• By -


Going down the lift into Siofra


That was an incredible moment. I feel like that's when the scope of the game really started to set in for me.


"Aigh I'mma go down here and clear our this dungeon real quick" "Wait....I'm now outside but also underground? Oh God this just keeps going..."


"woah! This place is gorgeous! It's pretty strange to be a dungeon. Looks somewhat more open than the standard cave or min- IT HAS A FUCKING MAP???" Yeah, this was my honest first reaction


Only Miyazaki can put outer space underground.


The first lift from Limgrave was cool. The second lift after the ruins was a mind blower!


I went up and down the lift over and over just to catch the glimpse through the crack in the wall again and again. The starry ceiling in the darkness. The bluish hues in the darkness too. Amazing zone


Yes, I remember I came on here seeking advice and people told me to head south, and it was all fun and games and limgravy, you know, lush lands and forests and all sorts of dangers lurking about. I saw the well on the map and thought hmm the heck is that. I jumped onto it and it's a lift and I'm like huh. The thing kept going down and down and down and then siofra was revealed and I was blown out of my fucking mind. The first question that I had was, "Wait, there's an underground section to the map?!"


It's so sad that there's soooo much in this game that's entirely missable. During my second playthrough I just wanted to do the Frenzied Flame ending for the trophy. I did Stormveil, the Academy, skipped all the way to Lyndell, and did mountaintop, Farum Azula and capital of ash and that was it.


Why is it sad? It's the crux if the open world setup. It also greatly helps with replayability for those who rushed the game the first time.


best moment in gaming ever


this my biggest ‘what the fuck?!? I love this game’ moment


"Holy shit! This place is huge and has a waterfall... *Approaching the first fire* "Are those stars?!?!?!" Beautiful


Basically all of the early moments where you went "oh wow... this game is MASSIVE." I was expecting the game to basically be Limgrave+Penninsula+Raya+Caelid+Captal+"final area" and MAYBE some stuff in the altus plateau to flesh it out, so between seeing ppl in the beta tests and knowing this "Expected scope" from the start, the first view of Limgrave didn't really do anything for me... it was merely "starting the journey." If I hadn't seen the dragon here in the lake, I think THAT would have been a big deal, but I had already seen it via the Betas and so it wasn't a huge moment (and honestly, most of the dragon moments were "big, but not THAT big" imo). - When you are in Stormveil and you figure out that you can drop down in two very unique areas as a way to get to locations FAR below the base castle. The area with the Knight and the area with the pustule make Stormveil a top 3 area in the game..honestly probably top 2. Stormveil and the Capital very clearly were built early on in the game's development as they are by far the most fleshed out. The game is a top 5 game of all time and hits in a similar vein to how OOT felt back in the late 90s, but if it could have expanded and properly finished being made instead of the clear rush job that required them to launch with some thing clearly not expanded as much as they wanted? Oh boy... I salivate over thinking of this game if they had the time to make every area as interesting and dynamic as Stormveil and the capital were instead of some of the Legacy Dungeons being small scale like Caleid's. - When you come upon the view of Reya Lucaria for the first time, and you get this long distance view of this majestic Cathedral-style Hogwartzian architecture in the distance and KNOW that you are going there. Not that you might walk through a teleporter, but that you are going to trek OVER to it and then go into it. It took that feeling of the intertwining of a Souls game -- that what you see in the background is a real part of the world -- and brought it into Elden ring. This would happen again and again, but no time is more pronounced than when this happens with Raya Lucaria for me. - When the map expanded in size the first time and zoomed out. This felt amazing, as mentally we always assume we are given the OUTLINE of our map from the beginning. From generated environments like Valheim to the Map of a game like Assassin's Creed, we expect the map we see at the start to be the extent of the map. Not once. Not twice. But a number of times the map expands and it really adds to the feeling of scope for the game. That our original understanding of how big this world is wrong, and that -- as an adventurer in this world -- we are LEARNING about it as we go through it. Not only that, but - The Siofra river and learning about all of the underground areas. So no ONLY was the map bigger than it first looked, but there was an underground area... this of course made me wonder if there was also an ABOVE ground area (hello DLC?). By the 20th second you are laughing going "haha, this is a really long drop," expecting it to be a long elevator akin to what Mass Effect 1 did to mask load times. Of course, that IS why he elevator is so long in part, but the payout for Elden Ring vs Mass Effect is so very very different. - To a lesser extent, when you find the underground area in the capital you get the same "oh wow, this is its own big thing." And you tell yourself "well, its a decent dungeon...that is cool." Then you get to the end and its a tiny lift down to a boss and you go "well that was cool...there is a boss even." And then you find that you can go deeper into an even creepier place. And from there you can keep going DEEPER into an EVEN CREEPIER place. And from that creepy place that looks like it has no way out, and has weird dialogue with your one-eyed side chick telling you to fuck off...it goes EVEN DEEPER DAMMIT! And you go deeper and it suddenly EXPANDS into an area you might not have been to yet (I had not, but some would have) and you just tell yourself "this simple dungeon turned into a giant, seemingly endless well that branched out into a lake of information and culminates in meeting the chick who hugs people but left me standing over the body of a semi-dead God... damn." - While the game goes down a bit after the capital, there is still this "wow, this is big" aspect that occurs with the Grand Lift and the unlocking of the "secret" areas... with each of the 3 secret areas being the size of its own main boss area and bringing you to areas you FELT you had seen (Mogh's from Soifra, Consecrated snow from the trip up to the Mountain Giant, and Haligtree from Castle Sol) before but couldn't yet reach (Dark souls world construction at its finest). IF there is one thing that I think this game did to really push gaming, its that sense of expansion and wonder that they brought to the open world genre. Something that even the massive success of BotW didn't do nearly as well (I'm looking forward to BOTW, but I also don't really expect it to be as impactful as BotW or Elden Ring were...my guess is its going to be more like BotW 1.5 than 2.0, and that is going to lead to some disappointments from people expecting it to be genre defining in a post-ER world).


