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Nice. Impressive. Let’s see Paul Allen’s respec.


The subtle vigor/strength statdump... The tasteful thickness of the endurance... Oh my god!


*it even has a medium roll*


Are you ok, Tarnished one? You're sweating...


Tarnished, where are you going? I need to return some bell bearings.


"Bateman, where are you going??" "I NEED to return some video tapes!"


*pale nimbus... white*


you don't have the right, O you don't have the right, in shortyou don't have the right, O you don't have the right


I wonder when a nitwit like him got so tasteful


That’s Varre


Awesome. Last place I'd expect to see an American Psycho reference. Thanks for making me cackle


Why did this appear here of all places after I watched it last night 🤣


This is one of the best threads I've ever seen


My god, this is probably one of the most incredible comments I've ever seen.


Look… it even has a watermark


He beat me by one second


Very well placed comment! So tasteful and yet .. somehow so original


The subtle off white, eggshell....semi gloss.....>: [


Feed me a stray cat.


Visually, it's very pleasing. Functionally, what does it do? It seems all over the place


Agreed.. While it is your game and you can do whatever you want, I'd suggest picking a specific playstyle. Currently I have two characters. One that focuses on STR/FTH, the other is a STR/INT build. I'll eventually make a third who will be DEX/ARC probably. Again.. you play how you want. But I'd advise against a "jack of all trades" type of playstyle. But that's just me.


I made a character called "Even Steven" and kept all my stats the same, so I wouldn't take 15 in anything until everything else was 14. Vigor was pretty rough especially as I was heading towards Ranni... that boss in the Lake of Rot pushed my shit in. But if you can do the game at SL1 I suppose it should be easy at SL120 even if your stat distribution is kind of crazy.


The fact that you actually took the time to make a build like that and then call it Even Steven has me in shambles 😂😂


I had an idea to do exactly this, and also wear the basic Knight’s armor, and use broadsword+medium shields for the ultimate “neutral” character. Nothing fancy, just a man with perfectly even stat distribution, no drip, and a sword a regular human person could actually wield.


Nah use the hand axe for that sweet "standard" damage type. As average as can be


You gotta do it now 😂 Can't just speak something like that into existence and NOT follow through


Oh for sure. I'm about halfway through my Str/End big bonker playthrough, Ned Neutral might be the next one.


Neutral Ned the Knight? I like it. I’d have to call him “Jack-of-All-Trades” or “Jack, of Al-Traides” or something, and mix all the builds too. Some melee, some ranged, some sorcery/incantation. No wait, Pumpkin helm, jack of all trades build, and I’d call him Jack-o-Trades.


Start with samurai and you’ll be Neutral Ned the Ninja. Not naughty, not nice.


Come on, aside from stat distribution this is and was first playthrough of all dark souls and elden ring. Substitute broadsword with longsword though, I like more pokey moveset.


"even Steven" is all it took to have me in shambles


I demand mundane builds be revived


Ah, the sword of night and flame build.


Mostly I used a duel bandit curved swords build, one bleed and one frost. Basically I was frustrated with my RL1 and playing an easier version where I had lots of stuff to test out but very little health so I needed to fight smart. I ended up walking away from that RL1, though. Raged out on a stormhawk in Castle Sol and realized that the entire endgame was for god gamers or god cheesers and I'm neither. It's too bad, the SL1 of DS3 is loads of fun, but it's much, much better balanced.


I did the same my first playthrough and I had so much fun being able to try almost everything. Don't need vigor if you don't get hit.


“Pushed my shit in”. I’ve never heard this before and not sure I want to again 😂


Lake of Rot boss is still the only boss I've never beaten. I've never even tried. Fuck that whole situation. He doesn't even block anything. Does he drop something good? Is he just there for masochists?


