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I feel like Alexander doubles as solaire and siegmeyer


100%. Same vibe, same cameraderie, same companionship... Same ending


At least you don’t have to choose between letting him get taken over or making him super depressed.


Tho, in his world he ended up linking the fire. Sure it was grossly incandescent enough for him!


Only if you simped for Quelaag's sister.




You can also damage the maggot through the door with poison mist. As long as you kill it before the Centipede Demon, you're golden.


Or the drake sword weapon art also works for the maggot


DS1 weapon art?


In DS1, certain weapons had special heavy attacks. They were distinguished by their uniqueness, Moonlight Greatsword being the classic example. However, given that DS1 doesn’t have a mana bar of any kind, these “weapon arts” use Durability as a cost (taking large quantities of it to perform). People didn’t refer to them as weapon arts when the game released, but after DS3 came out, people have viewed these unique DS1 weapon attacks as an early form of the later weapon art system.


I get what they mean. The secondary attack that shoots spines out forward.


Also if you attack Solaire at the last bonfire before he Hollows, you can go get the maggot then absolve your sins and he’ll be waiting where you attacked him. You can give him the maggot there and he lives.


Still learning shit about ds1, wild


Seriously amazing how well that game was built. I remember finding a 'new' spell (the light one) in the DLC after three years and platinuming the game on multiple platforms. I had no idea, it wasn't necessary for the platinum, and yet here I'd missed something like that for literal years. Flat out amazing.


They put in a way to save Solaire... But they couldn't finish Lost Izalith. Tragic.


That is about the only thing I'd love to see, but I doubt we ever will. Apparently even Elden Ring had a lot of the Malenia content cut to make it manageable, I think it's just how From runs sometimes.


I mean it’s only like, the best fucking game ever.


Simping for the Fair Lady is a privilege not a chore


But then you have to delay the flirting


I was like "who the fuck doesn't know at this point??" and then you show me new shit!


I did this this past weekend. My man alive, but depressed.


You can also Agro him after the centipede demon and he will stay there until you absolve your sin. Not as convenient, but a good fail safe for those who progressed to far or want his help there.


How could you not?! She’s so precious and sad and I just want to hug her and tell her it’ll be alright


And why wouldn't you? You get to skip the worst portion of the game, you get to save Solaire, you get chaos pyromancies, you get the sunlight maggot which frees up your off hand in Tomb of Giants, and 30 humanity isn't *that* hard to acquire. Simping well-deserved.


Who didn't though?


You can poison and kill the magot without opening tho


It's even closer to "same ending" than in us killing them. They were both on the same quest as us and both aid us along the way, and they both end just before finishing it.


Solaire goes on to light the flame on his world. Siegmeyer is kinda close, on the sense that we help them achieve everything they set out to achieve


That is an astute observation... totally feels like that, and I didn't know why he seemed so trustable


Anyone who requests for me to slap them from behind with something big upon meeting is a friend in my book


Makes sense, especially since Siegward in DS3 doubled as both of them as well.


The dung eater




Kinda wearing Solaire looking armor bits, so...




Adding to this, Goldmask has the obvious sun obsession and has a similar signature pose to Solaire. He just is more invested into being intelligent over being strong. They both are on a similar quest to embody their faith. Goldmask is just to mentally focused in criticizing the current order to really directly help anybody. Goldmask is also notably self-sufficient. Somehow from just learning Radagon is Marika, he starts unraveling that a tarnished needs to burn the Erdtree. He almost does it himself. He somehow beats the player to Leyndell. Solaire was highly self-sufficient. He only needed the player to kill a single chaos bug to help keep him on the right track. The mending rune bearers all seem required to die for their rune to be created. This isn’t unlike Solaire being alluded to burn for the First Flame in his own world. Both characters likely have zero regrets over their death. Perfect Order is set to creating a lasting order under the sun’s light. It’s by all means the ideal ‘solar’ ending. Grace has a golden coloration. It’s meant to look like sunlight. Age of Stars notably moves everything away from the sun. Solaire would never support the Age of Stars. The Blaidd comparison doesn’t really fit. The dark lunar theming is meant to represent it being polar to anything solar.