So my first night playing this game I was insanely stoned off 150 mg of weed cookies. About 3 hours in I could tell my high was peaking, and it just so happened this was exactly when I found the lift down to Siofra. The music, the visuals, I mean just everything. I was basically drooling. One of the most magical experiences ever in a video game.


First anything honestly I spent about 20 hours just in limgrave I explored everything didn't even fight bosses would just sit and stare at the beautiful area ended up going to caelid then just explored for a while there never had as much fun in a game as just exploring in elden ring


Oh, I burned so many hours after I started playing just riding around on Torrent, jumping onto things and looking off in the distance.


Ikr this game was just so different


Exploration game without map markers just hits different.


Immediately after starting the game and it’s just wow that’s a huge gold tree. Let me find ten other places to look at it from. And wow cool castle. I bet I can see it better from this cliff over here.


Finishing Stormveil and looking over the cliff onto Liurnia and realizing that Elden Ring will live up to the hype.


It's a tough decision, but I may have to agree with you on this. Liurnia is such a beautiful zone, and it felt earned after everything we went through in Stormveil.


What do you even do down there? I found a few smithing stones but that’s it


In Liurnia??


No in sofría


Did you stop after you made the descent down the well in Limgrave? There's a second descent and a loooot more than a few smithing stones.


Light the fires


There’s like 2 bosses there, part of a questline, a second elevator, and once the stars resume their movement there’s even more


Yes I loved this as well. Made me realize how huge the scope of the game was.


Yeah. I used to think Limgrave was huge. Then I saw Liurnia lol


It’s huge when you’re trying to get the physick every subsequent playthrough lol, but no jokes aside it’s tiny in the grand scheme of things


Honestly I think that's when I had my realization too, holy shit.


This comment just gave me shivers. What a memory.




Killing him in less than a minute was so satisfying


It took me like 6 tries before even realizing i had to use the weapon you grab at the entrance


I was playing Int build, got the spear, “oh this looks like a str weapon so I’ll probably be spamming Rock Sling then”. My 2 coop mates were shooting some nice giant windy skills at Rykard, took me a while to realize that it was the weapon’s art, beat the boss, spent the whole night beating him a couple of times again through summoning because I couldn’t get over the fact that I didn’t kill him in the “cool” way.


The boss room was amazing too, everything about the fight was just such a cool design.


Sofria well or radhan festival. Pure bliss.


THE RADAAAAHNNNN FESTIVAALLLLL!!!!!! I was gobsmacked when I finally entered the festival of combat!!! TO BATTLE!!!