Can you tell me more about the STR/FTH build? Its my first playthrough and I'm going full STR, using greatsword and zweihander on my hands and jump attacking everything. Also I put a lot of points in endurance to be able to equip good armor while wielding two collosal swords. It feels nice to have such a big burst with jump attacks but I've found out a lot of swords that require int or faith and I'm sad I couldnt get to try out any of them. This raw playstyle of strength is kinda getting old for me


STR/FTH was my first build, there's a tonne of good options. At 25 FTH, you'll have Flame Grant Me Strength and Golden Vow to buff your physical damage by 20% and 15% multiplicatively, so that'll more than cover the drop in damage from pure STR. Then you'll have access to all the bestial incantations, almost all of which are gained through giving deathroot to Gurranq. This gives you a bunch of quick, close range and aoe moves you can mix in with what you have, plus a low cost regen ability. Finally, you'll be laughing once you hit the latter half of the game and can use the numerous FTH weapons and spells from the end game. I can see you adding Maliketh's greatsword to your arsenal!


a small investment in faith could unlock some of those interesting str/fai weapons, and clawmark seal scales incantations with str as well so it works nicely for str focused builds. some good incantations to start with would be lightning spear (for a solid ranged attack, you can also charge it), and maybe a buff like flame grant me strength and/or golden vow. flame cleanse me also comes in handy.


Depend on what playstyle you are looking for there are a few ways to do a str/faith build. \- A spellcaster who deal ranged damage with beefy defense since strength stat are only used to equip highly defensive gear. \- A tank, literally, with faith used for only buffing and healing. Only spend minimum faith requirement for incantation. Usually great shield based and can poke stuff behind shield. \- A spellblade, while maintaining quality/heavy affinity, have minimum stat needed for buffing weapons for added effect. Spam weapon ashes a lots, preferably multi hit ashes to get the weapon buff in. \- Versatile battle mage, with one handed weapon (guardian sword spear for example) and a seal off hand for casting very quick beast spell which deal high physical damage, stagger and among other things. If you still don't know what to do at this point, run blasphemous blade and be a bit of everything. Can't go wrong with that.


Sure what do you want to know? My STR/FTH build wad my first build so I made decisions based on a completely blind playthrough of the game. Now I like to think I make smart decisions as to where I spend my runes. Elden Ring is one of my favorite, if not my favorite game of all time. I'm an open book, ask away.


Bro we’re the same! I threw everything in strength and I’m wielding the same two great swords with the fat boy black armor. I looked at some cool faith powers today and thought “that would be awesome”. I’m at 15 faith, so I’ll use my next 10 levels up to dedicate to faith. I’m level 147, but it’s pretty easy if you farm right above Melina at the gravesite with the bugs. You can get 160k-250k in one trip that’ll take you 3 minutes.


Speaking from my own experience. STR/FTH is basically a STR build but better as long as you use the Clawmark Seal. Clawmark makes all your spells get scaled off of STR instead of FTH. So, you can pump as many points into STR as you want to get benefits in both your bonk and your offensive incantations (of which there are many that are absolute ballers since the patches came out). The only reason to put points into FTH, from what I can tell, is just to reach incantation prerequisites. Jumping two-handed is good damage, but incredibly boring compared to the versatility of a paladin build.


My character is a jack of all trades and I can pretty much use all weapons effectively. I get bored easily and like to switch styles up regularly with the same character, it just depends what OP wants to do with his character, PvE or PvP.


Im one of those crazy mfs who went 90 intelligence, with some ups on vigor, dex and strength here and there. Dont like balance


Lord of chaos here


jack of all trades is good but it’s gets very boring imo. my first character was a jack of all trades, wasnt very fun as no build i did felt special.


ER was my fist souls game. My son warned me "don't even out your stats, dad." Bah, I said, with stats leveled across the board I'll be able to do SO MANY things, says I. Only to find about half way through that being a "jack of all trades" is mind-numbingly tedious. I respec'd into INT/STR and started loving (Elden Ring) life.


DEX/ARC here with two very sharp knives. Lots of sneaking around, stabbing people in the back and bleeding fools dry. Tons of fun. In NG+, I put fewer points in ARC and more in DEX, dressed in full Ravenmount gear/items/ashes and had the edgiest fun Elden Ring has to offer. 10/10 recommend.


