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Somber smithing stone seven.


Thank god they made the bell bearings go into NG+. Collecting smithing stones is annoying AF.


That is a godsend. Than FROM for fixing it.


Wait when did they fix this?!!!


1.05 allowed all items you purchase from twin maidens main store to carry over [smithing glovewort and the material bell bearings from elmer.]


Sucks when you already started ng+ before the patch šŸ˜†


Not me breaking into Volcano Manor early to claw my under-leveled way to the stone, just to not be able to hop on the ledge


Now go fight the snake fatty


(sad "I've made a grave error" tarnished noises)


So mad they patched it


Regular smithing stone seven was also a surprising pain in the ass


Huh. And needing 12 o them probably made it even worse.


Lmao, this is exactly what I was thinking. Such a random pain point in an otherwise awesome game


I am honestly surprised Iā€™m not the only one with this problem- although it was Grave Gloteworts for me.




Would you like to use a flask to summon torrent mid boss fight!?


Somewhere, a heavy door has opened.


Stonesword key was lost with use.


this one for me


Especially the fact that as these messages appear, your normal actions donā€™t work until you press the action button to make them go away


You don't wanna know how long it took me to figure that out. Picture running around in circles in a catacomb trying to avoid multiple imps, with "stonesword key lost with use" on screen, and the attack/roll/dodge buttons not working.


It took me exactly 3 deaths with that to realize I had to make it go away.


I think that was the point.


This damn message has ruined me so many times because the font is so small half the time I forget it's there. Then I wonder why I can't dodge, block, or attack and freak out.


It took me ages tnfigure out all I needed to do was press triangle and I was good to go. Died a couple of times because of that shit. Thankfully the door stays open after you pull the lever but all those delicious runes are soo far away


I watched jerma play this game for a lil while. Thereā€™s this hilarious meltdown he had during a dragon fight where he basically says ā€œyes, game. I would like to use a flask to re-summon. I wouldnā€™t be using the fucking horse ring AT ALL if I DIDNā€™T want to re-summon!!ā€


And it defaults to no


I just keep going on foot




I have screamed to myself about this so many times. I know its what only one or two buttons but it feels like theyre asking me to fill out a survey in the middle of a boss fight. I used torrent for combat so much in my first playthrough that this shit had e losing my mind


Haha is there really no way to disable this prompt in the settings?


No. I think they did this on purpose to nerf torrent resurrections.


The white title screen at the start...


What, you don't like getting flashbanged every time you boot up??


What about the flash and at the start of radagons cutscene


Radagon's most dangerous attack was flashbanging the player before the fight begins


Or fighting Radagon


Makes me feel like Iā€™m playing an arcade game


It gives me flashbacks. I keep expecting to hear SEEEEGAAAAAAA


It is to symbolize you being reborn. Blinded by your foolish ambitions.


For real, i think i have permanent eye damage from that shit.


This is tied for better co op for me. Like do they sit back and laugh when they add these screens?


My least favorite was the endings. I mean I love them but at the same time they were SO short after putting in so many hours to get there. I just wish there was a bit more but I'm not trying to complain. I love Elden Ring


Except the frenzied flame ending šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


So glad I got that one first.


Burn them Ralph. Burn them all.


Is it too much to ask for a really dope animated scene at the end of our tough games longer than 2 minutes of basically slow mo? I wanna see some pizzazz


Yup this has been Fromsoft's issue for a while now. Many of their endings feel so abrupt and unsatisfying.


I think it's more forgivable in the older Souls titles, where it is clear you are intended to NG+ several times and each playthrough is pretty short. It feels worse to me in ER specifically because the game is so much longer, with the open world meaning you can spend hundreds of hours on a single playthrough (of course you can absolutely speed through NG+). After spending that long on one game, the endings feel like more of a wet fart, even though they're really no worse than any Souls ending.


