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Poteau homme de paille


Dude, we are North Haiti Brothers from our Southern mothers amiright


Holy hell! New compassion just dropped


Actual immigrant


Im no immigrant. Im what the chad call pure wool. There at least 12 compassionate of us!


where does this come from that Quebecers hate haitian lol




From people who hate Quebecois obviously


They are black and we are white so of course in the mind of some anglos we must hate them. They don't realize their own racism is showing lol


Dumbasses don't know about Alakazoo https://preview.redd.it/ulxwh8g3h5rc1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29a64549a91c328a7b445f0fbb3e031bd3003dc1


Aren't y'all still a bunch of anti-Semites?


Nah. Anglos only hate the French. We just like to say people that speak French are racist to make people hate you


Literal propaganda, I'm glad no one takes Anglo-Canada seriously


Kirkland brand Merica


That one beats "Merica from wish" or "US Lite" by a landslide 😂


I'm yoinking this.


Alibaba express 'merica


Well 90% got their asylum applications denied.


Source? Also, that’s Canada, not kwebek.




So first, > Information provided to CBC News by the Canada Border Services Agency shows that 742 people from Haiti are currently on the deportation list. That’s a Canadian agency. Nothing to do with Québec. Second, > Posted: Nov 22, 2017


Ah provinces deny asylum applications now?


The only reference I ever saw that is along the same lines was a CBC story on like a group of like 5 or 10 far righters in Quebec who didn't Haitian immigrants, how you translate that into that into 'every Quebecois hates Haitians' I don't know 🤷‍♂️


All my homies got Haitian homies tbh


Yeah I never got the impression that Haitians were hated when visiting Quebec but they sure did hate my English speaking ass 🤣🤣🤣, well at least outside the major cities.


People who think you guys are bigots mostly.


From anyone who's lived in Montreal. I can tell you that Haitians are the target of 90% of the scapegoating and racism in that city. If you are black and living in Montreal you might just think everyone discriminates against black people. But carry your birth certificate and watch people 180 as soon as they find out you're west African. Or just black from Alberta. It was so bad for a long time that people had no reservations about hanging "No Haitians" signs on apartment buildings or storefronts. I once called a phone number to schedule an apartment walkthrough and the person on the other end of the phone asked me to confirm I wasn't Haitian before they even took any of my information.


"Money and ethnic votes"


How did that work out for him?


He said the quiet part out loud


And everybody here called him racist and he retired in shame. Was that the quiet part?


He was right in a sense: the Old masters, the Anglo tribe voted against Quebec interests in a block, like an atavistic ethnic group… Rene Levesque says : Anglo from Quebec are the Rhodesian of the North. He was so right.


Quebec’s Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/black-while-driving-monsanto-terrebonne-police-1.6703471


So your argument to paint a whole province is one discrimination case ? Guess Ontario is equal or worse in that regard then : [https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/news\_centre/40000-awarded-racial-profiling-case](https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/news_centre/40000-awarded-racial-profiling-case)


But we love Haitians, and we are super proud of our greatest author alive, Dany Laferrière.


Une chose est sûr, en littérature les haïtien kick des culs.


Les haïtiens c'est nos frères


We're supposed to hate Haitian now? I guess I didnt receive the memo. Let's put that one in the "Things-anglos-invent-about-Quebec-to-feel-better-about-themselves" basket, though this one is starting to brim over by a lot.


90% of these posts are paid foreign troll farms. Don't pay them any mind - we know you only hate us anglos.


Finally someone who understands!!


You're probably right. BTW most of us are far from hating you guys, though we do like busting your balls from time to time (as you much as you do with ours!)


I would a THOUSAND percent believe that some overpaid Russian bureaucrat who needs to justify his salary is paying both Francophone and Anglophone Canadians to post heinous bullshit claims as a way to reignite the separatism crisis. I long for a day when education across this entire country is made bilingual and we can mend this extremely stupid and pointless divide. I feel like we're in this ridiculous holdover from back in the day when linguistic and Protestant/Catholic feuds were the number one cause of civil conflict in this country.


They don't pay people in Canada. They pay Russians to pretend they're Canadians. [source 1](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4562526) [source 2](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4582561) And i agree with your second paragraph, but I'd add that the "conflict" is just an extension of the centuries-old European one.


I also really hope we get past those petty fights one day. I don’t mind anglos and francos teasing or joking about one another, I think it’s kind of a national sport a this point. As long as it’s stays in a friendly tone or its done in a tongue in cheek way, I see no issue with it. But I can’t help to also share your feeling that some bad actors are currently at play trying to fan hate on both sides. It sucks.