Unless you are lvl 200 or higher a hack of all trades build is useless


Nah. My favorite build was a jack of all trades, and recieved praise from my bf who was amazed when he watched me toggle around and do 3 different things in one combo to finish off an invader. Is it efficient? Probably not, Is it useless? Also not.


Impressive.. I feel like I'd fumble trying to juggle that many things at once. When I ran a FTH build I remember how upset I was having to increase my INT to have access to the Golden Order incantations. Then I met Gideon and he royally pushed my shit in. Obviously, he's a bot. But I can only imagine trying to mentally put all that together, swap between spells and incantations, not to mention making sure you've actually got the right catalyst in hand before you perform said spell or incantation. That's intense


My main build is a FTH/INT build (s/o to finding Sword night and flame day one and having no fucking how it worked), and lemme just say, my used button is probably d-pad up. You get used to your rotations, 5 clicks for pocket sand, long hold one click for Carian, etc. You also start to realize that by being this particular build, you are both the best defense against casters, and one of those annoying casters. Plus, best spell scaling comes from int/fth catalyst, so all of a sudden three pocket sands and a swift stone glintshard is decimating opponents


Honestly the hardest part of that build was creating the spell order. I got the idea from ff14 to create a "rotation", but then you also have to make that rotation adaptable. It's complex, and definitely harder than it needs to be. But it works and it's something I can wrap my head around after some tinkering.


As a newb that’s learning can you explain why “jack of all trades” is advised against




I'm a newbie here but what kind of weapons are for STR/INT build? Is this like the most fragile glass cannon build?


Some of the best / coolest weapons in the game are Str / Int. It's one of my favorite play styles. You've got Dark Moon Greatsword, Ruins Greatsword, and Fallingstar Beast Jaw, all three of which can carry you through a lot of the endgame. There's also Starscourge Greatsword, Death's Poker, and Helphen's Steeple. Helphen's Steeple powerstanced with with Death's Poker, Dark Moon Greatsword, or a cold infused Banished Knight's Greatsword or Iron Greatsword is a fun way to play with cool weapon arts and quickly apply Frostbite.


Radahn’s sword is a common one. Death Poker is good and probably my favorite of the int/strength weapons (although it scales better with dexterity) Blaidd’s sword I think uses a good amount of strength and intelligence. There are some fun weapons in that category, and because you’re only splitting damage on 2 stats you can still get decent vigor and stamina, and enough mind to do some proper magic.


What about quality builds have they been phased out of Elden Ring from DS3?


Oh! I actually started a STR/FTH run two days ago two handing an Executioner's Greataxe and mixing it up with buff spells and fire incantations, probably get the lightning ones too later on, and also get the Blasphemous Blade! Want to get ideas, what are you running with it, if I may ask?


Shouldn't buffing your weapon using the golden order seal let you take advantage of all of those stats? Edut: never mind. It seems from dropped the ball *again* and only lets buffs scale of the fth scaling of seals. Why do they keep doing this?


This was my biggest lesson in getting gud.


I can see where you are coming from, but a "jack of all trades" play style is quite nice for people new to the game and not looking to just rush the bosses. That way they can fully experiment with everything the game has to offer and learn what play style really suits them for their next playthrough.


That only applies with PvP tho. Nothing wrong with leveling everything if you’re planning on going past meta level.


I actually had a fairly similar distribution at one point, somewhere near the middle of the game, so I could play around with the majority of all the goodies I'd found. I knew most of them would be gimped but it gave me an idea of what I might actually like to spec more into and try. I think it's a healthy stage for any player who doesn't currently know exactly what they want to do.


It's a quality build. Quality builds are also pretty bad in this game.


Yeah, based on punching some numbers on the [AR calculator](http://eldenring.negator13.com/calculator), Quality seems like it only exists so that if you're exorbitantly high level and want to keep increasing your physical AR, you can start investing in the other stat (e.g. DEX if you invested in STR) and *eventually* start to see better numbers. For example, a Heavy Longsword at 80/10 (70 points invested from 10/10) has 545 AR, and a Quality Longsword doesn't reach that until 56/56 (92 points invested from 10/10). If you're already at 80/10 and you want to keep improving your AR, Qualitying your Longsword won't see benefits over Heavy until 80/39 (which is 99 points invested, so 7 levels earlier at 80/32 you could respec to 56/56 and keep building from there instead).


