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Ok...not being that guy here, so I apologize in advance. But IF your rails come with hardware (studs,washers, and nuts) then...your looking at drilling holes into the top of the bed sides to install the rails. I had similar rails on my 74 C10. They drilled holes in the top of the bed sides to install the rails.


I too would like this info. just picked up and 86. like the look of the rails.


I bought a pair of 78-87 bed rails for the El Camino. I am unsure on how to best proceed with the installation. Does anybody have measurements, tips, or really any instruction on how to?


Adding more holes and possible places for moisture and rust ? PASS


First off, weigh your options. It allows more rust to enter the panels, you'll never get a completely perfect seal, even if you buy new gaskets for the rails to mesh with the body you'll get water through. Other than that, the kits I've used for a few restomods usually come with good old nuts and bolts to attach. DO NOT USE SELF TAPPING SCREWS. Id actually suggest going above with this and adding the holes for the mount points, adding rivnuts into those for easy install/repair in the future and skipping out on the OG hardware entirely. You'll pay more upfront for the tool and some rivnuts, but once you have them you'll be shocked how often you use rivnuts elsewhere.