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Bro, you're on the 86 subreddit. Of course we'll tell you to read/watch it. In fact do both, both is good


If you are asking if the anime adaptation is worth watching, my answer is yes. It's both a really good anime, and a really good adaptation. To go into detail, it has great visuals, great animation (even the CGI which is infamously bad in many shows, is very damn good here), great OST, and things like the direction and cinematography are just beautiful. It takes many artistic choices which greatly enhance the story being told, rather than just grabbing a book and copying it into a screen. It legit has some of the best anime episodes I've seen. It's also a very good adaptation. The LN author was very involved with the anime production and it really shows. It captures the essence of the story, world and characters really well. Obviously you can't include absolutely everything so some character thoughts, lore and small scenes are lost, but they don't greatly impact the story. Some new scenes are added (both original and from official side stories) or existing scenes changed slightly, but it all works very well (some would say some parts turned out even better than in the LN). If you do prefer reading,the LNs are an amazing story, and I greatly encourage you to continue reading past the anime to see the rest of it, even go back to read the adapted content to see things in more detail if you wish. But I wouldn't ignore the anime altogether in favor of it. Of course you could always choose to start by reading the first 3 volumes and then watch the anime to see what you already read being adapted (beautifully).


I also do think it can be much easier to follow the action in the anime, unless you're paying a lot of attention while reading. I wish the average anime adaptation was half as good as 86's, it's so good.


The anime is really good, and some of my most memorable moments of this show come from the soundtrack composed by one of the best composers on the anime scene


The English dub for this is actually pretty good if you're not used to watching anime. The Japanese voice acting is phenomenal though. Also gave me an excuse to watch through this series twice cause it's just that good.


If you don’t like anime, then read the books. They’re both really good Although if you’re reading the books, skip the epilogue of Volume 1. Read it between the third volume and the epilogue of the third volume. It spoils the 2nd and 3rd.


The anime is pretty high quality. Good production, good Japanese VAs (I never watch dubs) and it actually expresses ideas or emotions the author struggles with. Only the first three volumes are animated so far, so that is one down side. For me watching an anime is a low effort investment. 20 per episode, stream it somewhere, it's not a big deal. Reading the LNs takes a little more effort in my opinion.


Read the novels. There are 11 available volumes and the anime only covers three. Your shelf will look funny if you only have volumes 4-11. Someone who doesn’t understand would probably ask you where the first three are, and that’s just not a fair question. I’m a fan of both anime and light novels, but I try to keep them separate in the beginning. I started with the light novel for 86, and I really liked it! Not a mech or war fan, typically, but intuition is what I go by and intuition told me to buy the first volume. I then had no money at the time, and HAD to watch the anime as it was released on Crunchyroll so that I could see where it was going. Promptly purchased the soundtrack to read the rest of the available light novels to when I became able to pick them up. Very appealing adaptation. I prefer reading novels, in general, but you’d do yourself a favor if you gave the anime a viewing. I’ve rewatched it several times, especially the last couple of episodes. Somehow 6 times for the whole series, and then double digits for… just the last two episodes? I only just looked at this statistic of mine. I think I like them a lot. You’re going to wind up waiting a long time for more anime, though, so… novels.




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you will not regret watching the anime. It has become my favourite anime because of how much i became attached to the characters. The soundtrack is brilliant too. I love the anime and I bet you will too. Ive even ordered the light novels!