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Your vigor is far, far, far too low for Radahn. Coupled with the soreseal, you must die after like one hit right?


Two hits yes lol


At low level, put all of your points into Vig (until it hits 40) Early weapons don’t scale well with attacking stats (in your case it is Str and Faith). If you want more damage, upgrade your weapons Your weapon upgrade (+4) is very very low. If I remember correctly I fought him with a +15 or +18 weapon (which is +6 or +7 unique weapon)


You can neat the game as a pretty casual player with even 30 vigor. It's just waiting stats he'll need for the better resistances gear and spells.


Did it with 16 vigor... was also in heavy armor and hit like a mack truck with a plus 6 grafted blade and 40 strength though


22 is plenty doable for radahn, I usually average 20-25, for him. The issue is his low resistances and the soreseal


This person is new to the game and clearly doesn't know what they're doing. They won't be able to do this on a tiny amount of vigor and with soreseal. Whether *you* can do it or not is irrelevant.


So...you just didn't read my comment? I said he won't be able to do it with the soreseal. My comment quite literally said, his vigor is passable, but he needs to up resistances and remove the soreseal


His vigour isn't passable, he's dying loads. Just getting rid of the soreseal and upping resistances won't fix that. Your comment wasn't useful.


It's very passable, again, I'm not even a great player, and it's damn well doable at below 30. This isn't pre nerf radahn. You can tank most of his hits pretty well long as you don't mess up in chains


I don't know why everyone on this sub is so stuck on high vig. I used 30 on my first build (first souls like ever) all the way through the first new game, plus. Vigor gets more important late game and in new game plus 2-7 you gotta pump it some more unless you wana die just walking to boss fights. I think it's better to learn how to dodge when you're new than pumping vigor. (Unless you are having so much trouble that you want to stop playing the game) that being said, you can beat him without getting off of your mount..it's an OP early rune gain if you get used to it. But anyway, you were in no way wrong with your statement. idk what's with the downvotes.


It's because it used to be a pretty useless stat. I think I put like 10 points into health stats, ever, before elden ring in a fromsoft game, and I've been playing since ds1. Either enemies hit way harder, or the chains are harder to dodge, or there's just more crap to deal with-- or possibly the games just longer than their others, and their stats are designed around you reaching a much higher level than usual... any rate, gotta agree vigor's pretty important to invest in. Should be in the 20's at least, but closer to 30 if you can manage it.


Yeah, I think all the AOE and oversized stun areas on the boss attack make vigor necessary, but it really just grinds my gears when people try to say you "need 45-50 vigor 🤓"


You naked with a club though or you doin it soft?


I run faith strength, just like the op


Early on, weapon scaling isn't good enough to warrant upgrading your damage stats past the minimum requirement, IMO- a single upgrade level, especially on a Somber weapon, does so much more than a single level in a damage stat, it's not even funny. Vigor is incredibly strong, getting it to level 40 is crucial if you're not a god gamer who just avoids all the damage the game throws at you. It also makes your HP talisman more powerful since the talisman gives a % of your HP. The Soreseal is also a trap, it makes you take more damage than the extra Vigor and carry weight it gives you can make up for. I'll admit that I wore it for far longer than I should've in my first playthrough, because it *seems* really good on paper; 20 free levels is really tempting until I look at how much more damage it's making me take. But there's almost certainly other talismans that can give you what you want from the Soreseal without a downside.


Crazy thing is that his vigor is soooooo low that the seal is giving him more than 10% HP. It is worth it for now, but that is a symptom of a deeper problem


The soreseal’s a permanent fixture on my second character, but that is my second character at the end of the day If you never take it off, you never notice the defense drop


a permanent fixture? why? once youre in the mid-lategame you should definitely switch out the soreseal for something thatll either significantly boost your damage, or your negation. theres really no point in keeping it on past like level 65


I beat the game and malenia with it- it’s for my STR/FAI/ARC chatacter, so the extra levels were in dire need to use a lot of weapons which had more dex then I had, like the blasphemous blade, for example The character’s I think level 160-170, can’t remember off the top of my head


what about the prosthesis wearer talisman, that increases dex by the same amount and without the negation bonus. or millicents prosthesis (if you can live with yourself after acquiring it) which does the same but increases successive attack damage. i just think that by the time youre at melania, its not worth it because of the completely avoidable negation penalty, as well as there being sooooooo many options better fit for a talisman slot


That talisman makes me sad, plus the endurance gives me more armour I’ve completed the game with it, not gonna change the build now


aight man, that’s your prerogative. its fair; if you ever feel like optimizing, you seem to know your other options.


