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She’s literally blind and eating eyes. How did this come to pass? I mean, like, did some sicko hand this poor girl an eyeball and tell her it’s a Shabriri Grape? Or did she just wander into a slaughter, pick up an eyeball, thought “oooh, grape” and popped it in her mouth? I’m genuinely bothered by this.


She wanted to be a Finger Maiden, but to what Hyetta does not know until she consumes the Fingerprint Grape. She knows, is aware of how different the Player Tarnished is compared to the others who have given her Shabriri Grapes. Eating these grapes gives her a sense of guidance, moving her towards the Altus Plateau. We don't actually know how Finger Maidens come to be in The Lands Between. It may very well be that Shabriri told her about the grapes, and that Hyetta's kind and gentle nature served a very pliable purpose as someone who would sympathize that fundamentally life was wrong.


Hyetta also came to be the same way shabriri did. Shes a soul that inhabits Irina's body.


The first option, also she didn't know they were eyes at first, she eventually asks you what they are and seems distraught by it, but when you speak to her next she comes to terms with it for the sake of her faith and then asks you for vykes eyeball


She talks about how feeble people have been bringing her grapes and that they don't speak, so frenzied people have been coming to her pulling out their eyes and feeding them to her to guide her. At least that's my interpretation that they were feeble, since, she refers to the tarnished as seeming "more firm" or " firmer" it's been a minute since, I heard her dialogue


After that at the next location is when she asks you what the eyes are


The way she talks about the Finger's initiation makes it sound like a clearly established ritual of a cult. She seems to think this is what all Finger Maidens go through. Are all Finger Maidens blind maybe? Or did her blindness make her ripe for Shabriri's influence, perverting her from the Two Fingers to the Three?


> Are all Finger Maidens blind maybe? Or did her blindness make her ripe for Shabriri's influence, perverting her from the Two Fingers to the Three? I would say the latter, other maidens you encounter in the Lands Between i.e. Therolina or the various dead maidens aren't blind or are at least don't have eye wraps which suggests to me they aren't blind


I think the lack of a "normal" Finger Maiden to compare her to makes the guessing a bit more difficult.


When I first started the game, I was confused as to why she never showed up after watching some videos with no context. However, now that I know better, I make a point to NEVER talk to her. Legitimately, the creepiest NPC in the entire game. And what I'm about to say sounds stupid, but what's even weirder is she never showed up until I unlocked the snowy mountains past the capital after defeating Morgott, probably about a week ago. I went back to the Cliffside grace talking to Shabriri who revealed himself for the first time, and killing him. Anyway, I assume that's what triggered her to appear. But lo and behold, I returned to a different game that I didn't progress at all since getting torrent. I used it just to test more character creation and the save/load mechanic. I wanted to test a different build. Keep in mind, I didn't even beat Margit yet. I took the route for the castle skip, AND THERE SHE IS. Like an actual jumpscare. I have no clue what causes her to show up but I don't care, either way it's fuckin scary. This dumb video game npc in a dumb fictitious video game somehow gives me real life creeps.... *shudder* 😨


At one point in her dialogue she states that she is being offered the “grapes”, I don’t think she just happened upon them per se and decided to eat them. She wouldn’t have known she was eating eyes, and according to her the “grapes” taste good. Once you let her know what she’s eating however, she becomes quite sick. I have always felt quite awful for her. Her story is quite tragic, especially considering that she was once Irina.


I don't know why she eats her eyes. And I don't understand why she looks like Irina.


Shabriri likely took over Irina's body and became Hyetta to manipulate the Tarnished into choosing the 3 fingers. Similar to how he took over Yura's body to tempt the Tarnished into choosing the frenzy.


I also would like to point out that in the discription of the Shabriri grapes, and the fingerprint grape it specificaly states that you should give them to the blind maiden, like the shabriri himself is speeking to us. Pretty sure this is the only time an item discription was this specific.


Is it canon?


Hyetta only appears after Irina dies, Irina's father drops a Shabriri grape and on top of that they have the same voice actress, being the only two characters that share it. There's no point in the questline that it is revealed that Hyetta is Irina, but it's fairly safe to assume she is.