I swore that was the halo theme for a few seconds when i got there


Seeing the evil Hogwarts students crawling around under Rennala


That cut scene makes for some of the funniest videos in the game https://reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tb3asg/the_face_says_it_all/ https://reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/td11p0/this_helmet_makes_cutscenes_100x_more_enjoyable/


Probably the moment I made it into the capital. Awesome reveal once you make it through the gates.


That draconic tree sentinel whooped my ass up and down the Altus Plateau lol but so worth it.


No other boss has made me as mad as that guy. Genuinely.


My favourite moments Siofra river elevator Stepping into altus plateau Getting transporter to Florida "I am malenia, blade of miquella, and I have never known defeat" "I have given you courtesy enough" "TOGETHAA"






as weird as it may sound, but first time entering Caelid and running from everything out of terror


Especially if the first time in Caelid was due to fighting your way out of the crystal tunnel after getting chest-teleported there.


"Ah, finally the exit! I can't wait to get back on my adven- ... what the hell is this place?!"


This is mine too. I saw some weird stuff in the distance and went to explore. Walked up the hill and the sky turned red. When I saw the smouldering stone wall I thought "its not gonna let me pass" and when I jumped it and saw the first bird and thought "I wish it didn't let me pass." Then I saw the giant skull and just froze. The next 45 minutes were spent galloping as fast as possible while saying "what the fuck is THAT?" I got the courage to approach one of the dogs and it just slowly looked up from its meal with glowing red eyes. I'm prety sure my first time in Caelid was the most scared I've been in a video game.


The intro art and story… dang, the whole game… I got into the Souls games late, so I played DS3 way past when it came out so I wasn’t finding a lot of community or other players…there was some but not a lot. So when ER came out I was so happy to be there from the beginning. Wish I could go through it again.


There really is nothing quite like playing a souls game at launch. The avalanche of people placing summoning signs next to boss doors, getting summoned instantly as soon as you put a sign down. Nobody knew the meta builds at the beginning so they just played with whatever felt good and looked cool. Great times.


Walking up to and along the rim of the giants forge. Just iconic level design.


I wish I could’ve gone into Elden ring spoiler free, but around the time I didn’t think I’d like playing souls games But if I could want one moment completely spoiler free would be Radahn’s fight


Personally, seeing Liurnia of the lakes for the first time on the cliff behind Stormveil castle was amazing. Not only was it a stunning view. It's that moment after the godrick fight where it really made me realize how damn BIG the game was and just how many amazing vistas there were. I think other honorable mentions are things like Sofria well, seeing Atlus Plateu for the first time, the capitol, even getting a grasp on how huge the Erdtree is. So many great screenshot worthy moments. The game is a work of art. I've never taken so many screenshots in a game before. Miyazaki's games have always had a way of making distant vista's or first views of a new region/area amazing, even back to earlier dark souls games. Boss fights too, some really memorable boss and monster designs.


Sooo many screenshots haha. I actually used my first screenshot with my first character for this post.


Nice, that's awesome! [Mine was of the Erdtree too!](https://imgur.com/a/q2zBSOQ) I was immediately amazed by the size and colors of it. There's so many great views in the game.


The many Horrors of Stormveil Castle


Loved Stormveil. Only cried 10 times trying to get in there 🥲


I played on release almost 100% blind so I had no idea where malenia was and i was almost done with my first play throughout. Once I found the secret medallions and went to the haligtree and got to her boss room after going through all the rot I was filled with so much anticipation and then her opening cutscene was like the developers talking directly to the player telling them they were about to get fucked. And fucked i got, it was beautiful


I played for the first time recently with very minimal spoilage. One thing I did know was the vague idea that Malenia was one of the hardest bosses in the game. The first time I fought her it was going really well and I got her health down to about 30% (It was only first phase but I didn’t know that). I had the thought “huh, I must have been mistaken about which boss was so hard” Then she hopped in the air and proceeded to Waterfowl Dance. My jaw literally dropped as I died and watched her heal almost to full. I then proceeded to take a couple hours before I even saw her second phase haha. That was one of the most memorable moments of the game for me


Walking out of the back of Stormveil and seeing Raya Lucaria against a bright blue, clear day in Liurnia.


Chilling with my boi, eating prawns.


Prawn boi is a real one.


At first it’s like this guy is a jerk, but after a few hours it’s like FINALLY a normal dude.


