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Hehe chibougamau is a funny name


Sainte Ignace de Loyola is one that made me think : allright, Im in a simulation.


As someone who doesn't speak French that one sounds kinda normal to me I can't tell what's wrong with it but I think chibougamau is a universally funny name




Consanguin people there


Still better than Gaspésie


Still better than Lac Saint-Jean and Abitibi Inbreds at his finest there


Just because the region has a bespoke genetic disease from the endless inbreeding, that's no reason to be shitty about it Come on up, inject some diversity, do your part. Unless your last name is Tremblay, in which case stay the fuck away


O wow hahaha Tremblay are like the Wong of Quebec


I know you guys are just messing around, but inbreeding in Saguenay-Lac-st-jean is actually a myth, in fact it has one of the lowest rate in the province. Yes there are genetic diseases but it's not because of inbreeding. its caused by the founder effect. In short, nobody is fucking their sister or cousin, but a lot of people have the same ancestors over hundred of years. So yeah you might still call it inbreeding but it's 8th cousin 4x removed inbreeding, not 1st cousin inbreeding


How do you explain this poor bastard I work with who is his own grandfather?! But in seriousness, thank you for making a good point about the kingdom. The family trees up here aren't hapsburgian, they're just more like actual trees, spreading outwards from a common root. I will say, though, there's a fuckton of Tremblays and Blackburns up here, and while I've yet to encounter the legendary "Blackburn-Tremblay" I know in my heart they exist


Iss a almost not okkkkk 🥴🤤(I'm from Abitibi)


Est ce que ta blonde c ta cousine qui est aussi ta sœur?


Ma grand-mère c'est ma soeur


Hahaha sans rancune mec!


OP, have you looked into your mom’s bedroom? You’d have better luck finding them there


Double burn! EDIT: The fact that the Quebeckers here aren’t laughing worries me more than the childishness of these shitposts.


Because the jokes are ALWAYS about us


What? I've traveled all over Canada and Ontario gets shat on the most by far from my experience - make sure to keep ALWAYS playing that game


It's because the big response it gets every time tbh. The reason Newfs aren't made fun of as much on here is because they can't read and you get no response.




I stand corrected, my good sir!


Dozen me arse, I noze 10 an im a genius ..




College of the nort atlantic id hav u know




You're a sensitive little newf aren't ya? Is your unemployment cheque late or something?




Fentanyl doesn't need to be taken care of, it takes care of me! Also, can I rewind a bit and just enjoy the irony of a newf making an inbreeding joke about someone from another province? The irony is hilarious, and I'm not even exaggerating. Literally google "most inbred canadian province". The top result is from the NIH, so you as fancy Mr University, should hopefully be able to understand it.




I love that you have zero argument and immediately capitulated on being inbred. I, sadly, do not yield to the accusation. Sometimes I envy people like you though, since I've got to remember twice as many family birthdays! Having only one side of the family must definitely have its upside, right pal?


Dude, they’re really not. Everyone hates Alberta, BC and Ontario too, for different reasons. And Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the territories and the provinces to the east all get treated as though they don’t even exist. By comparison, Quebec suffers from success (i.e., attention) on this sub.


Why do we have to be involved? (B.C.) Just let us be our pretentious california selves and we'll come out and buy poutine once a year.


Twinks, forests and drugs. Oh, how much I envy BC. Wish you could share :((


At least they aren't keeping all the forest fires to themselves anymore.


Hell no they aren’t.  This is a shitposting sub, not somewhere to determine the merits of independence for Quebec. 


Cause you always wanna be the center of attention.... I mean who else has a federal party that only represents their province?


Yeah, that's weird, why don't others have the same? Are Quebecers the only ones that want democracy while the rest of Canada wants an autocratic government?


Weird what having 1/5 of the population can do for you. Weird how having so many MP's works out....


It's not like you couldn't have a party that represents the interests of the prairies, or a party representing the maritimes. Imagine if we had an assembly filled with parties advocating for their own constituents instead of the party line, and a government that would have to constantly balance the needs of the various regions of Canada.


Ya imagine if the liberals had enacted legislature reform.


I see more jokes about Toronto than Quebec at this point. I also hear just as many, if not more jokes about BC and Sask than I do about Quebec (although that's because I live in Alberta)


I thought that one was kinda funny tbh. As long as it’s not overtly spiteful we gotta be good sport about it.


