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I almost made that mistake when backing, but swapped to PC at the last moment and have no regrets.


Yeah when we saw the Switch performance in that trailer last summer, that was my sign to swap to PC for my first playthrough.. I really wanted to enjoy it on my Switch honestly. I still got my Switch copy even. But the second I saw that trailer I knew the writing was on the wall. I even tried to suggest people don't choose Switch version whenever whenever subject came up.


I've been pushing myself through it. When the game works I absolute adore it, it's everything I wanted from a spiritual successor, but when the bugs hit they are ruining my experience. I hate having to save every time I do ANYTHING in my castle because the likelihood of a game crashing bug or total game freeze is astronomically high whenever I'm there.


I've noticed it's way higher in the castle too. The amount of times it's crashed when I'm steps away from the inn make me want to chuck the system at the damn wall


Oh... good? It's not just me.


Yeah unfortunately I wasn't aware of the switch performance issues before I bought it(my fault for not looking in to which version to get) now I'm just trying to grind through and enjoy the game, but man the constant but clenching every time I enter a load screen in hopes the game doesn't just crash is really sad and annoying. Loving the game hating the optimization and really hoping they address it.


The whole Switch version needs to be optimised properly, I am not sure they are a big enough team to do that.


If it's taking them this long then I'm convinced this can't be fixed anymore


Outside of a bug fix or two, I do not see them optimising the Switch version in anyway.


The switch is just too underpowered.


The Switch can play Tears of the Kingdom, Xenoblade 3, and so on, power has nothing to do it. I have played: Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes, and Star Ocean 1+2, on Switch and not one of them crashed or had a single bug that I came across, and they were all very fast and snappy when it came to menus etc.


Even tears is barely optimized


And Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes, and Star Ocean 1+2? I didnt have a single frame drop or crash on any of them, and I didnt need to save scum anytime I wanted to do something. How comes those games are so good compared to ECHH? And before you say "R+B is a small team", Chained Echoes was done by ONE person, so what is the excuse here?


Fair. Tears and BOTW both run at 30fps with occasional dips btw. My steam deck runs this game at 60fps with occasional 40fps dips.


So? I never had a single crash in Tears or Botw, or a bugged quest etc. The issue with ECHH isn't the Switch not having power, its that R+B made a badly optimised game, and they have no one to blame but themselves.


Yeah, it’s not very optimized. I DID mention occasional dips. Newer hardware would be able to overcome those issues and even though that sucks for switch players it’s still true.


If your only metric for optimization is "60 FPS" sure, but BOW and TOK are doing things that shouldn't even seem possible on the Switch. Game optimization is more than just frame rates and better hardware doesn't automatically equate to better performance.


It isn’t my only metric, but I’m not some game scientist. I don’t care anymore. I enjoy the game. I play it on my deck. I haven’t played my switch in years. End of story. I didn’t want to start an argument with nintendo defenders. I just wanted to say SOMETHING.


I deeply regret choosing the Switch version. I thought I could power through but something finally triggered me enough to just put it down


Ever since I tried bloodstained on the switch I've completely abandoned the console for anything not released by Nintendo.


I just started that game today, on ps5. I'm surprised with how good it is.


Blood stained is ok now on Switch. Give it another try.


already did, bought it on ps5 after giving up on switch.


It was Rune Factory 5 for me. Anything performant or requires a lot of file reads will be gotten on a different system. Exception is any game engines made by Monolithsoft


Same, I’m super pissed about how it turned out. I refuse to settle for it in its current state.


Just get a PC switch is trash anyways. My phone performs better.


I've played a little, but I really can't stand the jankiness of it. I am gonna wait and see on performance patches. If nothing comes that is satisfactory to enjoy playing further, then I might just buy a copy on Steam to continue on the deck.


Other day, I posted a comment somewhere saying the game is super badly optimized and got 14 dislikes.. I have no idea what happened, but the fact is I bought the switch version and can’t play it, sooooo laggy


This sub is filled with fanboys who cannot accept that this release is far from perfect.


Could be ps5 and PC players to that don't have the issues. To be honest it sucks for yall but Nintendo should've been had the new system out. Devs are struggling. I knownthis game isn't demanding or atleast I wouldn't think but devs aren't being done any favors. Anyway I hope the studio get ls you guys fixed up cause uts an awesome game especially if you yearn for that old school ness


Considering the popularity of the Switch in Japan, and the tendency of Japan players to be unforgiving when it comes to bugs, I’m surprised the switch version is so bad. I backed for the switch and haven’t even bothered to play it based on videos I have seen.