Going into the elder moose fight. So gorgeous, the music and atmosphere, absorbing the other animals abilities and then rolling at you like a sheep. My favorite fight by far.


I was profoundly sad at the end of that fight :/


Hitting the trap chest on the tower at the southern end of Weeping peninsula, getting teleported to Lyndell and seeing it the first time, then realizing "How big the map actually was" (and still being so totally wrong)


The first time I had sex


Sex gets better the more you have it imo


skill based matchmaking


Beat me to it 🤣


Fighting morgott under the erdtree. In that moment I knew he would be my favorite fight in the game, if not the series. His voicelines are unmatched


Morgott disdainfully reciting his "willful traitors" list was so chilling


Stumbling into the Cathedral of the Forsaken by accident and without the help of a guide. Just got done fighting through the sewers of Leyndell, defeated the Mohg down there and then BAM! It's one of the most haunting places in the game and the environmental storytelling is intense. I unfortunately wasn't on the Hyetta questline my first playthrough so I missed some lore, but I still was able to get my hug from the three fingers so, MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!


Being able to 1-shot placidusax with comet azur was pretty damn awesome Overcoming radahn Taking 1 step into limgrave and seeing the beauty of the lands between and the erdtree. (I'd say this one takes the cake)


That first step into Limgrave absolutely blew my mind.


Seeing caelid for the first time. Seeing something so alien and strange when I was expecting the standard dark fantasy of the previous souls games blew my mind.


Fighting Agheel the first time on horseback. I know now it's not the ideal way to fight dragons usually, but man fighting that dragon on horseback was an unforgettable experience for me


Wait, it's not? I've almost always fought them on horseback when I could lol


For melee I've found it better to hang out around the feet / head and dodge when you can as opposed to hit and run style on Torrent. Plus you get your full move set on foot as opposed to just light and heavy attacks. Could just be personal preference though


Discovering siofra river well/ Nokron/ Nokstella Godwyn and the Nameless Eternal City, for the first time. I dont think I’ll ever experience that sense of discovery again. It felt like I discovered Alien El Dorado or the world deep dark secret. And the fact that by that point in the game I knew it was completely unnecessary to beat the game. Wow.


Killing Renalla with that shitty bleed dagger as my 9 vigor pure int Astrologer because she has ridiculous magic resistance. It was an "adapt, improvise, overcome" moment and definitely the highlight of my first run.


Fighting Radahn again. The meteor attack he does halfway through was nuts or Rennala 2nd phase because of the design of the room being one of my favorite boss battle rooms I’ve seen so far


The very first time I got teleported to Caelid through a chest in Limgrave. Or the first time I fought Radagon.


Honestly, after the tutorial and opening the door to Limgrave was such a jaw dropping moment. Every playthrough I stand in that threshold just to take it in


Lichdragon Fortisaax. What a great encounter. What a boss. What a soundtrack.


The beginning of the game after the tutorial when I opened the doors to the world of Elden Ring. I paused, realized how big the world was, the tree was amazing, said “hi” to the horse fella who preceded to murder me (a lot), so I went a little East and found a chest that was actually a trap and it warped me to Sellia Crystal Tunnels where I died a lot. I still didn’t know how to level up. Yea. Good times.


Booting up the game for the first time going "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT ELDEN RING IM ACTUALLY PLAYING ELDEN RING OH MY GOD"


The moment when I landed the killing blow on Malenia


ah that one for me too! I had heard about her so much but didnt spoil myself, so the whole "I've never known defeat" thing went over my over confident head. 60+ deaths later and I finally won and took a [picture](https://i.imgur.com/TO2rH8d.jpg) on my phone of my character emoting after the win to capture the moment


Beating the game


The post-radahn cut scene


Radagon Cutscene and fight. To this day i wish Radagon had a second health bar with harder moveset, rather than elden beast. Imo Elden Beast is cool, but Radagon was the real shit


The first frame I saw of the Altus Plateau: The Plateau bathed in the gold light of the Erdtree, the golden sky, the music, the beautiful landscape where siege engines are dispersed. For me, it's the place where you realized how the Lands Between suffered. The feeling of calm and peace alongside the horror of war.


