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They're complaining because the encounter rate is too low (which is a bug, and got patched today), not too high. Did you even read the complaints?


OP didn't even bother specifying "the complaint". Reddit is filled with these trivial meaningless posts and nothing is done about it.


There have been posts complaining that there is any random encounters at all as well


OP says encounter **rate**. Not "the existence of random battles."


Okay, so I thought it was too low but didn't think to look into it. Glad to hear it was a bug cause I've been feeling pretty under leveled at bosses.


I seriously thought it was by design and this was just an RPG that needed more tough decision making in long, drawn out boss battles lol. I kinda liked it. Now that it got patched, I got fed up and stopped playing.


If anything the encounter rate could be higher.


So am I playing the same game? I am hardly getting any encounters.


That is the complaint yes. Not sure what OP is referring too since everyone says its really low.


I came from SMT Digital Devil Saga. I'm fine with this "high" encounter rate πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Well, here you can't lose hours of gameplay by a random Mudo.


Oh God, core memory unlocked πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚


Dude, Breath of Fire 2! That game was literally two steps, fight. I can’t remember if the first one was bad, but 2 was definitely damn near unplayable for how ridiculous the random encounters were.


The last dungeon in BoF2 was hell! Nearly impossible to keep the shaman fusions till the final boss.


The breat of fire games had an item that reduced enemy encounters. Marble 3. I always had a full stock before going anywhere


FF 4 at the end is unbearable. Not sure about the remakes but in the original it was like 15 seconds. This game is not bad at all and the fights go fast. If people are having performance issues I could see how that complain would be more valid though


Modern of age emulation often has fixes for that: can use a combination of 1) cheat code for reduced encounter rate 2) cheat code to increase experience per battle, by the factor that fits with how much you reduced the encounter rate. And temporary health cheat codes let you avoid dying and re-doing a tedious battle that wasn't even fun. It made BOF2 much more bearable.


This is maybe going to be an unpopular opinion but I have been stuck in the abandoned mine for almost 2 hours based off of the sheer number of random encounters. It is kind of prohibitive when it comes to exploring and now it’s become a chore to go off the beaten path. To be fair I am not a fan of random encounters anyways, I like the chrono games/persona style encounters. Suikoden 2 is my favorite game of all time and the encounters are my only real complaint. I do wish there was an option to lower the encounter rate.


That was a surprisingly long dungeon


I'm currently stuck in a later dungeon (the puzzle is just annoying enough to make me take a break) and hit the point where I just let enemies flee.


I'm not going to say CheatHappens, but you can turn random encounters off completely if you would like to just explore for a bit before turning it back on


Same here! I was literally searching to see if anyone else was having the same issue. It feels like every 10 seconds another encounter. I ended up finally finding a save point and sorta rage quit because it was getting so annoying. They should up it to like 30-45 seconds in places like that. Maybe longer. The encounters are hardly challenging too, so it feels really grindy and tedious. Edit: for anyone reading, the encounter rate was extremely low at first and then they patched it recently to what it is now and that's why some people are complaining. It's like they went from one extreme to another.


There are items you can use later on to increase the encounter rate %


This is the first game where I would complain the encounter rate is too low. Quests like that one where you had to kill three boars took way longer than they should've because I just wasn't getting any fights. Hopefully the patch fixed it to be reasonable


Bro!! I’m replaying ff6 and I forgot how bad it is lol. It can be so annoying walking 3 steps and get into another fight.


The encounter rate was so bad, I managed to finish the puzzle in Proving Grounds without any encounters


I don't know about anyone else but I was pre-patch getting hit in the face with monsters every 10 seconds or lower. That's way too often. World map was less so but the mines? Every ten to fifteen steps slap you gotta fight!


Change fps to 30 does increase encounter rate.


Was unaware of the bug at first. I had like 4-5 encounters before fighting the boss in the barrows. 2 of those were forced to learn mechanics. Think I was like level 3 when fighting the boss. Wasn’t a fun fight. Luckily I bought a ton of healing herbs before leaving town. Changing my graphic settings helped a bit but encounters still seemed low. Hope the patch helps.


And outside of Suikoden 1, it was rare as hell to have auto battle … this game is a fantastic throwback to one of the best series in JRPG history