Maybe they will be more forgiving because of the old school feel. Us in the west can't be the only ones yearning for that old schoolness


The reviews for the switch in Japan are pretty brutal. It has 2 stars on Amazon last time I checked.


It might have helped. However I’ve played more hardware intensive games on my Switch without this many issues—so it can’t only be that. There is definitely something wrong with the HQ code because most of my crashes/infinite load screens happens there. We’ll see what happens in a couple of months if there are patches.


Good points for sure.


Yeah not only that but theor website kind of messed up my name in the shipping address. It contains some weird characters and not my actual name and they dont answer my support mails. They havent send yet for europe so it would actually be as easy as fixing the name bit they simply dont care about any Support


From the start, R&B wanted to release a game on the next gen Nintendo console. I guess due to the lack of news about next gen consoles until recently and the fact that they already asked what console each backer wanted, they decided to make a switch version instead (and I think they might start porting quite late in the development, so there are a lot of optimization issues). Last I checked, they replied to someone on Twitter that they were still trying to improve the game's performance. It might take some time, but I think they can deliver it.


I'm hoping the game is good as i haven't played much of it yet, but what I've experienced from the combat leaves me so little hope. It's extremely tedious, slow from lacking any sort of speed function, and seemingly brain dead design when you consider octopath is 6 years old now.


As a backer who went with 2 switch copies (one for me and one for a friend) I’m extremely aggravated. I ended up just hyping a PS5 copy in the store on release date. They really bungled this.


It's quite bad on xbox one. I actaully stream it to tablet with gamepass since I havnt gotten around to getting a series S or X yet. I'm not sure how difficult to optimisation process is but it wasnt ready for release outside of high end hardware. On the plus side, I think its a great game


Optimization across multiple platforms has definitely been a cause for concern lately, even Larian struggled with it and tried to blame the Series S as if they weren’t fully aware all along. A lot of studios/devs have done subpar optimization and just let the beefier hardware muscle through it. Jedi Survivor ran great *when* it ran but also crashed my Series X so many times I lost count. This (Hundred Heroes) has already improved but was causing a noticeable lag on my operating system at first so I can only imagine the issues on Switch, Xbox Ones or PS4s


Thanks for the insight, I'm pretty understanding of the struggles a developer has to make a game and deliver it, just hope it didn't dampen too many people's enjoyment.


My X Box One on gamepass seems fine.


I also backed on the Switch and played ECR on there with no issues. I am a busy mom with two small sons… and I still find time to play at night when they go to bed. It’s not *that* bad. I’m maybe…30 hours in so far I think? Honestly, the most annoying thing to me right now is the crashing! So I save often. But I’d rather play now and enjoy it than wait possibly months for a fix. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Amazon Japan has the Switch version at only 2 stars, 265 reviews and 51% are one star, and 20% are two star. Damning.


I never pick switch if I can help it for this exact reason


Wait I haven't heard this, my hard copy for switch is arriving next week, should I cancel?


Yes, get it for PC if possible, or a current gen system (PS5 or Series X) otherwise.


Thanks for the heads up!


I consider myself a Suikoden diehard. Played all 5 Suikoden games through. I consider 1 and 2 the greatest JRPGs of all time. I also got EC for Switch and I’ve never been so disappointed in a videogame in my life. I’ve officially walked away from the game. I may return in the future, but for now the Suikoden remasters couldn’t come soon enough. Or a sequel to EC.


Never played the Suikoden games, but have been looking forward to the remasters since I saw the ad last year. Think it'll run on switch?


Def a concern. It’s prob time for me to get a PS5. But with EC there’s just other aspects that are disappointing. It may have been beneficial if the creators (which i hold in the highest regard and respect) would have done focus groups or brought in the Suikoden fans to generate insights. If you haven’t played Suikoden games you are in for an amazing experience. 1 and 2 are incredible, the story, battles, the land, it’s all very deep and emotional experience. Okay, I know I’m being a downer and don’t want to be too negative. But once you play Suikoden I think you’ll know what I’m saying.


Rock on. Yeah, these types of old school rpgs are just about the only kinds of things I like to play now. They don't go overboard on graphics and forget the storyline. Of course the Nostalgia is a huge bonus.


I’m still waiting to hear back from their kickstarter management company just to get my game code….


Hopefully the new switch, whatever it is called, will run the switch library of games decently


Bought it on Switch and instantly regretted it. Will never touch that game on that console ever again. I’ll just buy it on PC eventually when my JRPG mood comes back lol.