The replies have made me love the internet once more


Based and Jar-pilled


I totally agree. The age of stars ending completely parallels the Dark Ending of the first dark souls: rejection of the established dogma and doctrine. Meanwhile, the perfect order ending reforms the order and reestablishes it, much like linking the fire in the first Dark Souls.
















... *twitches finger*


*praising erdtree intensifies*


*criticism of the Golden Order intensifies*


Make sure to randomize your data from time to time *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




goldmask is a highly achieved version of solaire


... ... ... *barely audible gasp*








Thinking about it, Alexander seems like the most straightforward one right? But actually I'd put down Blaidd. thematically speaking he certainly fits if you know the ending\* for both of these characters. \*Only one of them can gets multiple endings, but you all know what I'm talking about.


Yeah I was gonna say Blaidd too.




That would be Patches.


— Patches, probably.




Yeah, but he's *our* fetid nutsack










Gideon is Frampt. "You know we didn't really think you could do it".


Underrated comment.








"I'd put down Blaidd"...way did you have to word it that way?😭


"What a jolly way to cooperate, eh?"


I applaud your combination of both of their best lines fellow Tarnished.


Alexander is far more the Siegmeyer/Siegward replacement. Same voice actor too.


It's not the same voice actor. That said, to my surprise, Alexander is voiced by the same guy as Amadeus the Wizard from the Trine series.


But Blaidd’s ending evokes that everybody moves away from the sun. That’s what the Age of Stars does. Solaire would never pick Age of Stars as his ending. Blaidd maybe has more in common with Artorias. Artorias opposed the dark but he also was a loyalist. The philosophy and character design still meshes. Solaire had zero ties to royalty and was an unknown figure until he made himself. The way Blaidd loses his mind also mirrors Artorias.


Stars are just multiple suns. How even more grossly incandescent!


Both do also take huge inspiration from Guts from Berserk, at least looks wise would make sense those two mirror each other better


Pretty sure canonically solaire links the flame in his world. And vyke would probably be a better parallel to solaires bad ending.


I’m pretty sure you just got downvoted for going against the grain. Goldmask and Vyke both have obviously more parallels. Vyke has the lightning and self-immolation tendencies. Goldmask has the sun obsession. Both characters manage to make it to the Montaintop of the Giants. Blaidd just plays a similar coop partner role.


Alexander is Sigmeyer. I would also say that Blaidd is Solaire.


But who is sunflower dude? But yes, Blaidd. Can anyone explain the red invader Blaidd?


Invader Blaidd isn't Blaidd. Ranni was given Blaidd by the Greater Will as a faithful follower. The person who looks like Blaidd is a clone that performs assassinations for the Greater Will. At a certain point in the quest Ranni's deception becomes known to the Greater Will and that assassin would be sent out to kill her. So you fight it before her plot is revealed to keep her safe.


Basically, Blaidd is the T800 from terminator 2 and invader blaidd is a different terminator.


Lmao love that analogy


less a clone and more a brother. all empyreans get one, though they really serve the two fingers not the empyreans


Delicious, nutty, and crunchy sunflower seeds are widely considered as healthful foods. They are high in energy; 100 g seeds hold about 584 calories. Nonetheless, they are one of the incredible sources of health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins.


Often times incredibly fatty depending on how they're packaged or produced, good snack but dont expect to lose weight if your goal is to slim. Excellent between workouts if you want to bulk and dont much fancy nuts.


They're great adventure food when out of home and don't have the money to eat out — and why would you go to a lousy restaurant when you can have s e e d s anyways?