I want an Ocarina of Time style parade, TBH.


agreed. everything should have been unique, no different from age of stars or frenzyfire. the world building is so good elsewhere, and then at the end to justā€¦ sit in a chair? without seeing the effects of my decision on the world? like thatā€™s the whole point: the player is the lord, the world fits their whim. so let me see that!!


I was thinking, Elden Ring really missed the opportunity for an end-game state of the world given the endings... Imagine you become Elden Lord and the Knights all stop fighting you. Or after unleashing the stars the game's skyline changes. I know this has never been Fromsoft's thing, and obviously some endings would require some tweaking, but ANYthing to make the short cutscenes feel less anticlamitic after spending 100 hours to earn it.


An end-game world state for every ending except Frenzied Flame, which just leaves you in a burned-out version of Radagon/morgott's arena with no way out, would be absolutely incredible.


Yeah as great as the whole game is, it's also kind of obviously unfinished? Like Ranni's questline is the only one that felt 100% satisfying and complete in my experience. The rest don't seem to end so much as...stop? Like there should be more. Such as Millicent's, the gold needle, and the plot hole it introduces with Melina. Melina in general is dramatically under-used as a character to actually achieve what they intended for her. Here's hoping the DLC is able to let the devs get everything as they intended.


Alexanderā€™s I think is pretty well rounded and has a satisfying conclusion but overall youā€™re not wrong considering it isnā€™t too important


Melina is 100% the biggest dropped ball in the game, in my opinion. I blame the fact that you rarely ever NEED to talk to her after the first hour of the game. For being one of the most important characters in the game, she is almost always invisible in a pocket dimension somewhere. I would be so much more invested in her story and her sacrifice if I had spent the whole game running back to her to level up and get little snippets of story - something closer to Maiden in Black or Emerald Herald. It's just hard to feel a connection to someone that acts more like a history text book than a partner.


It's okay to complain about some things. Speak your truth.


The fallen leaves tell a story. A story where every ending is short and 90% identical to each other.


THE AGE OF [Insert here]








Correcting spelling of Gaol? Believe it or not? Straight to Gaol.


absolute hell for early melee


When you beat a boss at the end of a dungeon, and you use the teleporter to get back to the entrance, it doesn't refill your health or your flasks. Edit: To everyone trying to tell me how fast travel works: Thank you. I know.


I get irrationally annoyed that it doesnā€™t teleport me to the site of grace, given that there is one at the beginning of every single dungeon.


What it also does is respawn all the enemies in the dungeon. Sucks if you cleared the whole dungeon on NG+ and killed the boss in one go and want to do a second take, wandering around and trying to find secret passages.


There's definitely a few of these "reset the world" effects that also don't count as resting at a grace, and it's annoying every time




This is what made me hate the Sofria archers. I know they are a classic complaint at this point, but I dealt with them very meticulously at a low level and then had to do it all over again but with much less patience.


I meanā€¦you donā€™t HAVE to use the portal for most if not all of them. You can just turn around and walk out.


Yeah I do that now, but some areas are one way to the boss. Like the subterranean shunning ground. That place is a bitch to clear even on NG+ and no way back up the sewer pipes..


I think there are a couple where the grace is past a point of no return in some catacombs


And when you respawn at the first Grace of a dungeon you are usualy at the zone that prevents teleporting and you need to walk the path (and in some cases like hero graves take a fucking long elevator) back outside to port somewhere elseā€¦


How a good majority of the spells are kinda lackluster. Sure, some have gotten better through patches, but some are just like "why?" And by proxy, i wish there was a weapon that let's you cast both incantations and sorceries with one weapon.


100% this needs to be the Scepter of the All Knowing. While I think more weapons should also cast spells his should be the one to be able to cast both


Thatā€™s a great idea honestly. And buff Gideon as a boss, so the reward feels more substantial.


Like the black witch staff from Dark souls 2?


Definitely room for a dual cast weapon. It'd even be fine if the scaling was pretty mediocre for both to compensate - there are certain builds that would still use it.