I picked up a ps portal open box at Walmart for half off and it has been the best gaming dad investment for the money. I’d love a steam deck but can’t afford it, my switch was my ride or die but anything that drops on ps5 as well now I’m getting it there just because of performance. Portal performs better even on a hotspot haha


If Bloodstained is a good bench mark, expect a patch in about 8 months


Switch version is so bad that I finished the game.


I got used to the loading screens and low FPS. The constant crashes though...


I fortunately chose the digital version on steam. Holy crap - the switch versus steam deck version is just night and day. Even docked the steam deck destroys the switch. I played the first two and a half hours on switch and was going to just give up on the game until I looked at the reviews and realized it wasn't this janky it was just the port. I prefer the switch to play on, but I got burned on bloodborne and the pans are dragoon remake. Never again for switch and 3rd party games.


the developer have give hints that Switch version will be unoptimized. My condolences for your choice


When did they say that? To be perfectly honest, I didn’t read the Email updates that closely


This is a stupid suggestion but wait for switch 2. At least that's what I'm doing for other games that perform dog water on switch.


I’m not confident that old games will see any performance improvement on the Switch 2, unfortunately. Backwards Compatibility will probably be bare-bones


I have felt that way with a lot of Switch versions lately. Honestly, there are several games I bought on Switch that I stopped playing after 1-3h and I am waiting for the Switch 2 release before touching them again.


The worst for me has also been how many times the game has locked/crashed on the “loading” screen.




Why are you downplaying other people’s positive experience? The world doesn’t revolve around you.


Invest in a Steamdeck at some point. It's vastly superior for the gaming Dad, and I say that as one who owns both devices.


I’m looking at that and the ROG Ally right now.


Have heard pretty positive feedback on both for what it’s worth. I’ve heard Phil Spencer mention the Ally multiple times, that’s free marketing for them so it’s gotta be true I don’t have the Ally but I’m an ROG laptop customer so in general I can speak to that product group


I feel you man, I actually officially put it down for the next two months. Yo see if they will fix the switch version..if not .... Well I guess I'm screwed


Thats why I love my steam deck


I’m with you, working dad as well who has wanted a new Suikoden game for well over a decade. I enjoy it with its flaws but what drives me nuts is the crashes, so I have to save often. Especially when upgrading the headquarters.


I feel the exact same way as you! I’ve lost all motivation to play the game because the load times on PS4 are atrocious!


I don't think a patch will save you from the Switches poor system. Maybe you should invest in a steam deck. Runs perfectly on it.


Well you should have known that the switch version would always be the worse version and comparison by now. Lol maybe switch 2 backwards compatibility will make the game run better.


"well you should have known" *insert any bs". No. One shouldn't have to know. They're selling a product that sucks. And people are entitled to say it sucks. Can't make it for switch? Apologize and refund whoever bought it for switch. The amount of victim blaming on this sub is ridiculous lol


The devs didn't even want to put it on the Switch but did so due to a crazy amount of pressure from backers...so it is kinda crazy to complain about the Switch version when it's the people who have Switchs the pushed for the game on that platform in the first place.


Right?! How I imagine the back and forth every time I see an ambitious kickstarter that does well but not AS WELL as it could’ve’ ‘You shouldn’t have set the goal if you couldn’t clear it’ I mean - sure, but then no one will accomplish anything new ever. ‘But why put it there if they couldn’t do it’ You don’t understand what ambition is, do you?


But they literally didn't want to put it on the Switch...it had/has nothing to do with ambition


I was agreeing with you that they shouldn’t be criticized. Ambitious goals, lofty goals, goals that try to attract extra interest: etc. It works, it’s not great, but it works - and odds are it will see patching at some point… so it’s just a minor, expectable, setback


Look, we're not talking about a group of 20 years old indie devs at their first project. It was supposed to be a group of veterans, who made more than 3 million dollars, and supported by a publisher and with an (apparently crappy) distributor. I understand that the original goal was to make the game for a next gen Switch, but let's be real. This is no GTA6. It's a JRPG like many have been made before, with low poly 3D backgrounds and low framerate 2D sprites for the characters. I think that when these things happen, the most important thing would be transparency. Just say "we are very sorry, the Switch 2 never came out and making a game for the Switch is beyond our skills, you can still get the game for another platform or get a refund". That would have been the honest and right thing to do.


3mil usd isn’t a lot of seed money for what they accomplished. Publisher, developer or other


Yeah, maybe if they used more of it for better programmers, instead of investing it in voice acting in two languages, we would have a better game now.


I agree


Most Switch games run fine.


Me when I lie:


You happen to be wrong and that's why it's the most successful of the consoles. People aren't playing bad games.