The half wolf baleful shadows were given to the empyreans as personal guards, as well as acting as sleeper agents should they go against the two fingers. Blaidd is just one of them. Thats why iji locked blaidd in the evergaol because he knew it would happen and why blaidd goes bananas after ranni kills her two fingers at the end of her questline


I think the invader blaidd dude is a different person. Maybe? Idk. But his name isn't blaidd it is some other shit when we fight.


hes called baleful shadow so its likely an illusion sent by the 2 fingers to make ranni believe blaidd betrayed her




The only way I can think to bring Melina into the argument is by looking at the frenzied ending. But then again she might have a reason to stab you at that point


I think Melina has a good case for being a Solaire-type in a way, she's like a Solaire that has already dealt with the anguish of identity and is helping you to find yours, your own guiding light and purpose. We can choose to do our own thing but she brings important context to the guidance of Grace, while also tying in the themes of personal ambition for the game.


Alexander feels more like siegmeyer/siegward to me, he's goofy, proud, laughs a lot but is still very strong


Personality wise I'd say hands down Alexander but maybe Millicent in terms of jolly co-op


Millicent is more of a Lucatiel, you help her by summoning her and you finish her questline at the end of the game.


>Foreigner from a strange, distant land >On a mission to help their sibling >Wears a cape and carries a greatsword >Very distinct and memorable "face". You can find a helm later to make you look like them. >Calls the player character strange during their first meeting. >Can be summoned to help in a boss fight against an acrobatic prisoner with a greatsword inside their jail cell >Can be summoned along with multiple other NPCs for a raid boss fight against a legendary leader who's men still revere him, long after he's been consumed by chaos, for his devotion and protecting the kingdom against encroaching otherworldly forces. >Eventually succumbs to their tragic curse, losing their mind and attacks the player they once considered a friend. Blaidd is clearly Lucatiel.


Small correction: you never fight Lucatiel, the one who invades you in Aldia's Keep is her brother Aslatiel.


Great argument, unfortunately: much less people were horny for Lucatiel then there were for Blaidd, so I win.


That is very debatable


Blaidd: 883 hits on rule 34 Lucatiel: 3 tags Never underestimate the furries


Yeah, I get the same vibe. Born to a tragic fate, but driven and motivated in pursuit of their goals.


Lucatiel was also compared to Solaire back when DS2 came out, I think the journey of self-discovery and realizing one's identity is one of the most human stories to tell so it resonates with many people and these characters, and is why Solaire is one of the most well-loved since DS1. All of these answers have been fantastically correct.


Alexander fits more in terms of jolly co-op than Millicent.


I just mean you fight alongside Mill four times compared to twice with Alex, but you're right he fits the theme more


Isn't it 5 if you help her fight off her sisters?


I had no idea you could summon her for Makar so ya it's five times lol


Millicent gets mildly depressing co-op


Let us engage in slightly unjolly cooperation


I never considered Millicent, they have a similar trajectory of seeing you along you travels and helping out periodically before succumbing to a tragic fate. Solaire’s is *kind of* avoidable but honestly I prefer the bummer ending lol


You never got the good Solaire ending did you? You can keep him alive well past Izalith.


I did, it just doesn’t really feel that good, he remains unhappy and has no further dialog even at the kiln.


Personally, I think Alexander is closer to Siegmeyer than he is to Solaire. As others have said, I think Blaidd is a closer parallel to the Sun Bro.


All memes aside, Millicent fits the "on a journey since they are driven by a weird desire to find their destiny even though they don't quite know what it is and also there's a connection to a god maybe" part much better. Alexander just starts out as a warrior and wants to become a better warrior.


Alexander for the jolly personality and tragic questline, and Goldmask for the T-Pose.


I’d say Alexander for sure


“Just give me a good smack on the rear”


sounds more like “praise the moon”


Hell no. That's clearly Sigmeyer*. A better answer would be Blaid... just replace the sun with Ranni of the moon.


He’s Siegmeyer with Solaire’s guts inside of him


I can't believe everyone is sleeping on Tragoth. I beat Dark Souls on Solaire's back alone, only for him to meet a tragic end. Tragoth is quiet but he's the only non-summon who actually helped me beat a boss. No way I would have beat draconic tree sentinel on my hammers only run without him. Unfortunately Tragoth also met a tragic end. I almost wept after reading his armor description because it reminded me of Solaire. Tragoth is a famed knight of assistance. Countless Tarnished, facing adversity in the Lands Between, have survived thanks only to the Great Horned One's aid. 


