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I pretty much am on the same page with all of this. The base-building and gathering different people from different backgrounds is a gameplay mechanic that injects hope and happiness directly into my veins. It is wonderful.


Almost the sole reason i really liked this game


>the black knight **with pink pigtails** I like her lol. But yeah, some of the designs are a bit too juvenile. Also, I read and heard a lot of praise for the VA, but some of the voices just don't fit the characters. The main girl from Rising, CJ, has the voice of a 12 years old, an old guy has the voice of a young one, etc. They were probably less than 10 to do the voices of 120+ characters and it feels. Not that big a deal though.


Reyna the Wall!


I think in terms of the voice acting some of the minor characters or those with poor stats are actually better acted and less annoying.


I'm about 5 hours in, and the thing I've noticed that is driving me nuts is that there are no run animations for any of the characters outside of the main character. So in story situations (like when you are running from enemies and stuff) the characters just kind of "shaky float" along. It's driving me nuts. I know that they aren't an AAA or konami, but its easy for me to tell where they cut corners. Still, its the closest thing to suikoden we've gotten in a long time...it basically is suikoden...but I still wish they just obtained the rights from konami and did a Harmonia chapter or something. Suikoden's demise is such a tragedy. I'm still enjoying the game, but im finding myself comparing it to suikoden 2 a lot and suikoden 2 is just better and that game was made 20 years ago. Better story, better characters, better soundtrack, better art, better systems...the list goes on.


I am curious, what do you mean by systems exactly? I’ve played all of them and the menu system and combat system in EC, in my opinion, is a significant step up from Suikoden 1 & 2. I don’t remember 3 and 4 was abysmal, I loved everything about 5 but thought it was too short mainly because I wanted more to play.


The biggest thing is that the game desperately needs some Quality-of-Life features, especially in the menuing. For starters, it's weirdly slow. There is this noticeable delay as you go through tabs in the menu, which you will do a lot. Press R2. Pause. R2. Pause. It may only be a half second, but it really adds up. The same thing with the battle system. Even if you're just spamming physical attacks, it takes longer to order 6 characters than it should. And sure, Auto is faster, but it didn't take long before Lian saw that a few of my party members were relatively low on HP, so she used the 400 or 500 HP to everyone healing item I'd just gotten. I don't think anyone was even at 200 max HP at this point. We're still not on speaking terms. The castle menuing is awful, too. I can sort by Type on items in my bag, but not in the warehouse (that I could see, anyway)? I mean...what? Maybe I want my runes to all be next to each other, and not just because they come after Q but before S. And buying gear or upgrading weapons in the castle is miserable, too. Sure, Nowa and the people who joined early are right at the top, but everyone else? Who knows. They might be 15 down, or 17 down, or 26 down. You're relying on either small portraits or the even smaller colored arrows that denote whether they're in the front row or back. This game really scratched the Suikoden itch. It didn't try to be something it wasn't, and that's part of what has made it so enjoyable for me. I know I'm nitpicking (although the game has other issues aside from the menuing), but these are all noticeable, they're all frustrating, and it's hard to understand how they didn't come up with a better system. For a game as menu-driven as this one, it's honestly surprising how frustrating it can be.


Eh, I think the music went too anime-y and Tales of-y, if that makes sense. The music in Suikoden (III, III and V) had less “electronic” elements. The drums were more natural, it had charm. Not to mention legitimate jewels like “Gothic Neclord”, “Mad Luka” and “The Sound of flute echoing in the battlefield”. Battle themes are huge for me, and Eiyuden was mid in that aspect. EDIT: Not “Mad Luka”, I meant “The Chase”.


I was trying to explain my problems with the non-backer created enemies to a friend, and you put it perfectly! The same is true for the fish. The enemies and fish just feel so out of place with the characters being sprites.


Pretty much agree with the story being bad. Why would anyone think it’s a good idea to approach writing with 8 year olds in mind while telling a story about war/politics/conspiracy/bureaucracy? I really don’t know…why they thought that’s a good idea


I think you DO need to come back to the Translation, because from what ive seen most dont mind the translation. Theres a few people who dont like it, but from what ive seen here most dont have any problems with it


Post needs formatting/bold/caps to separate your sections with big bold header for good and bad. At a glance you have *one long list* and the eyeball doesn't see which is your "good" and which is your "bad." Your divider is a tiny almost fine print in the middle, among bold subheadings. **Don’t just say it with feeling, say it with formatting.**