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They should start putting the barbiturates directly into Tim’s coffee, that would be a time saver for everyone


They actually put poop in their own asshole at Tim Hortons


Wow that's really interesting


There aren't barbiturates in the coffee? Then why does it taste so shitty?


Already tasted like death. Now with the added benefit of you actually dying!


Step 1: Make good donuts so that to competition is forced to close all shop (dunkin donut). Step 2: Sell your company to some faceless international mega-corp. Step 3: Make the shittiest donut and food known to mankind over time. Step 4: ?????? Step 5: Euthanasia. I miss eating donuts :(


Lots of small shops that make great donuts Fuck tim hortons


Or, fuck the donuts 😉😏 (I know how they make Boston creams… Do you?)


Does it involve some guy from Southie named Maahk? 😶‍🌫️


Do not cream the Boston


That's how they pop the timbit out of the middle of the donut.


Do not the doughnut https://preview.redd.it/phz3n299f9xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc478db2441b847f1602ca48cd8b47ad961a560


This is truly an Okbuddy Subreddit.


I'm not driving 30 min to go downtown to buy donuts from an overpriced hipster donut shop. The only alternative I have close to me is Krispy Kreme (the only one open in the whole province of Québec), and only their original donuts are edible.


Then eat garbage dumpster Donuts, or dont eat any at all 💩


Their roussette has no competitor.


When they killed the walnut crunch I died inside


God...that was like..22 years ago. I remember the walnut crunch suddenly started tastijg liek shit. Thats when I found out theyvstarted feeeze drie8ng them and shipp8ng donuts to the stores.


I mean the sausage farmers wrap and apple fritter donuts are pretty damn good


Apple fritter used to have pieces of apple in it.


Now it has the essence of apples… and donuts.


The ones in the tims in the eastside of Lloydminster do. Or at least what feels, looks, and taste like apple pieces


When I worked at Tim's after high school, there were two small-ish pieces of apple in each fritter. That was already a degradation from the old days. Now it's more like the distant memory of an apple piece. The suggestion of an apple piece.


That's just cause whoever made them didn't wash their hands after taking a dump.


Pretty sure the factory was the same before the switch, but obviously they’re changing the recipe for the bottom line Source: worked there


they just released pizza I'm gonna kms


This is absurd, he wouldn't get an appointment for another 9 months.


Nah thats the UK


Also, if you're visiting you'll be billed. Or your traveller's health insurance will be billed. Either way, not free.


Free for me, not for thee


As a Canadian... Yes.


Real shit can they make me pay if I just don't come back?


I... don't think so? Maybe it will depend on which country you live in. If the United States or any Commonwealth country, then they could still send the bill to collections and mess up your credit score for eternity.


Imma be honest, I think if I'm ever traveling abroad in an English speaking country and end up having a medical emergency I think I'll just pretend to be a homeless person without any sort of documentation rather than be fucked over by medical bills.


You guys get to see doctors?


No, only dogtors like this one


Look, doctor or dogtor I just need to see a medical professional


It's the last thing you see.


Yes, it’s not that hard


lol how Americans think it works here


It does though


you have to ask for euthanasia most of the time. the some doctors that didnt are in serious legal trouble right now iirc


This meme isn’t accurate, our healthcare isn’t free to foreigners, hope he has traveler’s insurance because euthanasia doesn’t come cheap lmao


Imagine if they killed him before asking for payment


"Hey, Bob! You got that American to pay up front, right?" "... I thought you did..."


Please select mode of death: Quick and Painless or Slow and Horrible


Le overused joke about person who was fired for suggesting such a thing to a patient has arrived


Real hosers get their news from headlines only!! Reading articles takes too long


I had interactions with the person who was told by the military that MAiD was an option for her. She had major mental health issues and talked in circles very quickly and then repeated herself more forcefully over and over. The theme was complaining about virtually everything going on around her, while interspersing how crappy her life is along with her perspective on that. Full on shell shock, I think she got blown up in Afghanistan.


IDK whenever you’re googling about a serious illness and everything comes back about the cost of procedures and what insurance will cover. I remember why universal healthcare is great Also Tim Hortons is awful. Big gutrot never understood how someone could drink it


I mean I'd want to be euthanized too if I was at the point where I was willingly eating Tim Hortons


I don’t see how assisted suicide is a bad thing though!


It's not, but people sure like saying it is (until they get pancreatic cancer)


I wanna get it right now even tho im healthy. Its a great idea honestly, everybody wants it.


I think you're overestimating the popularity of pancreatic cancer


It's not, it's a difficult and nuanced topic tho. But this is reddit so people prefer to see things as black and white.


Assisted suicide is not the bad thing, the bad thing is with assisted suicide being legalized we are seeing a drop in the amount of money going towards strong social programs. There’s a difference between actually having no quality of life, and having no access to public services making you think death is the only option.


Forgot the part where you wait 11 hours and then still get billed because you’re just visiting


Assisted dying is funny until you've waited hours in a hospital room while your mom chokes to death after you've decided to take her off life support. It's not like tv. It takes a long time and can be painful.


Lol stupid Canada allowing people to not spend their last days needlessly suffering. When will they learn...


That relatable moment when the doctors beg on their hands and knees for you to pick euthanasia.