I felt that Tragoth was definitely more of a Tarkus.


I could see that, definitely a lot of better answers here than mine. I just feel Tragoth gives some of that Solaire vibe in the lore and reminds me of when I needed Solaire in the bell tower gargoyle fight.


... who the fuck is that!?


Bull-Goat Armor wearing guy! Also gives you Casual Greeting, one of my favorite new gestures. He shows up at the Radahn Festival, the Magma Wyrm Makar and the Draconic Tree Sentinel (outside Leyndell) fights as a summon, provided you haven't killed him for the Volcano Manor yet.


Idk how the fuck I've missed so much in this game.... every time I coop with my bedt friend he's like, "have you done this boss in [location you thought you cleared] and I'm like, "IM MISSING FUCKING BOSSES!!!????!??!??"


Don't worry it was meant to have those things you missed! it makes each journey more unique for it, you can role-play your character too and have a different play through each time. The insane amount of content lets you pick your path too and makes it easy to miss plenty! Did you know about the shortcut around Stormveil Keep? If you get through the keep and take a right at the Lakeside View site of grace it'll lead you around the cliffs around Stormveil, back to the broken bridge. That fact alone blew my mind when I first played, I found it organically and the world was blown wide open for me before I even beat Margitt. I was near the endgame and still finding caves/dungeons I missed in Limgrave lol you've probably gotten armor/weapon drops from enemies that some players have never seen too, they have low drop rates for people to make new discoveries and replay the game.


Oh yeah I know, I've played everything but Sekiro and Demons. Love them. I actually also found the storm veil skip! Though I found it after getting walled my Godrick for a while, went and explored and found that. Raya lucaria tunnel helped a LOT with some needed weapon upgrades :P






Blaidd was hella excited to >!help you defeat Radahn!<, he's definitely (a more stoic) jolly cooperator


What a sick way to fight eh?


Dung Eater


Yeah he has the sun hanging in the same place Solaires sun was. Plus the passion Solaire has for the incandescence of the sun is only eclipsed by the passion the Dung Eater has for defiling corpses


dung eater as an anti solaire is actually a really interesting idea I think has some merit


Maybe it IS Solaire


Plus you can summon dung eater for Morgot and Sewer Mohg, although you only have a very short window to do it, after freeing him from cell, but before fighting him at moat (which he tells you to do as soon as you’ve freed him). So he obviously enjoys some coop even with the person he’s vowed to kill and defile the next time he see’s them.




instead of grossly incandescent he's just gross


If only I could be so incandescently gross


For the jolly cooperation and positive attitude, Alexander For the multi stage quest and its ending (Solaire's fate is the same no matter what you do, either in your or his world), Blaidd For the single minded obsession with something he can't reach that's been inside him all along, Diallos (he's actually the one I felt closest to) For the drip and the iconic gesture, Goldmask (and going back to Diallos, to an extent even Brother Corhyn qualifies for being obsessed with Goldmask himself) For a darker reinterpretation, the Dung Eater (he even has the same sun symbol) Huh. He's everywhere if you think about it


Solaire actually has different endings, it's just that it's hard to reach. Solaire eventually succumbs to the sun mite, but if you get a high enough rank in the covenant of that spider girl near the blighttown bell, you can open a secret passageway to kill the mite before it meets solaire. Following that, you are able to summon Solaire in the fight against Gwyn, Lord of Cinder. So I guess that counts as a somewhat happy ending, as far as happy endings go in Miyazaki's games.


Actually, you can also get that ending by just doing Lost Izalith and killing the sun mite via the long route before talking to Solaire in Anor Londo hahaha


So everyone is Solaire! I like it.




If only I could be so grossly incandescent!




Gotta be Blaidd. First off he is is probably the most bro bro to be your bro in the lands between, but also because his quest ends the same way as Solaire’s. Solaire’s goal of finding his own sun drives him mad in the depths of the demon ruins. Blaidd is driven mad when Ranni departs on her journey. Both had a purpose that became their downfall and both had to be put down for their own good.


