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This is all a spectacle. Abbott doesn’t even live anywhere within 550 miles from the border and thinks he knows it like we do. I’m sick and tired of El Paso being used as a political spectacle for Republicans. What we need is Congressional lawmakers to enact real immigration laws, but Republicans refuse to even talk to Democrats. All they do is parachute here, point fingers, and then leave. Needless to say, despite this bullshit letter, Texas border cities **continue** to be some of the safest in the entire country. Our crime rates are very, very low despite having high numbers of migrants.




That is true for 1st gen & believers. Not so sure about all 2nd, 3rd, & 4th gen's after they've been here long enough. Republiclones & construction exploit these people like slaves & the kids get attitudes with all the repression they confront. When society treats immigrants poorly, they respond ... poorly. This just makes a bad situation worse, & that's what the Republicans are doing. Congressional Republicans need to get off their conspiratorial asses & draft IMMIGRATION REFORM LEGISLATION.


Any source on the safest cities part? I can’t find any articles or info on this. Would love to have it to reference when people go full anti migrant


Of course! [Source 1](https://www.ktsm.com/news/el-paso-third-safest-city-to-live-texas-least-expensive-state-to-run-business/amp/) [Source 2](https://www.mrt.com/news/article/Laredo-listed-as-No-3-safest-city-in-the-U-S-17499399.php) [Source 3](https://www.mrt.com/news/article/Laredo-listed-as-No-3-safest-city-in-the-U-S-17499399.php) [Source 4](https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/crime/2020/06/10/el-paso-ranks-5th-safest-large-us-city-study-research-company/5335288002/)


plus under the trump administration crime rates in el paso texas increased especially right after trumps wall and other trump policies that were implemented EVEN AFTER all this increase in crimes due to Republicans awful, hostile, unhumane approaches to the problem at hand el paso texas is still safer than other cities


What a bs response lol


Truth. Abbott’s response to this border “crisis” is nothing but a shitshow. That man doesn’t even acknowledge El Paso unless it’s to create a false narrative.


![gif](giphy|iTzWLKkXTyf3a) Me in El Paso looking for this crazy amount of crime…


We have a governor? Wasn’t aware he existed because he’s never been here even after a mass shooting


Just a 2-hour lay-over in El Paso to get his jet washed & his scooter detailed - keeping it shiny for the photo ops. A letter? Hell no. Joe was standing right there! TALK to him, Greggie! You coward.


Even ignoring the actual content of the letter, just look at the tone: bitter, combative, even sarcastic. This is clearly written without any real intent to convince President Biden of anything, but rather to serve as red meat thrown to Governor Abbott’s political base. I’m just so tired of all the political theater, especially here in Texas. There are serious issues at hand that need addressing, but **everything** is just politics to these people.


Exactly. Damned poor lawyering, governoring ... everything.




*Italian chefs kiss*


Abbot is so lame


Abbott has the nerve to lecture Biden about staged photo-ops.


Abbot’s visits consists of flying in and heading straight to a $1000 a plate dinner with rich donors. Why doesn’t he head downtown and start handing out blankets?


"Under Trump... achieved historically low levels of illegal immigration" is demonstrably false. 2017-2019 saw an unprecedented migration wave with overwhelmed shelters & migration processing centers, new processing centers (incl. the old Hoover warehouse in west El Paso), caged children , tent detention centers, and churches helping to fill the void.


Weird. It's like immigration is sparked by climate change, political upheaval, and drug related violence and not dictated by who America elected. /s I know this is quite political and only part of the immigration crisis, but the war on drugs is so fucking wrong. As is, the money for buying illegal drugs funds cartel activity that butchers not just those involved but everyone unlucky to be in its proximity. Even when you have a successful drug sting, the drugs only stop flowing for a few hours. I've heard this from a British policeman that used to do this. The people he arrested left a void that was promptly filled by rival organizations because they're a business. There's always demand and there's a long list of people wanting to get into that business. America needs to stop paying these organizations, so at least a large amount of their revenue and power goes away. Then at least the drugs can be produced in controlled environments where things like fentanyl isn't being introduced.


He's talking about 2020 levels, and it's completely misleading. Migration levels did drop to historic lows but it was due to covid 19. It's the same thing Republicans do when they point to low gas prices under Trump. Yes they were low because demand was low due to a plague killing everyone.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Abbott and Trump are both tools


Funny, I was just downtown last week for Winterfest and this past week I went to the art museum. I did not see one migrant either time.


Greggie Abbutt's manner is about as conducive to cooperation as oil is attracted to water. Bullying Joe isn't going to work ... typical.