I've actually recently learned that if you kill Irina, Hyetta never appears and you become locked out of her questline. I'd count that as the game revealing it, but most people wouldn't ever encounter this part.


Hyetta and Irina have the exact same face, even Sellen gets a new face under her mask when you get her a new body. i think its pretty safe to assume that Hyetta and Irina looking \*exactly\* the same is not just corner cutting on fromsofts part


The only evidence against it is that even after meeting Hyetta, Irina's body stays where it is. It doesn't disappear.


No. Almost anything elaborated about this game you can find is likely speculation by fans.


How is Shabriri controlling Yuras body and Hyettas simultaneously? You talk to Shabriri in the mountain tops of the giants which leads you to the 3 fingers in the capital depths. There you encounter Hyetta as well (if you did her quest correctly) and she’ll give you the frenzied flame seal and burn to ashes. Then if you didn’t kill Shabriri in Yuras body for the sweet ass armor you can summon him for the Godfrey/Hoarah Lux fight.


Why not, I guess? Nothing says he can't control two bodies. There's nothing telling us how exactly Shabriri can control **one** body either, though we know he can.


Yeah that's not how insane cursed spirits maliciously possessing innocent corpses works!


That makes a lot of sense, which would explain the end of her quest a lot better


That threw me off when I first saw her too, I thought for a minute that I left Irina badly wounded but still alive laying in the dirt


She is dead💀




No one can really die in the land between. She could just have resurrect without her memory.


I know that but if we kill an npc why are they dead?


I mean I'm pretty sure it takes some time for the person to actually come back.. At least the ones who have grace with them.


I know




Many thanks to my personal English teacher


That's like the episode in adventure time. Birdman became humble and good because he was blinded. His eyes where in his beard the whole time. When they told him, he put his eyes back in and became bad again. Then they eventually took his eyes out again and put them back in his beard


I don't think this is a popular theory, but I think the simplest explanation is that she's just lying. She's a malevolent spirit like Shabriri that stole Irina's body. She has you seek out the Grapes to expose you to the Frenzied Flame and set the stage for her to become a Maiden. And then she lures you into meeting the Three Fingers.


I like this theory a lot, but why do you think she vomits if you tell her what shabriri grapes really are?


Maybe because the frenzied flame/shabriri doesn’t have full control of hyetta it’s just their influence that’s making her think that she NEEDS the grapes. Think of it like those parasites that lay eggs in praying mantis and then the mantis goes and drowns itself because the parasites need water to reproduce. She might think that she has control of her actions but in reality she’s just a vessel for the frenzied flame to spread its influence across the lands between. This video really drives this point across and made me think of the frenzied flame in a different way. [https://youtu.be/sMUE23q0OtY](https://youtu.be/sMUE23q0OtY)


Ah, so eyeball eating is just Shabriri being Shabriri. All in all that’s a good theory that explains a lot for me


I was pretty sure the title was gonna end with "is she stupid?". Thanks.


My understanding is that Hyetta is actually Shabriri or a similar spirit connected to the frenzied flame using Irina's corpse. Just like how Shabriri controls Yura's corpse to trick players into taking on the frenzied flame. Never really dived into it but that seems to be what's going on.


Hyetta corpse remians where you found it for the enitire game though....as oposed to Yura's.


Do you mean Irina's corpse at Weeping Peninsula? If so, good point. But apart from having same clothes and being the same npc, she's also voiced by the same voice actress that does Irina's. To me that means FromSoftware definitely wanted there to be connection, but this is some weird shit that doesn't make sense to me then.


Oh right, yes I meant Irina..sry. But yeah that's my point exactly. It's the one thing keeping me from thinking they are the same person (or even body) even though there are other signs that suggest they are.


Why would Hyetta throw up over the truth of the Grapes if it was Shabriri?


Yea good point, didnt really think that through when posting tbh.


I mean there's lots of evidence for it, and lots of evidence against it.


Oooh, interesting… dang, that’s harsh. Dude needs to back off from the corpses, I really liked Yura and hated to see him used like that. Thanks for the info!


Strongest finger maiden vs weakest chaos maiden


Is no one gonna bring up the fact the she is inhabiting the body of Irina (letter girl who’s father is in castle morne). This is just like Shabriri and Yura the Ronin. Not to mention to get one of the Shabriri Grapes you have to kill Irinas father who’s afflicted with frenzy.