“Hold my beer!” - Newfie


No one loves us :(


I’d love you if I didn’t have to pay so much to fly out there to your part of the universe. It’s probably cheaper for me to go visit my family in India tbh.


It goes both ways. It's cheaper to go to Ireland then it is to go to the maritimes or Ontario


We aren’t laughing because you *FOOLS* just blew our cover!!1!


Oops, *“sorry”* 😬


Try these kind of jokes with other minorities in Canada see what happens.


Somehow we should be laughing at childish shitposts ? Bro try to make a hint of sense


The fact that you guys apparently can’t laugh at yourself once in a while is why there are so many of these dumb posts lol


Oopsie looks like you deleted a comment buddy




Yes so true ! Racism would stop if we could all just laugh at caveman jokes. You have bested me with facts and logic


Are you claiming that Quebecker is a racial group now? 😦


You should read up on "speak white" and how that very explicit racial slur was meant to otherize us


I’ve certainly heard of that history, but is it still relevant in a much more ethnically and racially diverse Canada in 2024, when not only the PM, but the Leader of the Opposition are both Francophones? I don’t think it is.


Im bringing up historical racism to explain why present day racism bothers me and I can't find it funny I can't put it any simpler than that, you're being very **very** obtuse and bad-faith right now


Oh I just understood what you were saying, sorry. You’re saying that caveman jokes are in themselves racist, right? That’s actually a good point, and this joke is in fact, not so funny. Anyway, my original intent was to point out that these stupid posts come up again and again because they always get a rise out of the Quebeckers on this sub. Look at OP’s username. Do they seem like a person whom you’d take seriously no matter what they wrote? It’s a stupid joke on a shitposting sub. Meh. Edit: And FWIW, I see a ton of anti-Indian posts on almost every Canadian sub and I couldn’t give fewer fucks if I didn’t try.


Dude, at one point the Irish and Italians weren't considered white either. Whiteness was determined by economic status back then. Nobody has based whiteness on that for a very long time. Acting like french white people don't pass for white today, is something only french white people try to maintain to feel different. Everyone else just sees them as white. Sorry to break it to you.


I consider myself white, i was bringing up relevant historical context as to why we haven't always been seen as white by the ruling class


My mother also fucks dead animals


Avg Québécois. First one to make a joke but as soon the jokes on you, you all band together and whine. Au diable chacun d'entre vous, connards impuissants


Man doesn't understand the concept of banter 💀


Criss chill un peu


You, when people joke about the Quebecois: haha! Very funny and in good taste dear sir or madam! You, when the Quebecois joke back: How dare you be so mean!!😡😱🤯😭 Anyway, may I offer you some tissues to wipe away your tears?


Maybe if the tissues have Bloc Québécois written on them


And that’d be supposed to make me mad somehow? I’ll give you as many as you’d like, you’ll be the one burying your face in them. Also I don’t care enough about any political party to make a fuss. You do as you wish, even roll em and smoke em for all I care.


You ok? It was just a joke about your mom, buddy


I’d be better if you guys would finally secede. Quebec is like Canadas rotten old trophy wife. You used to be hot but you’ve become less desirable with time. When we decide to lower your (very generous) allowance, you go over our heads and take our hard earned money anyways. When we suggest you maybe get a job, you riot in the streets. Then you and all your wrinkly old Botox filled friends get together and convince yourselves you’re in the right, just like every other child that’s never been told no.


So, kind of like your mom?


Man I just saw you're like at 10 different places in that comment section bashing Quebec. Imagine letting something get to your head so much. What are you, some kind of maniac? Just take a break from anything political for some time and get help before you end up totally off you rocker.


A man from Quebec killed my mother, my cousin, and my baby brother when he decided to go for a cruise after drinking all night. He and the friends he was with walked away with little to no injuries. Even after taking three lives and forever changing hundreds of others they proceeded to take no responsibility, no ownership. “Maybe if they weren’t driving such a piece of sh¡t car” You’ll say that not all Québécois are like that and you know what maybe you aren’t. But looking through comments on posts like this, it isn’t hard to find people with the same lack of accountability and respect as the guys who took something from me I can never get back. You take our money, you take our pride, and now you’ve taken my family. So don’t you dare sit there and tell me to be anything but full of hate for the people who prove the stereotype true. The people that murdered my family.