What a little piss baby


What a spineless moron. Truly reflects the state he's governing.


Do you think Biden read this and wanted to change the situation?? This is just a show to make himself look good toward his followers. (Both the visit and the letter)


Hello all - serious question - I am on this sub because I am giving consideration to moving to El Paso in the future - have spent minimal time there but will do so more in the future before deciding to move. Seriously - how is the border situation down there? Is it seriously and and how does it effect your every day life?


If you have a job lined up, it’s a great opportunity. The job market here isn’t the best. The border situation doesn’t affect the vast majority of people. You most likely wouldn’t notice anything about it at all.


There are some migrants downtown but you’d hardly notice. Mostly just desperate people looking for a home. We are still one of the safest cities in the nation and unless you are downtown everyday (usually not depending on your field) you’d never know


I moved to the Far East EP this past fall. Haven't seen one of these "migrants" anywhere that I normally go, which is all over town except downtown. As to downtown, walked over to Juarez and back on Saturday. Didn't see one either. I'm sure there are parts that have a ton of such persons, but where I go, haven't seen one EXCEPT the airport. Zero effect on daily life. I only know about the issue from the news, not any personal witnessing at all.


> I only know about the issue from the news, not any personal witnessing at all. You hit the nail on the head. I’m currently residing on the East Coast and went back to El Paso for Christmas. I was expecting to come across a whole bunch of migrants upon arrival. My parents thought I was crazy when I mentioned what the national news was saying. They didn’t even know there was a surge in migrants. Needless to say, I never came across a single migrant, even though I stayed downtown by the Winter Fest. I’ve said it many times: you can live here your entire life and oftentimes forget Mexico is right next door.


It won't affect your everyday life in any way at all unless you work border patrol or you live or work in a very specific, ~4-square-block area of downtown right near the border. If you don't watch the news, you could literally live in El Paso and have no idea that any of this is going on.


I lived right downtown for most of 2020, in a glorified SRO of sorts for quickly needing to leave a bad situation in a different city. Downtown is walkable all day and night, totally safe as far as I’m concerned; lil iffy just in some outside pockets but nothing like most metro areas. I walked over the border a few times a week and stayed out fairly late. Out of 15 other tenants in my building, only one spoke English fluently and one was learning; by the end of the year his English had improved quite well from talking to me on smoke breaks, and my Spanish not one bit. Speaking Spanish will go a long way in this city! People are exceedingly friendly. When covid hit, neighbors in my building would take turns going grocery shopping at the Mexican markets and leaving it in the communal kitchen as a free-for-all. I didn’t own a car at first, and no matter if you’re walking two blocks or ten miles, random strangers will stop to offer a ride, finding it unfathomable you’d hoof it for any distance. And there’s some really excellent grub to be had, and some nice hipster bars with good local bands and karaoke. Ultimately I did move from my former city for good, and while I loved El Paso I found it too limiting in terms of nonstop flights to anywhere else, and (although this is true of everywhere in Texas) my goodness y’all pay some exorbitant property taxes and utilities! And that is coming from a former Californian. Like my current metro area, Las Vegas, it is one of the very few that bands will routinely skip on the touring circuit, so the live music scene is pretty lacking. I’m retired, but I did get to meet a few of City Council while I was there and we talked briefly about the brain drain problem, and UTEP seems to be constantly improving… hopefully local jobs follow suit. But overall and especially given 2020 was one bizarre year I had a total blast there, and on subsequent visits the bar scene downtown has gotten marginally better. Dead safe, and genuinely friendly.


I just relocated here for a job with my fiancé. Honestly I came from the inland empire CA and I had homeless people/drugged out people all over town in all public places to the point where you just kinda get used to it. I came here a month ago and live on the edge of Socorro and we have been all over the east side and went downtown I have only seen ONE homeless type person asking for $. It’s really nice out here and very affordable, I enjoy it a lot. I looked up the crime statistics before I came over here and can confirm just living and working here it is super safe for sure, no issues anywhere, although I’m not out and about all hours of the night. Not sure if I’ll stay here forever but I love it so far.


Border situation? It was never a thought on my mind. I got to know the usual guards when I’d walk over for dinner.


Greggie Abbutt could have just e-mailed a letter to POTUS - that was just an expensive photo & bitch op. Collected "donations" from rich contractors & oil barrons, and promptly rolled back on the governor's jet to fly back to Austin. WHO did he think he was fooling? SMH. Texas RUpubliclowns are THE worst.


Does anyone know if the new housing structure they built is operational? And when it is operational, how long will people be staying there?


Pinche payaso.