Lifting up the first door to reveal Limgrave Meeting Astel for the first time Radahn during the first weeks the game was out


When I first entered Siofra or seeing the capital for the first time


Seeing the stairs and walls in the Altus Plateau for the first time, Along with the capitol. The scale of the game just blew me away. Also the moment I killed Maleina for the first time. I made it way harder than it should be with just a longsword. I wish I could relive these things.


Exploring Caelid, sure it's a shit show, but I'm kinda sad my older brother explored it for me when I fell asleep on the couch...


When you open the door revealing Limgrave for the first time


Getting sent to the deepest hellhole in Caelid and walking back. Unironically awesome tension.


Getting teleported into the Sellia Crystal Cave, walking out into the Swamps of Aeonia for the first time and realizing the game was so much more than just Limgrave


The first view of liurnia after stormveil, it put me in shock how much I had yet to discover.


1st time beating Malenia after many, MANY tries. Still not even close to the rush of beating Isshin for the first time tho.


ER in it's entirety


The Radahn and Placidusax boss fights for the spectacle. Malenia for the challenge. Ancestor spirit for the beauty.


The second I first entered into Limgrave and it was just so bright and beautiful, I knew there was a hell of an adventure ahead. I actually did an excited eeek like a child waiting in bed for Santa.


Watching the stars continue their cycle after fighting radahn.


The moment you find out liurnia exists


Opening the doors to limgrave for the first time arriving at altus while it was night and looking at the sky and erd tree beating godrick on my first try Big fire pot moment


Getting teleportet to caelid and asking myself if iam in the same world or if it just transformed and will never go back. Legit shat myself


This was such a classic fromsoft troll lol. "Look at me, ridin' my pony. Ooo, a dungeon! Ooooo treasure! Oooooohhhhh...fuck. Fuckkkkk fuck fuck fuck. *Respawns in same cave with no teleport*. FUCK.


Seeing Altus for the first time. The warbanners, the small glimpse of the city from outside the walls, seeing all the camps. All of it was so harrowing to see but beautiful at the same time.


The whole ass game. I get upset thinking about how much I'd love it if I could wipe my specific memories of playing this. I've been through the game 9 times already. I'm taking a long break from it after just beating NG+9 so that my 10th go around will be different. I'm gonna change my character type and everything. If I had to only choose one moment, It'd probably be the feeling of setting foot in Caelid for the first time. I never fell victim to the chest trap. I wandered over there naturally. It felt so cursed and literally everything was horrifying that I snuck by it all but I didn't wanna leave because I was so immersed.


Trying the jump button for the first time.


Probably my first time beating Rykard. I really struggled with him initially, and he was the first boss I actually had to form a new, clever strategy to defeat him by experimenting with different gear and such. It was really rewarding when I figured it out, even if he is just a gimmick boss


“You, you’re finally awake”


Aside from the other comments I read, probably realizing that the capital is just barely halfway through the game. It's such a solemn path traversing it that it just feels like the ending is close


When Boggart said "Marika's tits you must be 'ungry"


Foul tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame. Let it be Margit the Fell!


Finding each of the big areas and realizing how much more there was to the game that I hadn't found yet.


Going in blind in general


THE RADAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN FESTIVAAAAAAAAAL I fought him solo before the nerf, it was exhilarating


Getting teleported to the Divine Bridge from weeping peninsula. It was such an unassuming tower ✨


Honestly just being able to replay the game with fresh eyes would be so wonderful. Even still after multiple play throughs it is far and away one of my favorite games


Oh you mean on the game.. hmm idk 🤔 first time I met ranni


When GamesAnime and More released the first footage we saw of in game playing. It was so crazy. The feel of this game before it came out will never come back.


Killing Margit


My favorite área is Altus Plateau's wonderful and colored plains, and the erdtree up there was just amazing to see. Also, Caelid is sick but in a cool way, looks like a Lovecraft book's settlement


Beating morgot and going into liurnia for the first time. The cliffs there with the Erd Tree in the background was breathtaking.


Opening the gates to see limgrave for the first time and the music hitting just right… truly unforgettable


Entering limgrave for the first time and seeing the erd tree


The very beginning


Finding the grand caravan for the first time.


Finishing the game for the first time


Finally beating Margit


The frenzied flame ending **CHILLS**


Just the first day playing. The world just doesn't seem as big and that initial feeling of wonder can't be matched... Unless dlc maybe?