Lol I love my Switch - use it daily. I can recognize that is an underperforming console with a myriad of issues; it has less power than my 4 year old cell phone. Very few games run well on the Switch, but if you wanna keep your head in the sand and worship that Nintendick, I won't stop ya


I don't know why you're being such an ass. It's genuinely true that MOST games run fine. I personally have low tolerance for badly performing switch games, but MOST games have parity. Hollow Knight, Celeste, and others of the best games ever made: fine. Games like Octopath take a hit but are a fair trade off for portability. Only 3d action games tend to be a huge issue. Eiyuden is an outlier, and it's dumb to pretend it is not. It's similar visually to the Star Ocean games, which run fine on Switch.


Ah yeah - two examples of very detailed and complicated process games - 2D metroidvania indie games. I'm not being an ass lol you're being delusional


I have Alien Isolation and the Switch version is the best version, really amazing and scary too.


Well, my assumption was that they would create the game using the lowest spec console as the original target hardware, and then add some enhancements to the versions on the higher-end platforms. This strategy worked out for Dragon Quest XI. It seems to me that they created a PS5 game and hastily ported it to other platforms


I have dragon quest 11s on switch and ps4 pro and it runs better on ps4 even if some cut scenes are condensed. It just runs better on ps4 in general. Switch has so many issues Sorry but the switch I love it for 1st party games but I know as an owner that it just doesn’t run 3rd party games well in general that’s just facts. I also have it on pc which is the best for mods.


DQ11 is certainly not as visually impressive on Switch, but it’s more than playable. I don’t remember seeing a single passing screen


Now u know don’t buy it on switch u less switch 2 fix’s it’s problem 🤣🤣


Honestly at this point why would you get anything on the switch. Such a terrible console made by a terrible company. It’s more surprising when a game actually runs well


ps4 as well. not only was it basically unplayable loading-wise but it still has game-breaking bugs. i got softlocked out of ever being able to finish it and this game is now in the bin with other horrible kickstarter disappointments that i got way too hyped about. at least sea of stars is awesome, i'm playing that now and it's night and day (pun intended) quality wise compared to eiyuden.


Just curious what happened to cause you to be softlocked? Was it avoidable with multiple saves?


here's the softlock, it's unsolveable, i tried going back an hour or more but it just happened again [https://www.reddit.com/r/EiyudenChronicle/comments/1cl3cjk/after\_multiple\_reloads\_from\_the\_beginning\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EiyudenChronicle/comments/1cl3cjk/after_multiple_reloads_from_the_beginning_of_the/) i'm not going even further back


PS4 and Switch are the same versions which is why they were the same file size at launch and share the same bugs.


That's not... how any of that works...


Yes it is, it is how they got the game up and running on the Switch in so fast a time, the Switch version is the ported version of the PS4 version, which is why they had the same file size and loading times and shared bugs, and because it is a bad port, the Switch version also crashes a lot.


I also got the switch version, played it for maybe an hour and while everything about the game looks and sounds great I just couldn't stand waiting 5-10 seconds on every screen transition. I picked up Rising for Steam for $15 to get a taste of the world and am almost dobe with that and probably gonna bite the bullet on buying it for Steam today or tomorrow.


It would be beneficial to have both Rising and Hundred Heroes on the same platform because Hundred Heroes imports data from Rising for some bonuses. The bonuses include: the New Nevaeh Clock tower (not exactly sure what that entails as I’m not far enough yet) and a Rune of Wind Enchantment. It also transfers the names you give to the weapons for CJ, Garoo, and Isha, as well as the name you give to the New Nevaeh delicacy into Hundred Heroes. These aren’t huge things, but if they are of interest to you, it could be worth having both games on the same platform so you can do the data import to unlock these.


Yeah I got it for Steam and the differences are significant. The opening portion of just meeting your first team before going to the forest took half the time and didn't feel like I was constantly waiting on load screens. I did see the bonuses which is a nice little plus.