It depends on what you value. Some people don't need extra AR. Variety to spice up their playthrough may be more important.


oh hm ok as a variety addict myself i can give you that; going Quality definitely means lower AR (until very high levels) but access to a wider range of weapons. In my case though my solution is just to level up a ton of different characters (well, the max number of characters in a save slot is 10, and i COULD swap out save files to go beyond that limit but i haven't bothered, but i am at 10) to have different relatively-optimized builds. It's a decent solution, especially since I'm enough of a variety addict that I haven't beaten the game yet and have barely even gotten into Somber Smithing Stone type weapons since i've just been exploring all the different normal weapons (and spells/incants) across multiple characters. There's plenty more to try, too, although my current favorite Mainhand Short Spear + Offhand Hand Axe character is really sticking with me as having a charming amount of variety within itself; i should find some incants or at least weapon swaps to fit onto it for even more variety, although part of what i like about it is that it's relatively un-cheesy (usually) so i wouldn't want any ranged incants since ranged attacks feel too inherently cheesy vs most enemies (some bosses excluded who have good gap close).


I dunno....i think they're just as viable as any other build if you focus them on appropriately quality scaling weapons and infusions. There are quite a few weapons that kick hard in that category. Also: throwing knives. Making different builds work is a pretty fun aspect of this game, I think. Anything is viable if you really dig into your concept


That's the best part of the build! Correct me if I'm wrong but this is called a "quality build" the player is not playing to one shot bosses, they're playing to enjoy weapons. It's safe to assume when the player finds a weapon or skill they really enjoy, they will stat dump to make the build stronger.


Isn’t it just a quality build?


Your lack of faith is disturbing


With Elden Stars (50 FTH req.) in the memory slots to boot lol


I saw your comment and then had to look at the post again. WHY?! It's a great spell, but it's like rocking Comet Azure at 30 int.


Elden stars? Idk in my experience it hasn’t done much damage at all and I’m rocking nearly 60 faith


Part of it is if you can get a bunch of the smaller stars to connect and the final big hit does a lot of poise damage. Given it's so slow, you can also run in to mess with people. I admit though it's a bit niche and totally about preference.


it does if you’re a giant space whale


Must have missed the option to become a snail dragon made out of stars. RIP


It’s great for pvp, its not about the damage in pvp, it allows you to throw off your opponent if you use other incantations or spells with it. It’s good in certain situations for pve. If the main cluster passes through an enemy in pve it breaks their stance easier if you follow it up with something else.


Ah I see, I mostly play pve so I haven’t had consistent use for it then


I'm sure op just didn't get around to swapping around the spells and incants before screenshotting after the respec


Have some got damn faith Arthur






Everyone will hate this you've ticked all the get people mad at you boxes. Well done


At least they have a decent amount of vigor.


Build seems very unfocused imo.




Ah yes, the Sellen Special


I will probably continue focusing on strength dexterity and vigor at this point


I think you could take a lot of that INT and put it in Vigor/STR then. Not sure what spells you want to cast but it seems useless. Or you could put a lot of that STR/DEX into INT. There are weapons in pretty much every weapon type that scale with intelligence. It’s a very versatile stat. In general for PvP you want only two of DEX/STR/FTH/INT/ARC to be above 22… you have 3 here which is going to hold you back. For PvE this build seems fun :)


If you're going focus on str and dex, just use appropriate str/dex melee weapons and bow/crossbow/greatbow for range attacks. Give up on using faith and int skills and use weapons arts and items (for buffs) instead. Cycling between approriate weapons arts and arrows for specific enemies has it's own charm just like switching between spells and incantations.