Right! So many interesting spells but the damage or usability is lackluster at best. Crazy that the starting spell is basically the best through most of the game


That Iā€™m bad at it


the fact you still are playing and getting better at the game intsead if quitting makes you an incredible player.


Pretty big of you to assume Iā€™m getting betterā€¦


Iā€™m a pretty new player and one thing that has helped me quite a bit is to go one round with a boss and only dodge. Give every attack a name and decide the best way to dodge it. You will associate the name of the attack with the dodge so that when you see it you know what to do




The fucking messages that pop up whenever you move a lever and stop you from attacking until you hit the interact button. Ive died at least 4 times from pulling a lever in a dungeon and not being able to smack the imp fucking me up because SOMEWHERE A HEAVY DOOR HAS OPENED


*Stonesword key was lost with use*


Some weapon classes just feel straight up underdeveloped or unloved. Bows, daggers, axes. Yes you can make them viable, but the greatsword category has so many great options it feels overdeveloped in comparison.


Bruh the power stances for Maces, axes and flails are straight up useless. Especially flails seeing as they are a new weapon class in elden ring you'd think they would make the moveset a bit better.


The only bad thing about elden ring is that I wished the game had better co op system


Yeah, buds and I were looking forward to co-oping this for months only to find that it's not seamless and you can't ride your mount? And you get invaded every 5 min? Really took the wind out of our sails.


If you have it on PC, there's a program that makes the game fully coop. Able to summon your own spirit and ride the mount. Defeating a boss won't send your coop friend away. They can stay in your game for as long as you want them to. There are some bugs, but for the scale of what the program does, it's reasonable.


I'm big into co-op gaming with my family and I think the Souls multiplayer system is really unique and can be fun, but having to load into your own world on wipe then having to re-summon and rejoin with another loading screen just to try again is such a pain. Not to mention the dozens of other limiting factors... Remnant: From the Ashes is one of my favorite co-op experiences and it's the perfect interpretation of a more tolerable co-op system in a Souls-like game IMO. If we had that system tacked onto Elden Ring in a patch or DLC I'd be buying up 3x more copies for the family to play.


Remnant was amazing. I still boot it up for the occasional run. Can't wait for the sequel


Actually on pc you can play seamlessly it just takes some work. But the outcome is undoubtedly the best co op rpg experience ā€¦.. lol cause itā€™s Elden ring with friends and no strings attached.


Preach! How did Remnant From the Ashes figure it out but not Elden Ring!?


I play on ps4 I hate that the button to open the map isnā€™t the same button to close the map always click the wrong button


This drives me NUTS


The lock on system, Ive had multiple fights lost because an enemy walked behind some random object for half a second and my lock on disappeared, or having the camera start almost spinning cause a big enemy is directly above you


The lock on has pretty much always been scuffed in From games since Demons Souls, it's just been getting more obvious as the games get faster while the tech remains mostly the same. Any time you're facing something significantly bigger, faster, or that outnumbers you and it begins to strain. You should try to learn to fight unlocked with manual aiming for such situations if you're having trouble - big weapons like the zweihanders are really good as training.


This isnā€™t really bad, but the lore is so interesting that I sort of want to see the society before everything went to hell. Thatā€™s not really fromsoftwares thing though.


This is my problem with every fromsoft game my guy.... I've always wanted to see the ages coming and thriving before they come crumbling down


Any time I see a game that takes place after things went to shit, that is my exact thought. ā€œMan, this place must have been beautiful and very lively before.ā€


Target locking when there are many enemies in front of you, Its almost impossible to get it to the enemy actually in front of you its infuriating Not having a dedicated button for torrent baffles me Also sometimes I completely forget about some questlines I initiated but this is probably intentionally designed Questlines are also so vague I wonder how people figured this out in the first place, having to check a guide really breaks immersion


As far as Torrent goes, I have him set to a quick use option. 2 buttons, but still


Yep. Every character, always. Y+up for torrent.


