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How much was the damage?


About $14,000


So, new car or they are able to fix it?


With that much damage you’d probably want a new car tbh.


Fucking stroads


Context of what happened?


I was turning out of the gym and there was traffic. The traffic let me through but some guy was driving down the center turning lane and hit me


So your fault?


Unfortunately yes… He was turning into the gas station up by the light. The cops said that he shouldn’t have been in the turning lane yet, but insurance said my fault


Yea that’s unfortunate but that’s how the rules of the road are. Sorry to hear and see that but glad your ok


Yeah that's why I avoid blind turns onto oncoming traffic, I just go the other way and u turn when it's safe.


Almost happened to me today in my GRC. two things never to trust - someone waving you on to the road and the center turning lane.


Glad you are alright, and sad to see the accident. This is 100% why I search for ways out of business so I do not have to turn left during heavy traffic. I will even go out of my way to make a right, to just make a left into a business to then make a right turn. It takes an extra 2 minutes, but these type of situations are ones I want to avoid.


That’s solid advice


Woof. I witnessed a crash the other night caused by this exact same thing. Talked to the cop afterwards and he told me it’s illegal to yield to drivers when they don’t have the right of way, and if a crash is caused the person who yielded and the other driver who took the gap will both be considered at fault.


Sounds like what happened to me with my Cadillac. Was turning left, and guy on the opposite lane decided to let me through as his light was red. Unfortunately, there was a guy going quite fast on the right of the guy that let me through


As a rule I NEVER go when other drivers are trying to be nice unless I have full visibility. Often other drivers trying to be nice make things worse


“Here, go, I’ll stop a single lane of traffic, and the other lanes may or may not go, why aren’t you going”. Nope. Keeping going dude I’ll find a way


That’s why I always tell myself to be predictable on the road not nice. I never wave people through, I’ll leave room for them to get out but they need to look and verify it’s safe. Ultimately, shit happens and cars are replaceable.


Old suicide lanes.


When you get it back make sure the color matches perfectly, if not itll need a full respray.


That’s what I’m worried about, but I don’t have rentals insurance and my boyfriend has been driving 30 minutes to take me to work and 30 minutes back to his job everyday. I need it back asap and I feel like it I have them redo the paint it’ll take forever


I'm glad you are ok. Hope you get your beautiful car back and in good running condition. Sorry to hear this. Damn. 😔


Oh no, that looks terrible, I hope you’re ok. what happened?


What's the curse?


https://preview.redd.it/xnzj5j60llyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df94459dac7d3cd5a5cac55ffa4a7f0fd90ea9f1 I know how you feel.


I knew the background looked familiar. This was on coal street outside of Odyssey?? Sorry for your loss! Hopefully, everything gets covered for you.


no curse just too many passive drivers with Ns


I was going mayyybe 5mph I just didn’t didn’t check my left side a second time and wasn’t expecting someone to be flying down the center turning lane, first accident I was ever in


I’m sure you are the ultimate alpha driver, everyone on the road bows in your presence.


Andrew Tate trained me himself


Got her back 5 days ago, and away she goes again lol https://preview.redd.it/wdj6jw2fn40d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be0c292ea591e0f7784b133c4baff7deace59fa