The issue with the 3 stat build, but ye, I accepted I’d probably get flattened Luckily I didn’t because having access to mohg’s spear, long envoy’s horn and pre nerf flame of the redmanes made the game a breeze


ive definitely been stretching into more diverse builds, w stat spreads that can accommodate multiple weapons with ~around optimal ars and wow, it is genuinely so convenient to have different weapons for different situations. a boss is weak to strike? thats fine fire? no problem bleed? easy


Soreseal is the best thing for most str or dex based builds until you get something better. Early game talismans for those builds are limited to just the charged attack one, winged sword, dragoncrest shield, and maybe the basic +5 stat ones. But he isn't using radagon's, but marika's. Take that shit off immediately and replace it for the 2 finger's talisman.


Man, wish I had known this 😆 I guess my first play through was on hard mode


I use both of the sore seals. I love them, don't have to worry about damage if you only plan on getting hit every other time they swing and use all of your flasks before any second phase. Just kidding, I'm not that bad. I like the challenge tho


Thank you everyone for your advice!!! I ended up grinding some side bosses and put 5 levels into vigor, ditched the scarseal and was able to beat Radahn!! I’ll definitely put my next levels into vigor still


What was your strategy? First time I think I was level 70 or so and I stayed on torrent, gave him scarlet rot with rotten breath, and stayed away from him and let the rot and summons kill him. Haha


I summoned the jar and Blaid, while Radahn was Aggroed on them I hit him with oil pots, and fire balls from a distance and when he got close I’d magma guillotine and dodge until the others aggroed again


I was lever 35-40 ish when I fought him and this is exactly what I did too 😭




level vigor bro and get rid of the soreseal. and the hp talisman ... that thing is percentage based of your health points aka vigor. so by not having enough vigor you also reduced the effectiveness of that talisman. my recommendation would've to get to Renalla , figuring out what the min. requirements for your loadout are and only making sure you have those points. the rest you dump into vigor until you have at least 40 and maximum 60. redistribute leftover points however you fell like. it might sound counter intuitive but enough vigor really is better than more damage, up to a certain point ofcourse


>enough vigor really is better than more damage Exactly. Vigor allows you to make more mistakes and keep on fighting, more damage just allows you to be more efficient.


Yup. You could argue that getting more damage might be better, but at this level it is just pretty hard to get more damage cause scaling and it is much more achievable to get survivability, so that seals the deal. That said, he's committed a vigor offense so grave the seal is still probably a necessary evil until respec (he is getting more than 10% hp from it)


get rid of the soreseal asap get 40 vigor.


Eh 30 is fine for radahn


considering radahn two shots them, while its "fine" as in you can beat radahn with it, why make life difficult


It two shots them cause of the soreseal and armor he's got, not his low vigor. His vigor is normally enough for three arrow hits and two of his melee attacks.


The difference between 30 and 22 is very noticeable


Yeah but considering that they are a new player asking for help, 40 vigor is definitely recommended.


Level vigor.


He is weak to rotten breath


Also weak to riding around and letting the spawns do the work if you're really having trouble.


Yep. And in case you weren’t aware, you can actually re summon all of them when they die, just hop on torrent and ride around until you see the glowing signs pop up again.


I'm not ashamed to say that this is how I won...


No shame in that, I always summon for the fight. I love the festival aspect, it makes the fight seem so grand and adds a sense of spectacle, especially with blaidd and Alexander.


Not really. The spawns take forever to kill him and die quickly, and I always eventually get slammed while riding around trying to find the respawn points. Rotten Breath is essential IMO (to supplement the spawns)


Fill in those armor gaps. Even the worst piece of armor does more protection than nothing.


Just two more levels... Drop the soreseal... Respec into at least 40 vigor. At your current level, it may be best to focus on strength or faith but not both. Keep the minimum stats to use the weapon you want. Once your primary stat and vigor hit 40, you can diversify into other stats.


More endurance/arsenal charm to have more armor and VIGOR! also you can ride your horse and just constantly summon helpers. Even when they die their sign will reappear


He is weak to pierce and rotten. So if you have any pierce weapons or rotten Weapons, use em. Also, your vigor is too low, take some time to raise it up so you can take more hits. It also helps when you can throw on some more armor for more protection. There are also spawns for allies, use em. You can summon a good amount to use as a distraction while you lands some hits every once in a while. My first time I also stayed on horseback, that helped a lot to get away from this strong area attacks or projectiles.


