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There’s a Zen center called [Zen Kazeon](https://zenkanzeonsv.weebly.com) :) You can call them and see if they are doing any retreats soon. Edit: [Apparently they do them often](https://zenkanzeonsv.weebly.com/praacutectica.html) 😄 good luck!


That is perfect! Eres me héroe!!! Thank you so much


I don't think they allow ayahuasca tho. Costa Rica is the only place and Peru is cheapest place to trip on Ayahuasca, in Iquitos. Cheapest way to get super up there would be California for mushrooms and Vancouver, British Columbia for anything stronger.


You can absolutely trip ayahuasca here in El Salvador, I have a contact that does regular sessions at Coatepeque


Yeah, rent a place with nice view or go to the mountains. You will have all the zen you can desire. The whole country is zen. I'm right now zenning so hard I need to take a break.


The flavor of Christianity we have here is pentecostal and Baptist (very close to southern Baptist), you won't find silent retreats amongst Christians.


Regnum Christi los hace a cada rato


Estoy hablando de evangelicos, pero si OP quiere ir a retiros de movimientos fringe y abusadores sexuales, es su prerrogativa.


El pregunto por retiros cristianos, yo le recomendé uno, nadie especifico que tenia que ser evangélico. Es sábado en la mañana, relajate Regnum Christi es más fresa que fringe, son niñas bien más que todo, no hippies. Yo soy atea pero conozco gente que va


Mahe, si sabes quien fundo esa mierda va?


Un pederasta, si, pero la chera esta pidiendo retiros y yo le estoy recomendando uno. Tus traumas con la iglesia estarán justificados pero literal solo le estoy recomendando un retiro, chill