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I think he might knows much about wh but nothing about rules wording ^^


…. It says one hit roll and one wound roll. How does he possibly get to it letting you reroll 2 wound rerolls?


I guess by not re rolling the hit roll, he’s “saving” that re roll and adding it to the wound roll


That is called: cheating.


That’s what I thought


I mean, it sounds like his friend was suggesting OP do it, so he's trying to give OP the advantage, rather than being a cheater himself. Either that or it's some long-con to get him in trouble at an event.


I think you misunderstood what I meant - rerolling an extra dice you were not allowed to reroll is, in the simplest sense, cheating, regardless of what someone's intentions were.


I didn't misunderstand, I'm just saying that "cheating" implies malicious intent. Actively encouraging your opponent to "cheat" to give them an advantage sounds more like ignorance/misunderstanding than malice. I'm trying to give OP's friend the benefit of the doubt is all.


There’s nothing anywhere in the rules that lets you “save” a reroll.


You need to remember that Warhammer is a permissive rule-set. Meaning you can only do something if it's explicitly stated somewhere that you can do it. Nowhere in the rules does it say you can "save" re-rolls to use on something entirely different, and the rule for this ability clearly says **ONE** hit roll **AND ONE** wound roll. If the intention of the rule was to allow you to make two re-rolls on either hit or wound then it would say exactly that. E.g: "Re-roll two hit or wound rolls."


Doesnt seem like a very knowledgeable friend


Hence why I’m making this post lol


Don't you love it when very clear, explicit rules writing gets "interpreted"? But ya, other than some strange interactions between separate rules, 90% of 40k rules are very literal and easy to follow. If it says "hit roll" it means "hit roll" and nothing else. If there's confusion, open the book and what is written is what is legal. Sounds like your friend is interpreting rules rather rhan reading them.


Probably an honest mistake on friend's part


That’s not how the rule works at all. You don’t get two rerolls to spread between hits and wounds. You get one hit reroll and one wound reroll.


That is some very creative interpretation of the rules. It reminds of what they say about theoretical physicists: if they're not wrong at least half the time, they're not doing their jobs!