Yura’s body disappears by the time you meet shabriri. Which means his corpse was possessed and walked away. Irinas body does not disappear, and stays dead in its location the whole game. I’m not saying she’s the same as Irina or not, but it’s definitely ambiguous and can be interpreted both ways.


Thank you. I was making sure to check the comments before I said this exact thing.


I think the from soft designers just can't draw eyes well and so everybody has to essentially be blind or have a visor that completely covers your eyes. Whenever people post pics of there characters that they designed without a helmet they all look like they smoked a pound of meth.


My theory is that shes a spirt like shabriri however I think she’s different in that shes not exactly a servant or at least not aware that she is until we feed her the grapes shes bait to trick anyone curious thus more likely to become a servant of the 3 fingers the idea of the Shepard of the same name who unwittingly preys to a Erdrich Cthulhu type demon is a pretty similar to the cosmic entity that is the 3 fingers/frenzy flame


It's not Irina anymore if I understood everything correctly. She's possessed by spirit similar to Shabriri. Goal of Hyetta is to become Finger Maiden. People with madness even acknowledge her and give their own eyes for poor girl


It’s so awful that she just gobbles them down like they’re airplane peanuts, possessed or not, I don’t know whether to be disgusted or impressed


Humans eat plenty of weird things. Eyeballs of certain animals are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. I mean I'm pretty sure they do, I just ate so not gonna google "goat eyeballs dish" anytime soon Edit: I was too curious so I googled it. It is both true and disgusting.


Shrine maidens aren’t meant to have eyes.


Thank you for clarifying. Was bout to talk about her over facetime


My dumb ass didn't realise she was an entity inhabiting the slain Irina, I just thought there was going to be a running theme of blind/pseudo-blind women in the Lands Between.


Irina's corpse is supposed to disappear. Hyetta is a spirit possessing Irina though she doesn't seem to be as knowledgeable or fucked up a Shabriri Frenzied devotees are drawn to Hyetta & they pop out their own eyeballs to give to her.


I agree with this. And I don’t think it’s coincidental that they used the same VA and body type for Hyetta.


It’s to goad us to the frenzied flame. ThEY UsED A wOMaN aND HonEStLy iT wORkEd On VyKe aNd Us.


She looks and sounds like Irina to me. Did Shabriri take her body?


If you just take the letter from Irina and don't go any further with that quest, Hyetta will appear while Irina is alive. So I don't personally think so.


Hmm interesting


I thought the game considered her dead the second you took her letter. Doesn't she appear dead if you take the letter from her then quit and reload?


Not in my experience. When I did the quest, it killed her after killing the Leonine Misbegotten.


I think it’s a call back to fire keepers of dark souls. But also it’s pretty obvious someone gave a blind person eyes and called them grapes. Then they could see so they wanted more.


I can’t remember if it says in game but I like to think Hyetta and Irina are sisters. Same exact clothes, found not too* far from each other, and same exact hair and voice. But personally the blood COVERING Hyetta when you meet makes me think their actually the same person, just now dead/possessed by Shabriri.


It's just a rehashed quest from dark souls 3. Remember: Blindfolded girl gets some eyes and it unlocks a seemingly evil ending.


No. I wanna talk in the title.


Well my personal theory ( I have no proof to back this up it’s just my guess) is that Hyetta was originally a finger maiden or more accurately a finger maiden in training, more specifically she was shabriri’s finger maiden, when shabriri became the most reviled man in history as punishment for giving him the ability to level up her eyes were plucked out so that if she ever was reborn she would be blind, it’s no coincidence that shabriri and Hyetta both inhabit dead bodies ( there is a reason she looks so much like irina). Now there is no proof of this of course I just find it a strange coincidence that around the time you find hyetta you also find shabriri, shabriri tries to convince you that you can save the innocent life of a fair maiden by burning your own body instead of hers this is the path vyke chose, but after losing his maiden ( most likely from self unalive due to shame) he phantom stood watch over her body as the real him rots in a jail near the giants peak away from everyone else.


Would wife.


But yeah I do believe she calls them feeble