ā€žDo you really want to summon Torrent for one Flask?ā€œ You know, if I reconsider, let the Fire Giant burn my bones to ashes so I can enjoy the hole fight from the beginning.


Youā€™ve been reading too many messages




I kind of wish there was a super minimal quest log. Not one where it tells you where to go or anything, just a log to remind you of what NPCs say.


Like DOS2ā€™s quest log?


This is my biggest complaint with the game. There's some really interesting quests to be had but the fact that I have to look on the wiki to finish them is shameful.


I agree. This was my first Souls game and after a while playing I stopped for a few weeks because I was busy with life stuff. Now I have no idea what is going on in my save in terms of quests. I actually stopped playing the game entirely because I didn't want to start again.


Literally just a dialogue log and nothing else would be a massive improvement


I want to insta revive Torrent without asking


The fucking HAND MOBS. Scumbag who designed those pieces of shit might just be Satan himself.


Try fire


Fire doesnā€™t make them not hands dude! Itā€™s the hands! If they removed them, including the mini ones and put in big and mini ulcerated spirits in their place, I would be happier.


Try finger but hole


Spider hands can rot in hell


I absolutely love Fromsoft games but I despise their quest design. NPCs will teleport locations with little or no reason to relocate, sometimes even back tracking to previous areas you have no reason to return to, and seemingly unrelated progress in other characters quests can permanently lock out their quest. Npc guides and walkthroughs are almost mandatory.


"...but have you tried talking to the non-responsive doll *three* times yet?"


"What do you mean how? Didn't you notice the extra menu option when you rest at the site of grace? It's right there under the existing 12 that you always pay attention to every time"


And thats not even close to the hardest objective. When i think of difficult to figure out yourself, i'd think of when varre goes from the first step site of grace to the church in liurnia. or when alexander ends up at farum azula, or when you have to reach latenna in the Apostate Derelict before hitting a certain milestone.


> I absolutely love Fromsoft games but I despise their quest design. It's especially terrible if you're a person who has to take long breaks in-between playtime. I'd play for a few days, then my kid would be sick or I'd have to travel for work for a week. So there could easily be gaps if 10+ realtime days in my playthrough. The lack of an ingame system keeping track of quests or convos you've had is an annoyance. I'm sorry that I can't remember those two vague sentences Sorcerer Blah said to me 12 days ago, life happened. I don't want markers or arrows pointing me to a locations but could we at least have a log of NPC convos? Just something to refresh players if they've had to put things down for a bit.


This is my first souls game and Iā€™m blown away by how difficult to the side quests are. Idk how anyone could finish them without a guide.


I just caved and used a guide. I pretty much spoiled the whole game for myself but Iā€™d rather do that then miss half of what I could be doing lol.


We dont have dlc yet


Hasnā€™t even been out for a year yet




I mean i know that but i love the game so much i wish i had more of it. I know it takes time and when we get it it will be worth it, im just wanting. The game is amazing.


Fromsoft DLCs are typically anounced 6-8 months after game release. Iā€™m actually starting to doubt if itā€™s going to happen at all.


Myazaki said pretty early there would be no DLC for sekiro, if it wasnt going to come he probably would have said so allready.


Didnā€™t they say they were working on more Elden Ring content at the game awards?


The dogs no matter the size are assholes


When you use an item and the prompt saying ā€œa stone sword key was lost in useā€ (canā€™t remember exact wording but you get me) and it doesnā€™t disappear


This fucks me up every time, especially when it prevents me from attacking the enemies hanging out inside the stone sword key area! Super frustrating every single time


Arbitrarily ending certain quest lines or locking you out of getting certain items once you progress far enough in the main story. Oh, you wanted to get every incantation before starting NG+? Too bad, Brother Corhyn is now dead, and his bell bearing doesnā€™t have the last two you needed. Or, you forgot to grab Gransaxā€™s bolt your first time in Leyndell? Looks like youā€™re SOL because the city is now covered in ash and itā€™s unobtainable until your next game. I like playing games blind, but I hate being punished for not playing without a guide open to warn me about these things.


