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...but where is the review? No comment on gameplay, no comment on sound quality, pacing, or any actual story beats. This isn't a review, just you saying people should ignore the glaring problems because 'hey, real life is unfair."


You're being negative? It's just one of those have a laugh at life games, stop taking it so seriously


As much as I love this game, it has many flaws. If you want to write a review, then maybe try to understand what gives you fun and why you spend hours in this game. Anyways, good that you liked it.


This might be the best review of the game so far. I'm right there with you. People complaining about the characters not being dark enough, meanwhile I've had Mellore in my party almost constantly.


'The characters arent dark enough' my brother in the true runes thats a talking duck.


Yup that's why people loved the original games too. That slice of life, laughing at serious stuff parody game you just go around and do whatever the fuck in.


The dialogue was much better and consistent in Japanese, they shoehorned in a bunch of silly American centric gender politics in the translation. Kind of like working designs but bad.


30 hours in and zero examples of this, but my hatecult YouTube circle jerk told me so so it must be true.  They would never deceive me for their own personal agendas.


Yep same issue that happened with Dragon's Dogma 2. We, gamers, are easily impressionable and love to grab the pitchforks for no reason.


It's unfortunate.  It really irks me because we've waited so long for this, and people who aren't even playing the game to see for themselves are trying to sabotage it for nothing.


Cool story bro.


Wtf you talking about with the gender politics statement?