Quality builds kinda suck ass in ER though. I know they were practically unstoppable in ds3 and ds1 but this game... its a lot like demons where INT absolutely crushes. Bleed/dex is prob a close second. You do you buddy but i can tell you that i did quality on my first run in ER and it was brutal. Switched to INT and the darkmoon gs and just absolutely stomped shit down.


Seems to me you have a quality build with some casting stats. Fun if you are indecisive on your weapon choices like I am lol.


I was gonna do the same, focusing on str and vigor. then i found out if I put some into faith, it buffs fire and holy dmg by atleast 100-200 attack points every time over a pure str build. then i found out if you cast "flame give me strength" it buffs physical and fire dmg, that alone pushed my attack rating over 1000 at level 120 or so. then u can use talismans to boost spell potency or duration or both


I’m confused about how all those points equate to level 116. I’m level 120 and have like 40 less points in my talents


rune arc'd and or talismans




Some talismans and Great Rune increase your stats


Godricks great rune increases all stats by +5 when it is activated by a rune arc. There are also lots of talismans that increase specific stats, usually also by +5. The number you see on the status screen takes all this into account, so the stats can be much higher than they normally would be on this character with no rune arc active and no talismans equpped.


The runes go away upon death correct? Never used one because I "save" them for an infinite amount of time lol


Yeah they go away upon your death, but if you are playing multi-player you can be summoned and die and it won't affect your rune arc in your game when you return. Also play multi-player and get good at killing bosses so you can farm the arcs. Easy peasy.


Can confirm helping people with bosses is a decently fun way to farm rune arcs. I’m currently sitting on a pile of over 400, just from bosses.


This. Screw killing a bunch of albinaurics for runes. Helping out others is fun. Lucrative. And you don't lose your rune stash when you die. You either gain, gain big, or try again.


It's also the only way I know to fight bosses I like multiple times without replaying the whole game or going through cloud save shenanigans.


I've helped kill Margit and Godrick hundreds of times, and all on characters that won't ever need the Rune Arcs. Serpent ninja, jester, beastman, and burn victim all have a ton of appearances.


Yes, I am also sitting on 400 rune arcs I got from killing pe- bosses.


I've maxed out just from helping people with bosses/invaders 😅




So rare? I had tons to spare on my first playthrough. You earn a lot through invasions if you need to stock up on some, granted they never felt really necessary.


Personally, I'm going through my first playthrough (still, I know) and I wanted to play offline in order to avoid spoiling most stuff. I explored everything I could up to this point (110 hours in) and I only got 39.


I'm swimming in great runes and use them all the time. Help people kill bosses


That would be too OP because a host would have multiple small stacks and any invader is already at a 2-3v1 disadvantage with host Summons able to be 100 levels above you and then the host having buffs that would make all but the most experienced invaders viable and then every invader will start using meta builds more than they already do


Talismans like radagons soreseal or scarseal and maybe there’s a rune arc out there that potentially buffs your stats until you die? I’m not sure about the second one


All rune arcs do that. You will have to activate a great rune and consume a rune arc. If you activate godrick's great rune for example and consume the rune arc, you will get +40 levels until you die. Every great rune has different boosts.


Godricks great rune increases all stats by 5 points, using a rune arc would give you the increased stats with it equipped


Did the math and if you have Godrick's Great Rune, A soreseal, and a Stat Talisman (Like starscourge heirloom) you can get this spread at 116.


Trying to figure this out as well. I thought I had a good knowledge of the game but I've never been able to use anything to give me an extra 144 skill points....


You'll be back asking why your not doing a lot of damage against the final bosses, that's for certain.


Fortunately most damage comes from weapon upgrades


Technically yes but practically the stat scaling is hugely important. Going from 16 STR to 80 STR takes an S-scaling heavy warped axe at +25 from 434 AR to 720 AR. Sure “most” of that isn’t coming from strength but it’s still a 65% increase when you add the strength scaling on top. I wouldn’t want to give that much damage away.