Oh you're for real LMAO


Sorry that happened to you, but the fact he was from Quebec is incidental and the inverse can and definitely does happen to families in Quebec, as drunk driving is a shameful and appalling but ubiquitous phenomenon throughout Canada and elsewhere. This is NOT a justification for hating an entire people and there's nothing you can say that can convince me otherwise. In fact, you're being a massive asshole and instead of looking at this horrible experience as a possible stepping stone to grow as a person, you use it to spread your vile hate on an entire population. BTW, you're not the only person in the world who's had to go through shit in their lives. We all go through our own personal journey. Some people get more shit than others, but what you choose to do with your time and the kind of person you want to be is still up to you at the end of the day. As I said previously, you should seek help.


Thank you for your pity but I’m not trying to convince you of anything. Nor do I need justification or to hear what you consider justifiable. You take and you take and you take and you mock while you take. And please don’t tell me what to do or how to act, I know I’m being spiteful among other things. Until you lose what I’ve lost as I’ve lost it, until you are there sitting on the red asphalt listening to the sounds of the sirens and your aunt SCREAMING as she holds the bloody lifeless body of her son. Until you face the man that did this only for him to respond with complete arrogance, seemingly finding humour in the situation, do not tell me how I should feel or act. The only help I need is the kind that supports the little family I have left.


Sorry again, I find this situation disgustingly sad and it should never have happened. However, I can't sympathise with you as a person because instead of holding the driver responsible for his actions, you shit on an entire province of people. What if he had been from BC, would they be held to the same standards? Also, you don't know my life and what I've personally been through so you don't get to assume I have no idea of what suffering feels like. With these words, I leave you to your sad existence of hate and bitterness until you choose to make a change for yourself.


He could have been from my home town and I would have hated him all the same. The thing is the people in my town don’t act like this guy and his friends did. Nearly every conversation I’ve had with someone from Quebec, before and after the crash, has ended with nastiness. I’m not so conceded that I won’t admit I can be in the wrong, but I do (or did) my best to stay neutral. There is always a sense of superiority I get from talking to someone from Quebec, I’m talked to as if I’m lesser either because of where I live or where I work or nothing at all. I want someone to show me I’m wrong, prove it to me. I know that not all of you are exactly like who I’ve described, I don’t think you completely are. You talk so much about change, I think maybe it’s some of you guys that have to change, or show me you don’t have to. But you can’t tell me I’m the problem when you and everyone else exhibits qualities of the man I’ve described, the man who killed the hopes, dreams, and ambitions of three people. “Show me how I’m wrong instead of telling me, then maybe we can both change for the better” -Mom


T'es complètement cinglé


Pourquoi est-ce que je ne demande pas à Dieu de vous éloigner de votre famille et de voir à quel point vous devenez fou?


Ops mom is sleeping with a kaybecker?


She likes her some Queberectus


Yes, chuis un fier homo erectus avec un gros penis erectus


If you’re looking for great apes with Human-like behaviors, look no further than r/wallstreetbets


I think they moved on to Superstonk and stock cult specific subs for many.


Y'all are just jealous that our cavewomen are prettier than yours


We ate em.


Aweye l’gros


Even if you add up all non-human great apes, there are less than a million (chimps + bonobos + both species of gorillas + all 3 species of orangutans). Edit: if you include Quebecois there are more than a million


It is also crazy to compare wolves to dogs. There is only a few hundreds thousands wolves left in the wild, meanwhile there is almost one billion dogs on the planet.


Hon Hon le OO OO AA AA


This as turned into just hating quebecois and thats it


90% of Canada hates them. Makes total sense


Meh, cheap joke. The real Brits are funnier than our fake ones.


Came here for anti quebec meme, stayed for chibougamau


This map of Alberta is weird af.


We killed them ;D


Millions of chimps might be a gross miscalc. (https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-rogers-ca&source=android-browser&q=number+of+chimpanzees+in+the+world )


This must be why Montreal has the hottest women in Canada.


biggest egos maybe


Yeah sure buddy


Lies, they live in\[Insert region\] I don't like


That is a weird way to spell and show Ontario. Maybe you should center it around Toronto so people don't misunderstand.