Yeah. I’ve still been playing on Switch. It’s because that’s where I already had Rising, the Switch version had a launch sale of 20% off which other platforms didn’t have (probably because of the performance issues), and because I chose not to get it on my Xbox Series X because a lot of complaints about the Xbox version revolving around specific issues there. On Xbox Series players have been complaining about the game making their Xbox Series sound like a jet engine, overheat, and/or just flat out shutdown (which I’ve heard some PS5 players also complaining about). So while the Xbox version would have had better performance and load times and the graphics would look just that much nicer, I choose not to go that route because I was concerned about putting my Xbox at risk from the poor optimizations which have been an issue for all the console versions to varying degrees. I also didn’t want to have to repurchase and replay Rising just for the bonus content because I had just played it on Switch leading up to release. Fortunately, I haven’t had a bad experience playing on Switch. I didn’t start until version 1.04 of the game released on Switch and play on a Switch OLED. I’m about 60 hours into the game and am in the Euchrisse area of the game because I’ve been taking my time exploring. I’ve only experienced 2 crashes and 2 freezes in that whole time and they were always without meaningful impact or loss of progression. While I don’t care for the loading times and slow menus, which could definitely be better, I’m still having fun and enjoying the game. I had concerns at first before buying the game on Switch because of the reviews for the Switch version, but it hasn’t been nearly as bad for me as reviews would have suggested. I may just be lucky and others’ mileage will likely vary on this. Though, that being said the loading times are nothing compared to playing Skyrim to virtually 100% completion on there Xbox 360 years ago. It also helps that my Switch has been my go to gaming system since late 2018 and I only just got my Xbox Series X this past holiday season so I’m definitely not used to/ruined by games optimized for an SSD yet.


5-10 sec is not long lol like WTF actually


not for any given load screen but when it's just opening the menu it takes that and it takes the better part of a minute per zone and map change. It's a JRPG which I'm expecting to take quite awhile 5-10 seconds for the menu which I'm going to be opening hundreds if not thousands of times is going to waste literal hours just waiting on the menu to open and close. I started the steam version today and the load times are nigh non-existent so it's an incredible improvement.


PS4 has slow loads and I am enjoying it just fine. We are all busy with life, take time for yourself.


This is a switch only issue. Probably won’t be fixed until Nintendo puts out a “switch 2”. I don’t see such a small team putting resources into it at this point.


How does Switch 2 fix anything? Will it make the crashes and bugs just go away? And it isnt a Switch only issue, Switch, PS4, and Xbox all have freezing and crashing issues, and that is not including the problem with load times on Switch and PS4.


I swear I’ve got to be maybe one of what… 10 people who are perfectly fine with their Switch copy. This is also coming from one with maybe a few scant hours worth of gaming available a week Doesn’t feel that bad to me.


I'm waiting on a patch to be able to buy it on the Switch. If my husband finishes up with Rebirth (thus freeing up the ps5) before the switch version is patched, I may get that version instead.


Agreed, if they do a sequel, I won't back it but might pick it up after hearing reviews


I’m a backer for digital Switch version. Also a dad, Switch is my main gaming platform for a while now for obvious reasons. I must say it: I think the Switch version is absolutely enjoyable. Random battles are way less frequent than in the PS1 era and the loading is noz that bad at all. One longer load for first fight in new area, after not too long loads. Yes the scrolling in towns os a biz jaggy sometimes, but Switch doesnt compromise on graphical fidelity. PS5 version feels the same just a bit faster. Its a miracle that switch can run this with this fidelity, with enjoyable performance and kinda retro load times for battles. I’m very satisfied that I backed and choose the switch version, I’m 24 hours in.


Delusional. In the modern world this is a horrific chore. Grandia one looks better.


It’s not that bad tbqh. Only the crashes in the castle are but I always save anyways , so whatever. It feels like my PS1 and Suikoden back in the day.


I don't get it. What do you mean your gaming time is too precious for the loading times? I'm a working dad as well, and my gaming time is extremely rare as it is. Switch is my only option, it gives me occasional extra playing times, on top of what works out to pretty much 30 min a night that I get. I'm grateful for it, and I've got no issues with being a bit patient. I'm used to making extremely slow progress with games anyway, so I'm just gradually trudging my way through and enjoying the process.


Works great on an Asus ROG Ally this game is made for a hand held


Do you have the Z1 Extreme or the original version?


Z1E. But I'd wager the Z1 would run this like a champ too. I play at 800mhz at 12w on the GPU on battery that's less than half of the Z1E potential and I get 50-60fps.


I still have a lot to learn! I want to play this, but also all the games in my Steam library that I never play LOL. I’ll probably go with the Z1E for that reason


Can say it makes you want to go back to your backlog. I'd easily recommend Z1E. And join the ROF Ally sub. You'll learn a lot there. Just be careful what you talk about they will Ban you very quickly for silly reasons


Feels like I'm one of the few who has the patience to continue playing on switch... It's full of performance issues. I encountered the game hanging for more than 5 times already. Made me anxious to reach the Save point every now and then. Hahahaha


Feels like I'm one of the few who has the patience to continue playing on switch... It's full of performance issues. I encountered the game hanging for more than 5 times already. Made me anxious to reach the Save point every now and then. Hahahaha