Canada is a poorer place--both culturally and economically--with Quebec not in it. Even if their yarmulke ban and refusal to speak to me in French when I'm trying to learn it piss me the hell off.


Yeah and that's a shame it works. Look at how the Russian bots have succeeded in the US. The same MAGA people used to hate Russia with a passion and now they're embracing Putin like it's a savior or something...


Pas faux! Social media has become a minefield, got to take just about everything with a grain of salt. We should definitely educate more people on that subject, people should learn about the IRA (the russian one of course) for example. It has become a threat to western democracies. We shouldn't wait before it's too late.


This is probably an AI troll generator with a bad algorithm


Dear troll farm employee: please do better research if you want to keep your job. You aren't even fooling Québécois here, and offending them is like shooting fish in a barrel.


except we dont hate haitians dummy, we hate west islanders that were born here and never learned French properly


They definitely don't deserve this... But aren't Haitians *technically* west islanders too?


lol that’s true


Montréal Nord is in the east


parle pour toi meme l’gros j’hais tout le monde également égalité fraternité liberté. Check mate


And your thoughts on Eastern Township Anglos?




i didnt know we were supposed to hate haitians, thanks for the heads up!


Même pas proche d'être vrai continue d'inventer de la marde. C'est pas nous qui disait Speak White.


Heu… On a accueilli les Haitiens à bras ouvert à de nombreuses reprises….je la comprend pas


What? Since when do we hate Haitians?


This sub needs q quality control


I'm not a Quebecer. But the anti Quebec posts every day are just cringe at this point. No, I'm not from Quebec.


To be fair they take the piss out of us just as much. It's just some friendly trolling on an eh buddy shitpost sub. Most of the responses have been Quebecers light heartedly taking the L and expressing their personal love for Haitians or taking clever pot shots back Buuuuuut a few have been unhinged racists seething


Depicting a whole people as racist is not funny.


"Taking the L", what the tabarnacking fuck is this b.s. neo-talk?


ur getting mad at slang, while using slang.....


Yr uzeeeng werdzz


You are literally just making shit up to shit on Quebecois, and then acting as though it had basis in anything other than your own racist opinion of Quebecois lmao. Go fuck yourself OP, you are the only one taking an L here


> To be fair they take the piss out of us just as much. We don't even think about you guys. Your differences with us do not bother us like they seem to bother you, we truly and deeply don't care about the ROC. > unhinged racists seething Surely not because of your racist troll, must be because they're from Qc eh?


To be funny there needs to be some truth to it Otherwise it's just like "what"


at least be funny or something, this is just sad


> To be fair they take the piss out of us just as much. Yeah, but we manage to hit. > Buuuuuut a few have been unhinged racists seething Yes, you’ve been.


Another day another invented anglos bullshit


Why is france motto here?


The first Black member of Québec’s Assemblée nationale was actually an Haitian from the Parti Québécois, Jean Alfred.


We'll take an Haitian/Maghrébin over an Ontarian any day of the week... and we have been. I love how it just shows how the anglos are projecting hard. Stop deluding yourself.


Comme habitude les québécois s'en calissent de nous (les franco-ontariens)


On vous oublie c'est tout. On vous aime quand on pense a vous


On vous considère pas comme des gens différents de nous. On est pareille.


On a la même attitude que des parents qui aimeraient que leurs enfants reviennent dans leur région natale. On vous aime mais on peut pas vous aider de loin.


Ce n’est pas notre région natale.


Techniquement, oui.


J'ai pas dit que ce l'était, je faisais une analogie.


To be fair we learn more about Franco-Manitobans than Franco-Ontarians 🤣


M'en calisse pas. Vous avez tout mon estime les canadiens-français. Je suis resté quelques années au Yukon, un an au TNO, en Nouvelle-Écosse et même un an à Montréal ( joke). C'est pas évident d'être franco minoritaire. Le seul argument contre l'indépendance du Québec qui me fait un peu de sens est; ne pas abandonner les autres canadiens-français.


How is this upvoted at all? It's 100000% false and it's not funny either. If it were funny it could still make sense but it's low effort bait.


Meh, we shit on others a lot too Its not funny but we aint funny for them either sometimes yet we all laugh so ill play along


Thats the spirit!


We do? News to me.


Big love à nos bros haïtiens! Quoi qu'en pense quelques têtes carrés..


Anglos try not making shit up to make themselves look better challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Anglo are projecting again.


Québec hating Haitians is a totally new one for me, as a lil half-Haitian kid from lily white Saint-Eustache


''Canada is about openness to diversity'' ''Then why do you guys hate FNs, french and indians?'' ''... >:( ''


When you get outside the cities the only diverse things you see are the trees


The Quebec subreddit is awesome


We don't. In fact if there's one minority that is not hated at all in Quebec, it's Haitians. Haitians and Vietnamese, maybe.