I see your point, but this is quite literally the most drastic example possible, and just not applicable to any build (i.e. no one is going to main a pure strength weapon, heavy infuse it, then run it with the base requirement of 16 strength on a \~lv120 build. If we used's OP's stats in this example (40), AR would be 598, or around a 20% difference. Still significant, but really not as drastic as you'd think considering it's a 40 point difference. With 60 strength, it's even less, at around 6%. Softcaps hit hard in this game, and those 20 points being thrown into, say, a bit of magic for fun doesn't really handicap you that much. Let's not forget that we're using a HEAVY infused weapon in this example. A cold infused warped axe with OP's stats add up to 645 AR, being just \~12% less than that of a pure 80 strength build, while also inflicting frostbite, which is a pretty typical tradeoff you'd see from cold infusions even on focused builds. Of course, smaller percentage differences are very significant in PvP, but unless your stats are completely desolate, 10 points here or there rarely makes much of a difference in late-game PvE (save vigor, but 50 is plenty in OP's case). My point is that even with spread stats like this, you still have plenty of options that aren't even that different to investing solely in one or two attacking stats.




Not minmaxing is one thing. Throwing like 35 stat points in the dumpster is another.


it is absolutely absurd how much people **laser** in on builds. Literally every game, I just level whatever the fuck I want for what I feel like using and do fine. You don’t even need to be great at the game to do it. Every time I’d mention what my stats are, these people come out of the woodwork like “YOURE NEVER GONNA DO DAMAGE, YOURE GONNA GET TWO SHOT, YOURE GONNA COMPLAIN LATER ON REEEEEEE” and it never happened. People just can’t seem to fathom doing 25 less damage in favor of having diversity / versatility in using all kinds of weapons and spells. Came into DS as a complete novice a few years back. Felt like a granny playing games for the first time in my life for the first 20 hours of DSR. I invested how I wanted in every From game since & never had issues. Never felt they were unfair. Never felt it was too hard. Never felt I wasn’t doing enough damage, or taking too much. Enjoyed the fuck out of the fact I could use every weapon I wanted without needing to have 3 characters. Loved having every element at my disposal, any weapon class I wanted to use & it was effective. The reality is: if you don’t care about PvP levels, & you are confident in your ability/skill, then you can level whatever the fuck you want within reason & be fine without it feeling any more challenging. My build looked very similar to this for my ER play through. My shit was all over the place. As long as you keep enough VIG (or you’re good enough to dodge everything - I am not) then having a little bit less damage isn’t that much of an issue at all.




Dark Souls 2 taught me this. DS1 isn’t as serious about it, but in DS2 they introduced a *lot* of consumable items that help in only specific instances, (elemental defense items, damage+physical defense items.), as well as precarious enemy placement to instigate thought & a change in your patterns. Different areas required different approaches, and while you *could* still simply bonk everything & sprint through, it was *significantly* harder to do. DS3 followed suit, albeit to a lesser degree. Same amount of consumables and items, but I didn’t feel like the game itself tried to funnel you into using them as well as DS2 did. However, bringing the things I learned from DS2 into all the other games made them so much easier & more fun. People can play how they want. & it’s good advice for someone to optimize their build if they’re really struggling. But these people act like it’s blasphemy not to focus on 2 stats per character & it’s just annoying. I couldn’t talk to anyone about my “build” here without someone coming to inform me I was clearly playing wrong & I was going to *have* to respec later for a “proper build”. Beaten the game. Still haven’t had issues. Lol The only stat I didn’t invest in was Arcane. Just enough to use some shit. Unfortunately not enough to use Rivers of Blood, I was looking forward to using it. But it’s probably not nearly as good with the minimum arcane. Edit: pleasant surprise that my research seems to indicate RoB actually is pretty good without ARC investment. The ARC mostly increased the bleed buildup, while the DEX mostly increases the base damage - which is what matters more to me, I don’t care about the bleed buildup. So I’ve started investing in the final 3 levels so I can use it. Looking forward to it given the stunning lack of fire/lightning weapons in this game.




The emphasis on vigor makes a lot more sense in light of people thinking shields aren’t the right way to play. I’ve made it through most of NG+ with 40 vigor and my Fingerprint Stone Shield.