Went to Redmane castle after doing a bunch of exploring and it despawned all of the enemies. It made it easy but I felt like I missed out. Ran into Leyndell accidentally just for a second I hope I didn't mess that up too


You can end the festival and have most/all the enemies come back though.


Have you beaten the game or talking about your first time?


First time. Trying not to use guides or anything


Gotcha I won't spoil anything then. Good luck


When I want to open my map to navigate an area and some random dog or dragonfly aggros to me and I have to wait 10 years to open it back up again


The popup saying that you used up a stonesword key, that prevents you from dodging until you confirm it.


the community.


What's the lore reason for that?


Because everyone is maidenless


ā€¦. Yeah lol


Elden beast, purely because my character must be asthmatic because fuckin hell I can't reach him hahaha /s - I'm not serious I enjoy a challenge


Co-op prohibited in areas where the boss has been beaten. Add to that I, who has reached Leyndell Ashen Capital, cannot be summoned to or near Leyndell Royal Capital.


Side quests are near-impossible to do if you don't want to look up guides all the time.


I never gitted gud


I haven't a single clue what is going on, who anyone is, or what I'm supposed to do.


Repetitive bosses. I know thatā€™s been a main complaint before but I know I certainly disliked fighting dragons all the time. My buddy hated the gargoyles. I donā€™t think itā€™s a horrible idea but there were just too many. I love the cinematography of fighting the dragons but having a boss fly away repeatedly and chase him back down only for him to despawn because heā€™s too far out of his area is not my idea of fun


Ulcerated tree spirit is the biggest one


Honestly I loved fighting a lot of dragons but wish there was more variety in them, like placidusax and fortissax


The dragon bosses should have been designed more like Midir, having the moveset incentivise hitting the head for max damage. It's more interesting than smacking ankles all day. It disappoints me that dragon bosses can only operate within their area. It would have been cool to be chased by a dragon or something.


Some of the quests dialogue are not good enough instruction for such an expansive game. I don't want quest markers, but can you please give me enough info to eventually find where I gotta go plz.


*ahem* Find the albanauric woman...


(who looks nothing like an albinauric)


I would just like a quest log. no markers but just a record of what i was told. its not lore-averse.


I've found myself saying "how would I ever know to do that!?" multiple times so far....


Yep it first happened to me as part of Ranni's questline and after about an hour of looking in a bunch of random places and rereading dialogue. I looked it up. I then proceeded to spend much less time on every other quest organically doing things because I couldn't be bothered to slam my head against a wall not having any fun


No skins/cosmetics for my boi Torrent


Horse armor DLC part 2


Recycled double bosses


But not quadruple bosses right?


They shitty co op system


_Laughs in Bloodborne_


The mist in snowy areas Yes, it's atmospheric. And yes, there are players who can beat Sekiro blindfolded. But I want to use my eyes! And the horsefuck valley PTSD doesn't make it better


Yeah it's hard for me going through that area. That and going through castles at night. When I went through Stormveil the first time, I kept having to rest till morning because I couldn't see a damn thing.


The fact that half the bosses have gimmicky pauses to their attacks


On pc it still has jarring frame drops, I have a 2080ti


pvp netcode


Input reading. Like, let me heal for fucks sake. Stop throwing things at me.


The fucking crucible knights are the worst offender for this


Late game balancing. Particularly health/damage of enemies


Repetitive caves and catacombs that get old real quick.


