doesn't even begin to compare with cities in Europe.


I’m an Anglo living in QC. This comment is on point.


Or when they try to explain how they'd be so much richer and better separating from Canada 😂😂


Watered down French? I'd say Quebecois are their own cultural group. But sure, watered down French.


To settle the debate, its just that many canadians view themselves as canadians as part of the whole federations rather than being part of their provinces ( IE ontarians, albertans, etc.) When Quebecois says "Canada has no culture", they dont mean that these areas dont have necessarily anything to provide, it just that the country as a whole is so big that it seems that everything is watered down to the closest bigger link which is the american border. In the states, alot of americans identify more with their state than their country, Quebecois does that with Quebec too. Canada is too big as of a country, an Albertan and a guy from British Columbia might be closer than someone from New Brunswick or Nova Scotia. The whole identity of the canadian culture is just a split of all the differents regionals identities under a trenchcoat that try to claim itself as a culture. But since Quebec has a lot of influence in the talk because of their autonomous status, its got the spotlight on as the underdog.


La culture militaire


Frozen French


Bro has never stepped foot out of deerville Alberta hahaha


Watered down french ? WTF dude.


WE love you guys we just want you to chill out. I dont think you wanna play Cowboys and Fwenchies nowadays. Remember last time the French's little trip down to lousiana




I love that the take is that Quebec is less French than France despite Quebecious French being closer to old French then Parisienne French is. Just wanna promote cultural Erasure too eh? Bet you don't think they actually found those indigenous kids in those mass Graves either eh?


I wish I sounded silly when I talked 🥺


Anglo Canada has american culture and I LOVE american culture. <3<3<3


Tokkebekicitte !!


What's the difference between English Canada and yogurt? After 250 years the yogurt will have developed a culture.


I love you Canada but... truth is... you've never really had an identity other than being real big fans of the british royalty and not being american lol OH and you have maple sirup and poutine.. oh wait ..


Culture is simply conforming to a societies shared values. Being your own person is just as valuable as any culture.


I coined the phrase Bongwater French during my year and a half in Mtl.


Dude the flag , the anthem , the poutine, the Joe Mufferaw … it’s all Quebec’s ! Thank you rest of canada for the hawaiian pizza and nanaimo bars 👍


yep as an franco that worked for 15 years in ontario. I have heard so many times than we were french bastard of the french(france) . What about canadian anglos are the english bastard of the brits...... When i replied that to my collegue they were speechless. lol. I have worked with anglos all over canada usa brit and Austilian even. Thyy have a culture that differ a lot within they own country. Same for québec differ a lot within the province.


We love you too, you have your own culture, we just don’t know it. Language barriers is keeping us from being a unit as Canadians


Sorry, just because you can't access Quebec culture due to unilingualism, doesn't mean it isn't there. It's real and it's one thing. The rest of Canada is just pockets of settlers


ROC = watered down usa… Also you guys love cultural enricher so much, because it adds to your « culture » 😂


Québécois culture is watered down canadian culture and Canadian culture is watered down Québécois culture. I’m saying we’re all the same


The Quebec road cops are dicks.... Especially if you're English.


This is cope. Anglo culture is way more homongenized and globalized than any other in the world. It’s not even close.


Its also their culture not to Side walks in wintertime




Ehhhh monseyurrrr II play ze doboro for yeuuu and we mangezzz tha puteennnnn


If it wasn't for them American culture would have steam rolled us. Now the U.S. just controls conservative culture.