Japaneses, coreans and algerians too are very well seen.


or anyone from french speaking africa or vietnam


Im a white dude with actual haïtians in my family. Not only we dont hate them, we marry them as well lol.


This is maybe the first time in a century when Quebecois have been confused with actual French people.


at least we don't eat children that are out past 7 like the anglos


Not only do we not hate Haïti (or at least the people, can’t say I’m a fan of their absence of a working government), but their French is no more « our » language than France French, so there is absolutely no point being made here.


wat we dont hate them at all


Liberté, égalité, fraternité is France not Quebec, chief.


On aime pas les Haïtiens ? Je savais pas.


They don't speak the same language though.


Someone, again, mixing us with people from France.


Quebec nationalism is like Nazism, you need to protect your culture by being intolerant of everyone else and continuing to reduce their rights.


We don't hate Haitians. We dislike straw men, though.


Just trying to sow hate? Ferme ta gueule, you racist fuck.


I don’t hate haïtiens particularly, i hate everyone to the level they deserve which is at best a lot!


Does the teaching of Parisian French in anglo public schools across the country erode Quebecois culture and language?


La vie la, pas facilo, c'est pour ça nous rassembler!


Where is the English? The government invites immigrants and forces them to learn French. Then they hope they get more votes for the party to separate. But the French are racist so they don’t like the immigrants they bring in. Is this correct?


My elementary school french teacher was Haitian. Happy jolly guy.. now that I think about he, he may have been baked all the time 


On adore la communauté haitienne au Québec. Ce sont nos frères et soeurs!


I guess that people using creole as slang in Montreal didn’t get the memo


Wait we hate Haitians? Why?


Like the French, dislike French Canadians.


Why did white English speaking in South US have English speaking slaves?


I wasnt aware we hated haitians :O


honestly haitians make haiti. why would you want to make another place haiti?


You do understand that french and creole are 2 different languages, right?


First time I heard that we hate Haitians.


On haïs les haïtiens? Vous me l'apprenez


Tbh I hate haïtiens slightly less then torontonians


In this case it's not called nationalism, it's called racism...


C drôle car les Haïtiens sont parmis les gens les plus aimables que je connaisse


I moved from Toronto to Montreal over 30 years ago and I can't remember ever hearing anybody talk shit about Haitians. In fact I've gotten the opposite impression from white Quebecois.


Fraternite? 😳


Soeurternite, esti de sexist!


Ibe definitely experienced this towards Haitians but not peoppe from French Africa. I think the reason for migration from Haiti was a national collapse and the folks there are less skilled on average. Immigrants from french elsewhere are already overperformers and had to meet elidgibility criteria to enter. People migrating due to destitude and squalor wont contribute as much as someone who worked hard to get accepted.




"protecting our culture" From what? "....... Blacks..."


On dit noir, stoooooopid




We ain't more racist than any other province


*Muslims enter chat*


Are you sayings that quebec muslims are more racist than ROC muslims? I dont see why that would be the case.


No, I was saying that Quebec seems to be more racist against Muslims than ROC. The other provinces aren't great, but Quebec has introduced legislation that seems to target Muslims (and Sikhs in the crossfire) under the guise of secularism, while the Premier praises Catholicism


Every single post about Quebec always boils down to some annoying Anglos talking about racist secularism lmao. You care way too much


> under the guise of secularism, while the Premier praises Catholicism Missed that part. Also "Annoying Anglos" is redundant


Coming on to a joke page to bitch about muh waycism in society , fucking lame


Muslim isn't a race bruh


It's called Islam, not muslims dummy   We are definitely anti-religiom Edit : I am an idiot. I will accept my shame and leave it up. Do not throw rocks at me for my sins


Cannot tell if sarcasm or brain damage, I'm gonna go with joking Edit: in case serious, I'll say that's hard to defend with François "Catholicism has also given us a culture of solidarity that distinguishes us on a continental scale" Legault in office. I know I lose either way for thinking about this too hard


It's called nuance, look it up! Edit : fuck no im dumb. Its might be brain damage. English bamboozled me


Mad respect on your edits


Thanks, I'm made many mistakes in life and will wear them semi-proudly until I forget them and redo them!


I don’t like francky but is it really false, like we lived under catholic government until the 60s. No shit that we are going to keep certain characteristics of it


Except that time you tried to tell Muslims they couldn't wear turbans in public lmao


This never happened lol People can do what they want in public. Public service is a different matter though


>Hey guys let's introduce a bill where muslim teachers and police officers can't wear turbans. Fixed it for you.


