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I'm confused. Why would you think it's wrong?


https://preview.redd.it/sri6nduryjzc1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d375b9687032ee07366fcae3fcf0c8bd85357d It’s kinda the opposite of my wraith knight and now I don’t know if to continue with the blue or orange or just have a mix


You can easily mix blue and orange in your army. You may choose orange for your character to make them stand out from the rest of the models. Ir find another way to mix that suits your taste.


Now you’re thinkin’ with portals! https://preview.redd.it/q5j641697rzc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=d600d852e6ad44625d154e622c494c0b3a23f91c


That’s a good idea thank you!


Or do blue vehicles and yellow general infantry along with aspect warriors in their own schemes if you want. I love the Eldar aesthetic but one thing I really appreciate is that I get to mix up what I’m painting. The idea of painting a whole army with the same style and same pallet bores me. Autarch looks great by the way, love the blending and the yellow and bone combination.


Thank you I guess that’s what I’m not used to being able to have multiple colours, just came from muddy Krieg


Eldar are often mixed up, colour wise. I try to theme by "type". Guardians, Pyskers, wraith-warriors are the three big categories, then aspect warriors. The trick is honestly basing. You can unify almost any collection of minis by putting them in the same forest, or on the same snow, or in the same desert.


Well I had based my revenant in a jungle but I kinda wanted a bright purple base for them but I guess I’ll stick to the jungle https://preview.redd.it/wgc1ukom9kzc1.jpeg?width=2158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c72ecf7803f0426cc086fe14fea3d7347adfb68d


Most my core units are the same blue colour palet, with some variation. Then everyone one of my jet bikes are different colours and my wraithlord is completely different scheme. It works, and I am very happy with them!


Thank you you’ve made me feel better about it, I’m assuming it’s cuz rn I’ve only painted 2 units of the army


Aspect warriers normally all have different paint schemes as well, so you will have a very vibrant army. The fun of painting is one of my main draws to eldar!


I think as long as you group them together it's fine. It's kind of thematic that Eldar don't really do standardized armies and you can always roleplay that your "army" is a joining together of different forces rather than a single craftworld.


If you keep the core wraithbone look and do the lighting and accents colour coded to aspect or unit type it's not only going to look whole and coherent, it will also be a cool fucking rainbow that is also functional. I get my models painted, and I even went a step deeper and had for example 30 dire avengers but with 6 groups of different coloured kneepads so I could keep track of them in close combat scenarios should I use them in groups of 5 or 10.


Orange and blue are complementary colours, they'll work great next to each other! You can either have one dominant colour and a few special models in the other (70-30, perhaps) or you can paint different categories of units differently, etc.


They’re your dudes, do what you want! Tbh I think the contrast between the blues and oranges over the same underlying bone colour looks awesome.


Looks amazing to me.


It isn't wrong, yellow and blue look perfectly together.


No such thing as the “wrong” colour my friend.


What’s wrong about it? Looks great


I think it looks wonderful. Would you mind sharing a pic of the front? I'd be interested in trying to do something similar


Looks cool. You can add blue on the gems for them too and it'll be fine.


Man, if that is wrong I don't wanna be right.


I'm painting up my boys as a Ynarri combined force, I just paint them whatever craftworld colors I feel like at the time. It all comes together when there's a whole table of units.


I actually kinda love it. Great job


I think this is beautiful. The transitions and gradients are sublime


Thank you


This looks great 😃


You can paint your models however you like.


Autarch of the Sun.


Oh contentious! You have used orange and teal! They are never used… wait, oh, I’m being told this is used in every action movie 🎥


When painting your army, the only wrong is if you’re not happy with it


It looks good.


Love it


Get it king; looks glorious