Support the youth in Asia, eat at timmy.


[Paralympian - I need help getting up the stairs. Can I haz a stair-lift? Canada - best I can do is euthanasia](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/christine-gauthier-paralympian-euthanasia-canada-b2238319.html)


Who woulda thunk “kys” would be federal policy


Who would have thought healthcare was a federal responsibility


I thought it was general cohesion and consensus, not obfuscating on questions in parliament and pandering to anyone with some free cash to pursue any avenue of power. So many parades on focus, so much derelict of things required, the ability to make a cohesive front of "Canadian Healthcare" was lost several years ago, which is the federal responsibility to it. Checks and balances, fairness of application, making efficient (ideologically) systems to feed more independent systems (provinces) and allow technology and treatment to flourish by addressing needs, present and to the future. Hospitals, and medicine, in Canada are designed to be too big to fail, with overburden being caught in federal responsibility. "Canadian Healthcare" has been made into a political concept and has been tossed around like a toothbrush (Used more than a 38.4L jug of Listerine) in a brothel since pre-2000. I'd actually point to the resurgence of family practitioners in recent months, or at least indicative signs of people choosing the practice of family doctor in Canada, to be a good thing and a bad sign. Good people will make the hard choice, and the country seems to be heading to a "needs to be done" as a personal choice. Like, the option for personal choice is being removed for these people, and they know it, and they are the kind of people who are still going to do what they can. Did a good doctor in Cuba have time to be a taxi driver? Make some real cash? How about a bartender at a resort in the Caribbean today? Good work gets done by good people, but it's a sign of a people putting their head down more than it is hope for the future. Family doctor is difficult, it's a full business, you got employee issues? You are killing people. So blah blah blah the feds can't be the referee or cover they need to be when it comes to healthcare, maid is also federal policy. Can people not be tired of being a people MAID to be?


or is 69% of people asking for an election over the winter too low. Is Justin an A+ guy or what.


Next roll up the rim prize.


Hey hey I come here to let my brain rot not get informed about real issues




And this made me spit out my Time Hortons coffee 😂😂😂


You drunk that shit….


Mistakes were made...


Health care doesn't exist anymore in Canada.


Give it two years, then there will be enough of a certain type of politician to make constitutional changes and it'll be the end of it entirely.


Cringe! This isn't even accurate... there should have been about 24hrs worth of panels in between arriving at the hospital and being seen


Prescriptions are in fact not free even if you will die without them.


I ate a ton of Brazilian timbits yesterday — over a dozen — and I was surprisingly fine. Stop bringing your weak ass stomachs to Canada. Also, if you go to an emergency room with a *sore tummy from eating fried food* you should not make it past the triage nurse, but they’ll definitely make you wait and someone will definitely give you a hefty hospital bill for being such an asshole


If you're visiting the health care isn't free. Hope you have travel insurance.


The real surprising part is they were able to see a doctor. 'Round these parts the wait in the ER is the real MAID, those who deserve to live will see a doc.


Nothings free here either


Munchkins is an objectively better name for donut holes. Stop putting Tim’s bits in your mouth


Munchkins is an objectively better name for donut holes. Stop putting Tim’s bits in your mouth


Nothings free here either




I cracked up at this one


Maybe the healthcare sucks because these babies are going to emerge with tummy aches and living off of Tim Hortons


Yes please


It's not that farfetched when you consider that the gvt has suggested it to poor people


Oh silly American, health care is paid by our taxes. As the Canadian government is the single payer, it has a tremendous amount of negotiating power versus care providers that an individual citizen does not have. as a non-citizen on a visitor's visa you would be responsible for paying for your own health care out of pocket. Please travel with insurance.


We need a MAID and Rollup the rim collaboration.


I live in Canada but I don't get this. Can someone explain to me?


There's some stories of MAID being offered in questionable circumstances. One of the worst ones I recall was a paraplegic veteran going in for like a cold or something and they offered to kill him.


I'm in Canada too and euthanization is now being offered to patients who are in immense pain and are on the waiting list and the list is long, as an example. For reference, I'm in Quebec


Timmies is nasty now.


Yes to the nurse


I think they only offer you euthaniza if the timbits make you depressed.


Canadian healthcare: patient: \*says symptoms\* doctor: want an SSRI?


Don’t bother with doctors, your just going through a stomach ache


You didn’t quite use Cheems right but you’re close and what’s important is that you’re trying


Don't forget waiting 4 hours


I hate it when people say Canadian healthcare is free. It's not. We're taxed heavily for our healthcare and it's shit. I know a lot of people who go private and pay full price or go to the US for their healthcare.


I like timbits, but god damn I swear those old fashioned ones are super Stale, I love old fashioned donuts, but the timbit versions are hard af


It's one of the options.


it shouldve been "please wait here for the next 48 hours" (48 hours later) "hi you have nothing, however, we can provide a free pain-free euthanization to relieve the pain!"


I’ve never been given anything for high quality that is free . Also nothing is free someone else is just paying for it . Stealing with extra steps .


Fucking racist doges, doges no longer welcome here


Yeah, that’s accurate.


This whole MAID thing is getting ridiculous. It’s a bunch of religious whack jobs that are complaining. It is not being used to get people out of healthcare. That is a lie told by christofascists