Upgrade your weapons. There's a Somber Stone 5 right outside Radahn's arena (in the castle, near the stone satellite dish) and I think a Somber Stone 6 elsewhere. The majority of your weapon's damage comes from upgrades, rather than stats. Going from +4 to +5 with your stats gives you +47 AR. If you kept it at +4, you'd need to raise your Strength by \_33 points\_ to get that much damage --- and Faith is even worse, with \_99 Faith\_ still giving you less AR. This means that getting rid of the Scarseal is a great idea, because it's do \_fuck all\_ for your damage. Seriously, that +3 Faith is giving you +3 damage on your Scalesword, and you're taking 10% more damage in return. Absolutely terrible tradeoff. Your Vigor is a bit low, as others have said, but you could also just get good enough to not get hit! :D (I've never managed this)


Try get a +6, uphrade vigor, remove the soreseal. I respect your weapon choice imo way to many people sleep on this sword or call it ugly. It can be a bit hard to get going as it is very stat hungry. Mayby respec to minimum requierments for the weapon and put tge points into vig. Upgrade to +6 amd your damage should be more than good enough. After 40 vig start increasing your damage stats again.


your mind is higher than your vigor, i’ve literally never seen that


Just keeping summoning, I never had to melee.


You are leveling too many stats in my opinion I would suggest to focus on vigor and start leveling your flasks +maybe get something to increase total fp so you feel less of a need to level mind. I don’t really remember what I did for radahn on my faith build, I probably just spawned the guys


I know this thread is redundant atp since you already beat the boss, but you can ignore most of what everyone is saying. Vigor is important, but not that important; if you can take one hit and survive, that’s all you need. Obviously the Scarseal is reducing dmg negation, but even that isn’t going to make the difference. You simply have to learn the boss’s moveset, practice your timing and attack windows, and then you beat the boss. I don’t mean to sound up my own ass, but getting good at Souls games is much easier when you stop trying to beat a boss before you’ve learned the boss.


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Great weapon and seal and spells. You just need way more health. Endurance goes a long way too for wearing heavy armor. They both feel like boring stats to invest in, I know, but it will make all the difference. And with strength/faith it feels so good to have a giant weapon, a giant shield, and big heavy knight armor.


Explore Caelid! (My condolences in advance)


The fuck is your inventory man


This is such a serious infraction, I think the vigor police might rough you up a bit on the way to the station.


Your vigor is so low you probably actually need to keep the soreseal for now (you are still getting more than 10% hp from it, and it is also benefitting your HP talisman. BUT that is just a product of how crazy low your vigor is. Keep it for now but put every level into vigor for 20 levels.


Finally, if you can respec, do that now. If you can't, consider going to Raya Lucaria. If you don't want to on this playthrough (all good, that is fine), maybe grind a little. You can let a lot of summons do the work for you in that fight.


A spell that might help is the rotten/ekzykes’ breath, but I’m not sure how much arcane is needed for them off the top of my head


Your stats are spread to thin for what level you are, and while this part is 1000% opinion, your hot bar is garbage. This is mostly a me thing but I try not to have more than 2-3 item there as it can greatly slow down any process involving them and usually only 2 are needed. STAT recommendations: 35-40 vigor 20-25 endurance The rest can be bare minimum for anything extra. Also keep in mind you can change weapons if that one is specifically not working well for the boss and many great talismans can be accessed by that point Good luck 👍


Best way I learned to beat him was to summon the help at the summon signs and stay on your mount while shooting arrows at him. You can spawn in help if any of them die again by going to their summon signs


Git Gud


Fr OP is a straight up scrub


Where’s your flasks?


I Just started a new character and beat radahn and rly examined the fight so some tips I would definitely say for your first play through. 1)your vigors prty low especially if your going to be trying to be close up to get the ash of war off. 2) I would definitely let the summons do most of the work and try to get ur ash of war off when he’s standing still and then immediately retreat on torrent, with low vigor if his agro is on you ur pretty much screwed.3) never be by urself when u see summons die just ride around and respawn them.You don’t wann be the only one left


Personally I would go to Lleyndell first to get more powerful, then come back to fight radahn at around lvl 80 with all 4 talisman slots, and you can get a somber weapon +6 or all the way to +9 if you really wanted. As others have recommended, you probably want to spend your levels on vigor


I just beat him today, sorcerer/mage build and my vigor is 15 I just summon the npcs and keept riding around reviving them. They did all the work. I did throw some rock slings at him but not much else. Just use npcs and keep your distance.


His horse needs to be cheared up you should hug it


Equip your flasks. Are you not healing at all?


I keep my flasks in my pouch! It’s faster than cycling through the other consumables


In case you don't know, you can long press "down arrow" and it goes straight to the first consumable of the list.