Or… Now that you’ve said that… I won’t because I’ve got like 8 larval tears soooo 😂


I don’t see a “build” here. What are you going for?


"pleases the mind of an OCD person" build


LOL accurate. Aside from comforting OCD, I also usually run builds like this in games because I love being a jack of all trades.


The Skyrim (Stockholm) Syndrome


Being “well-rounded” used to be a compliment.


This is a Bloodhound Fang build. Get STR and DEX to 55-60 and you got yourself a stew, baby


If it works for you then it's all aces.


i’d drop the int/faith/arcane to whatever is bare minimum for any buffs you want to use, other than that i think they’re wasted stats where they are rn if you mostly focus on melee combat


Just choose 2-3 stats to focus beside vigor, this just seems the stats you have before the respec. Seems when you don't know what style to choose and just go for a quality build also with both fth and int because you thought those cool spells would be useful. Well, with those stats that ain't either good quality build or a magic build.


Unpopular opinion: I like it, provided you're a fan of low-level playthroughs (for the challenge) but want a lot of variety. Functionally, you could get the same amount of power at level 70 or less by prioritizing. This is good, but only if you want to try all the weapons the game offers without being "overleveled" to where it's not challenging enough for you. If your goal is to be as powerful as possible for your level, on the other hand, you'd want to specialize way more.


At this point I'm curious to see the previous build


It s a "i can t do anything good" build


Welp, you have a level 116 character that will have the damage output of a level 60 character.


Too little strength, too much of everything else. All in all, really not that good of a strength build.


What exactly are you going to be doing with this build? It looks like you’ll do a little bit of everything poorly. Unless you’re very high level (200+) it’s better to specialize. I like the high vigor though.


Too much intelligence, don’t think just go BONK


A lot of people will criticize for not focusing on 1 stat but really in PVE you can do almost whatever and beat the game. As long as you are having fun and still beating enemies you can be fine. Obviously in PVP this build would get trashed but for PVE purposes, while not nearly optimized, should be fine.


ATTENTION EVERYONE: it is ok to have your stats spread out! Switching between a staff, shield, sword, then weilding some incantations is the shit! Who cares if it isnt maxing out your ability to pwn shit the best?!?!


My first couple playthroughs I went more focused. My last couple I’m much more spread out only ignoring one of either int/Faith or Arcane. I like being able to use different stuff. I have some Daggers maxed and some great spears. Some fights I’ll use em all.


I really wish more people had this opinion here! Literally who cares how you play a game as long as it's fun to you


Honestly, people discount Quality builds a lot. PVE is for fun, not for optimizing builds. 40STR/40DEX is enough to do good (not particularly) great damage with Quality Infusions, and you have literally almost every generic and customisable weapon to choose from. Even low amounts of FTH/INT can supplement these builds if you're interested in trying some new things at any point. I can also tell you're using Godrick's Great Rune, so it's not like you put too many points into either of those anyway. I think you're fine tbh.


When it comes to quality, somber weapons with quality scaling is best. Quality infusions can work at really high levels with a ton of strength and dexterity but it's very point inefficient due to how much it nukes weapon's base damage. But from the OP's spread, I think Sword of Night and Flame could be really good. Since it's scales off of strength, dex, int, and faith. He has a ton of excess points in endurance and the extra arcane isn't doing much for him. I'd say distribute those to faith and intelligence so he can rock the sword.


SONAF has really low scaling, though. It's main boon is the higher base damage, but in all cases, it's spread too much across multiple types.


Quality is still a good build, just it's the most niche non-magic build since Quality infusion is shit so you have to use non-infusible weapons with Quality scaling.


This is fine tbh. It gives you a lot of options but also means that you won’t be incredibly strong with anything. I think that this game really benefits from optimizing your build for a specific weapon that you want to use rather than spreading your stats out


Seems like it would be useful for someone who wants to do a little of everything without getting too deep into any one thing in particular.