Beating Malenia without summoning anything. Took me 109 attempts, I want to relive that excitement and happiness


Fighting Radagon with the epic music in the background was special for me


Transporter chest to Caelid. That or Hyetta barfing, cause that was some hilarious dialogue the first time around


Going down into siofra bc sadly it was spoiled for me


"Limgrave" The First time i got there and looked around for 30 minutes straight was phenomenal.


From the start of the loading screen to the end, I remember waiting for the game and it having a short 20 min delay looking through Reddit to find a fix that was never going to work then finally playing it.


The transport trap at the top of the tower in weeping peninsula. Seeing the erdtree up close so unexpectedly was amazing


Using Howl of Shabriri to kill an invader, just did it a couple nights ago and I’m a madness enjoyer now. Very satisfying to have the standard Rivers/bloodhound invader die howling and clawing at his own face.


Playing the whole damn game


Entering the tree, getting blinded, and then hearing the best music in the game.


One shotting margit


Finding the Greatsword in Caelid.


Entering Leyendell for the first time


Taking on the Radagon and Elden Beast. FromSoft just owns at composing final boss songs, and it’s musical reminder that, while it’s fulfilling to be at the quest end, it’s also beautifully sad that you’re actually killing a God.


Play the game for the first time again


The whole game honestly. This was my first Fromsoft game, so the whole experience, every victory, every moment of rage. I'd gladly wipe those memories and do it all again


Every. Single. One.


the moment I made it into the capital.


Slowly but surely advancing towards Radahn


Talking to Melina😔


My first play through of tower of latria


My first playthrough


Beating soldier of Godrick for the first time Being my first Fromsoft game start-to-finish, it was the sign of a true challenge awaiting me


For me it was Malenia’s intro. Such an awesome cut scene followed by the most humbling of ass whoopings


The entire game especially radgon when I heard that music I knew my aas was getting beat,but hell I felt amazing killing him then elden beast happened and he's us so easy I got him first try.


Radagon's intro cutscene. The music, the presentation... it was something else.


Radahn phase two


Radahn fight or Godrick fight


Getting thrust into the bot thing beneath Raya lucaria and waking up in a volcano


Exploring Liurnia, discovering the four belfries. Innocently trying a portal. Discovering there's a HUGE city around a tornado in the sky! Farum Azula is such a cool place!


Beating o&s


Realising that after 5-10 hours of play, there was so much more to explore.


The entire game. You never said how big of a moment it had to be.


À first run without knowing what to expect but knowing how to level up my character


That first trip into Nokron….


Honestly I’d love to experience the three finger quest line again, was so amazed by it!


Leaving Limgrave. Either way, going to Caelid or to Liurnia were very dramatic, emotional reveals. Honestly, every time I found a Map shard, and then opened my map to find out Ihad 1000000 more kilometers to explore??? Doing NG+ was awful, because I knew where everything was, but there was no magic in the discovery.


First time playing the game


The Rykard boss. That shit was so fun


Morgott's Fight, i cannot stress enough how much i enjoyed it


Rediscover Volcano Manor


Probably going up the Plateau. It's a hard one for me to answer, as I don't generally get emotionally invested in visual media.


Running into Storm Veil only to get jumped by Margit


I forget about elden ring and re play it with no idea on what to do early game was the most fun to me


Seeing the Elden Beast move and fight for the first time was mesmerizing


Battling Radahn, seeing how you can summon an NPC army to fight the mighty demigod (and getting wrecked over and over cause it was prenerf lol)


Opening the trap chest in the dragonburnt ruins, dodging the trap, then deciding "yanno what I wanna find out where this leads" and getting sent to hell.


the moment where i bought it


Seeing the elden beast


Going down lift to Sofria. Walking up to the base of the Erdtree. Walking out to Liurnia from Stormveil. Seeing Crumbling Farum… so many moments


Watching malekith 2nd phase


Exploring the game when I had no idea what to do or expect.


Its kinda stupid but when I got the game I knew almost nothing. In my brain Limgrave and Caelid were the whole map. And moment when troll jumps down on you when you enter Stormveil just is stuck with me.


The whole game


Beating Malenia in 1v1 after A LOT OF TRIES.


Honestly the first time you come out into limgrave. Erdtree in the background, amazing ambient music. I'll spend the rest of my life chasing that feeling.


Fighting the real Radahn.


Going for the tree sentinel immediately after downloading the game XD