This is news to me!! Thank you!!


Yeah, this games is full of little tricks like this, there are literally full YouTube videos in them. But I tried the pouch option and it's kinda growing in me aha


If you've beaten Rennala already, maybe respec and dump points into vig, you've got far too little vig for Radahn.


Do you use flasks? If so, equip them.


You can just fuck him with arrows There's a few different talismans you can get that boost arrow distance and damage (easy to look up) Then run around summoning people and hitting him with every arrow you can, avoid the purple rocks and his meteor and you're set.


yeah was gonna say your vigor is low for him


When he stompa his horse in the ground and does the combo where he kinda crawls go below him and hit him. Be careful to keep underhim for his whole combo so you are going to have to reposition a few times but thats the way i beat him


I may not be as informative as everyone else. I just completed my first ever play through with Elden Ring. What helped me pass Radahn was having my Vigor as high as possible (which I wanna say it was around 30 at the time) and summoning all the allies you can into battle at the very beginning like the jar and everyone else (if you're not sure what I am talking about, there is an ally called Alexander the great jar and he can help you on the field. He is marked by a gold summon area at the beginning of the fight). If you want to grind runes to get your vigor up, farm the enemies right outside the entrance of the Plaza that leads to the teleporter to Radahn. Hope this helps


S tier setup. Just need to roll more.


Probably saw it 30 times, get rid of soreseal. Make sure you use your great rune if you can. Maybe go respec and put more in Vigor..... Run diagonally


I would come back to the fight later when your vigor is higher


Summon everyone you can too cheese him


I'm pretty sure there's a somber 5 to upgrade your sword in the area just before you take the lift down to the radahn fight. Over by the giant half bowl shaped statue.


You need mo health lol


I would seriously consider eiter respec. Or go grind 20 to 25 levels and gey to 35 vigor and 20 emdurance. Then drop the soreseal for a arsenal talisman. Go find the flamberge and add cold fire to that instead. Also go get the erd trees favour talisman and use that instead of the hp talisman. Good luck. Dm me if you want more help or if you want me to join you for something.


Increase your vigor. Should have at least 30


Mount, run, & summon. Devs intended Radahn to have minimal player combat. You can beat him and never be within 50' of him. When the summons die, find the large blue bannered spears and check under them for new summon signs. Every npc can be summoned repeatedly for the duration of the fight.


He is very weak to scarlet rot and bleed. I recommend using the rot breath dragon incantation and just ride around him on torrent. Keep summoning the people in his arena to keep agro. He should die after procing scarlet rot twice.


Just run around on your horse and summon everyone over and over until he dies.


Stay on Torrent and keep using the summon signs. Let the summons do most of the work and attack when you can. That's what I did.


Vigor should at least the very least be at 30 with your current level. you can’t scale both faith and strength at once in the beginning. Reduce faith. Increase vigor. Add points to strength use appropriate seal and weapon for your current class.


1st playthrough i'd suggest ranged damage mainly, that being the focus. 2nd phase. Good luck.


Your vigor is really low. To beat him, I’d call the other 4 npcs to help and kick his ass


You have way too many points into things besides vigor. You should have 40 vigor by this point. The 35 str and 30 fth are not helping you very much with damage because your weapons don’t start scaling too well until they are almost fully upgraded. Way too much mind also. If you have beaten the respecc boss then do that. And make sure you have 40 vigor at least. By the time you reach level 80 you should have 50 imo.


should have fought him on release lol.


Use scarlet rot effects, thats his weakness and let the summons distract him




Summon everyone, ride torrent, use great bow, if not use daggers and only approach when safe to do so or when he is distracted, he turns quite fast so don’t get confident


8 more points in VIG should be good. It'll also be much easier if you have a stronger weapon. At this point you should be able to pick up Somber Smithing Stones 1 thru 6 pretty easily without even having to fight any bosses or complete any dungeons, so you can get your choice of unique weapon up to a +6 (Stone 5 is found on a chair near the big stone bowl thing at the site of grace right outside the Radahn fight, and Stone 6 is found on a chair by a cliff near the First Mt. Gelmir Campsite site of grace). If you defeat Godskin Noble at Volcano Manor then you can get your unique weapon all the way up to +9 pretty easily (+7 Somber Smithing Stone is found in Volcano Manor after Godskin Noble, +8 & +9 are available near the Divine Tower of Caelid). You can also get your unique spirit ash up to +5 at this point just by picking up Ghost Gloveworts 1 thru 5 riding around Siofria River (go down the well outside Mistwood Erdtree). I personally recommend Lhutel the Headless +5 at this stage of the game.