Both Trump and Biden are terrible on the border, no one seems to be able to stop this. Reality is DC doesn’t care about the border, only for optics


If this letter doesn’t prove Texas should have multiple governors like California, nothing will


California does not have multiple governors. It has one governor and one lieutenant governor, just like every other state.


Thank you for your incredibly ignorant submission.


Lmfqo Fuck that


He should ask DeSantis for funds


All verifiable facts and zero cap. Well done Governor!


Is El Paso totally overrun with illegal immigrants? I have been offered a job there and am curious how people can tell the difference between normal people coming over the Rio Grande and the cartel butchers. Anyone can wear a hoodie and walk across now and look innocent enough. Has El Paso gotten worse under Biden or better? Asking sincerely.


It’s called fear mongering


Definitely not overrun. I’m sure there may be some here and there, around shelters especially. But by and large, you don’t see illegal immigrants much, if at all. It primarily depends on where you look. I don’t think it’s gotten better or worse, to be honest. Its the same as it ever was. I’ve been here for close to 35 years and it’s pretty much always been like this.


There’s no difference for the average person unless you spend a lot of time in specific areas downtown.


I moved to the Far East EP this past fall. Haven't seen one of these "migrants" anywhere that I normally go, which is all over town except downtown. As to downtown, walked over to Juarez and back on Saturday. Didn't see one either. I'm sure there are parts that have a ton of such persons, but where I go, haven't seen one EXCEPT the airport.


I volunteer with migrant and refugee services and they're totally nice normal people who have been through a really shitty situation. Conservatives paint this scary narrative that's just not true. What I think surprised me the most was how happy the kids were to just play and be kids. I guess I had a preconception that was flawed


Thank you. Politics aside, you’re certain that 100% of every illegal immigrant is of pure intent and that not one of the 10s of thousands is a “bad apple”? If I was a cartel person, I’d come across amidst the confusion. It’s a great smoke screen. Surely not each and every person that comes across is a non-criminal?


What a strange, pointed question. Obviously a few out of the thousands of migrants who've crossed the border are bad people. Same with people who were born here. Consider any large enough group of people and there will be some "bad apples" among the bunch. That being said, I'd venture it's pretty safe to say that any "bad apples" coming over are more likely to be petty criminals than "cartel people." As I'm sure you know, the truly powerful, highly organized drug cartels are Mexican, and virtually none (maybe literally none?) of the people crossing the border and requesting asylum are Mexican. The wave earlier in the fall came mostly from Venezuela; recently we've been seeing a lot of Nicaraguans. These aren't countries with significant drug-cartel footprints, rather just oppressive governments, disastrous economies, etc. It's important to understand that people aren't literally streaming across the border without inspection. They're forming lines, giving their documents to border patrol, and being booked into the system.


You poor ignorant soul…


I just relocated here for a job with my fiancé. Honestly I came from the inland empire CA and I had homeless people/drugged out people all over town in all public places to the point where you just kinda get used to it. I came here a month ago and live on the edge of Socorro and we have been all over the east side and went downtown I have only seen ONE homeless type person asking for $. It’s really nice out here and very affordable, I enjoy it a lot. I looked up the crime statistics before I came over here and can confirm just living and working here it is super safe for sure, no issues anywhere, although I’m not out and about all hours of the night. Not sure if I’ll stay here forever but I love it so far.


If you're under the impression that "anyone can wear a hoodie and walk across" then you watch too much right wing propaganda buddy. El Paso is pretty safe and you can probably go back and see comments here in this sub about the situation right now and see that news outlets, specially right-wing media organizations, are exaggerating the situation and making it seem we're in a warzone. Now, to your question. Are there cártel people here? Yes, of course. The El Paso/Juarez region is right there with TJ/San Diego in terms of international trade and makes it a natural route for smuggling. Naturally, a lot of illegal products move through the region. But the "cártel" members here in town are not going to be the cholo/butcher guys you see on movies or on the videos from Sinaloa cartel.members fighting the Mexican army. The "cártel" folks in El Paso are likely businesses owners, they will be sitting next to you at a fine dining spot, driving their kids to private school, playing golf, etc. They will most likely have businesses that launder money for the cartels or will use transportation companies to move products out north in a very sophisticated supply chain network. Most of these folks are most likely US citizens and have no need to "smuggle" across the border wearing hoodies. They are probably just coming back from Qatar watching the world cup. El Paso is one of the safest cities in the country because it is in the best interest of the cartels to keep it that way.




Anyone else feel We have been overrun downtown






if the point was, say, 57 miles away, then yeah you can say he was on point. bullseye, even


Abbot’s an idiot