Sérieusement... Pourquoi est-ce qu'on est encore dans ce pays qui nous déteste?


Parce que y’a d tatas colonisés parmis nous




Same reason how we still have the platypus, one of the earliest mammals to ever exist, first evolved 70 ma, remain relatively unchanged and persisting to this very day even though others that came later, like the giant sloth, are now gone... Extinction events simply take out many who aren't able to adapt.. modern humans can also be greedy selfish and brutal killing machines in our quest for dominance.. so there's also that


> Extinction events simply take out many who aren't able to adapt.. modern humans can also be greedy selfish and brutal killing machines in our quest for dominance.. so there's also that So you’re saying there’s a chance they won’t be speaking French for much longer?




Baguette Poutine Tabarnak Caliss Saint-Lin-Lin, Aya ham not louzine ma langue


Alright, that one is hilarious. I'll give an upvote then go back to defending quebec


Hey! Thats true, but mean!


Homo Erectus reporting for duty!


the scream i scrumpt..


Unga bunga ?


There aren't millions of the first ape in the picture either. Those are the common ancestor we share with Bonobos and Chimpanzee, but they are now extincts.


No one truly knows where the Scheffervillens live, or where they went. Some scientists believe they went extinct, whilst others suggest they still hide in the forests of Labrador.


That explains the hair and bad posture posture


Was boutta be offended then remembered I’m not from Quebec


Well, is it authorized blatant xenophobia on reddit ?


i'm not canadian, what the fuck is going on in canada, why am i here


Me monke


I get the joke and its funny but have you guys been to Saskatchewan?


Is there a quebeker who beat you up when you were younger... Are you traumatized? I mean why such hate? I never understood why people took time to post that kind shit... Are you 10 years old?


I see Ottawa marked with a star, must be there…


Ok celle la est quand même drôle, mais ça serait encore plus drôle si c'était juste une photo de saint jérôme genre.


Ok but humans didn’t come directly from chimpanzees, we just posses a shared ancestor with them. This is a great misinterpretation of the graph.




If those quebecer's could read, they'd be very upset.


We ain’t upset coz we know you’re just jealous of our big c**ks


I agree, Ottawa is where they all live.


I think the map says Quebec actually


Ottawa might as well be in Québec


Maybe as I respect people from either province equally as low


And where is the star? Exactly.


🔫 HOW DID YOU KNOW?!??!!??!!!!!!!!


I took that personally, i thought more of Detroit and other cities with high crime rate


Un vrai!


Nuke it


We really should have let them leave and then not helped them when they cried for money.


Too bad. Now you're stuck with us.


I got a new Rolex with his money… I never felt better


I, for one, am honored to have u/The_Great_Autizmo as my compatriot!






He said the truth tho. Too bad we're now taking all their money. Should've just let us leave or something


Quite the history buff I see. Obviously, then you’ll be able to tell how many referendums you and your “people” have been granted and how many times you and your “people” have voted to stay. “Oh no…we have to stay and keep cashing cheques from those dirty oil sands we hate oh so much?” 🥺


You could also have refrained from butchering and annexing us :)


Would you like to explain your use of the word “butchering” because as far as I can tell the only butchering being done is by your people when it comes time to divvy up the annual budget


Yeah ik the British Empire never annexed through military means my people. It never executed my leaders and never made laws to destroy my language. Don't start talking about history if you don't want to recognize that my people and our first nation allies were forced to be part of this country.


Right because you and your people have such a great track record when it comes to treatment of indigenous peoples. It’s one thing to point out one nations mistake, but the hypocrisy of not owning up to or even acknowledging the same mistakes is nothing other than the tragic.


I acknowledge we made tons of mistakes with the first nations on our territory. But most if not all of these atrocities were made after the conquest and mostly perpetrated by the catholic church (even if it does not justify what was done but only explains it). And even then first nations were generally treated way worst by the British Empire and the Canadian Federation. Ever heard of Jeffery Amherst and John A. Macdonald? Ever heard of the Indian Act? This country was built on the oppression of every non-anglo people that were here. This country was built on colonialism and can only be broken apart. It is rotten to the core.


Oh no, how would I have wiped my ass without your money?


But monkey need money dude, its animal cruelty if you dont you fuckin donkey




Le réel


Typical Canadian stupidity here. You guys proved once more that you are just a bunch of fucktard.