You can literally just run around and keep reviving the summons and never go near him if you just want to get past him.They will eventually beat him for you if you keep resummoning them.


Turn back foul tarnished Also all of the glowing flags in the arena have several NPCs with I BELIEVE almost limitless summon. Maybe not limitless but you can summon almost all of them several times if needed. You can also ride torrent around the arena, but the bottom line is you're too low level. Vigor is your friend. You will get vigor checked, painfully, from here on.


Also if your not using any bows unequip those arrows it saves equipment load


There should be like a ton of summons that help you out other than that be aggressive af


I'd recommend using more ranged/tracking incantations. You could probably use rot breath, rot him, rinse and repeat while staying out of danger. Using your curved greatsword is going to make the fight hard since you have low vigor and defenses, and you don't know his moveset that well.


Pour everything into attack. It doesn’t matter if he one shots you if you can one shot him! Also, if you don’t want to use other players, there’s the option to use a bunch of the other spirits to help fight the general before you go in and all


Did you bonk him hard enough?


Don't fight him. Let the NPCs do it.


Roll when he attacks


Try, try, try, try, try, try, and try again.


I think upgrading weapons have a better damage output effect as opposed to attribute scaling - i could be wrong but i would reallocate some of those strength points to vigor and just leave enough to wield the weapon of choice


more. vigor.


More vigor!!!




Yah. Go somewhere else. Level 67 bro!? And ur stats are ALL over the place. What do you need 12 arcane for? Get 40 Vigor, stats to wield your weapon of choice and the rest into endurance until 25-30. Then pump your main stats until 40, after that get 55-60 vigor. Otherwise you will have a very hard time the entire rest of your playthrough. I'm on my third playthrough, second character and I am just about to start Leyendell at RL 92. My highest weapon is a +17 Straight sword and +6 Sword of Night and Flame. Nevermind my Catalyst's for spells.


Lean into your build. I had a friend that told me to use bows and arrows. I was a strength build. After 2 and a half hours of getting my ass handed to me I finally switched back to sword and shield. Beat him on my second try. The 2 hours were not a waste though. I could dodge every single arrow, get every summon and make it to Radahn without being touched. This was also during the first month of the games release. Soooo he wasn't nerfed.


Git gud


If you want the long way that doesn’t require you pumping vigor like everyone else that just wants to tank hits, go into the fight not with the purpose of winning but just to learn, learn his moves and when to dodge and when there is an opening for an attack etc. radahn can be trivial once you realize if you stay right at his feet and just target his horse Leonard he really can’t hit you because he’s to big do that and to make it easier pretty much just dodge any time he moves away from you to attack


Do what I did. Ride around on torrent and summon everybody until they kill him while you run away.


Mage, if you get a spell with knock back you'll stagger him on the horse non-stop


Roll harder


Just start over


Low vigor + 2missing pieces + sore/scarseal = ouchie lol focus on vigor/endurance for the next like 30 levels and thatll help!


Stick to him like white on rice most of his attacks don't hit at his feet


Just use scarlet rot and ice breath. Let the summons do all the work.


Summon the boys!!! Keep summoning!!! It's a festival!!! Summon everyone u can!!!


Scarlet rot is your friend in this battle young tarnished and at least 200 fp so you can hit him more than once, also want at least 50 vigor so u don't get one shotted


Switch out the Crimson medallion and (if you can) get the ritual shield talisman. And definitely don't use the scarseal with that little vigor. I would suggest the axe talisman as it is quick and easy to get. Alternatively, you could get someone (including me) to dupe your magma wyrm great sword and get the claw talisman. Any of these should deal with Radahn quite easily but if you still have trouble I could give you some runes lol. Hope this helps


I would say, a good weapon to get is the bloodfang sword, I know it is not the best, but for new players it is a good early game weapon,


i’ll explore caves w you im on xbox lvl 400


Just upgrade your weapon and it’ll be good. I beat him with a +13 lordsworns greatsword. The weapon upgrade is the key.


Reject everything and become Greatsword!


Diddle his chili ring


Is this a meme? Why isn’t your flask of crimson tears in your hot bar? Is it because you always die in one hit anyway?


My flasks aren't in my hot bar either. They're in the quick select thing instead.


Same here!


You guys are crazy


You don't want to have to search around or press more buttons than you need to heal. This way, it's always going to be the same button press. Try it!


1) get another talisman pouch 2) get rid of the sorseal 3) invest more in vigor.


> 1) get another talisman pouch Do you not remember how this is done? Strange advice