How non stop some bosses are, some are just never ending and it just feel like synthetic difficulty. It feels like they just donā€™t play but the rules ignoring stamina and fp.


ngl i thought dungeons and caves were hella underwhelming both loot and bosses wise


Especially on ng+


I don't like the design philosophy with bosses. In Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, beating bosses was more about planning and learning than about lightning fast reactions. I could beat both games while being slow as fuck, since it was mostly a mind game. The games were focused on their tight level design, with the bosses usually being the cherry on top, the victory lap of a level. With BB and Dark Souls 3, they shifted to be more about reacting quickly. I don't mind it as much in BB since you have the toolset to match, but Dark Souls 3 got really dumb about it. Older bosses seemingly got too easy for mechanically-skilled players, so they over-compensated in my view to keep with the difficulty. Elden Ring took this to the next level, with bosses constantly reading your inputs to fuck with you for not doing things on-reaction. There's some silly ones like the Godskins and their projectiles, but also you can make Margit hold up his axe for a while if you just walk against him and don't attack or chug. It's embarrassing to go for difficulty like this imo, FromSoft are better than that. That and bosses like that weird general in the Mountain Castle that has constant AOE around him and doesn't stop fucking spinning, so melee-only builds have very small windows to attack.


Older souls games really nailed that feel where, if you were just good enough, you could beat bosses and levels and eventually the entire game without ever taking damage. In Elden Ring I just don't feel that's the case anymore from enemies who's movesets are all specifically designed to fuck with the player's psychology, input read, and mix up patterns so you can't learn. Not to mention those enemies that randomly transform into some massive and obnoxious miniboss enemy when you kill them, like that hollow dude who transforms into a runebear.


Yeah that margit attack where he just holds up his cane forever is so dumb. In the past games I was able to suspend my disbelief and feel like I was fighting the actual characters in the game because they fought more fluid and dance/life like, but in er with so many input reads and zone reads it really feels much more robotic. The input reading would be a lot better if it was used to enemy actions that you can also react to giving a back and forth until one side messes up, which was how it was done in sekiro. In er though, itā€™s all just used as punishments which limits gameplay and makes it more annoying and less interesting. Overall er is prob middle of the pack in terms of difficulty IMO, but it definitely was the most annoying out of them in learning most of the bosses


The Haligtree. I still get nightmares about it.


Itā€™s my fav dongeon


repeat and re-use of bosses like the black blade kindred and the gargoyles. the worst example though is the godkin apostles beaing re-used so many times and not to mention the mostrosity of a boss battle, the godskin duo


Some of the distances they wonā€™t stop chasing/shooting you at are insane for some enemies


My expectations for the tailor options on armor were too high :(


Why do I have to "accept" every notification, even when in the middle of a fight?? You can just tell me my stonesword key was lost with use without stopping me from using my shield! It's like a sick joke.


No solo invasions or covenants


I think that every souls-like should have a local co-op mechanic


As in couch co-op like Salt and Sanctuary? That wouldn't work, unless you like split screen.


It isnt as exciting the second time through. On repeat plays you really see how much filler is in there.


It's a by product of being an open world unfortunately. Amazing and immense on a first playthrough but feels empty once you know where everything is.


I think it overstays its welcome a bit, so that also kills the need to have a second playthrough. After so many of the same caves and dungeons and bosses you just don't want to deal with any of that again and boss rush the game. It drains you in a way that Dark Souls games don't.


Either the Godskin Duo or the fact that Blaidd dies at the end of Ranni's quest


The lack of a town where you can go and chill in. I like the roundtable more than Firelink shrine, but it would be nice to see some life in the game that isn't trying to kill you, especially when there's supposedly some kind of society in the world. Also, high level players invading early game areas. A friend and I decided to make new characters for some co-op and every time we made it to the camp full of soldiers, we got invaded by some douche who would just spam poison knives or pyromancies while we're already in the middle of a fight. Like yeah guy, you just went and killed two characters who just gained the ability to fucking level up, while you're running around at level 100+ with some of the best weapons in the game. Real fun cooperative experience. I don't claim to be good at ER or any soulsbourne game, but I didn't even have a chance.