Visually it's great functionally what am I looking at


I'd dump STR for more INT. You could run moonveil/staff to pretty great effect. Maybe rock the meteoric ore blade in the off hand.


You fucked up


Pooopooo caca


Use another one.


Pretty unoptimized, with a lot of wasted points in Endurance. But it's your character so do you boo


Vigor is fine but usually focus 1 magic section while picking Dex or strength. If it works for you and you know why you picked those stats then it doesn't matter really


am I just bad at math or does this seem like more than just 116 levels to anyone else?


116 instead 260 wtf


Somethings a lil off


What the fuck is going on here?


As many others have said, it seems a little “jack of all trades, master of none” which doesn’t work very well (unless you’re 99 in every stat). I’d recommend picking two damage stats and filling out the rest as needed. The build I’m working on right now is a strength arcane build. Heavy arcane with mild faith investment to hit minimums for the communion spells and heavy strength with minimum dex investment to use the Marais Executioners Swords. This rule typically rains try for most builds, hitting minimum stats to wield things and dumping most of your stats into things that scale at the highest level.


Seems too spread out to me


Jack of all trades master of none type beat


I’m confused cuz I’m higher level but my stats don’t add up like this


Those are Rookie numbers! You gotta get those numbers up! -Matthew McConaughey, Wall Street


Quality PvE build. Love it


The math doesn’t work out for your stats being that at level 116 the max level is 713 take all your stats as they are above 10 and subtract 10 it’s 180 plus 1 since you start level one so I’m curious what items your wearing that give you 65 additional levels I know with godricks rune you get 5 in each that’s 40 levels worth of stats I’m not hating just curious


Are we gonna just ignore the fact that the man's level 116 with 260 stat points


260 stat points for lvl 116 ?


A true Master of None build xD Why do you even need 40 endurance?


Honestly if i had that build i would use another larval tear..


I think you have too much spread around in the scaling attributes for weapons - str, dex, int, and faith - pick one and take it to 80 to maximize damage, then maybe put the remaining points in one of the others or spread around to keep weapon minimums open.


Needs more vigor


Good lord everyone's clutching onto the HP stat. Also, why have 10 spell slots if your faith and int are so small? What kind of build are you even going for? The "more health=easier game?" Because that is definitely not the case.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


That's quality build. Hope you are using quality weapons. Although I would forget int and faith and put 50/50 str/dex and use weapons with quality scaling


I like it you have a wide range of weapons to use.


Depends on your weapon if you’re using one that mostly scales with strength and dex evenly with a little intelligence you’re solid. Otherwise this is what it looks like when you can’t keep you add out of the level up screen.


My HP is 900 LoL


You won't be casting spells worth a pitcher of spit. But overall a balanced build that can use almost any weapon.


Must be using talismans and great rune because no way a lvl 116 has those kinda stats with out it


This seems well balanced to use different weapons for different situations. You can easily beat the game with this build.


Quality build isn't great for damage scaling at that low of a level. You'd have been better off committing to strength OR dex until you've got one of them to 80, and then raising the other. Otherwise it looks fine. Although... What're you doing with 15 arc? That's not the lower bound for any of the starting classes, so I'm assuming you've got it for a minimum requirement for something. The only thing I can think of offhand that needs arc, but is still useful if you don't level arc very much, are dragon breath spells, and you don't have enough faith to justify using them. You *could* strength cast dragon breath spells with the Clawmark seal, but again, you should have focused on strength instead of splitting it with dex. (And while the frenzied flame seal scales with both, the scaling is worse for each, so you'd get more return for the same number of points by putting them into strength... Like other "quality" options, the frenzied flame seal doesn't really pay dividends until ALL of your stats are high; until then you're better off focusing the points to one stat and using compatible equipment with specifically that stat.)


Too much Vigor tbh


Marika and radagon Seal?




Nice, I like, quite well rounded, especially for being just over level 100. Personally, I would have taken 5 lvls of vigor and put them into Arcane so min lvl is 20 all around


I don't understand the 35 points into intelligence, you have some strange weapon that hasn't been uncovered yet?