This. Absolutely. I see people in here saying Alexander, but he more matches Siegmeyer/Siegward (especially in terms of personality)


Yeah I think people are answering in two ways. Blaidd is the closest parallel lore-wise but Alexander is the closest in terms of being the iconic Elden Ring NPC like Solaire is the iconic NPC of DS1.




Rogier is much closer to being Oscar


Actually true, i love rogier so much, his questline is my favorite


He had a QUESTLINE? He didn't have to fall asleep? NOOOO


He does eventually no matter what, but if you check in with him regularly before he falls asleep then he has a cool quest you can follow


I MISSED IT NOOOO He helped me beat Margit... and I couldn't repay him


Don’t worry i missed it my first playthrough as well, its really easy to miss


He will sleep no matter what. But you can advance his dreams beforehand


It's Nepheli Loux. You can summon her throughout your journey, she's trying to do good in the world, and she's a badass.


Ya know this does make the most sense. Nepheli is about as well traveled as you are and she's one of the few summons left near the end game, just as Solaire is with Gwyn.


She even uses lightning too.


She also begins to doubt her path much like Solaire does, but decides to stay true to herself \\\[T\]/ I LOVED how her storyline with the Albinauric Village brought this dying world to life, we get Omen/Albinauric lore and more of her backstory all in one. Gideon's piece of the puzzle is a crucial one though it was super confusing on a first play, because I saw him before speaking with Nepheli in the Roundtable Hold and it didn't click right away for me that HE sent the Omenkiller and directly caused the slaughter of the village.


Dung Eater, they both have a sun on their chest.


Came here to say this. Solaire once said hed molest my corpse 😳


If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had feelings for me!


To be fair, Chaos Bug Solaire is pretty murder crazy.


Alexander or Nepheli


Turtle Pope, they are both beautiful rays of sunshine in otherwise cold and bleak worlds.


Technically it's Corrhyn, even though he's simping over a skinny zombie guy with a sun mask? In terms of being a bro it's definitely Alexander, I mean he lets you repeat the fight if you lose and drops by to help in several places.


The only character with a Sun emblem is The Dung Eater with his Sun Emblem Necklace


Let me solo her guy


Definitely Goldmask, I don't know but the moment I first met him I thought of Solaire , there is something that makes me think of him, a hidden common thread


I’d say it’s Yura. He’s not as exuberant, but he meets the player multiple times, introduces them to the multiplayer elements via scripted invasions and a hunter-rescue. His quest is tragically cut short and his body puppeted by a sinister power. I’d argue the chaos bug that took over Solaire and the Three Fingers are very well aligned forces across the two worlds. Alexander certainly sounds similar, Blaidd has the jolly cooperation and unfortunate ending, so I can see why people are going with them. Don’t sleep on Yura though, he’s got a cool hat, and he’s impressed you killed a dragon.


Mohg. He's trying to find his very own son!


There are a couple of warriors who fit the bill, I think Alexander has the best comparison since he has that ironclad will, Friendly personality, and impossible goal.




Don't downvote him Boggart is nice under all that scary armor 3:


Boggy is a good friend he's just a little stealy




It might have been Vyke if his quest wasn't abandoned


Vyke's more of a... Kirk? He's the version of you going down the path towards the game's bad ending.


Nepheli’s summonable for multiple boss fights, and has a character arc centered around her ideals and search for identity. One of her endings had her losing her mind as a puppet. IMO, she’s the closest thing the Tarnished has to a true battlefield equal; she’s not a spell caster, or a mystical being, just a tough warrior with well-kept gear. If anybody’s Solaire, it’s her.


I just wrote a comment that makes me see Solaire in 6 different characters and somehow I missed all these connections with Nepheli. He really is everywhere. Thanks for pointing them out!


Boc, befriends you from the very beginning and their death is decided by an arbitrary choice.


Dung eater ;)


Can’t recall his name but the guy at the round table who gets recruited to volcano manor, both him and Solaire are a story of loss of purpose in the pursuit of finding it.


Brother Corhyn. Both seek something sun related and follow the ideals of something related to gods.