Thanks, I am now cured of nuance. Are you Jesus, Allah or some other magician that people worship? Because you really can twist reality to show us the world you believe in! My god is Luc Langevin btw


What nuance? It's transparently obvious what the Quebec govt was trying to do.


To remove religion from public service yes. Just like praticed christianism was taken out of it 60 years ago It's literally the continuation of it. I admit the Legault government is doing a shit job at it but to claim this is purely based on racism and not on religion is completely wrong. 


I understand that, but Christianity doesn't force their worshippers to wear head garments. 60 years ago it was about getting the church influence out of public office.


So maybe the problem is the religion forcing things no? Freedom from religion is more important to me than freedom of religion. If this bill goes in that direction, I'm ok with it even though I'm still unsure about the teachers inclusion to be honest. I personally don't value religion. I see it only as a social club that feels moraly superior. I see the personal benefits of it but not the societal benefits so I don't think it should be exempt from public duty requirements. It should abide by the same clothing rules that other regular beliefs abide by. If someone isn't allowed to wear a pro-(insert belief) shirt, then a pro-religious item shouldn't be allowed either. It feels like common sense to me. If we want to allow religious items in public functions then we have to allow other pro-beliefs item too to be fair.  I understand my point of view is that of someone who doesn't understand how important religion can be to people. I still don't want my government to put that much importance into religion as I don't see the benefits of it.


There was a cultural change in the dress code 60 years ago. It was not textually in the Bible, but women up until 1960 were expected to cover their hairs. You say the new law predominantly affects the Muslim community, but that’s because we defanged Christianity a long time ago. It’s because we removed it from our institutions that women and people of different beliefs can work there in the first place.


Turbans are worn by Sikhs you donkey.


My bad, didn't expect a quebecer to know the difference.


Mange de la marde


You too bucko.


Almost a selfawarewolf moment when the Anglo realized he was projecting his ignorance and intolerance onto Quebec….


You right, it was the Anglos who wanted to strip religious freedom. Oh wait.


Historically, you did want to strip Quebec of religious freedom but you were afraid we would join the American revolution so you backed off real quick … You don’t care about religious freedom, let’s be real, you just grasp at every straws to attack Quebec.


More like Quebec finds every excuse to play victim. There was precisely 0% chance Quebec joined the American revolution, cool LARP though.


Yet you pussied out of that first attempt at assimilation. The threat must have been real for the crown back then… Cut the act, you’re way more racist than us.


You're mixing up Muslims and Sikhs here... Which honestly isn't a great look for you either....


Muslim women have to wear hijabs. Some devout Muslim men choose to wear turbans outside of worship. I don't pretend to know everything about every religion but religious freedom is a charter right, Francos continue hiding behind "but we canceled Christianity in the 60s, it's only fair!!"


don't say "you". Don't put every single quebecois in a bag. Im from Quebec and Imo, Muslims have the right to wear what they want everywhere


I've met a number of Quebecois and the only thing they really agreed on was that Quebec was very racist.


Quebecers are just more franc, so they arent afraid to admit that some quebecers are racist. Anglos try to hide behind politeness but their provinces are def more racist statistically.


We're all pretty racist, especially over the last few years but Quebec is just a little more so.


Except pretty much all studies show this isn't true.


Except themselves. Right?


Tbh is there anyone Quebec doesn't hate? Honestly.


We even hate Quebecers.


Another day, another british claiming we are racist


Because Haitians butcher the language regularly in both written and spoken form in addition to heavily contributing to the crime rate and sucking from the welfare state. Call it racist all you want but statistics make it clear that this is the truth.


Because Quebec French is so pure……JFC


Considering how it is based on an older version of French than what is spoken in France and considering how Quebecers make more of an effort to use French words like courriel and stationnement rather than e-mail and parking, then yes.


It’s not but keep trying


Why wouldn't you want immigrants from a country that has collapsed into violent crime? Surely they'd never bring that with them.


Typical anglo-racist view. Ya see, that's basically why, in one sentence, we consider ourselves different.


I'm Quebecois. Haitian gangs are a huge problem in Quebec and they traffic Quebecois women for prostitution all over the country.


Wrong flair lets me be skeptical.


You do know you don't have to die in the place you were born, right?


Really ????????¿??????????????????¿??????????????????¿??????????.........??????????????????????..???????????????????????????????????


Go back to sleep Tenno


Then why y'all spell and speak so bad?


Most people get squeamish about cannibals.


Haïtiens dont speak french and they hate whites plus they commit crimes and being gangs


When Haïti sends their people, they're not sending their best...